New Beginnings

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New Beginnings Page 5

by LaShawn Vasser

  Sandra looked up from the magazine and caught Franklin staring at her. She smiled at him. He did not return the smile.

  But, she knew that look. She’d seen it time and time again. Maybe that was why he was acting so strangely towards her. He was angry that he’d allowed himself to be attracted to her. His jaws clenched seemingly after being caught red-handed oogling her. His eyes suddenly went from heat to hard.

  Franklin had had enough of women using their beauty to get what they wanted from men. It was sickening. After all, his ex, April had taught him well not to trust them. As a matter of fact she was the poster child of using men and Ms. Catchings seemed to have quite a bit more experience than April if Mr. Jones was to be believed. Jason was one lucky bastard. It was wild how it all happened but he was able to know for sure that Vicky loved him not for his name, money, cars, or homes that he could buy for her but truly for him.

  Sandra returned to reading her magazine. She didn’t look up from the glossy “Maybe if you had a drink you could relax a little.” Franklin didn’t seem like one of those men who let power go to his head. Who knows maybe he was just the type. All Sandra had to go on was that Vicky said he was a nice guy. As sweet as Vicky was she wasn’t very experienced when it came to men and sometimes she could be very naïve. But to Sandy, Franklin seemed like a pompous ass.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You seem pretty tense more so since we spoke this morning. Did something happen since then?”

  “Ms. Catchings there is a little girl who is holding on to her life by a thread. Of course, I’m tense. I would think you would be a little more concerned yourself for the health of your ‘friends’ daughter.”

  Sandra looked up from her magazine and lifted one of her perfectly sculpted eyebrows then focused her piercing blue eyes directly at him. “Mr. Roth one thing you will learn about me very quickly is that I am very direct. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. Since this morning you seem to have a problem with me. I cannot fathom what it could be and I won’t waste my energy trying to guess. However, I will not tolerate you or anyone else for that matter questioning my motives for ANYTHING that I do.”

  Franklin wasn’t expecting Sandra to talk to him that way and in a weird way he was impressed. Most people would have been intimidated by him. She obviously was not. “I wasn’t questioning your motives just merely making an observation that you don’t seem the least bit worried. No need for you to get so emotional.”

  Sandra was seething on the inside. What was it with men that if you challenged them on their bullshit then women were being emotional? “Emotional? I’m a lot of things Mr. Franklin, but I can assure you emotional is not one of them. And, let’s get this strait YOU most definitely were trying to question my motives. You don’t know me well enough to make any informed opinion about me whatsoever.”

  As they stared each other down neither was willing to be the first to turn away. However, when the pilot came on the intercom to inform them to prepare for landing, Sandra was the first to look away. But, only because she realized Franklin wasn’t worth her energy. Men like him were a dime a dozen.

  She was tired of dealing with arrogant, self-absorbed men. Joshua Jones immediately came to mind. He had texted her at least ten times since they left for Atlanta. She decided not to answer any of them. For the next several days she needed to put all of her energy into helping Vicky and Jason get through this nightmare.

  Franklin couldn’t understand what Vicky and Sandra could possibly have in common. Vicky was sweet and giving. Sandra seemed like a calculating cold-hearted ice queen.

  Chapter 15

  The hospital staff finally moved Angel to her room in the pediatrics intensive care unit. Jason and Vicky had been sitting with her for the last several hours. There had been no change in her condition. If anything, Vicky could tell by the nursing activity surrounding Angel that things weren’t getting better.

  Jason leaned over and put his lips on Vicky’s temple. “Shirley should be here soon. Her plane is scheduled to land in the next 10 minutes or so. ”

  “I don’t know how to thank you for everything you’ve done for us.”

  “I know I’m not her real dad but I feel like it. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you or Angel.”

  Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford silently walked into the room. Jason looked up and it seemed like they had bought the entire gift shop. They brought balloons, teddy bears, and toys galore.

  “When she wakes up we want this room to be filled with happiness and love. So we just bought everything we could think of and everything we think she might like. We’re sure it’ll make all of us feel better too.”

  Vicky didn’t take a moment to look around at all the gifts the Rutherford’s had purchased. She just sat holding her little girl’s hand and watching her closely.

  “Thanks mom and dad. This is wonderful. I’m sure when Angel wakes up she’ll love it.”

  Mrs. Rutherford sat down on the opposite side of Vicky and put her arms around her shoulders. “Sweetheart have you eaten anything today?”

  Vicky sat stoically; holding on to Angel’s little hand. “I’m not very hungry but thank you.” Her eyes never left Angel.

  “I know I’m not very hungry either. But, the difference between us is you’ve got a little baby growing inside of you that needs you to take care of yourself. Can I at least get you a little bit of soup?”

  Vicky would have said or done anything to be alone with Angel. She gave Mrs. Rutherford a nod.

  Mr. Rutherford chimed in “How about mom and I go and order a late lunch for everyone? I’m sure none of us are hungry but we need to keep our strength up for when Angel wakes up.”

  Jason’s focus had returned to Vicky and Angel. He barely heard his father. He would give anything to end this nightmare for all of them. There was a quiet knock on the door.

  Franklin and Sandra had arrived and were quietly entering the room just as the Rutherford’s were leaving. Vicky and Jason’s backs were to them so they hadn’t even noticed they had arrived. Mr. Rutherford motioned for them to step back outside before they could walk inside “Franklin, I’m glad you could fly out.”

  “How are they holding up?”

  Mr. Rutherford shook his head “as well as can be expected given the circumstances. They could use all the support we can give them.”

  The Rutherford’s hadn’t really had the opportunity to acknowledge the young woman standing next to Franklin “We’re sorry, Franklin never introduced us to his fiancé, we’ll forgive him this time, April right?”

  Franklin looked incredibly uncomfortable and Sandra was slightly amused at his embarrassment. “I’m sorry no. I’m Sandra Catchings, a very close friend of Vicky’s. Jason thought she might want my support and Mr. Roth was gracious enough to allow me to fly down with him.”

  Miriam being ever the master of smoothing out uncomfortable situations took over the conversation “Well, I’m glad you’re here. It’s nice to meet you. Vicky could use all the support we can give her. Anyway, John and I were just on our way to order a late lunch. If you two haven’t eaten we’ll order for six instead of four?”

  “That sounds lovely Mrs. Rutherford.” Sandra admired the way she handled that situation. It was obvious she got plenty of practice in taking care of things.

  A few more pleasantries were exchanged and the Rutherford’s finally left to grab a late lunch.

  Sandra watched them go. She hoped one day she’d find someone that she was so in sync with just like the Rutherford’s seemed to be with each other. Franklin interrupted her thoughts “You ready to go inside?”

  “As ready as one can be I guess.”

  “Well, just remember we are here to be support for Jason and Vicky. No matter what it looks like in tears.”

  “Are you kidding me? No tears? How does someone in your position be so sexist?” Sandra pushed passed him and walked inside.

  Chapter 16

  After Sandy pushed passed Franklin and walke
d into Angel’s hospital room, she stopped dead in her tracks. She truly wasn’t prepared for what she saw. She couldn’t even recognize little Angel. She was lying on her back with nothing on but her little panties. Half of her head was shaved and it looked liked it was exposed. There were bandages and tubes coming from her side. Not just her side but everywhere. All Jason had time to tell her was that Angel had been in a very serious car accident and that she was in surgery. The sight before her took her breath away. Franklin stood right behind her. He was so close she could feel his breath on the back of her neck. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

  “Jason? Vicky? We’re here.” They both turned at the same time. Vicky and Jason exchanged hugs and kisses with Sandra and Franklin. Vicky held onto Sandra for just a bit longer than necessary. Sandra whispered into her ear “How are you holding up?”

  “I honestly don’t know.”

  “That is to be expected. Why don’t you get up for just a minute and walk with me if for no other reason than just to stretch your legs? I’m sure you’ve been sitting in this same position for hours.”

  Jason was surprised when Vicky paused for a minute before she nodded and made an effort to get up and out of her chair. Sandra grabbed her hand and they walked out of the door.

  They made their way to a private waiting room before finding a couple of chairs to sit down.

  “Now…how are you really doing? I see you have an admittance bracelet on your wrist and…oh my goodness a rock on your finger!”

  “With the stress of everything, my blood pressure went through the roof and…..the baby caused me to pass out.”

  “So, it’s finally official.”

  “Yes, it’s official. I want to be happy for the baby but it just feels so wrong to feel anything other than worry for Angel right now. I can’t even think about anything else. And, I swear if one more person tells me to eat, or rest, or you’ve got to take care of the baby, I swear I’m going to snap!”

  Sandra just sat and listened to Vicky release all her pent up emotions before she whispered, “Sandy, Angel could really die. I don’t know if I could survive that.”

  “Vicky, I know things look badly right now but Angel is a strong and a healthy little girl. She is going to fight. She just needs you to…”

  Vicky cut her off. “Sandy, they need to perform another surgery! Before they can operate, Angel will need blood for the procedure. She has a very rare blood type. Everyone has been tested but we don’t have all the results back at this time. So far, we haven’t been able to find a match. The doctors have told me that without the surgery, she may only have 24-48 hours to live!” Vicky broke down and started to cry. “I’ve called everyone, my aunt and even her father.”

  “Are they coming?”

  “Shirley should be here at any time and Ryan...I don’t know if he is coming or not. At least, not willingly.”

  “What do you mean you don’t know if he’s coming or not? Why wouldn’t he? You have to drag his ass here even if that means kidnapping him.”

  “I needed to spend some time with Angel before I put my plan in action. I’ve been thinking it through the whole time. I don’t know if you knew this but Ryan was married when I conceived Angel. I didn’t know it at the time. His wife probably still doesn’t know about her. But, it might be about time she found out. I’m hoping she’ll help me get him here.”

  “What if she doesn’t help you?”

  “Well, then I’ll have to go nuclear.”

  “That sounds ominous. Just what does that mean?”

  “I haven’t told you everything about Ryan. He still thinks I’m that naïve little girl I was when we met and that’s fine. I can show him better than I can tell him. I’ve changed. I’ve done my research in the years since Angel was born.”

  Sandy raised her brow in that way only she can that said “Really?”

  “I just wanted to be able to tell Angel about her father when she was old enough. No more, no less. He has no idea that I know who he really is and that I am aware of his political ambitions.

  “And just who is he?”

  Vicky didn’t answer Sandy just yet “…And that his wealth was amassed through his marriage.

  Sandy sat up in her chair, “I don’t get nervous very easily but just WHO is this man?”

  “It’s state senator, Ryan Carter.”

  Sandy didn’t shock easily but this threw her for a loop. “His wife is Alicia Carter!?! That is a very powerful family.”

  “Yes, I know. His wife’s family is a political one and they are from old money. But can’t you see? Nothing is more important to them than reputation. How do you think they would take it knowing Ryan fathered a child outside of that marriage? Not just a child, but a black child?”

  “Does Jason know anything about this?”

  “He is aware that Ryan was married when I conceived but I don’t think he is aware that he’s senator, Ryan Carter, the up and coming politician. Sandy, Ryan was a chapter I just wanted to close. I don’t really think or talk about him. I’d hoped I’d never have to until Angel was old enough to ask questions about him. He didn’t want her. He wanted me to terminate her. Angel is MY daughter. I never thought we’d need him for anything.”

  “I can understand that. But, what I will tell you is if that is your plan you will need the Rutherford’s name prominently behind you. The Foxworthy’s are very powerful family and they’ll do whatever they have to do to squash you and protect themselves. All in all, I think it could work. Well, whatever you need me to do just name it.”

  “Well, for one, please get tested. I know it’s a long shot but maybe you’re a match. It can’t hurt.”

  “That goes without saying. He’s a bastard for not doing the right thing. So, I say if blowing up his world is going to save the life of your daughter, BLOW IT UP.” Sandra reached out and hugged Vicky. Vicky held on tightly. She’d never had a sister but in this moment Sandra was closer than any sister could be.

  They were still embracing when there was a knock on the door. It was Jason. Vicky looked up bewildered. Why wasn’t he with Angel? Then, her heart stopped. Was Angel ok? Jason quickly reassured her with his eyes. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. There is no change with Angel. I just wanted to let you know that….Shirley is here.”

  Chapter 17

  Vicky didn’t have much time to get herself together before her aunt, Shirley Martin walked into the waiting room. Jason and Sandra immediately understood that the two needed some time alone.

  Jason gave Vicky one heartfelt look. It was an unspoken word between the two that let her know that if she needed him he would be right there. After a moment both he and Sandy went back to sit with Angel.

  It had been 10 long years since Vicky had seen her aunt. It was almost like looking at an older version of her mother. Vicky hadn’t been prepared for that. They both just stood there drinking in the sight of each other. Those large doe shaped eyes seemed to be a mirror unto her soul….and Angel’s. Shirley’s hair was grey but at one time seemed to have been a beautiful chestnut brown. She was much heavier than Vicky remembered. She also looked a lot older than she should. Both of them seemed afraid to move or speak. Finally, it was Vicky that walked toward her aunt before laying her head onto her shoulder. It was like a little girl who was lost and hoping and praying that her aunt Shirley would wrap her arms around her and just love her.

  Vicky hadn’t realize until that moment what she needed. She needed her family and Aunt Shirley was the only family she had left. Aunt Shirley wrapped her arms around Vicky and held her tightly. It was Shirley who started crying first. “I am so sorry Vicky. Please forgive me. I never meant to hurt you. I was so lost back then. I was so lost. Your mother was all I thought I had. When we lost her, I felt like I’d died too. I was so consumed with my own hurt and pain.” It was as if she had been holding everything in for so long and was afraid her opportunity to speak would be taken away. The words just continue to spill out “I turned to everything I thought
would dull the ache, men, drugs, and alcohol. Every time I looked at you I saw your mother. It hurt too much. Then, as you got older, I saw how the men I’d bring home would look at you. You weren’t safe with me back then. I was slowly killing myself with all of that. I didn’t know what would happen to you if I fell into one of my black outs. I couldn’t even take care of myself back then. There was no one that I knew who could take care of you. I thought the only thing I could do was to take you someplace where you’d be safe. Safe from me, safe from drugs, and safe from the all the destruction I had all around me. Once I got myself together, I tried to find you. I promise I did all I could to find you but I couldn’t. No one had any information about you. Please forgive me Vicky. Please forgive me for not being strong enough.”

  Through her tears Vicky managed to speak, “For so long I was so angry, for so long I felt so alone, but I’m tired Aunt Shirley. I’m tired of being angry and feeling like a little piece of me is missing on the inside. I’m tired of feeling like I’m not good enough, that I’m unlovable, and most of all of tired of not being able to trust anyone.” Vicky wiped away her tears and looked into her aunt’s eyes. She saw the sincerity in them before finally whispering simply, “I can’t pass this baggage down to Angel or to the child that lives deep within me. I forgive you.”

  Aunt Shirley pulled back to looked at Vicky’s stomach somewhat surprised and smiled before they continued to hold each other. They continued to cry and released all the tears they’d both held on to for so long.


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