New Beginnings

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New Beginnings Page 6

by LaShawn Vasser

  After a few moments, Aunt Shirley gently held Vicky’s face in her hands. She looked deeply into a face that was really a younger version of her own “I wasn’t able to take care of you all those years ago but I’ll do whatever I can for you and my great niece now…if you’ll let me.”

  “Thank you Aunt Shirley.”

  “Now, no time like the present to get started. So, let’s dry these tears of ours and go get me tested.”

  Chapter 18

  Vicky was back in Angel’s room. Jason had been there with her the entire time. He was so in tune with her every need. She was feeling so drained after her talk with her aunt. There was so much she had been forced to deal with on this day. Jason had been her rock. He had shown her what real love looked like and it was beautiful. Finally, someone who she could count on that wouldn’t let her down. Vicky knew she needed to talk to Jason about Ryan. Time was slipping away from her. So far everyone had been tested and no one was a match.

  The room was so quiet other than the sounds of the pumps and machines. “Jason, I need to speak to you but not here.” He nodded and helped her get out of her chair. Then, they walked back to the private waiting room. Once inside he closed the door and locked it.

  “You ok?”

  “I can’t answer that question right now. I’m so numb. I feel like this is all a bad dream and I’m sleep walking through all of this. It’s hard to believe that it was only this morning you proposed to me.”

  Once they sat down Jason pulled Vicky into his lap and kissed her. What started as a gentle reminder that she was still living and breathing turned primal. Vicky needed more as she devoured his lips and he devoured hers. She thrust her tongue down into the cavern of his mouth. She couldn’t get close enough to him as she wrapped her hands into his hair desperately trying to pull him closer and deeper. Their breathing became labored each wanting more yet not being able to get close enough. Jason had the presence of mind to reluctantly pull away. Vicky was in no condition for where that kiss could lead. He touched his forehead to hers while they both tried to catch their breath.


  Vicky nodded. He seemed to always know what she needed and then do his best to give it to her. Once Vicky was able to breath normally again she remembered why she’d asked Jason to come here in the first place. She had to tell him about Ryan. She took another deep breath.

  “Jason, I need to talk to you about Angel’s father. I told you earlier, he’s a match.”

  “Yes, you did. I’ve been waiting for you and me to have a moment to breathe before we discussed this subject. You said his name was Ryan Carter. It shouldn’t be a problem for me to locate him once you give me his phone number.”

  Vicky was starting to squirm. She eased off of Jason’s lap and back onto the sofa. “Jason, I already know where to find him and I already know how to get him here but there are a few more things you need to know first.”

  Jason didn’t like the sound of this “what don’t I know?”

  “Remember when you mentioned that the name Ryan Carter was familiar to you? Well, that is because Angel’s father is Minnesota’s state senator, Ryan Carter.”

  Jason looked incredulous but didn’t say a word before Vicky rushed on “He wasn’t a state senator at the time that I met him. He was just a guy who helped me with my car on hwy 65. And, I knew him as Ryan Lee. That was one of the reason’s I was so angry at you for not giving me your real name when we met.”

  “So, this bastard is afraid to come forward because it might ruin his political career?”

  “Yes, and the fact that his wife probably still doesn’t know about Angel. Jason, he has a lot to lose. But, so do I. She’s a part of my plan. I’m going to tell her. I’m going to tell her everything. See, he’s married to Alicia…”

  “Foxworthy. I’m quite familiar with the Foxworthy family. For a family not to have any aristocracy in their blood line you would think Alicia was next in line for the crown.”

  “I’ve heard that before and I’m counting on that to be true. I’m hoping that she wouldn’t want it exposed that Ryan was not only unfaithful to her but he also had an illegitimate daughter; a daughter who happens to be black. His republican base would lose their minds. From what I’ve read Alicia wants to move into that Governor’s mansion more than he does and Ryan is her ticket to getting there.”

  Jason didn’t like the fact that Vicky knew so much about this family. Why she had kept up with them bothered him. He didn’t like it one bit but he also reminded himself that she was his fiancé, she was pregnant with his baby, and Angel was fighting for her life. He’d do whatever needed to be done to make sure she has the surgery she needs. Pride be damned. “Vicky, the Foxworthy’s can play real hardball. If you threatened to go to the papers, they might be willing to take the risk. They might be willing to gamble that no one would believe you. If the people of Minnesota had to choose between a family that they’ve known for years versus someone their not familiar they might believe they could win that battle. And, because you are not a public figure, they could create whatever type of character they wanted for you. They would start a smear campaign like you’ve never seen before.”

  Vicky looked crushed. “I didn’t think of that. I mean, I thought once I proved paternity… wouldn’t that be enough to force their hand?”

  Jason shook his head. “Unfortunately, no. They can buy the results that they want from the paternity test and we don’t have time for that.”

  “Then, what am I going to do? Jason, he has to be the donor!”

  “And he will. Your plan is not unworkable. It’s just…incomplete. We might be able to make it work but you’re going to have to trust me. You’ll need to use the Rutherford family name. She needs to know that you have the full weight of our family behind you.”

  She was more nervous than ever now. She didn’t want to have to drag the Rutherford family into this but, would if it would get her the results she needed. “Jason, I can’t say the honorable thing and tell you not to get involved because...” Vicky buried her head inside his chest. “I can’t lose Angel. It would break me.”

  “Vicky, in my heart you and Angel are already Rutherfords. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you or her so there’s no need for you to ask. As your man, I’m going to do everything I can to fix this situation.”

  Jason sat and just held her for a few moments until she could control her tears. “You okay?”


  “Good because we don’t have any more time to waste. It’s time you called her.” Jason handed Vicky his cell phone. Vicky pulled out Ryan’s business card and dialed the number on the back. Jason held Vicky the entire time.

  “Hello, Mrs. Carter? This is Vicky Martin, you don’t know who I am yet but I need to talk to you.”

  “This is Mrs. Carter? I’m sorry do I know you?”

  “No. You don’t. However, we both have a common interest in senator, Ryan Carter.”

  “And exactly what interest might that be Ms. Martin?”

  Vicky took a deep breath “I don’t really know how to say this so I will just say it. I have a daughter that is in need of a very important surgery. Without it, she will die. However, she has an extremely rare blood type and before they can perform the procedure she will need a blood transfusion…..from her father. He is a match. I’m calling you because I need Ryan to donate that blood…..for our daughter.”

  Alicia was standing next to her bed when Vicky dropped that bit of information. She had to sit down and make sure she’d heard her correctly. “Ms. Martin, are you trying to tell me that Ryan is the father of your child?”

  “Yes, I am. Ryan doesn’t have much time to help her. He will need to be here in Atlanta within the next few hours otherwise Angel won’t…survive. I need your help to make that happen.”

  Alicia closed her eyes. She knew that one day Ryan would slip up and make a mess of things. She hoped today was not that day. “I’m sorry Ms. Martin. I just don’t believe I can’t
help you. Do you know how many women have called me with some crazy story about my husband? You are not the first and probably won’t be the last. I hope things work out for you and your daughter but I can’t help you. Good bye Ms…” Alicia was about to hang up the phone.

  “No don’t hang up! Look, I don’t want to have to do this but Ryan Carter needs to be here for his daughter. We are at First Methodist Hospital in Atlanta. If Ryan is not here in the next 3 hours I will be forced to go to the papers with this story.”

  Alicia hissed at Vicky “You little Bitch! We have friends at all of the Minnesota papers. Nobody will print an unsubstantiated story about the future governor of Minnesota!”

  “Look, I don’t want to bring this type of attention to myself or my daughter. But, she is fighting for her life and I will if I must! I’ll do anything and talk to anyone to save her life. I have the full support of my fiancé, Jason Rutherford and his family John and Miriam Rutherford.”

  Alicia paused for a moment. She was very familiar with the Rutherford’s. Especially Jason Rutherford. He was engaged to Bridget Reed, an old acquaintance from the Brookings Board. The Rutherford’s held a lot of clout in Minnesota.

  Alicia decided to tread very carefully, “Now I know you are lying. Jason is engaged to a very close friend of mine.”

  “No, Jason is standing right next to me. Would you like to speak to him?”

  Alicia was going to call her on her bluff “Yes, I would as a matter of fact.”

  “Very well” Vicky handed the phone over to Jason.

  “Alicia, this is Jason Rutherford. I can understand how this may be a shock for you and pretty difficult to digest but time is not on our side. Everything that Vicky has told you is the truth. We need your help. No one wished things were different more than we do but Ryan is Angel’s biological father. Without his help we are going to lose our little girl. I will not stand by and watch that happen. So, right now I’m pleading but, if Ryan isn’t here within the next 3 hours, our family, and that includes my fiancé, Ms. Martin, as well as MY family will be calling a press conference.”

  “Jason, this is so low. How could you do this? It’s obvious this woman is a gold-digging, social climbing leech. If she isn’t lying, you do realize she most likely tricked Ryan and now she has somehow convinced you to marry her! Are you kidding me? What is wrong with you men that you’d allow what’s between a woman’s legs to destroy you?”

  Alicia closed her eyes and frantically rubbed her forehead. She knew that if this Martin girl had convinced Jason Rutherford that the little girl was Ryan’s, then whether the child was his or not Ms. Martin might be a convincing figure to the public. “Let’s just say I believe what you’re telling me for argument sake, I don’t even know where to find Ryan. He took the plane early this afternoon for a business trip.”

  “We all know it’s your plane, get the information from the person who filed the flight route, find him and get him here. Three hours Alicia. That’s it and that’s all.” Jason hung up the phone and set his alarm on his watch for 6 o’clock pm.

  “Well, part one is done and now it’s time to go and prepare for part two. I need to go and talk to my parents. They’ll need to be brought up to speed and then I’ll need to get everything set-up for the press conference.”

  “Shouldn’t we wait before we set-up a press conference? Do you not think that she’ll be able to convince Ryan to do the right thing?”

  “No, I’m pretty sure she’ll get him here. She’s just as ambitious as Ryan. But, you should never make a threat you are not prepared to follow through on. I said 3 hours and I meant 3 hours. So, just in case we need to go through with the press conference, I need to get it set -up.”

  Vicky nodded in agreement, “Okay. I understand. Then, what do I need to do?”

  “You…you are going to let me walk you back to Angel’s room and spend time with our daughter. I’ll take it from here.” Jason kissed her temple. “Let’s get moving we don’t have much time and I’ve got to make a few calls.”

  Jason walked Vicky back to Angel’s room. Once there he kissed her lips before asking his parents to step into the waiting room for a private word with them.

  Chapter 19

  Sandy and Franklin spent several hours at the hospital before they decided to head over to their hotel to checked-in and get cleaned up. As they rode over to their hotel, both seemed lost in their own thoughts.

  Sandy couldn’t imagine what Vicky must be going through. She knew if it felt like a bad dream to her, it must be an incredibly bad nightmare for Vicky and Jason. Seeing that beautiful little girl laying there, so still and helpless, drained of all color would be too much to bear for anyone. What type of person wouldn’t do all they could to help her? Sandy had known it would be a long shot that she’d be a donor match but you’d have to be a soulless bastard to not even try. That little bit of hope was completely dashed when the results came back unsuccessful.

  She still couldn’t believe that Senator Ryan Carter was Angel’s father. He seemed like such a good guy. Or, at least as good as you’d expect a politician to be. He seemed just a little more authentic than the rest. Senator Carter had always been captured with and without the media cameras helping the homeless, feeding the needy, and fighting for the everyday working person. So, was Sandy shocked that Senator Carter was a jerk? Not really. But, she couldn’t help but be a little disappointed. Not only that, who knew little naïve Vicky Martin could make not one, but two powerful men fall for her. Maybe she should start taking lessons from Vicky because her love life was shit.

  “Hey, you okay over there?”

  Sandy was so wrapped up into her own thoughts that she’d almost forgotten that Franklin was in the limo with her. “ I was just thinking that Vicky and Jason don’t deserve this. They’re such good people. It seems like right when they were trying to get their footing, BOOM this tragedy happened. It’s hard to watch that little girl fight so hard for her life. All those machines were… it’s all just so depressing.”

  “Yeah, I can’t even begin to explain how hard it was to sit back and not be able to do anything. I know Jason’s going crazy. He’s fallen so in love with that little girl. I never thought I’d see the day that Mr. Jason Rutherford III would be a doting husband and father. I always expected when he did have children that the nanny would handle everything. ”

  Sandy couldn’t help but be attracted to this Franklin. He was being…normal and not such a hard ass. She was sure not many people got to see this side of him. “Really? Why? Jason doesn’t seem like that type of person.”

  Franklin’s eyes followed Sandy’s movements as she crossed those very long and shapely legs. She was stunning without even trying. He wondered what it would feel like to have them wrapped around him. Franklin shook those thoughts out of his head. The last thing he needed in his life was a woman. Especially a woman like Sandy, it was obvious she was trouble with a capital T.

  “Franklin? H-e-l-l-o?” Sandy waved her hands in front of him to get his attention. He’d seemed to have drifted off in mid-sentence. Men were so easily distracted. She was starting to think something was wrong with her that she couldn’t even keep the attention of a man for more than ten minutes.

  Franklin was embarrassed when he thought that he’d been caught ogling her but was relieved that he hadn’t been. “Sorry, I drifted off for a second. Anyway, I’ve known Jason a long time. In all that time he’s never dated anyone like Vicky before. Vicky seems like a warm and sweet person. The women he dated were all so cold and most likely couldn’t be bothered to paint their own toenails let alone change a diaper. Add to the equation that Jason was always a workaholic and I just assumed his kids would be raised by ‘a nanny’.”

  Sandy chuckled to herself, “Hmmm…well what about you? I would have expected your children would be raised by the nanny too.”

  “What? You think all of us rich guys can’t be bothered to take care of our own children? Well, you would be wrong. Not that I’m
ever going to have any but, if I were I’d definitely be a hands on dad.”

  Franklin had tried to hide it but Sandy saw a quick glimmer of pain in his eyes. She wondered where it had come from. At any rate, she felt a desire to comfort him. “Well, it sounds like your fiancée would be a lucky woman to have you as the father of her children if you ever changed your mind.”

  All of a sudden the limo lurched forward causing Sandy to fall into Franklin’s arms head first. He caught her so that she wouldn’t fall to the floor. At the same time, Sandy grabbed a hold of the front collar of Franklin’s jacket. When she looked up, she was staring directly into his eyes. They weren’t the vulnerable eyes of the man she’d just been speaking with. They were eyes of a man filled with desire.

  Franklin lowered his head to kiss her and Sandy closed her eyes waiting for his lips to brush up against hers. His touch was light as a feather. She moved her arms around his neck in preparation for a deeper kiss as Franklin held her body just a little bit tighter.

  The driver rolled down the dividing window to make sure they were fine. “Sorry folks, I didn’t mean to jazz the car on ya.”

  They both jumped at the sound of the driver’s voice. Sandy was the first to pull away.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to happen.” For just a moment Franklin looked like the loneliest person in the world before he put the blank mask back onto his face.

  “No apologies necessary Franklin. Neither one of us planned it.” Sandy reached out and squeezed his hand “And...If you didn’t have a fiancé, I might have even been tempted to go just a little bit further.”

  Before Franklin could respond to Sandy, the car stopped in front of their hotel and the valet driver opened their door.

  Chapter 20

  Ryan Carter finally made it to First Methodist Hospital. He’d gone over this time and time again in his head. He was taking a big risk. He could lose everything if the press got wind of what he was doing here. Vicky knew him as Ryan Lee and that is the assumed name he’d use for this purpose. Of course, he knew by now that she was aware of his real identity. No matter. He knew he could be a real bastard and sometimes even he wondered if he had a soul. Ryan had a weak spot when it came to children. He could never willingly sit by and let a child die if he could do something about it; even if they were strangers. So, as much as he tried to quell his conscience and ignore this situation he definitely knew he couldn’t allow possibly his only child, his own daughter, to die if he could do something to stop it.


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