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Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances

Page 5

by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing


  "'Down in the deep, with freight and crew, Past any help she lies, And never a bale has come to shore Of all thy merchandise.

  'For cloth o' gold and comely frieze,' Winstanley said, and sigh'd, 'For velvet coif, or costly coat, They fathoms deep may bide.

  'O thou, brave skipper, blithe and kind, O mariners bold and true, Sorry at heart, right sorry am I, A-thinking of yours and you.'"


  "Father Albatross had been out all day, and was come home to theisland which gives its name to this story. He had only taken a shortflight, for his wife was hatching an egg, and he kept comparativelynear the island where her nest was situated. There was only one egg,but parental affection is not influenced by numbers. There is alwayslove enough for the largest family, and everything that could bedesired in an only child, and Mother Albatross was as proud as if shehad been a hen sitting on a dozen.

  "The Father Albatross was very considerate. Not only did he denyhimself those long flights which he and his mate had before so greatlyenjoyed, but he generally contrived to bring back from his shortertrips some bits of news for her amusement. Their island home lay farout of the common track of ships, but sometimes he sighted a distantvessel, and he generally found something to tell of birds or fish,whales or waterspouts, icebergs or storms. When there was no news hediscussed the winds and waves, as we talk of the weather and thecrops.

  "Bits of news, like misfortunes, are apt to come together. The veryday on which the egg hatched, Father Albatross returned from hismorning flight so full of what he had seen, that he hardly paid anyattention to his mate's announcement of the addition to his family.

  "'Could you leave the nest for a quarter of an hour, my dear?' heasked.

  "'Certainly not,' said Mother Albatross; 'as I have told you, the eggis hatched at last.'

  "'These things always happen at the least convenient moments,' saidthe father bird. 'There's a ship within a mere wing-stretch, untoldmiles out of her course, and going down. I came away just as she wassinking, that you might have a chance of seeing her. It is a horriblesight.'

  "'It must be terrible to witness', she replied, 'and I would giveworlds to see it; but a mother's first duty is the nest, and it isquite impossible for me to move. At the same time I beg that you willreturn, and see whatever there is to be seen.'

  "'It is not worth while,' he answered; 'there was not a moment tolose, and by this time she must be at the bottom with all belonging toher.'

  "'Could none of them fly away?' the Mother Albatross asked.

  "'No men have wings,' replied her mate, 'nor, for that matter, finsor scales either. They are very curious creatures. The fancy they havefor wandering about between sea and sky, when Nature has not enabledthem to support themselves in either, is truly wonderful. Go where youwill over the ocean and you meet men, as you meet fish and birds. Thenif anything disables these ships that they contrive to go about in,down they go, and as the men can neither float nor fly, they sink tothe bottom like so many stones.'

  "'Were there many on the ship you saw?' the mother bird asked.

  "'More than one likes to see drowned in a batch,' said FatherAlbatross 'and I feel most sorry for the captain. He was a finefellow, with bright eyes and dark curly plumage, and would have been ahandsome creature if he had had wings. He was going about givingorders with desperate and vain composure, and wherever he went therewent with him a large dog with dark bright curls like his own. I haveseen the ship before, and I know the dog. His name is Carlo. He is thecaptain's property, and the ship's pet. Usually he is very quiet, andsometimes, when it blows, he is ill; but commonly he was on deck,blinking with the most self-sufficient air you can imagine. However,to-day, from the moment that danger was imminent, he seemed to beaware of it, and to have only one idea on the subject, to keep closeto his master. He got in front of him as he moved about, sat down athis feet when he stood still, jumped on him when he shouted hisorders, and licked his hands when he seized the ropes. In fact, hewas most troublesome. But what can you expect of a creature thatrequires four legs to go about with, and can't rise above the eartheven with these, and doesn't move as many yards in a day as I go milesin an hour? He _can_ swim, but only for a certain length of time.However, he is probably quiet enough now; and perhaps some luckychance has rolled him to his master's feet below the sea.'

  "'Have men no contrivance for escaping on these occasions?' the motherbird inquired.

  "'They have boats, into which they go when the ship will hold them nolonger. It is much as if you should put out the little one to fly in astorm against which your own wings failed.'

  "'Perhaps the boats are in good order when the ship is not,' saidMother Albatross, who had a practical gift. 'Were there boats to thisone?'

  "'There were. I saw one lowered, and quickly filled with men, eager tosnatch this last chance of life.

  "'Was the captain in it?' she asked.

  "'No. He stayed on the ship and gave orders. The dog stayed with him.Another boat was lowered and filled just as the ship went down.'

  "'Was the captain in it?'

  "'Again, no. He stayed with the vessel and some others with him. Theywere just sinking as I came for you. With the last glance I gave I sawthe captain standing quite still near the wheel. The dog was sittingon his feet. They were both looking in one direction--away over thesea. But why should you distress yourself? It is all over long since.Think of the little one, and let us be thankful that we belong to asuperior race. We might have been born without wings, like poorsailors.'

  "'I cannot help grieving for the captain,' said Mother Albatross.'When you spoke of his bright eyes and handsome plumage I thought ofyou; and how should I feel if you were to die? I wish he had gone inthe boats.'

  "'I doubt if he would have fared better,' said the father bird. 'Thesecond boat must have been swamped in the sinking of the ship; and itis far from probable that the other will get to land.'

  "'Nevertheless, I hope you will fly in that direction to-morrow,' shesaid, 'and bring me word whether there are any traces of thecatastrophe.'

  "The following morning Father Albatross set off as he was desired. Theship had foundered quite near to the other side of the island, andincluding a little excursion to see if the first boat were still abovewater, he expected to be back very shortly.

  "He returned even sooner than the Mother Albatross had hoped, anddescended to the side of their nest with as much agitation as hismajestic form was capable of displaying.

  "'Wonders will never cease!' he exclaimed. 'What do you think are onthe island?'

  "'I couldn't guess if I were to try from now till next hatchingseason,' said his mate; 'and I beg you will not keep me in suspense. Iam not equal to the slightest trial of the nerves. It is quite enoughto be a mother.'

  "'The captain and one or two more men are here,' said the albatross.'What do you think of that? You will be able to see him for yourself,and show the youngster what men are like into the bargain. It's verystrange how they have escaped; and that lazy, self-sufficient dog iswith them.'

  "'I cannot possibly leave our young one at present,' said the MotherAlbatross, 'and he certainly cannot get so far. It will be veryprovoking if the men leave the island before I can see them.'

  "'There is not much to fear of that,' her mate answered. 'A lucky wavehas brought them to shore, but it will take a good many lucky waves tobring a ship to carry them home.'

  "Father Albatross was right; but his mate saw the strangers soonerthan she expected. Her nest, though built on the ground, was on thehighest point of the island, and to this the shipwrecked men soon madetheir way; and there the Mother Albatross had ample chance of seeingthe bright eyes of the captain as they scanned the horizon line withkeen anxiety. Presently they fell upon the bird herself.

  "'What splendid creatures they are!' he said to his companion; 'and sograndly fearless. I was never on one of these islands where they br
eedbefore. What a pity it is that they cannot understand one! That fellowthere, who is just stretching his noble wings, might take a messageand bring us help.'

  "'He is a fine creature,' said the Mother Albatross, peeping at thecaptain from her nest; 'that is, he would be if he had wings, andcould speak properly, instead of making that unmusical jabbering likea monkey.'

  "'I would give a good deal to one of them for a report of the firstboat,' the captain went on. 'Heaven knows I would be content to diehere if I could know that it was safe. But I'm afraid--I'm afraid; oh!dear!'

  "And the captain paced up and down, the other consoling him.

  "'He doesn't seem as tame as one might expect,' said the MotherAlbatross, 'he's so restless. But possibly he is hungry.'

  "Truly it was a great amusement for the mother bird to watch thestrangers from her nest, and to question her mate on theirpeculiarities.

  "'What is he doing now?' she asked on one occasion, when the captainwas reading a paper which he had taken from the note-book in hispocket.

  "'That is a letter,' said the Father Albatross. 'And from the look ofit I gather that, like ourselves, he has got a young one somewhere,wherever his nest may be.'

  "'How do you gather that?' his mate inquired.

  "'Because the writing is so large,' answered the Father Albatross. 'Itis one of the peculiarities of these creatures that the smaller theyare the larger they write. That letter is from a young one; probablyhis own.'

  "'Very remarkable indeed,' said the Mother Albatross. 'And what is hedoing _now_?'

  "'Now he is writing himself,' said her mate; 'and if you observe youwill see my statement confirmed. See how much smaller he writes!'

  "The captain had indeed torn a sheet from his note-book, and was busyscribbling upon his knees. Whether the sight of papers was a familiarmemory with Carlo, or whether he was merely moved by one of thosedoggish impulses we so little understand, it is impossible to say; butwhen the captain began to write, Carlo began to wag his tail, and hewagged it without pause or weariness till the captain had finished,keeping his nearest eye half open, and fixed upon the paper and thecaptain's moving hand. Once he sat up on his haunches and put his noseon the letter.

  "'That is right, old fellow, kiss it,' said the captain. 'I am justtelling her about you. Heaven send she may ever read it, poor child!'

  "At this Carlo became so frantic, and so persistent in pushing hisnose on to the paper, that the captain was fain to pocket his writingmaterials, and have a game at play with the 'ship's dog,' in which thelatter condescendingly joined for a few minutes, and then lay down asbefore, shutting his eyes with an air which seemed to imply--

  "'I see, poor fellow, you don't understand me.'

  "The hardships endured by this small remnant of the ship's companywere not very great. They managed to live. The weather was fine, andthey did not at first trouble themselves about any permanent shelter.Perhaps, too, in spite of their seaman's knowledge of the positionthey were in, some dim hope of a ship out of her course as they hadbeen, picking them off, buoyed them up with the fancy that 'it was notworth while.' But no ship appeared; and they built themselves a hutnear the albatross's nest, and began to talk of other seasons, andprovision for the future. They kept a look-out by turns through thedaylight, and by night when the moon and stars made the distancevisible. Every morning the sun rising above the sea met the captain'skeen eyes scanning the horizon, and every evening that closed a day'sfruitless watch, the sun's going down saw the captain's brown handsclasped together as he said, 'God's will be done!'

  "So days became weeks, and weeks ripened into months, and Carlo becameused to his new home, and happy in it, and kept watch over his master,and took his ease as usual. But the men's appearance changed, andtheir clothes began to look shabby. In the first place they werewearing out, and, secondly, they seemed--as we say--to be 'getting toolarge' for them, and to hang loosely and untidily upon their gauntframes. The captain's eyes looked larger and sadder, and his voicegrew hollow at sunset, and threads of white began to show among hisdark curls, and increased in number day by day.

  "'His plumage will be as white as your own very soon,' said the MotherAlbatross. 'I suppose it's the climate that does it.'

  "'He is getting older,' said her mate; 'men, like ourselves, get whiteas they get old.'

  "'But he has been here so short a time,' said Mother Albatross.

  "'He is so much the older, however,' said the father bird, and hismate said no more; for she knew by the tone of his voice when he hadgot to the end of his available information on any subject, and thatbeyond this point he did not like to be pressed.

  "'It's hard, it's very hard, captain, and I can't submit as you do,'said one of the men one day. He and the captain were sitting side byside at the look out, their elbows on their knees, and their chinsupon their hands.

  "'And yet it's harder for me than for you,' said the captain. 'Onemust die some day. It's not that. And you are a single man, Barker,without ties.'

  "The man stooped down, and taking one of Carlo's long ears in hishand, played absently with it, as he said--

  "'No, sir. I am not married, it's true, and have no children. I feelfor you, sir, from my heart. But in a little house just out ofPlymouth, that, God above knows, I can see this moment as clearly as Isee you, there's a girl that has either forgotten me, or is breakingas good a heart as ever beat in woman's breast for the man that shouldhave been her husband, and that's fast bound here upon a rock withsea-birds. The Lord knows best, captain, but it comes hard. We allhave our troubles, sir.'

  "The captain laid his hand upon his shoulder.

  "'Forgive me,' he said. 'God comfort you! God bless you!' And, risinghurriedly, he went forward, the big tears breaking over his cheeks,and sea and sky dancing together before his eyes.

  "'What do you dream of at night, Barker?' said the captain, onanother day.

  "'Home, sir,' said Barker.

  "'Strange!' said the captain. 'So do I. In all the time we have beenhere, I have never once dreamed of this island, or of our day's work,nor even of seeing a sail. I dream of England night after night.'

  "'It's the same with myself, sir,' said Barker. 'I'm in Plymouth halfmy time, I may say. And off and on I dream of my father's old home inSurrey.'

  "'Are the men going to change their feathers, do you think?' theMother Albatross inquired of her mate. 'They have a most wretchedappearance. Only the dog looks like himself.' (The first excitement ofpity and curiosity had subsided, and the good couple were nownaturally inclined to be critical.)

  "'I detest that dog,' said Father Albatross. 'His idleness andarrogance make me quite sick. I think I want exercise, too, and I meanto have a good flight to-day;' and, spreading his broad wings, thebird sailed away.

  "His excursion did not quite dispel his irritability. When hereturned, he settled down by the captain, who was sitting listlessly,as usual, with Carlo at his feet.

  "'If you would only exert yourself,' began Father Albatross,'something might come of it. You are getting as bad as the dog. Spreadout those arms of yours, and see what you can do with them! If youcould only fly a matter of a few miles, you would see a sail--andthat's more than we had any reason to expect.'

  "'What can be the matter with the birds to-day?' said the captain, whowas in rather an irritable mood himself. 'They are silent enoughgenerally'--for the voice of the albatross is rarely heard at sea.

  "'Move your arms, I tell you,' croaked the albatross. 'Up anddown--so!--and follow me.'

  "'I shall have the dog going at them next,' muttered the captain.'Come along, Carlo.' And turning his back on Father Albatross, hemoved away.

  "'He doesn't understand you,' said the Mother Albatross, whoendeavoured, as is proper, to soothe her mate's irritability, and makepeace. 'Couldn't you take a message to the ship yourself? It isnothing to your magnificent wings, and it is not his fault, poorcreature, that he is not formed like you.'

  "'You speak very sensibly, my dear' said Father Albatross; and on
cemore he took flight over the sea.

  "But he returned in even worse mood than before.

  "'Nothing can equal the stupidity of human beings,' he observed. 'Iaddressed myself to the captain. "There's an island with shipwreckedmen on it a few miles to the north-east," said I. "We shall see landin about ten days, ma'am," says the captain to a lady on deck."There's as big a fool as yourself wrecked on an island north-east bynorth," I cried. "If you had the skill of a sparrow you could see itwith your own eyes in five minutes." "It's very remarkable," said thecaptain, "I never heard one of those albatross make a sound before.""And never will again," said I; "it's a waste of time to talk to you.It won't take long to put you and yours under water like the rest."And away I came.'

  "'I don't understand the cry of human beings myself,' said his mate,'and I'm rather glad I do not; it would only irritate me. Perhaps hedid not understand you.'

  "'They are all stupid alike,' said the father bird; 'but I have donemy best, and shall not disturb myself any more.'

  "The captain watched till sunset, and folded his hands, and bent hishead as usual, and at last lay down to sleep. He dreamt of England,and of home--of a home that had been his long since, of a young wife,dead years ago. He dreamt that he lay, at early morning, in a sunnyroom in a little cottage where they had lived, and where, in summer,the morning sun awoke them not much later than the birds. He dreamtthat his wife was by him, and that she thought that he was asleep, andthat, so thinking, she put her arms round his neck to awaken him--thathe lay still, and pretended to be slumbering on, and that, so lying,he saw her face bright with an unearthly beauty, and her eyes fixedon him with such intensity of expression that they held him like aspell. Then he felt her warm face come nearer to his, and she kissedhis cheeks, and he heard her say, 'Wake up, my darling, I havesomething to show you.' Again she repeated vehemently, 'Awake! Awake!Look! Look!' and then he opened his eyes.

  "He was lying at the look-out, and Carlo was licking his face. It wasa dream, and yet the voice was strong and clear in his ears, 'Awake!Awake! Look! Look!'

  "A heavier hand than his wife's was on his shoulder, and Barker'srough voice (hoarser than usual), repeated the words of his dream.

  "The captain's eyes followed the outstretched hand to the horizon; andthen his own voice grew hoarse, as he exclaimed--

  "'My God! it is a sail!'"

  * * * * *

  Ida was not leaning on the little old lady's footstool now. She satupright, her pale face whiter than its wont.

  "_Did_ the ship take them away?" she asked eagerly.

  "Yes, my dear. Their signals were seen, and the ship took them home totheir friends, who had believed them to be dead."

  "Do people who have been drowned--I mean who have been thought to bedrowned--ever come home _really_?" the child asked.

  "Yes, really. Ida, my dear, I want you to remember that, as regardsthe captain and the crew, this is a true story."

  Ida clasped her hands passionately together.

  "Oh, Mrs. Overtheway! Do you think Papa will ever come home?"

  "My child! my dear child!" sobbed the little old lady. "I think hewill." ...

  * * * * *

  "And he _is_ alive--he is coming home!" Ida cried, as she recountedMrs. Overtheway's story to Nurse, who knew the principal fact of italready. "And she told it to me in this way not to frighten me. I didcry and laugh though, and was very silly; but she said I must not befoolish, but brave like a captain's daughter, and that I ought tothank GOD for being so good to me, when the children of theother poor men who died will never have their fathers back in thisworld: and I am thankful, so thankful! Only it is like a mill going inmy head, and I cannot help crying. And Papa wrote me a long letterwhen he was on the island, and he sent it to Mrs. Overtheway becauseUncle Garbett told him that I was fond of her, and that she would tellme nicely, and she was to read it, and to give it to me when she hadtold me. And it is such a lovely letter, with all about the island,and poor Barker, and dear old Carlo, and about the beautiful birds,too, only Mrs. Overtheway made up a great deal of that herself. Andplease, Nursey, take off my black frock and never let me see it again,for the Captain is really coming home, and, oh! how I wish he wouldcome!"

  The poor child was terribly excited, but her habits of obedience stoodher in good stead, for though she was vehemently certain that shecould not possibly go to sleep, in compliance with Nurse's wishes, shewent to bed, and there at last slept heavily and long; so that whenshe awoke there was only just time to dress and be ready to meet herfather. She was putting out her treasures for him to look at, thecarved fans and workboxes, the beads and handkerchiefs and feathers,the new letter and the old one--when the Captain came.

  * * * * *

  A week after the postman had delivered the letter which contained suchwonderful news for Ida, he brought another to Mrs. Overtheway's greengate, addressed in the same handwriting--the Captain's. It was notfrom the Captain, however, but from Ida.


  "We got here on Saturday night, and are so happy. Papa says when will you come and see us? I have got a little room to myself, and I have got a glass case under which I keep all the things that Papa ever sent me, and his letters. I bought it with part of a sovereign Uncle Garbett gave me when I came away. Do you know he was so very kind when I came away. He kissed me, and said, 'GOD bless you, my dear! You are a good child, a very good child;' and you know it was very kind of him, for I don't think I ever was good somehow with him. But he was so kind it made me cry, so I couldn't say anything, but I gave him a great many kisses, for I did not want him to know I love Papa the best. Carlo will put his nose on my knee, and I can't help making blots. He came with us in the railway carriage, and ate nearly all my sandwiches. When he and Papa roll on the hearthrug together, I mix their curls up and pretend I can't tell which is which. Only really Papa's have got some grey hairs in them: _we know why_. I always kiss the white hairs when I find them, and he says he thinks I shall kiss the colour into them again. He is so kind! I said I didn't like Nurse to wear her black dress now, and she said it was the best one she had, and she must wear it in the afternoon; so Papa said he would get us all some bright things, for he says English people dress in mud-colour, while people who live in much sunnier, brighter countries wear gay clothes. So we went into a shop this morning, and I asked him to get my things all blue, because it is his favourite colour. But he said he should choose Nurse's things himself. So he asked for a very smart dress, and the man asked what kind; and I said it was for a nurse, so he brought out a lot of prints, and at last Papa chose one with a yellow ground and carnations on it. He wanted very much to have got another one with very big flowers, but the man said it was meant for curtains, not for dresses, so I persuaded him not to get it; but he says now he wishes he had, as it was much the best. Then he got a red shawl, and a bonnet ribbon of a kind of green tartan. Nurse was very much pleased, but she said they were too smart by half. But Papa told her it was because she knew no better, and had never seen the parrots in the East Indian Islands. Yesterday we all went to church. Carlo came too, and when we got to the porch, Papa put up his hand, and said, 'Prayers, sir!' and Carlo lay down and stayed there till we came out. Papa says that he used to do so when he was going to say prayers on board ship, and that Carlo always lay quietly on deck till the service was over. Before we went to church Papa gave me a little parcel sealed up, to put in the plate. I asked him what it was, and he said it was a thankoffering. Before one of the prayers the clergyman said something. I don't quite remember the words, but it began, 'A sailor desires to thank GOD--' and oh! I _knew_ who it was, and I squeezed his hand very tight, and I tried to pray every word of that prayer, only once I began to th
ink of the island--but I _did_ try! And indeed I do try to be very, very thankful, for I am so very happy! Papa got a letter from Barker this morning, and we are going out to choose him a wedding present. He sent a photograph of the girl he is going to marry, and I was rather disappointed, for I thought she would be very lovely, only, perhaps, rather sad-looking; but she doesn't look very pretty, and is sitting in rather a vulgar dress, with a photograph book in her hand. Her dress is tartan, and queer-looking about the waist, you know, like Nurse's, and it is coloured in the picture, and her brooch is gilt. Papa laughs, and says Barker likes colour, as he does; and he says he thinks she has a nice face, and he knows she is very good, and very fond of Barker, and that Barker thinks her beautiful. He didn't write before he went to see her, like Papa. He just walked up to the house, and found her sitting at the window with his photograph in her hand. She said she had been so restless all day, she could do nothing but sit and look at it. Wasn't it funny? She had been very ill with thinking he was dead, and Barker says she nearly died of the joy of seeing him again. Papa sends you his love, and I send lots and lots of mine, and millions of kisses. And please, _please_ come and see us if you can, for I miss you every morning, and I do love you, and am always your grateful and affectionate


  "P.S.--I am telling Papa all your stories by bits. And do you know he went to sleep whilst I was telling him Mrs. Moss!"

  Chim! chime! chim! chime! chim! chime!

  The story is ended, but the bells still call to Morning Prayer, andlife goes on. The little old lady comes through the green gate, andlooks over the way, but there is no face at that window now; somethingin it made her start for an instant, but it is only a looking-glass,for the smart toilette-table has been brought back to the window whereIda used to kneel, and the nursery is a spare bedroom once more. Thatepisode in this dull house in the quiet street is over, and gone by.The old lady thinks so rather sadly as she goes where the bells arecalling. The pale, eager, loving little face that turned to her in itsloneliness, now brightens a happy home; but the remembrance of it iswith the little old lady still, pleasant as the remembrance of flowerswhen winter has come. Yes, truly, not the least pleasant of Mrs.Overtheway's Remembrances.

  _The present Series of Mrs. Ewing's Works is the only authorized,complete, and uniform Edition published._

  _It will consist of 18 volumes, Small Crown 8vo, at 2s. 6d. per vol.,issued, as far as possible, in chronological order, and these willappear at the rate of two volumes every two months, so that the Serieswill be completed within 18 months. The device of the cover wasspecially designed by a Friend of Mrs. Ewing._

  _The following is a list of the books included in the Series--_




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