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One Hot Doctor

Page 6

by Brooks, Sarah J.

  “You have no idea how many times I’ve said that to myself.”

  Cora abruptly sits up in bed and swings her legs over the edge. “Look, Thomas, I know that you’re probably feeling guilty right now, but you don’t need to.”

  “I’m not feeling guilty—”

  “I’ll take care of my baby myself.”

  This was going downhill fast. “You’re getting me wrong, Cora. I’m willing to take responsibility for my child. I just can’t promise anything more than that.”

  “What does that mean exactly?” she says, the atmosphere between us still icy.

  “It means that I want to have a relationship with our child.”

  She gets back under the covers but doesn’t face me. She looks up at the ceiling. “This is turning out to be so complicated and so hard.”

  She looks so tired, and an urge to take care of her comes over me, but I stifle it. I don’t want to make the same mistake I made the other time by giving Cora hope that we can be anything more.

  Chapter 9


  These days, it has become harder and harder to rouse myself from sleep, especially today with Thomas’s warm hard body spooning me. The conversation we had in the night floats back to my mind.

  Thomas must have loved his wife very much. A once in a lifetime love. Pangs of envy come over me as I imagine being loved like that. I muse over why some women are lucky to find that special love and some like me are not.

  I now understand why Thomas panicked years ago when I asked him to have a baby with me. His heart belonged to his late wife, and that will never change. The thought hurts, but it’s better to know rather than harboring false hopes. I feel sorry for him now. He must have been in so much pain. Now that I think about it, many clues were staring me in the face, which I’d refused to see. His refusal to meet my family and friends. He always had an excuse. Then, no matter how many hints I gave, he never introduced me to his family. At the time, I thought he was the kind of person who needed to be completely sure before introducing a girl to his family.

  I have an idea of what he went through because I was by Riley’s side when she lost her fiancé. She had almost gone mad with grief. Leaving California had probably saved her sanity, though, at the time, none of us had understood.

  My stomach growls, and I gently pry Thomas’s hand away from my waist. I slip out of bed, quietly pulling on a T-shirt and a pair of shorts. I pad to the bathroom to freshen myself before heading to the kitchen, humming as I prepare the batter for pancakes. I can’t remember the last time I felt so cheerful in the morning. Thomas walks in just as I’m pouring myself a cup of coffee.

  “Morning, babe.” The endearment falls easily from Thomas’s mouth.

  A thrill goes through me, but I quickly scold myself. It means nothing to Thomas. It’s just a word, and besides, I’m an adult now, soon to be a mother. I’m beyond being thrilled by cheap endearments and amazing sex. Well, the latter does thrill me after three years of celibacy, but words are cheap.

  Thomas cuts across the kitchen to kiss me on the cheek. His lips feel cool and fresh on my skin, and I wish he had directed that kiss to my mouth.

  “Morning,” I say and pour another cup of coffee and carry both to the kitchen island.

  “Thanks,” Thomas says as he takes his coffee and sips it.

  I carry the pancakes to the table and invite Thomas to take one. We sit munching and drinking. It’s peaceful and not at all uncomfortable.

  “That’s exactly what I needed,” Thomas says after finishing his second pancake.

  I glance at the wall clock. It’s half-past seven, and he doesn’t seem to be in a rush. “Aren’t you going to be late?”

  His mouth crinkles into a smile. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

  My face heats up as I remember the number of times I had more or less kicked him out of my apartment. “If I wanted you out, you would have known it.”

  We both laugh.

  “My first appointment is at nine-thirty,” Thomas says. He peers at me over the rim of his cup.

  My stupid heart gallops in my chest. I ignore it.

  “Have you settled on an obstetrician?” he says.

  “I’m using the same one Riley does. Dr. Phillips. I have my first appointment with him today.”

  “I’d like to come if it’s okay with you,” Thomas says quietly.

  Something rises in my chest and stops in my throat. For a few seconds, I’m too choked up to speak. I nod and busy myself with sipping my coffee to hide my emotional reaction. That’s another thing that bothered me about getting pregnant through a sperm donor. Whenever I’ve thought about marriage in the past, I always fantasized about seeing the doctor with my husband or partner.

  “I’d like that,” I finally say. My pregnancy is starting to feel real and exciting. Suddenly I’m not alone.

  “We’re going to be parents,” Thomas says, his dark eyes gleaming, making him look sinfully sexy.

  Warmth floods me at his use of the word ‘we.’ “We are.”

  Silence fills the room, but it’s not uncomfortable silence. It’s the silence of two people who have known each other for a long time, which is weird because when I think back to what I actually know about Thomas, it’s very little. He is actually a bit of a mystery, and yet I feel comfortable with him. We were lovers for three months, and yet none of my family or friends met him.

  I remember asking him several times to dinner at Riley’s, and each time, he would come up with an excuse why he couldn’t. I feel a little annoyed and used as I remember. I had been a fool thinking that Thomas and I had a future together.

  I think about my reaction to his request to attend my prenatal appointment. I’d immediately turned to mush. That’s the kind of thinking that gets me hurt. I have to stop it and constantly remind myself that Thomas is my sperm donor, that’s all.

  I push my stool back and get up, even though everything in me wants to stay and talk and pretend that Thomas and I are a real couple. “I need to get ready for work.”

  He looks at me in surprise. “I guess that’s my cue to leave too.” He stands and takes my cup and his and carries them to the sink.

  My gaze is drawn to his tight, gorgeous ass, and my hands long to squeeze it. A jolt of desire rushes through me, and I squeeze my thighs together for some relief.

  He rinses the cups, and when he’s done, he follows me to the front door. I turn to face him. My breath stops as I take in his jaw that holds a shadow of dark stubble. A longing to cup his cheek comes over me, and I quickly remind myself that’s not what Thomas and I are about.

  “So, I’ll see you this afternoon?” he asks.

  “Yeah. I can pick you up if you like.” We sound like we are arranging a business meeting. “Ten to two?”

  “Sounds good.”

  He looks like he wants to kiss me but seems to change his mind. Disappointment courses through me when he turns and opens the door, and with a wave, he’s gone.

  The sound of the door banging jolts me from my thoughts, and I turn around and pad to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

  At 8 AM, I’m walking into the gym. I wave to Samantha, the receptionist, and walk around the gym. The cleaners have already been in, and everything is sparkling clean. There’s an early morning aerobics class going on, and the weights room is full of our regular morning clients.

  After seeing that everything is running smoothly, I head to my office at the very back. I settle at my desk and power on my computer. I log into the system and into the register to see what sales looked like yesterday. Satisfied with that, I check my email and respond to a few, the rest of which are from salespeople peddling gym equipment.

  I follow the same routine every morning, and I log onto social media and into our various accounts. Our instructors usually post pictures and other gym-related stuff, and there are the usual snarky comments from people who thrive on nastiness.

  Thomas sneaks into my thoughts, and I find myself wond
ering what he’s doing at this very moment. I glance at the time. Half-past nine. Time is dragging. My administrative tasks were done for the day, I shut down my computer and leave the office.

  As I enter the weights room, I grind to a halt when I see a familiar figure. My mother. She’s dressed in another lime green inappropriate outfit, and from what I can make out, she’s flirting with Ian, one of the regulars.

  She sees me, says something to Ian, who laughs, and then comes to me. “Hello, darling.” She air kisses me, something she never used to do until a few weeks back.

  “Hi, Mom.” I can’t disguise the weariness in my voice. “Are you flirting with Ian?”

  She leans to my ear. “He’s cute.”

  I’m horrified. “Mom! He’s half your age.”

  “Age is just but a number, and besides, I have a feeling he’s going to ask me out.” She sounds like a giddy teenager.

  This is going too far. I find myself missing the mother who thought the sun shone from my academically inclined sister and brother. She’s done a complete turnaround but in the most horrible way. The thought of my mother dating one of my clients makes me sick. It’s one thing to become a regular at my gym and quite another to want to date my clients. That’s crossing a line. It could get very ugly.

  “We need to talk, Mom.” I take her hand and lead her out of the weights room. We face each other, and from her tight expression, she already suspects what I’m about to say.

  “What’s come over you, Mom? This is not like you! You can’t date my clients. It’s just not cool.”

  “Why not?” she demands. “People have affairs at the gym all the time. Where else am I going to meet someone if not at the gym?”

  I gasp. “An affair? Have you lost your mind?” I stare at her open-mouthed. I thought she was enjoying flirting. The thought of my almost sixty-six-year-old mother having sex with someone I know sickens me.

  “Yes, an affair. I’m an adult, Cora, and this is my chance to enjoy my life. If I want to have an affair, that’s exactly what I’ll do.” She whirls around and marches back to the weight room.

  My mother has lost her mind. I hurry back to my office and shut the door behind me. I grab my phone from my desk and call my sister.

  “Make it fast; I have a client coming in a few,” Adeline says, sounding breathless.

  “Adeline, Mom is contemplating having an affair with one of my clients,” I tell her.

  To my surprise, Adeline giggles. “No, she’s not,” she finally says. “She and I had a long lunch yesterday and had a heart-to-heart.”

  I swallow the usual feelings of exclusion I’ve felt all my life when it comes to Adeline and our mom. They have a special bond that goes beyond mother and daughter. They are friends, and they’ve always been. I remember how they always huddled together when I was growing up, whispering and laughing together. When I joined them, they always clammed up, making me feel like an outsider. I used to tell myself that when I was older, Mom and I would become close too. It never happened and now hearing Adeline talk about her cozy lunch with Mom resurrects my old resentments.

  “I’m glad you called. We are having a small anniversary party for John Mathew’s parents, and I’d like you and Thomas to attend.”

  “I’ll ask him,” I respond automatically; my mind is still on my mom. If Adeline says I should not worry, I shouldn’t. She knows our mom better than anyone.

  “Good. It’s this coming weekend.” She disconnects the call.


  It’s only been few hours since I last saw Thomas, but it feels like days. It’s crazy, but I’ve missed him. A voice pops up in my head chastising me, but I shut it down by reminding myself that Thomas is my baby’s dad. I’m allowed to miss him.

  I drive to his clinic and spot him waiting outside the building. My heart skips a beat in an involuntary response. I swing the car into the parking space, and he comes bounding over.

  He enters the car, and a sexy, masculine scent fills the air. He leans across the gearbox and kisses me on the mouth. I part my lips when his touch mine, and what was supposed to be a light peck turns into a deep kiss. Our tongues tangle together, and his hand slips along my jaw, holding me in place. My body comes alive, and I groan into his mouth. My nipples harden and ache to be touched. Desire hums in my veins. Thomas tastes so good. Everything about him, from his scent to the feel of his lips against mine, reeks of masculinity. I imagine how hard his cock is, and I groan louder into his mouth.

  After what seems like mere seconds, Thomas draws back, his fast breath matching mine. He glances down at his crotch, and my gaze follows his. I inhale sharply at the tent that is in front of his pants.

  “See what you do to me? It’s so tempting to take you right here in the car.”

  His words ignite a fresh fire in me. My thighs tremble, and I wish that he would take me right here in the car. I grin at him and start the engine. Every nerve ending in my body is humming, and the blood in my veins is singing.

  I can’t remember the last time I felt as happy as I do and for no reason. Maybe it’s the weather, I tell myself. It’s warm, and there’s a soft breeze keeping the air cool.

  “How was work?” I ask Thomas when my brain starts to work properly.

  He has a nice voice that I could listen to all day. He tells me about the patients he saw that morning, one being a couple that has been trying unsuccessfully to have a baby for years.

  “How many couples have you helped over the last three years?” I ask him.

  “Too many to count,” Thomas says.

  A thought crosses my mind. “Can I ask you something? Am I the first woman to come to the clinic alone?”

  “Of course not,” Thomas says, and relief surges through me.

  I’d hate him to see me as a loser. I shouldn’t care, though. Thomas and I are just two adults enjoying each other’s bodies.

  “We’re here,” I announce as I park the car.

  Dr. Phillips’ office is on the third floor, and we take the elevator up. At the reception, I fill out forms with my personal details and hand them back to the lady at the desk.

  My name is called, and Thomas and I follow the receptionist down a hallway. She opens a door at the end of it, and Thomas follows me in. Dr. Philips is a lot younger than I expected.

  He shakes my hand warmly, and when he turns to Thomas, a grin creases his face. “Clarkson,” he says and walks around his desk to man-hug Thomas.

  “It’s been too long,” Thomas says.

  They exchange pleasantries and ask after each other’s families. I should have known that they would know each other. All doctors seem to know each other.

  Dr. Phillips looks at me and then back at Thomas. “Congratulations! Why wasn’t I invited to the wedding?”

  An awkward moment follows as Thomas explains that we’re not married.

  “It doesn’t matter,” he says. “What matters is that both of you will participate in raising the baby.”

  After that awkward moment, it gets easier. He asks me questions about my general health and then shows me to the examination room next door. I change into a paper gown and then lie on the bed. Dr. Phillips returns and proceeds to carry out a physical examination. It’s a thorough process, and he explains it’s only because it’s the first visit. It takes close to half an hour, and when I’m done, I find Thomas waiting in the reception area.

  After booking my next appointment, Thomas and I leave, and I drive him back to his clinic.

  “Are you okay?” he says when we get there.

  “I’m good. My legs feel numb from lying down in one position for so long. But I’m good now.”

  A look of concern comes on his handsome features. “You should have asked me to drive.”

  “It wasn’t too bad.”

  “I have an idea. There’s a park near here, let’s go for a walk. Get the blood flowing in those gorgeous legs.”

  “What about your work?”

  “I’m done with my appointments. I’ll
go back later to finish up my paperwork,” Thomas says.

  Chapter 10


  It’s cheesy and weird because we’re not dating, but I take Cora’s hand as we walk through the park, and she doesn’t pull away. I’m going to be a dad! The idea has settled in, and I’m growing more excited by the day.

  “Any ideas on names?” I ask Cora.

  She laughs loudly. I love her laugh. It’s loud and uninhibited. A laugh I could listen to over and over again.

  “How can you think about names when we don’t even know the gender yet?”

  I choose to ignore what she says. “How about Angel if it’s a girl?”

  She laughs again. “That’s too cheesy.”

  “Okay, what’s your idea then?”

  We spend the next couple of minutes throwing back and forth ideas for a girl’s name. Our ideas grow ridiculous by the minute, and soon Cora is laughing so hard that we have to sit down.

  “You seem to be getting used to the idea of a baby,” Cora says when her laughter has abated.

  “I have. I’m planning on telling my family tonight. Do you want to come and hold my hand while I tell them?”

  Cora turns to me with an amused expression on her face. “I very much doubt that you need me to hold your hand, but I’ll come.”

  We arrange that I’ll pick her up at six in the evening. We walk around the park for another ten minutes, and then Cora drives me back to the office.

  I’m impatient for the evening to arrive and at five, I leave for home. I take a quick shower and change into casual khaki pants and a T-shirt. When I check the time, it’s still too early to pick Cora up, but I’m too impatient to stay in the house, and I decide to go to her house anyway.

  I turn my mind to the evening ahead as I drive to Cora’s place. I’m surprised that Martin didn’t tell my sister about Cora’s pregnancy. There’s no way Fran would not know something like that and not call me.

  My arrival coincides with a guy in a rush exiting Cora’s building. He says a quick hello and holds the door for me. Unease settles over me as I enter the building, and the door shuts behind me. It gets me wondering just how safe Cora and my son or daughter will be. I own my home, and it has a small front and backyard, plus the security is good. Maybe Cora would not be averse to moving in with me.


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