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The Fledglings' Mentor

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by C L Amos

  The Fledglings’ Mentor Series

  A Paranormal Romance Boxset

  C. L. Amos

  Copyright © 2020 C. L. Amos

  All rights reserved

  In no way is it legal to produce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited, and any storage of this document is not allowed unless written permission from the publisher. All rights are reserved. Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events of locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author’s imagination. Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18.

  Created with Vellum


  Stay In Touch With C. L. Amos

  Book 1

  Chapter 1 Sunrise

  Chapter 2 The New Contract

  Chapter 3 Prep for two months in Slumberville

  Chapter 4 Black Mountains

  Chapter 5 Intruder Alert

  Chapter 6 Training Julia

  Chapter 7 Tom’s Turn

  Chapter 8 The Hunt.

  Chapter 9 Back to the Game Plan

  Chapter 10 Fledglings

  Chapter 11 It’s the Bastard you know!!

  Book 2

  Chapter 1 Into the Void

  Chapter 2 The Bastard you know - continued.

  Chapter 3 Back into the Void.

  Chapter 4. From the fire to the frying pan

  Chapter 5 Resuscitation

  Chapter 6 Reassurances

  Chapter 7 Two Birds with one heavy stone

  Chapter 8 Evac

  Chapter 9 Ayahuasca Dreams

  Chapter 10 The Sobering Light

  Chapter 11 Healing to be Whole

  Chapter 12 Secrets always have a way of slipping out.

  Book 3

  Chapter 1 Secrets

  Chapter 2 Lies

  Chapter 3 The Approaching Storm

  Chapter 4 The Calm

  Chapter 5 Flying the Coup

  Chapter 6 Red Dawn

  Chapter 7 Flying Ambers

  Chapter 8 Yellow Alert

  Chapter 9 Green Fields

  Chapter 10 Code Blue

  Chapter 11 Indigo Awakening

  Chapter 12 Into the Darkness

  Book 4

  Chapter 1 Jim’s Treasure Chest of Information

  Chapter 2 Under Lock and Key

  Chapter 3 Body Recovery

  Chapter 4 Formal Introductions

  Chapter 5 Tricking the Body

  Chapter 6 Paternity

  Chapter 7 Uncoiling the Snake

  Chapter 8 Faint signs of life

  Chapter 9 Finding Peace

  Chapter 10 Waking The Snake

  Chapter 11 Incompetence

  Chapter 12 Standoff

  Chapter 13 Temper Temper!!

  Chapter 14 The Safehouse.

  Chapter 15 The Bastards Return

  Book 5

  Chapter 1 Somber Howls

  Chapter 2 Invoking the Sekhmet

  Chapter 3 Clarity

  Chapter 4 Scorched Earth

  Chapter 5 Ignorant Bliss

  Chapter 6 Last Hour of Peace

  Chapter 7 Ostrich Mode

  Chapter 8 Awakening to the Horror

  Chapter 9 Sowing the Seed of Doubt

  Chapter 10 A Call to the People

  Chapter 11 Steadfast Resolve

  Chapter 12 The Fruits of Hathor’s Labor

  Chapter 13 The Capture

  Chapter 14 MIA

  Chapter 15 Unification

  Chapter 16 Esoteric Mumbo Jumbo?

  Chapter 17 Killing the Fiveling

  About the Author

  Also by C. L. Amos

  Stay In Touch With C. L. Amos

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  Stay In Touch With C. L. Amos

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  Book 1




  Chapter 1 Sunrise

  The sharp, unforgiving rays of dawn blinded Sasha as she opened her eyes. She sat up a little dazed and confused, knocking the bottle of cheap whiskey to the floor. She reached over and grabbed her phone, still a little drunk and disordered from the previous evening’s festivities. Twenty-three missed calls; she didn’t have to check from whom. She threw her phone down onto the bed and stood up.

  A shock ran down her spine, and her senses immediately heightened as she became aware that she was no longer alone in her apartment. She reached under her pillow and pulled her Glock from its sheath. Her acute hearing picked up footsteps… she honed in… at least three sets were approaching from the living room. She turned suddenly to the window … the distinct sound of rope pulling through a sheath meant they were attacking from all sides. She rolled over her bed and in one fell swoop, opened the window and leaned her naked torso out as she fired three shots into the man rappelling down to her window. She moved quickly to dodge his falling corpse, then with a loud crash, the door to her bedroom was flung open. Three men wearing full tactical gear stood before her, a little shocked at the beauty and nakedness of their target. Sasha took full advantage of their surprise and managed to fire two shots off, instantly reducing her battle to a one on one. The last assailant was a big burly man; he ran at her as soon as she began firing and tackled her onto the bed, pushing the gun up above her head and securing her hands with his sheer enormity.

  Sasha smiled, “Is this how you get all your first dates?”

  Unimpressed, her assailant slapped her face with his free hand, knocking her head to the side.

  Sasha felt the sting on her face and tasted the blood in her mouth, her eyes immediately changing to suit her mood as she hissed… “You shouldn’t have done that.”

  Her assailant looked confused; instead of subduing his victim, he seemed to have pissed her off… he looked around anxiously at the two dead bodies on the floor, and a wave of impending doom wafted over him … “YYour eyes… tthey cchanged”, a bead of sweat dripped off his face and Sasha struck as quickly as a cobra. Biting him in the jugular, she injected her venom directly into his blood supply. He grabbed his neck and stood up, bewildered, fear and panic emanating from his very core… he tried to speak but the blood-curdling in his windpipe ended up as muffled splatters. Sasha stood up and put her hand on his shoulder to steady him… “That is for every other woman you have ever slapped….” She spit in his face and watched his body sink to the floor. He would be paralyzed within a minute and dead in 10… she could have given him a quick death, but she’d chosen not to. She sat back onto the bed and scratched around for her phone. When she found it, she immediately scrolled to Jim’s WhatsApp messages and started typing …. Thanks for the early morning workout… Clean up needed on aisle 3. Check out total 12K… I expect it to be in my account before I exit the shower (smiley face emoji). She grabbed the towel and glided over the still-convulsing body on the floor.

  Chapter 2 The New Contract

  Across town in a tall, high-rise stood a tall, well-built elderly gentleman. He admired the view of the city from his office in his penthouse apartment, casually wringing his hands in anticipation he spoke aloud to himself, “I hope you are enjoying your surprise Sasha… I did try and warn you,” he sighed… “But, as usual, you never
answer my calls…” Just then he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He quickly reached in and pulled it out and saw a message from Sasha. He punched the air, “That’s my girl!”

  He walked over to his large teak desk and pushed the intercom, “James, transfer 12k into Sasha’s account, and please send in the cleaning crew.”

  “Yes sir, I will do it right away.”


  “Uh? Sir! …Sorry to bother you but your 8:30 is still waiting for you.”

  Jim glanced down at his watch. The time was quarter past nine, and his client was renowned for her temper and didn’t like to be kept waiting. He smiled at his mischievous bad timekeeping. “Okay James, I think she has stewed enough - you can send her in.”

  The door swung open and he immediately raised his arms and rushed towards her, “Marcelle, it is so good to see you.” He leaned in, motioning to kiss her.

  Marcelle turned and blocked his advance, “Don’t play with me, Jim, you know I don’t like being kept waiting.”

  Jim motioned for her to take a seat on the couch in his office, “Can I get you a gin?”

  She squinted angrily, “It’s quarter past nine in the morning!”

  Jim touched her nose in a playful jester, “That didn’t stop you when you spent the week here!”

  “Jim, I am not in the mood, I have been sent on behalf of the High Council. We believe there is about to be a new-born fiveling in our city.”

  Jim poured himself a gin and walked casually to the chair, “Wow!!” He shook his head… “no, really?” I think Bernard is paranoid… there hasn’t been a fiveling in over a thousand years? Their bloodline”, he paused and gazed up, “…was wiped out during the crusades. And there are only a handful of fourlings, left including yourself and Bernard?” He squinted and held his fingers an inch apart, “Is Bernard feeling a little insecure again?”

  Marcelle stood up, visibly annoyed, “The Great Sharmana has seen a vision of a fiveling, and her visions are never wrong!”

  Jim stood up and placed his hand over his chest to show his sincerity, “Please sit, I am sorry. I am just a little shocked by the news. Us simple changelings have always been a little jealous of those who can shift into more than one creature. How can I help you?”

  Marcelle reached into her briefcase and pulled out a file, “This is all the information we have on the potential location of the fiveling.”

  Jim put down his glass and took the file from her and chuckled, “That’s interesting… a wolf pack? That’s going to piss off the Bears and Lions.”

  Marcelle stared at him, “Are you going to take this seriously or not?”

  “My apologies, how do you want this handled… recon or total wipe-out?”

  Marcelle took in a deep breath, “Both… according to the Great Sharmana, the fiveling is yet to discover their full potential.”

  Jim nodded, and wiped his hand across his mouth, “Oh? So, they don’t know they are a fiveling yet? That can be dangerous. If the tales from old are true, then they can wipe out half the city on their first rebirth…”

  Marcelle slapped her hand, “Exactly!... and our treaties with the humans are tenuous enough, we can’t afford a full-scale war right now. We need your best two or threeling operatives, preferably one with a female with wolf lineage.” She pauses and pulls a picture from the file, “The Sharmana feels a strong connection to the wolf pack leader, but we won’t know for certain if it’s him or his sister, or possibly even both, until they start showing symptoms of the change.”

  Jim shook his head, worryingly, “Wolf packs are notoriously difficult to infiltrate… it could take months before they let an outsider in.” He stood up, grabbed his glass off the table and swirled the last drop of gin in the glass, “And it could take years before they start showing symptoms of the change.”

  Marcelle sat back, full of confidence, “That’s the beauty, Jim,” she rubbed her hands together in excitement, “the two of them are threeling fledglings in a single change wolf pack. The elders have requested council because they have undergone one change per every full moon cycle … at their current rate of progression, the fiveling will experience its rebirth within the next two months. This has also been confirmed by the Great Sharmana.”

  Jim nodded, “I see, so my operative will go in as a counselor, closely observe and report back and then once the fiveling starts showing symptoms of its metamorphosis… then what?” He sat forward and lowered his voice, “You do realize that even as fourlings they will have equal rights to sit on the High Council?”

  Marcelles' eyes flashed with anger, “Wolves will never sit on the High Council. Your operative’s orders will be to destroy the pack as soon as the fiveling is discovered. The bodies of the pack members must be destroyed, and the brother and sisters’ bodies are to be transported to our laboratory outside of the city for further tests.” She stood up and fixed her skirt, “We cannot tolerate such anomalies, and your company will be compensated more than generously.”

  Jim smirked… “How much?... How much is more than generous? My best operative averages 80 kills per month, which, although capped at 4k, still means that she can earn more money working normal cases than she would on your … what?... 60 days of recon to kill a clan of a meager 40 wolves?”

  Marcelle smiled, “Your operative will get 20k per kill, and more importantly, we are offering her freedom; she will gain full work rights within the council and earn the right to sit on the council on the condition she successfully delivers the fiveling.”

  Jim smiled and bowed, “As always, it is my absolute pleasure dealing with you and the High Council, Marcelle. Consider it done.”

  Marcelle opened the door and turned to Jim, “The council thanks you for your loyalty, not let us regret this decision!”

  As the door closed, Jim pulled out his phone, not a doubt in his mind who to use for the job. He had trained Sasha since she was a little pup and mentored her through each of her changes as he shaped and molded her into the ultimate threeling assassin. This job would be perfect for her and would pay both of them handsomely. He typed the text quickly…New job, meet me in an hour to discuss! You don’t want to miss this one!!!

  On cue, Sasha flung the doors to Jim’s office open with a mighty thud. James stood cowering behind her, trying to apologize.

  Jim stood up from behind his desk and motioned to James, “It’s fine. I was expecting her. You can leave us!”

  James closed the doors behind himself.

  Sasha walked over to the bottle of gin and poured herself a glass before going and plopping down with her feet on the couch.

  Jim shook his head, “Do you still have to act like a teenager?”

  Sasha smiled, “Well, I am only 27. How else would you have me behave?” A familiar scent hit her nose, and she sniffed the air, “How is the old sow doing?”

  Jim laughed, “Nothing gets past you.” He handed her the file and poured himself a drink, “It’s a bit of a long haul, but you will be paid three times your current rate, and best of all, you can earn your freedom from the High Council.”

  Sasha’s eyes lit up, “What, are you serious… they won’t own me anymore? I can charge full rates for my services?”

  Jim shrugged, “Is that all you care about? It means more than money…You will be free to roam the world as you choose, you can choose your mate and live free, your children will not grow up…” Jim paused, “Well, not like you… they will be full members of our society… freely in charge of their own destinies.”

  Sasha jumped up and threw the file on the table, “Families don’t buy porches or penthouse apartments in Paris… I will do whatever they want this last time if it means I get to be free from their antiquated earning structure.”

  Jim smiled, “I thought you would like this job.” He picked up the file and handed it back to her, “All you have to do is get close to these two,” he showed her the picture of the alpha male and his sister, “mentor them through their changes, and rep
ort back to the High Council,” Jim pulled out a joint from his pocket and lit it, inhaling deeply before croakily saying, “When they give you the green light, you will wipe out this mangy clan and deliver the two bodies to receive your freedom.”

  Sasha looked at the photo, “Mmm… it looks like I am going to have some fun on this one at least!”

  Jim glared, and gave a deep sigh as he exhaled, cleared his throat and continued, “Remember your training… they are your targets… if you fuck this up, it will be both your head and mine on the chopping block.”

  Sasha flashed a mischievous grin, stole the joint from his hand and took a quick carefree puff, “You trained me well, these two are not going to know what hit them…”

  “Good, I have prepared a little homework for you,” he reached into his pocket and handed Sasha a USB stick, “Go home and prep your character. I will pick you up at 6 am tomorrow; we can sort out any snags in-route to Black Mountain.”


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