Book Read Free


Page 11

by Rebecca Zanetti

  The kindness almost undid her. If Quan hadn’t been standing in the room, she would’ve burst into tears. “Not as bad as the other guy,” she tried to quip, but considering she had a death grip on the dog, it probably fell flat. “What happened to you?”

  Quan cleared his voice. “Excuse me?”

  Angus didn’t even look his way. “Tell me everything about the attacker and what happened.”

  Nari gaped. Nobody ignored Quan. She bit her lip. “Um, Angus Force, please meet my, um father, Quan Zhang.”

  Angus started. “I thought your father lived in Los Angeles.”

  “He does.” Nari pushed hair away from her face. “This is my biological father. It’s a long story.”

  Angus’s eyebrows rose. “Oh.” He turned and held out a bruised hand. “Hello. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Quan ignored the outstretched hand. “I know all about you, Angus Force. You’ve been let go, and I suggest you be on your way.”

  Angus’s left eyebrow rose in a look Nari knew well. Anxiety rippled through her. “Um—” she started.

  “I think I’ll stay here,” Angus said. “How do you know about me?”

  “Until the other day, I was your boss. Unfortunately,” Quan said, his voice filled with authority. “I’m the deputy administrator of the HDD.”

  Angus straightened. “Is that a fact?” he drawled, turning again to focus on Nari. “You forgot to mention that little detail, now didn’t you?”

  * * *

  Angus’s ears rang. Yet another smash in the face. Nari’s father was the fucking second in command of the HDD? Why hadn’t she said anything? Well, he kind of understood that. More importantly, why had she ended up with his team in that dismal basement?

  The woman just stared at him, her eyes deep pools of hurt.

  He sighed. Now wasn’t the time to be mad at her, even if he had the right to be. The idea that a serial killer had touched her nearly made him lose his mind. “You know, Deputy Administrator, you’d think your identity wouldn’t be a secret to the folks working under you. Maybe it’s time the HDD came out of the darkness and into the light.” Something that would never happen in a secret government agency, but it was still nice to mess with the higher-ups once in a while.

  “Is that a threat?” Zhang asked, his voice vibrating.

  Angus chuckled, so far from real laughter he couldn’t even imagine being amused. Nari had been in danger. Serious danger. “Of course not. It was merely a statement.” He turned to study this man who’d created Nari, instinctively edging closer to her and putting his body slightly between them. “I find it odd you sent your daughter to my team.” Just who was this man?

  “She sent herself there,” Zhang said, glancing at his wristwatch. He was about five-foot-nine, compactly muscled, with black hair peppered with gray and an annoying air of superiority. “I have a meeting with the administrator in half an hour and she’s going to want a full accounting.” He looked at Angus’s disheveled appearance. “What happened to you, and did it involve the HDD?”

  It seemed the man had moved on from his daughter, who was looking bruised and hurt on the examination table and probably needed more comfort than slobbering from a dog. Irritation grabbed Angus around the throat and dug in. He had to rein in his temper with two hands, and it wasn’t easy. “I don’t know, but it seems likely. We’ve successfully concluded several cases and put some bad people away. It’s not impossible that we’ve made enemies.”

  “Enemies you’ve now exposed my daughter to,” Zhang retorted.

  Angus lowered his chin. “Well now, I guess that’s up for interpretation. You’re the one who sent your daughter to work with a dangerous band of PTSD-riddled ex-soldiers and cops. One has to wonder why you allowed that.”

  Zhang’s features flushed a dark red. No doubt the man wasn’t used to anybody challenging his authority. “You had better watch yourself.”

  “Angus—” Nari started.

  “I don’t work for you any longer,” Angus said, letting the predator inside himself show. It had been a shitshow of a day, and he was done. Just fucking done. “I don’t like how you’ve treated your own daughter, and I really don’t like how useless you’ve been in protecting her as an HDD agent.”

  Nari gasped.

  Instead of resorting to threats, as expected, Zhang narrowed his eyes. “You’re sounding rather possessive.” He swung his gaze to his daughter. “Please tell me you haven’t made yet another mistake with a coworker.” The derision in his tone was going to get him punched square in the nose.

  Angus growled and his hand clenched into a fist. His temper rose from the abyss to front and center.

  Heels clipped down the hallway and a woman entered the room. “Quan? I heard Nari was attacked.”

  Everyone in the room stood taller, including Angus. It was the administrator of the HDD. Though Angus had never met Zhang, he’d met Opal Clemonte a couple of times.

  The woman took in the room, her gaze landing on Nari. “Are you all right?”

  Nari nodded, holding the dog closer.

  Clemonte then turned toward Angus. “What happened to you?”

  Angus studied her. She wore a shiny matching top and skirt in a silver argyle pattern and her gray hair was up in a fancy twist. Obviously she’d been out for the evening.

  Roscoe growled.

  Angus started. “Roscoe—”

  It was too late. The dog leapt for the woman, his teeth sinking into the neckline of her top. Gravity took over and he dropped, taking the material with him. The shimmery shirt ripped right off and Roscoe jumped into the corner, tearing at it. Maybe eating a lot of it.

  “Roscoe!” Nari snapped.

  The administrator gasped and backed away, her light-pink bra clearly revealed. She watched the dog go to town on her top and tilted her head.

  “Shit.” Zhang ripped off his jacket and hurriedly pressed it around the woman’s torso. “Opal? Honey? Are you okay?”

  Honey? Angus studied the woman, who slipped her hands in the coat sleeves but didn’t seem overly bothered with covering herself. He had to give it to her. She definitely had presence and confidence.

  “I’m fine. He didn’t even scratch my skin,” she said. “Why is that dog eating my tunic?”

  Roscoe finished with the material, which was now a mangled mess. Then he turned and eyed her skirt.

  “Oh, no.” Angus intercepted the dog, grabbing him by the scruff of his neck. “Sit. Now!” He put enough bite into his command that the dog’s butt instantly hit the ground. Then Roscoe whined.

  The administrator looked down at her skirt. “He doesn’t like silver?” She sounded more perplexed than angry.

  “He has issues,” Nari hastened to say. “He was involved in a bombing a long time ago, and somebody nearby probably wore a vest with some sort of argyle pattern like your clothing. He still goes a little crazy when he sees that pattern.”

  Roscoe whined again, his muscles straining as he fought to obey Angus’s command and stay in place.

  Zhang put an arm around the administrator’s shoulders. “Let’s get you out of here and away from that attack dog. He should be put down. I can make it happen if you wish.”

  “Try it,” Angus said, letting the threat hang heavy in the air.

  The administrator shook her head. “I’m fine. Agent Force, I’m assuming there has been a report filed on why you’re bleeding and obviously injured?”

  He nodded. “I gave an interview to the local cops and am meeting HDD agents tomorrow. Everything is covered.” So far, Angus liked her a hell of a lot more than he did Nari’s dad.

  “Good.” The administrator paused and nodded at Nari, her gaze softening even while her shoulders went back. “I’ve been caught up on your case, and you did a good job defending yourself. I just received word that the techs have finished with your apartment. The assailant entered through a window in the office. There were no discernible fingerprints. I had them clean up the place after finishing, so yo
u should be okay to return home. The HDD will assist in any way it can and you’ll have security in place until we catch this guy. We’ll get our best people on the case.”

  “Thank you,” Nari said.

  The administrator patted Zhang’s hand on her shoulder. “I can see myself home. If you need to stay with your daughter, Quan, we can reschedule tomorrow.”

  Zhang shook his head. “The security in place is enough. Nari, I will see you on Monday when you report to work. Force? Rumor has it you were leaving town. After your interviews tomorrow, be sure you leave reliable contact information in case we need more details. However, you’re cleared to go. In fact, I suggest you do so.” He escorted the other woman out.

  Angus turned toward Nari, who looked delicate and hurt on the table. A sense of possessiveness, primal to the point of feeling brutal, swept through him. “Your biological dad is an asshole.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Nari slipped from the examination table, her body feeling as if she’d thrown it down the side of a mountain. Could this be any more awkward? She still had a hickey on her inner thigh from him. Plus, her eyes were all starry because he’d taken command of the room and protected her. Stood between her and Quan. “Do you need stitches, Angus?” she whispered.

  “No.” He grabbed a couple of napkins from the nearby counter and wiped off his face. “I’m cut, but it’s not deep.”

  “Okay.” She tried to keep her tone casual, but she drank him in as if she hadn’t seen him in years. The entire world had settled when he’d walked into the room, even though Quan had already been there. “I probably owe you an apology for not telling you about Quan being my father. I mean, our boss being my biological father.”

  “I wouldn’t claim that jerk either.” Angus released his hold on Roscoe. “We will discuss that later. First I want all the details of what happened tonight. Everything about the attacker. You know that was a kidnapping attempt by the copycat killer, right?”

  She held up a hand, her ears hot. “We don’t know that. We have to look at every angle.” The last thing she wanted to do was to be so focused in one direction that she missed the threat from another. “But it’s definitely something to consider.”

  “Let’s get out of here, find some food, and then go over everything.” Concern glowed in his eyes along with a barely banked fury. “How badly are you hurt?”

  She shook her head and instantly regretted it. Lights sparked behind her eyes. “Don’t be nice to me. I can’t take it.”

  Both of his eyebrows rose. “Fine. Get your ass out of here and let’s find this guy.”

  She chuckled, as he no doubt wanted her to. She warmed around him, to him, just like always. “What happened to you?”

  “I was shot at from a truck and that’s all I know.” He wiped more blood from his neck. “The front license plate was missing and I didn’t see the back. Didn’t see the shooter either.”

  Wonderful. They’d both been attacked and couldn’t identify anybody. “Do you think it was related to my attack?”

  “Maybe, but who knows? Let’s find dinner and go through it all slowly.” He patted Roscoe’s head, his hand broad and so strong-looking.

  She had to get away from him before she just jumped into his arms and buried her face in his neck. “I’ll call a cab or an Uber. We can meet tomorrow after your interviews with HDD and go over everything.” Without waiting for an answer, she limped toward the door, noting a new pain in her right ankle. How had she injured her ankle?

  “You’re kidding.” He grasped her arm, his hold infinitely gentle.

  She paused, turning to look at his battered face. A darkening bruise on his jaw was visible this close. “You don’t want to go over everything before you leave town?” That didn’t make any sense, but she was having a hard time concentrating on facts. Man, her head hurt. Concussions sucked.

  “Yes, but you’re not going home alone.”

  Oh. She nodded. “If you want to give me a ride home, that’s fine.”

  “Good.” He escorted her outside, where he motioned for a taxi.

  She stumbled. “Where’s your truck?”

  “I crashed it into a tree.” He opened the taxi door for her, and once she scooted in, he sat. “There’s an extra fifty if we can bring the dog.”

  The taxi driver, a blond in his sixties, nodded. “You bet.”

  Roscoe bounded in and settled between them on the seat. Nari rested her head back and tried to concentrate. “Thanks for dropping me off on your way, guys.” It was nice to rely on Angus and Roscoe again, even if it was only for another night or so. “We can meet anywhere tomorrow.” She shut her eyes and took inventory of her body, not having the energy to talk.

  When they reached her apartment complex she leaned out her window to type in the gate code and then grimaced at the ache in her shoulder.

  Finally she wearily opened the car door and stepped out, unable to stop Roscoe before he jumped out and ran over to an empty flower bed.

  Angus exited and paid the driver, who sped away.

  Nari’s mouth dropped open. “What are you doing?”

  “Helping you pack your stuff.” Angus looked around and started walking toward the nearest door. “I take it this is you?”

  She nodded, her body numb. “My car is around the left in the lot. I’m not packing.” Why couldn’t she form a full thought? The combination of a concussion and the proximity of sexy Angus Force was too much for her. “Go away, Angus.”

  “No.” He opened her door and stepped inside, looking around at her pristine apartment. “The cleanup crew did a good job. Usually there’s fingerprint dust everywhere, even after a good mopping.”

  She didn’t care. At the moment all she needed was her bed, so she followed him inside. “All right. Thanks. ’Night.”

  Roscoe ran inside, twirled in a circle, and leapt onto the sofa. He yipped, the sound somehow happy.

  Nari grinned, even though her head hurt. “Looks like he’s pleased to visit.” Would it be wimpy to ask Angus to let Roscoe stay the night? She didn’t think the intruder would be back and the security from HDD watching the place would be good, but it’d be nice to have company. “You know, he could stay. I’ll bring him to you tomorrow when we meet.”

  Angus turned to face her fully, the impact of his gaze almost physical. His left eye was swelling and a bruise showed on his collarbone above his ripped shirt. “I haven’t been clear. Sorry about that. You are going to pack enough clothing for a week and then you’re coming home with me. I have a cabin, and it’s secure. Also, you might want to bring some sheets and a pillow or two, because I don’t have any. Oh, and we’re taking your car.”

  She blinked. Her injured body perked right up with interest and a hint of lust. What was wrong with her? “I most certainly am not going home with you.”

  He lifted a shoulder. “Come with your clothes or not. Either way, Nari Zhang, you’re coming with me.”

  * * *

  Angus drove the car away from the grocery store fully stocked for a week. Nari remained quiet in the passenger seat, pretty much adorable in her pout. Oh, there was no doubt she would do a lot more than pout if at full strength, but right now her lip was out and her arms crossed. She’d refused to go into the store with him, so he’d taken the keys and left the dog to keep an eye on her, hoping they’d eat some of the fast food he’d already acquired.

  The bandage above her eyelid stood out against her smooth skin and bruises had formed around her neck in the shape of a man’s hand. Only the fact that she was hurt and worn down had caused her to agree to stay with him. Well, and maybe the dog. She wanted to spend time with Roscoe. She rubbed a bruise on her chin.

  Angus tried to expel his anger at the sight, but his hands tightened on the steering wheel anyway. Roscoe cheerfully dug into his second burger in the back seat. “You need to eat, Nari.”

  She turned to look out the window.

  Amusement stirred through his anger. “It’ll be easier to work on
these cases if we’re together.” Now he was trying to cajole her? He really had lost his mind.

  She huffed. Actually huffed.

  He coughed to hide his chuckle and sped up, keeping an eye on his rearview mirror to make sure they weren’t being followed. The rain started to fall again. The autumn had been wetter and cooler than usual, and he was almost ready for snow. At least then there’d be some blue sky in between storms. Now the entire world was just gray.

  He flipped on the wipers and turned up the heat, driving toward the secluded forest and away from civilization. Nari Zhang at his crappy cabin—the two of them all alone. His body tightened, and not with pain this time. They were both injured, but the sofa wasn’t big enough for him. Hopefully he could talk her into sharing the bed if he promised not to touch her.

  His groin hardened.

  Oh, he really wanted to touch her again. One night together hadn’t been enough. Not even close. The idea that a killer, maybe even Lassiter, had been inside her apartment waiting for her clawed through him, leaving a sense of desperate possessiveness he needed to banish. He had to think and stay clear for this fight.

  Angus cleared his throat. He couldn’t wait any longer to get the details. “We have a long drive, so tell me what happened. I have to know if it was Lassiter who attacked you.”

  “I don’t know,” she whispered. “He wore a mask and was in good shape. It’s possible his height was the same as Lassiter’s, and his eyes were brown.”

  “Lassiter’s eyes are blue,” Angus murmured, his chest lightening.

  “He might’ve been wearing colored contacts,” Nari admitted. “I couldn’t really tell with the mask covering most of his face and even part of his eyes. They looked kind of dead. He was strong.”

  Angus reached out and took her hand. “Sounds like you were stronger.” Thank God the woman knew how to fight and how to keep her head in a crisis. “You’re impressive.”

  She snorted. “I was lucky. My training kicked in, and he was surprised.”

  “No. You were good and stronger than he expected. Now, tell me slowly, from the beginning. Everything you saw, heard, smelled. Close your eyes and remember.” He tightened his hold on her hand to provide comfort if she needed it.


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