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Samantha in Singapore

Page 17

by Alex Jamieson

  “Take care of my wife and at the slightest sign that she’s in difficulty you must stop.”

  “Trust me, Jake. You and your wife are too special. I would never hurt either of you.”

  With that, my Sam rolled onto her back and scooted to the edge of the daybed. Before tipping her head back over the edge, she looked at me.

  “Hold my hand, Jake. I love you.”

  Simon lined himself up behind her and slipped the large head of his engorged, ebony cock into my wife’s mouth. She gripped my hand.

  “Now remember the yawn, Sam. Just when it turns to the exhale sensation.”

  I heard Sam as her throat opened wider.

  “Good girl, you are amazing,” he coaxed. “Just relax your throat muscles like you did before.”

  And, as he coaxed, he pushed past the entrance to her throat then pulled out again.

  She gasped for air then quietly said, “again.”

  In he went again and this time as he pushed into her throat, I watched the ripple of her stomach muscles as the gag reflex tried to eject him. But he pushed a little further still before pulling out. Strings of thick saliva ran from Sam’s tongue to the head of his cock. Tears were streaming from her eyes. It made me want to intervene until I realized she was not crying tears of sadness. They were equally not tears of joy. They were her body’s natural reaction to invasion.


  “This is it Sam. I think you can do this.”

  In one smooth move, Simons cock traveled into my wife’s mouth and past the opening of her throat. In it went and deep it went. I could distinctly see the shape of his glans stretching out her neck. It was stunning. He pulled out but this time plunged straight back in again. Her grip was fierce. Out again, and in again. Holy Jesus, this handsome young man was throat-fucking my wife.

  “Feel it, Jake. Rest your hand lightly on Sam’s neck, and feel it.”

  I reached out and, on each inward push, I could feel the shape of his cock through the delicate skin of her neck. I watched as, on those inward pushes, his pubic bone was mashed flat against Sam’s face. He was buried deep within her. Sam’s grip was about to break my fingers.

  He fucked my wife’s face, and I was hardly surprised when he gasped out an apology. He was about to cum, and that wasn’t part of the plan. But how could he not?

  He pulled out and made as if to shoot his cum off to the side, but Sam reached back and grabbed behind his ass. Pulling him forward, she panted “in my mouth” just in time for her to open her mouth wide and stick out her tongue.

  I watched as a seemingly endless stream of thick, white cum shot forcefully onto my wife’s tongue. And then another. She gulped it down quickly in time to catch the next forceful stream. When would it end?

  He literally filled her mouth to overflowing. I had no idea what was going through her mind as she looked me directly in the eye and turned her head slowly to show me what she’d done. Once she had shown me her mouth filled with another man’s cum, she swallowed and burst into tears.

  ‘Oh, God, I’m so sorry. That shouldn’t have happened.” Simon’s apology was abject.

  “I don’t think that’s why she’s crying, Simon. I think she actually enjoyed it. There are lots of mixed emotions involved here. Let me take care of her, and we’ll see you at dinnertime. And, thank you. You really did take care of her.”


  I put my arms around Sam and hugged her to my chest.

  “I can’t begin to tell you how much I love you, Sam. You were amazing today. I’ve never seen anything like it. If you were trying to reinvent yourself, you have certainly succeeded.”

  “Y,y, yes,” she sobbed, “but I’ve reinvented myself as a slut.”

  “You are just exploring Sam; finding new boundaries and searching for the right fit. I’m proud of you for trying to escape the constraints of your past.”

  “You don’t hate me?”

  “Of course, I don’t hate you. I love you more than anything in the world.”

  “But, but, not as much as before.”

  “MORE than before. I’ve always loved you for you, but now I can also love you for being the hottest wife in the world.”

  She looked up at me with a rather wan smile. Her lips were slightly puffy and swollen from having to stretch to accommodate Simon’s cock. She looked adorable.

  “And anyway, what’s not to love. My own beautiful wife had just shown herself to be just as capable as the woman in that enormously erotic video.”

  She slapped my arm, playfully, but I noticed she was grinning with pride.

  Chapter 8 – The Red Line is Crossed

  When Simon brought our dinner that evening, he was dreadfully concerned that he’d upset either of us.

  “I was unprofessional. I shouldn’t have cum like that.”

  “I think you’d have needed to be superhuman not to have cum, under those circumstances, Simon. With what my Sam was able to do for you, a saint couldn’t have held back.”

  “I was ready to hand in my resignation and head home to Nassau if you’d wanted me to.”

  “Resignation,” exploded Sam, “Are you mad. If I weren’t already happily married, then I’d have proposed to you, not fired you.” She made a point of laughing so he could see that she was joking. But I knew she’d developed an affection for the guy. She had another crush.

  Sam’s warmth convinced Simon that he hadn’t crossed any terrible line in the sand, and everything returned to normal. Or as normal as you could call any situation where you are sitting in a tropical villa; eating dinner naked; having been served by a godlike young black guy; who is also, by the way, naked and hung like a horse. So yeah. Everything returned to normal.

  Once Simon had cleared away our mess, my wife came over to where I was splayed out on the sofa.

  “You know I came twice this afternoon.”

  “I noticed Sam. You were sensational.”

  “And Simon got to cum as well.”

  “He did. I had the pleasure of watching him fill your mouth. Completely. And then you exceeded every expectation by swallowing it all.”

  “Stop taking dirty. You know I can’t handle it.”

  I had to laugh out loud. After what she’d done this afternoon my dirty talk was embarrassing her. Go figure.

  “Well, you didn’t get to cum at all.”

  No shit. I was beyond frustrated.

  “So, I was thinking, do you want me to try that again?”

  “I never thought I would say this my beautiful, but no. Not tonight, Sam. I just want us to make love.”

  Her eyes welled up as she looked at me.

  “I love you, Jake Fielding.”

  “And I love you too, Sam. You are my everything.”

  Our lovemaking was gentle. It was diametrically opposed to what we had been through over the previous week or so. There were no VR cameras; there were no big black cocks; there was just the two of us. A happily married couple with some strange fantasies and some strange hang-ups, who were deeply in love despite all the weirdness.

  When I came inside my wife, it was not the screaming, bursting orgasm of fantasy fulfillment; it was the manifestation of enduring love.

  Afterward, we cuddled into each other’s arms and drifted towards sleep.



  “Are you asleep?”

  “Not now.”

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “You just did.”

  “Another one.”


  “Well, you know you’ve said you have the same fantasies as Tony, and you’d like to watch me with another man.”

  “Yes?” I was a little more alert now.

  “Well… how would you feel if it was Simon?”

  “Sam, I would feel great. I would love to watch you with Simon. I like him a lot, and I don’t think he would ever do anything to hurt you. But you do realize that, a few days ago, you were almost ready to ask me the same questi
on about J. You can’t go falling in love, or developing a crush, or whatever you want to call it, with every good-looking man that crosses your path. You say you want to be more fun-loving like Charlie but, I know, if you asked her, that’s not how it works.”

  “Oh, my darling, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. It’s just that, after growing up repressing my feelings, they seem to be running rampant now. The move to the opposite side of the world has unleashed something that I can’t seem to control. The fact that these hot young guys find me sexually appealing is an amazing feeling for me. Especially as I spent my life thinking of myself as uptight and frigid.

  “And it’s so different from what we have. We need each other and love each other. These young guys just WANT me, and it is so different and so hot to be sexually wanted.”

  How could I express to her that I have always wanted her sexually? Sadly, it took the move around the world to open her up to being wanted. I lay there trying to reason with myself.

  If she wanted to sleep with Simon, I would obviously find it hot to watch, and the likelihood is that we would never see Simon again. But I didn’t want to see her heartbroken because she thought she had feelings for him. I don’t know that her assessment of the guys just wanting her sexually is entirely accurate. J certainly seemed emotionally invested.

  We were both on the verge of sleep.

  “Tell you what Sam. Let’s just see how tomorrow goes and play it by ear.”

  Her heavy breathing comforted me. She’d had a big day.


  On Sunday morning the magnificently naked Simon served us breakfast. How could someone look that good ALL the time?

  He asked if there were any activities we wanted to indulge in that day and without any discussion Sam told him that a massage would be good.

  “In the afternoon again? That’s the most perfect time.”

  He looked at me for an opinion.


  “How would you like to try a four-hands massage, Sam?”

  “I thought that’s what I had yesterday.”

  “Believe it or not, the emphasis was on teaching Jake during that session. This would be all about you. I could either do it with you Jake, now that you have been trained, or I could ask either William or Julian to join me, and you could sit back and relax. It might be nice for you to just chill out with a glass of wine, and watch.”

  Had Charlotte and Tony told him something. It was a little uncanny if he’d realized my wife-watching fantasy without someone’s intervention.

  “If Charlotte is prepared to relinquish one of the twins I would love to chill out and watch.”

  “I’ll work on it.”

  He cleared away the breakfast clutter and went off to arrange things.

  Even though we’d only been there for two days, we felt like we had a routine established, so we went for our “regular” naked stroll around the island. This time there were no disconcerting sounds of rampant debauchery emanating from the Smithson’s villa. Maybe Charlie had worn herself out although, knowing Charlie, it was probably more likely that she’d worn out Julian and William.

  “It’s kind of strange to have our closest friends within walking distance and see nothing of them, isn’t it?”

  “I think that’s the whole point of the resort, Sam. Total seclusion and ultimate privacy.”


  Lunch was another perfect meal. Crab cakes with an arugula salad and two bottles of Rosé. I figured that if I was to be “chilling” for the afternoon and watching my wife get her erotic four-hands massage, then I deserved to have regular top-ups for my glass.

  Simon had just cleared away and promised to return with Julian when both our phones pinged with the notification of an incoming message.

  [CHARLIE] Hope you are BOTH having a good time. This is the place to experience everything your heart desires and things you never knew your heart desired.

  “Why don’t you respond, Jake.”

  [JakeF] Certainly not lacking for experiences!!!

  [CHARLIE] Excellent. We hear you are entertaining Julian this afternoon. He is wonderful. Hope you appreciate our sacrifice in letting him go.

  [JakeF] We do. You are wonderful friends.

  [CHARLIE] Just let it ALL happen.

  “What do you think she means by “let it all happen? All what?”

  “She probably just wants us to be open to new experiences. I think we’re doing okay so far, don’t you?”

  We both chuckled as we remembered the previous day.


  When Simon and Julian arrived at exactly two o’clock, they were both naked, as you’d expect. I immediately saw that the newcomer was almost as well-endowed as our Simon. We offered them a glass of wine, but that was against the house rules… So was cumming in a guest’s mouth but that rule had already been broken. We chatted for a while, and I sensed it was intended to get Sam comfortable around Julian.

  We all sat around naked while they told us more about the history of the resort and its sister resort in the Caribbean. They also explained to us that Julian and his brother were the most senior Personal Butlers at the resort, which is why they look after Tony and Charlotte. As the senior member of staff, Julian seemed to feel a need to acknowledge Simons perceived lapse of judgment the previous day.

  “Simon told me what happened yesterday, Samantha. He was quite upset that he lost control in that way. He was ready to resign.”

  “I know. He told me. I promise you; I was fine with it. In fact, deep down, I now know that it was what I wanted. I know that Charlotte doesn’t abide by that rule, so if I’m okay with it, I don’t think Simon should be held to it either… or you for that matter,” she twinkled coyly. “Charlotte told us that this weekend is all about eroticism and fulfilling desires, and I desired everything about what happened yesterday.”

  Holy fuck. She’d effectively just told these two young guys that she wanted their cum again this afternoon.

  Simon looked elated, and Julian smiled at my wife.

  “I’m sure, for a woman as beautiful as you, we will have no difficulty in fulfilling your desires.”

  Apparently, the ice had been broken.


  The guys set to and created a seating area for me. In a shaded area at the side of the giant day bed, they set up a comfortable armchair and side table. I was strategically positioned towards the bottom of the bed. On the table, they placed an ice bucket for the second bottle of Rosé and a fresh glass that had been chilling in the refrigerator. They’d meant it when they asked if I wanted to chill out and watch. I was to be the audience.

  They each took one of Sam’s hands and helped her step onto the daybed. The three of them looked like they were appearing in a movie about ancient Rome. The naked princess attended by her two muscular Nubian slaves.

  Sam lay face down just like the day before, and the four-hands massage began. I’d felt I was always slightly out of synch with Simon because I was trying to follow his every move. Not so today. The two of them were performing in an almost choreographed unison that was impressive to watch. Their hands traveled over my wife’s body with sensuous flowing movements. As watcher rather than participant, I was more alert today to the contrast of the blackness of their skin with the lightly tanned glow of Sam’s smooth, delicious body. The sheer beauty of her and the sensation of her soft skin on their fingers had already caused their cocks to harden impressively.

  Within minutes Sam was sighing contentedly as their sensitive touch relaxed every inch of her beautiful form. As they worked on her upper thighs, her sighs turned to groans, and I watched as their fingers caressed her bare pussy. Those sensuous groans were almost signaling her desires, and they slid their fingers inside her. She gasped and involuntarily pushed her firm ass back to meet their thrusts.

  Faster and faster, they finger-fucked her until I sensed the imminence of her orgasm. We’d been married long enough for me to recognize its approach. Her first scre
am rent the air and sent birds flying, frightened, from the trees. It was hard to watch, and it was wonderful to watch. I’d always had the fantasy of seeing Sam with another man, and I’d imagined the pleasure I would get from it. I’d stupidly not realized the equal amount of pain that would accompany the sight when my wife experienced an orgasm at the hands of another man. And now that pain was exponentially greater as I watched her being pleasured by two amazing examples of the male of the species.

  Without allowing Sam to recover for a moment, the two of them moved further into their beautifully composed plan. A plan that seemed designed to keep my wife at the edge of her boiling point. Simon lay flat on the bed and moved his face up between Sam’s legs while Julian slipped off the bed and positioned himself by her head and commenced the scalp massage.

  Today there was little preamble. Sam knew what she wanted and voluntarily tilted her head up and stared at the black hardness of Julian’s cock. She looked up into his eyes and opened her mouth. I watched intently as he slid his long, thick, black shaft into my wife’s eager throat.

  I almost came without touching myself. I was rock hard, and my cock was pulsing and bouncing in my lap. I took a major gulp of my wine in the hope of distracting myself.

  Simon was lapping at Sam’s pussy and savoring her wetness. He pushed his long tongue inside her. It’s impossible to find the words to describe the sensation I was experiencing. Watching two young black studs’ intent on giving my wife the most pleasurable afternoon of her life was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. While one fucked her face, the other tongue-fucked her pussy. Amazing and gut-wrenching all at the same time.

  I could sense it coming again, and through some sixth sense, the birds flew from the trees in anticipation. Sam’s orgasm was loud, powerful, and wonderful to watch as she hummed around Julian’s cock.

  And still, they wanted to give her more. Simon sat up behind Sam and watched as Julian stopped his relentless throat-fucking and stood perfectly still. He was like an ebony statue. It was Sam’s turn to be the proactive one. She pushed forward and swallowed him deeply. Now she was really sucking his cock. She propped herself up on her knees and elbows and swayed her body rhythmically back and forth, her lips stretched taut around the huge girth of him, sucking him deep inside her throat. I could see her tongue running up and down the underside of his shaft trying to tempt the cum out of him.


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