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Page 26

by Coralee June

  “You want this?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I breathed. “So much.”

  He buried his head right against my cunt and hummed in satisfaction when he found me already wet and wanting. He breathed me in with a steady inhale before flicking his tongue out to greet my core. My entire body jolted at the touch, and he braced his hands on my thighs to keep me still. “No moving, Devi,” he ordered before lining his hot, wet tongue along my slit and drawing a line up to the bundle of nerves that were seeking his undivided attention.

  “Oh, fuck,” I moaned, as his tongue started moving frantically, going so fast that I had to grip the mattress to keep still. My eyes widened in shock and surprise when I felt his finger enter me, and it was ice cold. I lifted my head up to stare at him, and sure enough, he’d used his elemental magic to coat his finger with icy slick. He pumped the cold digit into me, all while his hot tongue continued its laps. But then that tongue grew hotter, and hotter and fucking hotter.

  “Oh my gods!”

  Icy finger, fiery tongue. The duality of both sensations sent me over the edge. I convulsed on the bed as he worked his magic—literally—until I was caught up in hot and cold passion that met in perfect harmony.

  “I thought I told you to stop moving?” Quade teased as I writhed and squirmed on the bed.

  “It’s too intense, I can’t help…” More words escaped me as he wrapped his lips around my nub and sucked, alternating the motion with blazing strokes. I was so wet, so hot, so turned on that another orgasm came over me like a punch, hard and fast with a reverberating presence that I felt even after it was over.

  Quade smiled against me before sitting up, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

  “Gods, Quade. I don’t know where you learned that or how, but that was hot.”

  “And cold,” he quipped.

  I smiled and nodded at him where he kneeled before me with a satisfied smirk.

  “Why do you still have pants on?” I asked, while cocking my head to the side and biting my lip. “Seems very unfair, Quade.”

  “You’re absolutely correct,” he answered before smacking his palm on his forehead in an exaggerated move that made me grin. “You know I’m all about fairness.”

  He shimmied off the bed and dropped his pants, revealing that he wasn’t wearing boxers underneath. His thick cock sprang to life and bobbed before me. He was...huge. Thick veins wrapped around the shaft, and the head was dripping with slick precum. “Holy shit, Quade.” I said before sitting up and crawling across the mattress on my knees toward him. I reached out and grabbed him, tenderly stroking him with my fingers. He let out a hiss of appreciation and nearly buckled over when I trailed my thumb along his head.

  “You on the brew?” he asked while stepping forward. Humans took birth control monthly, but magic users had developed a potion that took care of birth control and STDs for supers, and we only had to take it once every year.

  “Of course I am. You honestly think my mother would allow me to procreate?” I said with an incredulous laugh. “It’s bad enough having one Void running around, she’d for sure lose it if there were two.”

  I’d meant the comment to be funny, but something I said made Quade falter. “Devi,” he whispered before joining me on the mattress and wrapping me up in a side hug. I slunk back beside him, his cock nestled against my ass with his face buried in my neck as he let out an exhale.

  “Did I ruin the moment?” I asked.

  “No,” he grunted before jerking his hips forward, reminding me that this was far from over. “I just hate that you’ve lived such a lonely life and that I had a part in that,” he whispered before rolling me back over and settling on top of me. He cupped my cheek while holding himself up with his other forearm. “You’re one of a kind, Devi, and the world has not been kind to you.”

  My eyes grew misty from the raw emotion in his voice. It was odd feeling so treasured but distrusting at the same time. It would take more than sweet words and making love for me to jump in fully with whatever was blooming between us, but it was still reaffirming. I’d mourned the loss of our friendship so long that it felt good to finally feel seen by him.

  He stroked my cheek while slowly pressing into me, stretching me with his hardness as I gnawed a hole in my lip through the pulsing pain laced with pleasure. “Right here, Devi. Look at me,” he whispered. I hadn’t even realized that my eyes were closed. It felt like all of me was opening up. My cunt with his cock. My mouth with a moan. My heart with him.

  He rocked into me, slowly and steadily, wanting to last as long as he could with each long and sensual thrust. I hit my head against the wooden headboard, and he stopped to shift our bodies, pulling me backwards and setting my head on a plush pillow so I’d be more comfortable. He wanted everything about this to be about me, and that made my heart swell.

  “Come for me, Devi,” he whispered. So I did.

  With his slow thrusts, I soaked up pleasure. With every motion, he rocked into me, he built up my bliss more and more. We both came like fireworks, bursts of power bleeding from his skin as wild wind whipped around my face. His entire body went rigid as wave after crashing wave wrecked me. And then we both came down from our high, and he went back to stroking my cheek, wetting my skin with the water seeping from the tips of his finger.

  “I’m here for you now,” he whispered. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Good,” I said back, nestled into his body. “Don’t let me down again.”

  Chapter 21

  The next morning, Quade walked me to the cafeteria. We held hands and talked about our childhood in an oddly normal conversation. Our arms swung where they were connected, and I couldn’t help but smile up at his charming face and the quick way we’d found this new normal. I almost worried it happened too soon. As soon as we walked inside the dining hall, everyone turned to look at me. This time, there were no sneers. No taunts. It was morbidly quiet. All eyes locked on me as we made our way forward. Clearly, I’d freaked everyone out at my little display yesterday, because wary eyes followed me. Quade, much to my surprise and joy, didn’t falter. He just kept leading me forward, meeting any stare head-on.

  I felt the roomful of supernaturals like I could feel the wind. Their powers wrapped around me, brushing against my skin and making my amulet pulse with need. Shit. I was hungry again. Really fucking hungry.

  I stopped short of the table Quade was leading me to and tugged on his hand to make him stop. His dark eyes turned to me with question.

  “I...uh…” Gods, this was awkward.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked before taking a step closer to me and gripping my hips. I loved the open way he touched me, and I saw how other supers tracked the movement. It was still early, so the cafeteria wasn’t very full, but there were enough people inside that I knew this would be all over the school by first class.

  “I’m hungry,” I whispered in a soft voice.

  He smiled and gestured around. “Uh, I know, Devi. That’s why we’re in the cafeteria.”

  I shook my head. “No, I mean...I’m hungry.”

  Realization dawned on him, and the smile dropped from his face. “Oh. Right.”

  “Do you think I could...feed from you?” I didn’t know how else to broach the subject, and I hated that I had to ask, but if Quade couldn’t accept this part of me, then this would never work.

  Uneasiness crossed his features. “I thought you could control it?” he asked before dropping his hands from me.

  I hated the loss of his touch. “I can, as long as I regularly feed,” I explained before wrapping my arms around myself, bracing for rejection.

  “Oh,” Quade replied before taking another step back. I narrowed my eyes at his feet and felt my face fall. As soon as he realized what he’d done, Quade quickly recovered, stepping up to me again with a half smile before touching my hips again. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I’m just not...comfortable with letting you feed from me. At least not yet. I just...need some time. But I want
to help you, okay? Tell me what you need, and I’ll get it for you.”

  That was the thing. I’d just told him what I needed. But I could give him time. I wasn’t going to push him, and as long as he didn’t abandon me again, I could be patient while he learned how to navigate my power. After all, he’d been taught to fear me and detest my power. That kind of ingrained brainwashing wasn’t just going to change overnight.

  The longer I stood there in the cafeteria, the hungrier I became. My amulet was buzzing more than usual, the glow brighter than what I was used to. Dad had just topped it off, but it seemed like being around so many powers all the time was weakening it much faster.

  “Okay...I think I should go back to my cabin, then,” I said quietly, not wanting the other students to overhear. “I don’t want to lose control, and I don’t know where Banner is. Besides, the rest of the school clearly isn’t too fond of me right now, and the last thing I want is to accidentally snap. Torne won’t be lenient again. I’d ask you to find Gritt, but he’s probably still pissed, and I haven’t spoken to him since...well. I’m just not going to beg to feed from him right now. He’s avoiding me. So I’ll just go back and try to get myself under control,” I said with a shaky smile.

  I’d gone years between feedings before, but that was always because I didn’t know any better, and I did what the council said. But now that I’d learned to take small sips, I needed to keep it up regularly to feel normal and keep control. Plus, something about feeding from Gritt had made other powers just not satisfy me at all. I craved him more and more, but I wasn’t going to grovel to the stubborn ass shifter.

  I turned around to head back to the cabin, but a figure flashed in front of me before I could even take a step. My hand flew up over my chest to slow my startled heart. “Dammit, Render! Don’t do that.”

  The vampire smiled, his dark stubble across his pale jaw looking positively lickable. “Little Void, I’m so happy you weren’t expelled. When you went all smoky on everyone yesterday, it got me a little hot,” he said with a salacious grin before leaning forward and sniffing at my neck. After getting a deep inhale, he turned to scowl at Quade. “Why do you smell like the damn elemental?” he asked before rolling his eyes. “Actually, don’t answer that,” he said, cutting me off before I could begin to answer. “I don’t want to imagine poster boy over there grunting into you.”

  Laughing, I rolled my eyes, suddenly feeling lighter from the sting of Quade’s refusal. “What are you doing here?” I asked as he wrapped his arm around my back and started pulling me out of the dining hall.

  “I woke up craving you again,” he answered as he led me out the door and into the empty hall. “Then I heard you talking to Earth, Wind & Fire over here,” he said, nodding his head over his shoulder to indicate Quade. “I heard the bit about your appetite and no willing participants. So I thought...I’m hungry, you’re hungry...maybe we could help each other out?” he offered with a shrug.

  I zeroed in on the first part of his speech. “You were craving me again?” I asked.

  “Yep. It’s turning into quite the nasty little habit,” he said before moving his hand down and grabbing my ass. I pulled away with a cough, not wanting to start another jealous match between paragons. But when I turned around, Quade was just rolling his eyes at the handsy vampire.

  “Well, I do need to feed,” I said, sheepishly.

  “Perfect,” Render said, continuing to tug me forward. “Besides, Gritt goes on and on about it all the damn time. I figure it’s time I see if it hurts like a bitch like everyone else says it does, or if it feels good like Gritt says.”

  “Maybe Gritt’s just a kinky masochist,” I joked.

  Render grinned. “Guess I’ll find out.”

  My heart was racing as he pulled me into a deserted hallway that only housed supply closets. Backing me up so that we leaned against the wall, he let his gray eyes flick over to Quade’s rigid form as he unclasped my necklace. As soon as the amulet dropped into his palm, he stuffed it into his pocket and then placed his lips on my neck, hovering over my thudding pulse. My smoke trickled out like steam, rising up and wrapping around him, but I held it back, wanting to wait until his fangs had pierced me.

  I expected him to plunge his sharp teeth into me immediately, but instead, he licked the spot on my neck, making me shiver, and then lifted his mouth to address Quade.“You don’t mind, do you?” he asked with a mocking tone.

  “Just get it over with. I need to take her to class,” Quade said through clenched teeth.

  At that, Render grinned again and then sunk his teeth in my neck, unleashing his venom, and I cried out. The venom shot into me in powerful waves, nearly making me come right then and there. It was too much, too soon. My nipples pebbled, my back arched on a loud sigh, and my hands took on lives of their own as they ran down my body. I let my smoke begin to drink from him, my eyes locked on Render’s face to gauge his reaction. As soon as I started to sip from his power, his gray eyes rolled to the back of his head in a pleasure-filled groan.

  And fuck, I matched his reaction, because his power was delicious. Like red wine and dark chocolate. It was rich and heady. The stuff that cravings were made from. I was so damn relieved that he was having the same reaction as Gritt, that my lips parted on a little sigh. I was worried it would hurt him again, like it had at the council, but I could tell from his face that he was feeling no pain.

  I kneaded my breasts, plucking my own nipples, my body needing touch from the powerful venom he’d injected me with. He continued to pull blood from me like a kiss, groaning with each mouthful before lifting his hand up to knock my hand away so that he could fondle my breasts instead. My eyes closed at the touch, and when I opened them again, I saw that Quade was staring at us with hungry eyes, his hands thrust deep in his pockets. I wondered if he was touching himself, and found that the thought made me hotter.

  His dark eyes flicked from where Render was touching me, to my face, and then he made a very deliberate step forward. Once. Twice. Three times. And then Quade stepped into the embrace of my smoke, his body suddenly so close to mine that I could feel the heat of his elemental power searing across his skin. It didn’t even phase Render. Instead, the vampire shifted slightly so that I could stand between both men. Like he was...sharing me. I liked it.

  My smoke danced around the three of us, gently sipping from both of them. Just like Gritt and Render had done, Quade tilted his head back in bliss, and I moaned as I drank him up. He was different from the way Render’s tasted, but just as addicting. Quade was like the air. Hot like summertime, rays baking onto smooth sand. Cold like winter, ice cooling the pit of my soul. He tasted like comfort and grounded me back to the earth.

  Render stopped drinking and licked at the bloody spot on my neck as his arms wrapped around me. “Fuck, is this why Gritt gets all crazy when you feed from him?” Render asked, my power teasing over his pale skin. “Why the fuck does this feel so good? It didn’t last time in the judge’s room,” he groaned as I dragged my fingers down his torso. I was so turned on that I wanted to tug down his pants and ride him.

  “Gods, I was an idiot for saying no,” Quade groaned, his muscles rippling as he tensed, his body pressing up against my side. I was in a supernatural sandwich, and I was so hot from the teasing touches that I was ready to take things to the next level. My power was fully sated, drunk almost on their power, so I dug into Render’s pocket for my amulet, brushing against his cock in the process.

  He hissed out a curse. “A little more to the left, Dev,” he said with a smirk.

  A teasing smile spread across my face as I lifted my necklace out and began to pull my smoke back in. “No, no, no, don’t stop,” Quade pleaded, digging his fingers into my waist.

  “If we keep doing this, I’m going to jump you both right here in the hallway,” I warned, slipping the amulet back over my head, taking the last of my smoke with it. The guys groused at the loss.

  “That’s fucking fine by me,” Render said, bringing
his hand back up to flick over my nipples.

  “Yeah, let’s go with that option,” Quade agreed, shocking the hell out of me.

  I opened my mouth to reply—or maybe to tell them to drop their pants—when a fuming shifter suddenly rounded the corner of our deserted hallway. All three of our heads turned in his direction as Gritt stalked toward us, with a much more relaxed Hyde following behind him.

  “Why the hell have I felt your pleasure not once but twice in the last twelve godsdamned hours?” Gritt demanded, stopping in front of me.

  “You could feel that?” I sputtered, feeling a blush cover my cheeks.

  “Wolfy is the only person I know that would be pissed off about getting off via osmosis,” Hyde chuckled before walking up to me. Without hesitation, he leaned forward past Gritt and seared his lips to mine. It took me totally by surprise, and I blinked at him as he pulled away with a grin.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake!” Gritt huffed before dragging his claws through his hair. “Does no one respect a fucking mate bond anymore?”

  “You’re one to talk, shifter. You can’t expect her to wait for you to figure your shit out,” Render replied while rolling his eyes and taking the spot beside me so he could prop up against the wall. I must have still been bleeding, because his head dipped down to lick a trail up my neck before sealing the puncture with his healing saliva.

  “Yeah, you can’t just keep throwing fucking fits. Unless you want me to kick your ass again?” Quade asked, almost hopeful.

  Gritt scoffed. “You couldn’t kick my ass if you were a steel-toed boot propped up on a donkey.”

  “Yeah? Let’s go for round two, then,” Quade said, straightening up with a fireball in his palm.

  “Oh my gods, can you guys stop arguing? It’s driving me nuts!” I yelled.

  All four guys looked at me, no doubt noting my slightly disheveled and flushed appearance.

  Hyde hummed. “Note to self, don’t make the pretty Void angry,” Hyde sang while turning to Gritt and patting him on the shoulder. “It’ll be okay, Wolfy. Eventually you’ll pull your head out of your ass.” He then turned to Render while pulling a handkerchief from his pocket to hand it to him. “Why are vampires such messy eaters? You don’t see humans letting ice cream go to waste like that. Sheesh.” The quirky necromancer wrinkled his nose. Hyde turned to Quade last, a broad grin stretching across his face. “I like you, elemental,” he said with a wink before coming full circle back to me. Lacing his fingers through mine, he gave me one more kiss, this time on the cheek.


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