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Little Bird (Advantage Play Series Book 3)

Page 11

by Kelsie Rae

  With a simple nod directed at him, I say, “Hey. How’d it go?”

  “Good. Burlone’s still in the trunk. Where do you want me to put him?” Dex asks, shifting his weight uncomfortably.

  “We have a shed out back,” I offer. “But, let’s catch up with King first.”

  “Speaking of which, way to steal my thunder, D. She’s my sister, remember?” King argues, marching toward Regina and tugging her close.

  “I’m so sorry,” Regina begins with a hushed apology. Sensing their need for privacy, I take a step back and find the mysterious blonde staring at me with restrained curiosity and a bit of hatred too. I haven’t done a damn thing to her, but the animosity is palpable. When our gazes connect, hers snaps down to her hands as they fumble with the tight black material of her dress.

  Clearing my throat, I pull my attention up to the ceiling before a sniffle from Regina commands my focus again. Hastily, she wipes away a few tears from her face then leans into Dex’s side. Without a word, he wraps his arm around her waist and kisses the top of her head. I don’t miss the display of affection, and neither does Kingston. But he doesn’t comment on it. Not yet.

  “Well, since we’re all here and we’ve had our little reunion,” Kingston begins, “I figured it’d be best to get everyone caught up. Dex, where’s Burlone?”

  “Still in the trunk. D said he’d show me the shed in a few,” Dex answers.

  Stefan interrupts, “I’ll do it. Just give me your keys.”

  After digging into his pockets, Dex tosses them through the air, and Stefan catches them before disappearing out the door. Seconds later, Dex throws another key at Ace and drops his chin to her friend’s cuffs. While Ace unlocks them, Kingston gets to the next order of business. And I’m just as anxious as everyone else in the room to see what he has to say on the matter.

  “Good. As far as your loyalty goes, you’ve earned your spot in the Romano family. I’ll make an announcement tomorrow. You’re blood, Dex. Through and through.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Kingston’s declaration nearly brings me to my knees, but I keep my balance steady and attempt to maintain a semblance of control. I never thought I’d hear those words. I’m an outcast. I’ve always been an outcast. But it seems redemption just might be in order. Maybe my soul isn’t lost after all.

  My gaze shoots to Diece a few feet away before dropping to Regina.

  “And what about her?” The question is clear in my voice. The room goes silent as we all wait for the rest of Kingston’s verdict. One that will make or break me.

  “Let me ask you something, Dex,” Kingston says carefully, lifting his chin to my Little Bird. “Do you know who she is?”

  With my heart pounding in my chest, I answer, “Of course.”

  “Tell me.”

  Cocking my head, I give him the most watered-down response possible. “She’s Regina Romano.”

  “And who is Regina Romano?”

  I open my mouth to reply, but he cuts me off. “She’s the princess of the Romano family. She’s the daughter of Gabriel and Emilia Romano and sister to Kingston Romano, the head of the Romano family. Now let me ask you this. Who. Are. You?” With three simple words, I know I have my answer. And I want to kill him for it.

  My jaw flexes until I’m sure I’ll crack a molar, but I know I’m on thin ice right now. I can feel it in my bones. If I mess up this conversation, it’ll be the end of everything.

  “Answer the question,” Kingston pushes. His eyes are laser-focused as he waits to see who I truly serve. Whether it’s him or his sister. And it’s in this moment that I realize if I ever want to call his sister mine, then I need to earn his trust first. I just hope it doesn’t gut Regina the same way it guts me.

  “Dex,” I grit out.

  “Just Dex?”


  Tapping his chin, Kingston leans forward. “And why is that?”

  “Because my father didn’t claim me,” I growl, unable to hide my frustration at the asshole in front of me, who is now my fucking boss.

  “No. He didn’t. You’re nothing but a bastard. Regina Romano is so far out of your league that you’d be lucky to clean the shit off her shoes.”

  He’s not wrong. I know this. He knows this. Pretty sure anyone who has ever laid eyes on Regina would know this. But it doesn’t stop him from twisting the knife in my chest, now does it?

  “Kingston, please—” Regina interrupts, her voice cracking as she attempts to beg for her happiness. Kingston cuts her off with a cold, hard look.

  I’m not surprised in the least.

  “Regina, I know you have feelings for him, but have you ever considered the possibility that those feelings are based off who you perceived him to be when you didn’t have anyone else? You barely know him.”


  He’s right. What if her feelings for me aren’t real? What if they’ve been woven together out of desperation and self-preservation?

  “It doesn’t matter, King. I know that I—”

  “Stop!” he shouts, cutting her off.

  My entire body tenses, every muscle pulling tight, ready to be released on my enemy as the overwhelming need to protect Regina pulses through me.

  Yell at her again, and I kill you, I silently challenge him, but I keep my mouth shut. It doesn’t matter if he’s my new boss or that he’s her brother. It doesn’t matter if her feelings for me are real or if they’ve been fabricated. She’s been through enough over the past two weeks and deserves a little respect. And if he doesn’t start giving it to her, I’m going to put a bullet in his skull.

  Regina’s quivering lips pull into a thin line, but she doesn’t respond.

  “Regina, you’re dismissed,” Kingston orders. “Go to your room and wash up. Dex, if you’d still like a place here as a soldier, I’ll give it to you. You’ve earned it. However, if you plan to pursue my sister, I’ll tell you right now that you’ll be gutted for it. Understand?”

  Regina storms off without waiting for my response, and I’m glad she doesn’t have to witness me bending for her brother. I just pray that by the time this is all over, she’ll understand why.

  “Kingston—” Ace interrupts in an attempt to soothe him. He gives her a pointed look that dares her to continue. She doesn’t finish her sentence.

  “Not now, Ace. I’m not going to change my mind, but if you’d like to discuss it further, we’ll discuss it in private. Understand?”

  She nods.

  “Good. Now, next order of business. You.” He points to Q, who’s still busy clutching Ace’s hand like it’s a lifeline. “What’s your name?”

  Like always, she doesn’t bother to answer him, so Ace does it for her. “Her name is Q.”

  “I thought her name was Gigi?” Diece interjects, looking confused as hell.

  Rolling her eyes, Ace clarifies, “Regina is my friend who went missing. She’s my Gigi. We met at Dottie’s one night and bonded over coffee and breakfast food. Q is just an innocent bystander who got caught in Burlone’s crosshairs and ended up saving the day.”

  Gaze narrowing in suspicion, Kingston addresses Q. “Speaking of which, what the hell happened in that room, and why did you do it?”

  Q keeps up her corpse-like behavior, staring blankly in front of her until Ace nudges her softly with her shoulder.

  Clearing her throat, Q answers, “You needed my help, and I was dead, anyway.”

  “But why help me?”

  With a quick look at Ace, Q mutters, “I saw her walk in with you. I saw the way she willingly touched you. I saw the way you spoke to her. The way you treated her.”

  “And that was enough to put your own life on the line?”

  “What life?” she sneers, making my gut clench. “I was in the middle of being sold as a sex slave. My life was already over, and it didn’t hurt that I could take out Burlone by backing your story.”

  The guilt that accompanies her bold assessment hits like a bull
, making all the men in the room pause as they process it. She’s right. And she was a genius for taking advantage of the opportunity that presented itself.

  Once he’s had a minute to digest the gravity of her situation, Kingston continues his questioning. “And what about now? You’re free, yet you’ve put a giant target on your back. Those men are all being arrested for human trafficking, but that doesn’t mean they don’t know people who are still on the outside. They assume I’m going to kill you because you outed yourself as an agent, but Burlone sent your pictures to a lot of bad men. Men who possibly already had another buyer set in place in case they won the tournament. Men who could recognize you. Who could place you as an agent. Do you know what will happen if they find you?”

  She doesn’t move a muscle as he reams into her for putting her life in the crossfire. The irony isn’t lost on me, though. Mr. Russo wouldn’t have voted for Burlone’s death if Q hadn’t corroborated Kingston’s story. Still, she deserves a better life than the one she’s been dealt, and because of her sacrifice, it won’t be getting easier anytime soon.

  When she stays silent, Kingston keeps going. “If they find you, the last two weeks of your life will have been a walk in the park compared to what they’ll put you through. Understand?”

  A single tear slides down her cheek, dripping off her chin and simultaneously showcasing an ounce of emotion from her otherwise comatose state. She doesn’t bother to wipe it away.

  “Enough,” Diece barks, shocking the hell out of me.

  All heads turn to him.

  “Excuse me?” Kingston grits out.

  “I’m pretty sure she gets the picture, Boss,” D points out, his chest puffed up. “I think it’s time you mention the solution now.”

  Kingston bristles at D’s tone but shrugs it off for the time being as he orders, “My solution is for you to watch her, D. To take care of her until things calm down. Do you think you can do that? Keep her in hiding? Change her appearance? That kind of thing?”

  With a mechanical nod, Diece’s attention shoots to Q. She simply keeps staring blankly at the wall. Numb. As if her future isn’t being discussed a few feet in front of her. As if she doesn’t care what the outcome of her life will be because she’s already given up on it.

  And it’s all my fault.

  “Good. Ace,” Kingston addresses her. “You’re still living with me. Don’t bother arguing.”

  “Who says I’m arguing?” she counters before crossing her arms.

  With his lips tilted up in amusement, Kingston teases, “Good girl. Will you take Q up to the guest room across from us and make sure she’s comfortable? D and I have a visitor we’d like to have a little chat with.”

  I notice my name isn’t mentioned and assume I’ve been dismissed. Without waiting another second, I turn on my heel and leave the office.

  But where am I going to go?

  I have no clue.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I’m alone. I don’t know if it’s a good thing or not because all I want to do is kick and scream. I want to cry. I want to hit something. I want to beg my brother to give Dex a chance. I can still hear his voice as he casually stated his verdict in reference to my happiness.

  “And who is Regina Romano? She’s the princess to the Romano family. She’s the daughter of Gabriel and Emilia Romano and sister to Kingston Romano, the head of the Romano family. Now, let me ask you this. Who. Are. You?”

  Doesn’t the bastard know that there’s more to me than my familial ties? I have hopes and dreams. I have wants and needs. And Dex? He’s so much more than a name. He’s kind. And funny. And protective. He’s my everything.

  Angrily, I wipe another tear from beneath my right eye before curling into a ball on my bed. It’s funny, though. It doesn’t feel like mine anymore. Not without Dex by my side.

  I need to fix this. But how the hell do I do that?

  Tossing and turning, I finally fall asleep a few hours later, the emotional day catching up with me. But that doesn’t mean I’ll forgive my brother for turning what should’ve been my happily ever after into a freaking nightmare.

  A quiet knock against my bedroom door rouses me from my shitty sleep.

  It’s the decibel that gets to me, though. I live in a house full of brash mafia men. None of them knock quietly. I’m pretty sure they don’t know how.

  Tilting my head to the side, I unfold my legs from the bed and pad across the floor before hesitantly cracking the door open a few inches. When I see Ace, my best friend, the barbed barrier I’d been using as armor softens, and I invite her in.

  “Hey,” I mutter. A fresh wave of tears threatens to escape, and I blink them back.

  The pity that greets me makes my chest ache before Ace pulls me into a hug.

  “I’m so sorry,” Ace apologizes into my tangled hair.

  Shaking my head, I admit, “I hate him, Ace.”

  “Shh…,” she coos before releasing me and making her way to my bed. Gingerly, she sits on the edge then motions me to follow. Once I’m seated beside her, she starts, “He’s not trying to hurt you, G.”

  I laugh. “That’s bullshit, and you know it. He’s pissed that I snuck out and got caught. He’s punishing me—”

  “That’s not true—”

  “Yes, it is! You don’t know him like I do, Ace. You don’t understand our relationship. It’s always been rocky.”

  “I….” Her face scrunches up, and I can tell I’m not going to like what she’s about to say. “I think you’d be surprised how well I know him, Gigi. You’ve been gone for two weeks. I can only imagine the hell you’ve been put through, but I want you to know that you’re not alone. Burlone spent years torturing me when I was a kid. If you need anyone to talk to or anything, I’m here for you. But like I said, you’ve been gone. Just like how I don’t know exactly what you went through, you don’t know what’s been going on here, either. Your brother and me? We connected. Hard. And I fell for him, G. I love him.”

  I scoff, hating that I’m taking my anger out on her, but unable to help myself. “Good luck with that, Ace. He’s an ass.”

  Her laughter surprises me. “He is an ass,” she agrees. “But he has a good heart, and he’s only looking out for you.”

  “If he cared about me, he’d let me be with Dex,” I argue, my voice cracking as his name rolls off my tongue.

  At the mention of my captor, Ace gulps and touches her side. I don’t know if it’s a subconscious reaction or not, but it still piques my curiosity.

  “You’ve only known Dex for a short time, Gigi. I know you trust him and that he helped you, but maybe you don’t know him that well and should give it some time….”

  “Oh, the irony,” I mutter under my breath.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asks defensively, flinching as if I’ve slapped her.

  Unable to help myself, I accuse, “You just admitted that you’ve only known my brother for a short amount of time, but you guys are living together now, and you have the audacity to tell me that I don’t know Dex that well? Come on, Ace…you have to see the flaw in your logic.”

  Sighing, she tucks her hair behind her ear and looks toward the ceiling. “You’re right. But you can’t blame me for having trust issues with Dex.”

  “He sacrificed everything to help us,” I point out.

  “Yeah, but he also beat the shit out of me right before that.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “I’m just saying…be careful. Give it some time.”

  “No.” I shake my head. “What do you mean, he beat the shit out of you? You can’t say something like that and not tell me exactly what you’re talking about.”

  Rubbing her hand along her face, I can see the guilt that keeps her from filling me in.

  “Tell me,” I press.

  With her lips sucked into her mouth, she eyes me warily.

  “Tell me, Ace.”

  “After the tournament. The first one,” Ace cla
rifies. Her shoulders hunch forward as she practically curls into a ball beside me like a scared little hedgehog.

  “What happened?”

  She clears her throat. “Burlone uh…he sent Dex to teach me a lesson.”

  Covering my mouth, the air gets caught in my lungs.

  How did I not know about this?

  “What kind of lesson, Ace?”

  “I’m not saying it’s his fault. I know he was only following orders and that Kingston has chosen to trust him. I’m just saying that I know what it’s like to be on the other end of his knuckles, and it doesn’t feel so great. I don’t blame Kingston for being a little hesitant to leave you with him without finding out if he’s completely trustworthy first. That’s all I’m saying.”

  “Dex would never hit me,” I argue. “Trust me. I’ve seen what goes on under Burlone’s supervision. Dex protected me. Over and over again, he protected me,” I reiterate. “Hasn’t he already proven he can be trusted?”

  “Kingston thinks he can be trusted to be a Romano. The verdict is still up in the air as to whether or not he can be trusted with the Romano princess.”

  “You say that like Kingston hasn’t already laid down the law.”

  “Rules can change, Gigi. That’s all I’m saying.” She grimaces before muttering under her breath, “And I probably shouldn’t even say that much.” Looking at me, she raises her voice a little louder. “You just need to be patient and cut your brother a little slack. Do you think you can do that?”

  Chewing on my lower lip, I weigh my options. “Do I have a choice?”

  “Not really,” she teases dryly. “But if you really want Dex, then I suggest you try. For now, keep your distance from him. If Kingston thinks that Dex’s loyalty isn’t concrete, he won’t make it out of here alive. Understand?”

  I gulp. “Yeah. I understand.”

  Chapter Thirty


  A guy named Leo led me to a room in the back of the Romano estate after he found me wandering outside Kingston’s office. It took me a second to recognize him, but I finally realized he’s the same guy who watched me in the hallway the first day I met Kingston. However, he doesn’t mention our initial introduction, and neither do I.


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