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Little Bird (Advantage Play Series Book 3)

Page 19

by Kelsie Rae

“Are you sure?”

  “Don’t push me, Ace,” he snaps.

  With a gulp, I lick my lips then nod. “Okay.”

  Chapter Forty-Five


  A bead of sweat slides down my back as the seconds tick by. I don’t know how long I’ve been sitting in this damn metal chair, but my ass is starting to go numb.

  Gingerly, I shift in my seat before glancing toward the foreboding cabinet in the corner near the back wall. Stefan leans his shoulder against it, finally ending his incessant pacing as he pulls out his phone to check the time. Apparently, I’m not the only one who feels anxious.

  “What time is it?” I mutter, breaking the heavy silence.


  Doing the math, I realize I’ve been sitting here for almost four hours, and I haven’t slept in almost thirty-six.

  “Did he say when he was coming?” I ask.


  “Have you heard from him?”

  “Nope,” he repeats.

  After another beat of silence, Stefan lets out a groan before rubbing the palm of his hand across his face. “Why’d you do it, man? I told you to be patient.”

  “I know. But keeping my distance from her was….” I pause to search for a word that accurately describes how unbearable it is. Then I realize there isn’t one that’s powerful enough to do my feelings justice. With a shrug, I continue, “It was impossible, man. It was like Kingston told me to stop breathing. I could only do it for so long before instinct would take over, and I’d lose the battle.”

  She’s my air.

  With a somber nod, his eyes glaze over, and he stares into the distance as if processing my remark.

  Convinced he’s going to drop it, I replay my last moments with Regina, wishing I’d savored her kiss a little longer. That I’d threaded my fingers through her silky hair one more time. That I’d told her I’d loved her from the moment I saw her caged away in that basement.

  “Do you regret it?” Stefan inquires, pulling me from my reverie.

  I shake my head. “I regret a lot of shit in my life, but I’ll never regret a single minute that I shared with her.”

  “Even if King follows through with your punishment?” he presses.

  “My only regret will be that I tried to keep my distance from her in the first place. If I knew my days were numbered, I would’ve spent every single one of them with her in my arms.”

  “I’m sorry, Dex.”

  “Don’t be. If our roles were swapped, I’d be following orders too. Family first. Always.” I snort, shocking myself that I could find any of this messed up situation amusing. “Well, except when Regina’s in the mix.”

  Laughing, he points out, “Yeah, I’m not sure that’ll get you a free pass even if she’s Kingston’s little sister.”

  “I’m not asking for a free pass,” I admit. “I know the screwed up situation I put Kingston in. If he doesn’t follow through with his threat, he’ll lose respect from every single one of his men. And if that happens, the family falls apart, and the Romano name is spoiled. He’d be a fool to let me get away with touching Regina.”

  “And he isn’t a fool.”

  My throat feels like sandpaper as I mutter, “No. He definitely isn’t.”

  The loud scraping of metal on metal rouses me from my restless sleep. Head snapping up, I look over my shoulder at the door behind me. Kingston walks through, followed by nearly twenty men who crowd the small shed until they’re standing shoulder to shoulder, leaving less than a yard of space between the center of the room where I’m currently chained to a chair, and their stiff bodies.

  Curious, I scan each of their faces and place most of them from the gathering the night before. Funny. They were here to welcome me with open arms only a few hours ago. Now, they’re here to witness my death. When my gaze lands on Diece, my half-brother, my chest aches.

  Sorry, brother, I want to say. Sorry I screwed up and wasted what little time I had left on this earth instead of reaching out to you sooner.

  His expression is somber. Guarded. Strained. He’s here to witness his brother’s execution for disobeying orders, and even though our relationship is practically non-existent, it’s easy to see the potential of it slipping through our fingers like sand.

  The silence is deafening as I wait to hear the click of a gun being cocked. Or maybe it’ll be a knife that exacts Kingston’s justice. I’ve heard he enjoys proving a point, but maybe he’ll show a bit of mercy to protect his sister’s feelings. Or maybe he won’t. I can never tell with him.

  At least she’s not here to witness my demise. I think that would break me more than any torture ever could. Searching for my executioner, I find Kingston near the exit of the shed, waiting patiently for…something. Or at least that’s what I assume he’s doing. Why else would he be hovering near the door instead of getting this shit over with? Or maybe he likes watching his prisoners squirm. I hold his gaze when he feels my stare and turns to me. That same cool indifference that he’s known for is all I get in return.

  Rushing footsteps against the gravel path outside grab my attention.


  Clenching my hands into tight fists, I watch helplessly as Kingston grips Regina’s forearm to prevent her from stumbling inside before leaning down to whisper something in her ear.

  The tears continue to slide down her cheeks, but she gives him a jerky nod as her gaze finds mine across the room. They hold them for a split second before nearly drowning me in her sorrow. Squeezing her eyes shut, she shrugs out of Kingston’s hold then folds her arms across her chest. The pain written across her face hits me harder than my own ever could, though I can tell she’s trying to look strong. For me.

  And I’m gutted.

  I’d give anything to hear what he’s said to her, but I’m smart enough to keep my mouth shut.

  For now.

  With a gentleness I don’t expect, he ushers her inside with the palm of his hand resting against her upper back. Once she’s settled near the wall by the exit, he parts the crowd like Moses with the Red Sea and addresses his men.

  “Gentlemen, do you know why I’ve invited you here?”

  He receives a wave of nods in response, but the silence remains.

  Satisfied, he continues. “Early this morning, I found evidence that a man I’ve trusted, one of our men, a man whom I welcomed into the family with open arms,” he adds, pausing for effect, “disobeyed a direct order.”

  I gulp, but hold his stare as it cuts through the crowd like a hot knife through butter. Cocking his head to the side, he scrutinizes me openly.

  “It’s a shame,” he admits, his tone ringing with resigned disappointment. “This same man proved his loyalty only hours before when he delivered a piece of vital information to me. Something he could’ve easily kept to himself if he chose to do so. Hell, he could’ve even used it against the Romano family to cause more chaos in an already turbulent time.” Raising his hands at his sides, he faces his palms toward the ceiling while motioning to the crowd of soldiers. “The combination has put me in quite the predicament, as I’m sure you can all understand.”

  Grunts of said understanding rumble throughout the room.

  “But before I reach my verdict, it’s time for you to all show him what we do to Romano men who fail to put the family first.”

  My eyes dart around the room at his ominous words. Each and every one of the men remains in their place but turn their attention from me to my half brother. Weaving between fellow soldiers, he stops a foot in front of me. There’s something in his expression that causes my stomach to tighten. I can’t quite put my finger on it. Maybe a bit of regret? Disappointment? And motherfucking stubbornness that makes it clear that whatever’s about to happen is going to hurt like a bitch. I watch as he cocks his fist back, and the next thing I know, my head snaps back and a dull ringing pulses in my ears. Opening my eyes wide, I look up at the ceiling as my mind scrambles to register what the hell just happened. I feel like I
just got hit with a baseball bat in the jaw. I’ve been hit before. I’ve had the shit kicked out of me until I woke up in a pool of my own blood. But that hit? From my own flesh and blood? It hurt. Bad.

  “Family first, brother. Always.” Diece steps to the side, then another fist connects with my cheekbone, amplifying the ringing in my ears as pain radiates from the fresh hit.

  “Family first,” the stranger murmurs before another fist slams into my nose. A gush of blood follows it immediately.

  Then another hit.

  And another.

  And another.

  Until the room is spinning, and my chin is resting on my heaving chest as I try to shove aside the pain. I can only imagine the mess that I look like. Hell, my eyes are practically swollen shut from having the shit kicked out of me, and I know without a doubt that my nose is broken, and that I likely have a concussion from the beating too.

  “Dex.” A voice slinks into my consciousness, and I open my eyes to register who it belongs to. Kingston. “You came here as nothing but a bastard.” I blink my swollen lids to hide my disdain for the term, but he doesn’t miss me flinch as the filthy word sinks in.


  Stalking closer, he continues, “You were given the opportunity to make a name for yourself that holds respect instead of shame. Do you think you earned it with your actions, despite disobeying a direct order?”

  The crowd is silent. Every single eye in the room watches me carefully as they all wait for my response because if Kingston doesn’t believe it to be the truth, I’m a goner. The answer gets lodged in my throat, and I force it down with a thick swallow as I search out my Little Bird in the sea of people. When I find her near the exit, I notice she’s a mess of emotion from having witnessed my beating. The tears stream down her cheeks steadily as she holds my gaze, and I’d give anything to wipe them away and promise that everything is going to be okay. I’m just not sure that it is. Releasing a slow breath through her pouty mouth, she tries to stay strong while failing miserably.

  “Answer me, Dex,” Kingston orders, losing his patience.

  “I should’ve spoken up when you first gave your orders. I knew I’d never be able to follow them. I’m your man, Boss. I promise to put this family first in every single circumstance, and I will die for my brothers if the day ever calls for it…with one exception.”

  “Dex,” Regina whispers. I don’t hear her murmur my name, but I watch her mouth form it nonetheless.

  Kingston grabs my attention by stepping between his sister and myself, effectively cutting off our connection. “I gave you an order—”

  “But you required the one thing I couldn’t give,” I admit. “Do your worst, Kingston. I would expect nothing less from the Dark King, but know that I’ll never regret touching your sister, and if you let me out of this room, the only promise I’ll be able to make in regards to her is that I’ll stop attempting to keep my distance. She’s mine. She always will be. That being said, if you show me mercy, you won’t regret it. I’m a Romano, and I won’t let you down.”

  “Knife.” Kingston spits the word like it’s a curse before Stefan rushes forward with a wicked sharp blade cradled in his hand. After placing the handle into Kingston’s palm, he retreats into the crowd, and I’m left with the Dark King standing a few feet away from me.

  He circles me slowly, but I keep my chin held high and watch his every move with the knowledge that he’ll strike at any second. It doesn’t help that I’m seeing two of him, though, and his movements only seem to amplify the spinning in my head.

  “Men like you are hard to come by, Dex,” Kingston acknowledges after a few tense seconds. “And I’m not sure I’ve finished having you as an ally. For that, I’ll let you keep your life, but not without taking something from you first. These hands touched something they weren’t meant to touch, so I’ve decided to give you a daily reminder about what happens when you defy my orders. If you can accept my punishment without making a single sound, I’ll let you keep your life…and my sister.”

  What the hell?

  “Do we have a deal?”

  I nod, unable to believe he actually offered her to me.

  Satisfied with my response, he questions, “Are you right-handed, Dex?”

  Again, I nod before his hand squeezes my left wrist, and he orders, “Open your fist and spread your fingers.”

  Doing as I’m told, I spread my fingers wide and wait for the sharp steel to do their damage.

  I’m not disappointed.

  The bite of the blade is excruciating as it cuts into the skin on my pinkie, right along the top of my knuckle on the far left finger of my hand. Releasing his hold on my wrist, he grabs my small finger and twists it with precision, popping the joint out of its socket until my finger hangs off the side of my hand at an awkward angle. My bruised jaw tightens, and I dig my teeth into the inside of my cheek until the explosion of blood coats my tastebuds.


  I keep my mouth shut, and my swollen eyes glued to my prize, grateful Kingston had bent forward enough to give me a view of her. My Little Bird. Her dainty little hand covers her mouth as she watches her brother saw off my finger. And fuck, it hurts.

  Turning pale, I can tell she’s about to puke or faint, and I open my mouth to tell Kingston to let her leave the room before remembering I can’t make a sound, or he’ll accuse me of defying orders a second time. And that will never happen again.

  As if she can read my mind, Regina pulls her gaze away from the mess of my left hand. With another deep breath, she focuses on my face, and I try to smooth my features to hide the burning pain radiating from my knuckles, down to my forearm, and up into my shoulder.

  Shiiiit, that hurts.

  But Kingston is right. I’ll never touch his sister ever again without remembering the sacrifice I made to do it, along with the promise I made to him that I’ll never put anything above the family ever again. Except her.

  Which apparently, is enough for him.

  Once I’m positive I’m about to pass out from the excruciating pain, Kingston tosses the finger onto my lap.

  “Remember what you saw today, gentlemen. Family first. Always. Next time someone disobeys an order, they lose their hand. Dismissed.”

  The men file out without any more prodding from their leader, and I’m left with crimson blood dripping from my hand and onto the cold cement floor beneath me.

  “Regina,” Kingston barks. “You can see him now.”

  Seconds later, a pair of soft hands frame my face, keeping me from slipping into oblivion.

  “Dex? Dex, look at me! Are you okay? I’m so sorry, baby. I’m so sorry that—”

  “Shhh…,” I whisper, taking in the remnants of yesterday’s makeup sliding down her pink cheeks. “It’s okay, Little Bird.”

  Shaking her head, she argues, “It’s not okay. Do you have any idea how much it killed me to let him do that to you?” Her voice cracks. “I pushed you into sleeping with me. I pushed you into giving us a chance. This is all my fault, Dex. It’s all my fault.”

  With her arms wrapped around my neck, she sobs. Hard. More than I’ve ever seen her break down, and that includes the days not so long ago when she was sure she’d be sold as a sex slave. And that’s when it hits me. She’s sobbing for me. For the pain I just experienced. Hell, the pain I’m still experiencing. She’s sobbing for us. And I know without a doubt that she probably offered to take my punishment from me if her brother would let her.

  Thankfully, the bastard knew I’d kill him if he accepted.

  “Little Bird,” I mutter, trying to even out my haggard breathing. “I’m okay.”

  “You’re not okay—”

  “I am,” I insist through gritted teeth. “But do you wanna know what would make me even more okay?”

  She nods.

  “If we could take these cuffs off so that we could get the hell out of here.”

  With the most pathetic smile I’ve ever seen, she leans forward and places the
softest kiss I’ve ever felt against my lips. Pulling away, Regina searches the room before finding who she’s looking for.

  “Stefan. Do you have the key?”

  “Yeah.” Jangling follows his quiet response as he strides closer and unlocks my cuffs. “Sorry I hit you,” he apologizes.

  “Don’t be.” I give him a pathetic smile. “I deserved it.”

  “You look like shit.”

  My laughter turns into a groan when a cut on my lower lip splits open. With a grimace, I mutter, “I feel like shit, so that’s not exactly surprising. Am I free to go?”

  “Yeah. Might wanna put some pressure on your hand, though. You’re bleeding everywhere.”

  My head drops down to inspect the damage. Sure enough, blood flows onto the concrete in a steady stream of droplets.

  Rushing toward the cabinet, Regina searches for a few seconds before returning with a small black dish towel. Carefully, she presses it against my wound while my face scrunches up from the pressure.

  “Sorry!” she apologizes. “You okay?”

  “Fuuu––Fine. I’m fine. Let’s get out of here.”

  I toss my good arm around Regina’s neck before she grabs my bad hand and cradles it against her chest, making sure to keep a good amount of pressure with the washcloth to stop the bleeding.

  “I think you’re going to need stitches or something,” she tells me, her face scrunching in pity.

  With a dark laugh, I reply, “I think you’re right. Do you guys have a doc on speed dial or anything?”

  “Yeah. If it were a little more…superficial”—she grimaces at the word—“I’d offer to do it for you, but I don’t want to screw it up and cause any more damage.”

  “You a nurse, baby?” I tease.

  A light blush turns her cheeks pink as her gaze drops to the ground. “I’ve helped out a time or two,” she defends herself.

  “Does your help come with a”—I breathe deep in an attempt to stave off the pain—“a sexy nurse outfit too?”

  With a giant grin stretching across her face, she opens her mouth to say some smartass remark before it disappears altogether as the sound of a deep voice cuts her off.


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