His Mark: A Mafia Romance (Forever Mine Book 1)

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His Mark: A Mafia Romance (Forever Mine Book 1) Page 6

by Mila Crawford

  “It already has.” Izzy smiled as they hugged.

  “Hey, now, I don’t want to hear anything about sugar anywhere.”

  Mama slapped my shoulder. “Frankie, sweetheart, check on the garlic bread in the oven, I need to talk to my favorite son for a minute.”

  “Hey, Mama!” Both boys called in protest, and she only waved them off before looping my elbow in hers. “I’ll only be a minute, Izzy, don’t let those two ruin my sauce.”

  Izzy nodded, shoving off her shoes as Tony did the gentlemanly thing and helped her shrug off her coat. It made me smile--that was the thing about this family, we may be as loud as bears, but we were all heart, every one of us. And none of the apples had fallen far from the tree; if you were gonna survive in this family, you had to be tough and whipsmart and stupid funny, and that’s why I loved them all so much.

  “Thank you for bringing her over, son, I know it isn’t easy bringing anyone to this house.”

  “I never thought I’d find someone that could fit in with us, but I did.” I smiled just thinking about Izzy. Mom paused when we entered her bedroom, rummaging in the top drawer of her armoire before turning back to me.

  “I know you did, honey, I can see the love written all over your face.” She gestured for me to sit on the bed. “It’s good to see your smile again, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen it reach your eyes.”

  “Mama.” I shook my head, not loving the emotional turn this conversation had taken. “I’m going to marry her, she’s a part of me already, there’s no going back for us.”

  “And the only thing that could make me happier is if you had grandma’s engagement ring to give your new bride.”

  “Mom--” My voice cracked as she passed me the antique diamond. It shimmered in the evening light, and I could just imagine it on Izzy’s finger. “It’s perfect, but this is meant for your oldest son. You’re like family to me, but really--this should be for Frankie.”

  “That’s not true.” She shook her head, pressing the ring into my palm. “From the moment I found you that day, crying in the dumpster, Mario, you became my oldest son. I moved heaven and earth to make sure I could keep you, because the idea that anyone could leave you behind broke my heart wide open. I wouldn’t be the second person to do that to you, and I’m thankful each and every day that God brought you to me. You deserve this ring, and you deserve that girl, Mario. I can see the insecurity in your eyes, too. Don’t let your mind trick you, you’re every bit worthy of her, of anything that makes you happy. This world is a crazy one, make every moment beautiful while you’re here. That’s my prayer for you, my angel baby.”

  “Mom…” My voice cracked as emotion welled at my eyes. “Thank you.”

  “No, trust me.” She caught my cheeks in her hands as tears lingered at her eyes. “Raising you has been the pleasure of my life.”

  I was still thinking of her words two hours later when Izzy and I were riding up the elevator to the penthouse, Mama’s sweet red sauce filling our bellies and the taste of homemade wine on my lips.

  “Your mom is the best cook. I’ve never tasted sauce that rich and sweet, and, whew, it still gives me shivers thinking about it. I’m so thankful for leftovers.” She held up the doggy bag Mom had sent home, with a heavenly roll of her eyes.

  “I’m so thankful for you.” The elevator doors whirred open and I latched my hands around her waist, walking her backwards into the hotel room. “And you’re right, she’s the best cook, and mom, around.”

  I snagged the doggy bag from her hands and set it on the counter in the small built-in kitchen. “I never thought I was one of them--like, they were a mirage that would be taken from me at any minute. They were too good, too nice, too welcoming, and I didn’t deserve them. And the Don is big on blood and loyalty--I felt like an imposter for so long. But slowly, Mom opened me up, she made me feel wanted and loved in ways that I’d never felt before.”

  “Hawk.” Izzy caught my waist and sweetly tugged my hips to hers. My dick throbbed on contact, and on instinct I dug my hands into her hips and dropped her, ass first, on the marble countertop. “Everything happens for a reason. You were given that family because you deserve them.”

  “Mm.” I caught her earlobe with my teeth. “Does that mean I deserve the scent of you on my lips every morning when I wake up?” I was already moving one hand up her thigh, ready to strip off her pants and bury my face between her thighs.

  “I like the sound of that.” She groaned, and that was my cue.

  I shoved a hand in my pocket, working between her thighs with one palm as I slipped the antique engagement ring on her left ring finger. By the time she was coming, I planned on a helluva lot of yeses.

  “You know I love you, Izzy Main.” I sucked at the hollow of her neck as she squirmed under my touch. “I can’t get enough of you. Thinking about your happiness is the thing that wakes me up in the morning.” I stroked my cock over the seam of her pussy, enjoying the way she writhed for me. “I’d die before I let anyone hurt you, and it feels like I’m dying when I’m buried inside you, you make me so happy.” I caught her mouth in a kiss, lips moving against hers in a fierce rhythm. “Marry me and I’ll die making you the happiest woman in the world.”

  “You already have made me the happiest woman in the world,” she cooed, and caught my lip adorably. I growled, locking our fingers together and pulling them between us, forcing her left hand in front of her face. “Oh. My. God. Hawk. What is that?”

  My smile turned up as happy tears filled her eyes. “That’s Grandma Gabrielli’s engagement ring, and now it’s yours.”

  “Hawk.” She clasped a hand over her mouth as the tears slow-surged. “Are you even real? How is this my life?”

  I laughed, shaking my head. “You deserve it. Now say you’re mine.”

  She nodded, more tears running tracks down her cheeks.

  “Say yes again. I need to hear it. I want to hear it every day from this day forward.”

  “Yes, Hawk, yes, yes, yes!” She launched herself into my arms and I caught her, walking backwards until we were on the bed, our lips connecting before I forced her pants down her thighs, and dug my hands into her hips.

  “Say it again.” A wild grin crossed my face before I pushed her thighs apart and sat her sweet ass directly on top of my face. “I need to lose myself in you. I’ve been thinking about your taste on my tongue since we left this bed this morning.”

  “Hawk…” She worked her hips against my face as I tore the cotton away from her cunt and sank my tongue inside of her hot body. She arched into me, one of her palms reaching up to knead her own breast. My cock leaked and throbbed as I forced her to grind deeper into my face. “Yes, oh, Hawk, yessss.”

  “That’s it, little bird, sing for me.”


  Izzy - one year later

  “You look beautiful, dear,” Hawk’s mom said to me, adding finishing touches to my veil. “My boy isn’t going to know what hit him.”

  I looked at my future mother-in-law and smiled. The last year had shown me just what an amazing woman Gianna Gabrielli was. But even with all her kindness and warmth, I couldn't help missing my mother. I was incredibly grateful for everything Gianna had done for me, especially with planning the entire event, but I couldn’t help wishing that my mother was there instead.

  “What’s wrong, Izzy? It’s your wedding day and I feel a little sadness coming off of you. Is there something else I should be doing?” At her question, I felt a wave of guilt wash over me and I felt like an ungrateful brat. I quickly turned to Gianna, holding her weathered hands in mine. I smiled, thinking how her hands weren’t those of a typical Mafia Don’s wife. Most of the other heads of houses had wives that were younger than me, but not Don Gabrielli. He loved his wife with a lethal ferocity only matched by his merciless rule. The two, though unconventional, had a love story written for the ages. I just hoped that Hawk and I would be so lucky.

  “Oh, Gianna, I’m so sorry if I made you
think I was being ungrateful. You have been wonderful. I have felt so blessed by everything you have taken on and everything you continue to do for me and Hawk. Please believe me when I tell you that this day has made me nothing but blissfully happy and it’s just starting,” I said, pushing back my sadness, willing myself to try to only feel the joy of the day.

  “Don’t do that, sweetheart. It’s only natural to miss your mom--if that’s what’s on your mind. I know I could never replace her, but I would like to be there for you since she can’t be. Besides, you’re the first daughter I’ve ever had. Raising boys isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.” She gave my hand a squeeze, and we looked at our reflections looking back at us in the full length mirror. And right then, in that moment, I knew that my mom was smiling down on us.

  “Let’s get out there, before Hawk goes crazy and comes tearing in here,” I said, holding on to her hand and heading towards the door.

  I opened the door and saw Hawk standing there, looking handsome as ever in a black, tailored tuxedo.

  “Mario, what do you think you’re doing?” Gianna asked, running in front of me, trying to shield me from his eyes.

  “We were supposed to start ten minutes ago. I just wanted to make sure everything was ok.”

  “I tried to tell him that brides take longer and to relax, but you know what he is like.” The Don kissed his wife gently on her cheek.

  “You should have tried harder,” she said, slapping him on the chest, trying to be scary, but her soft voice and tiny giggle gave her away. “Now, you two go right back to the altar. We’ll be there shortly.”

  “This is ridiculous. I can just take her myself.” Hawk growled, trying to bypass his mother in order to get to me.

  “Gentlemen, can you please take your seats.” My best friend, Mandy, yelled from down the hall, Mac following close behind. Once she reached us, she pushed between Gianna and Hawk. “Listen now, Mister. My best friend is going to have a proper wedding.”

  Hawk looked at her and growled under his breath.

  “Fine,” he mumbled. “But this is the last time, Daisy,” he warned. “After today, your sexy ass is never leaving my side.” Then he walked off with the Don, leaving me with his mother, my best friend and Mac.

  “Oh my God.” I squealed. “What are you doing here?” I threw my arms around Mandy and crushed her to me. “I thought you couldn’t get the time off?”

  “I just said that so I could surprise you. But we have time for all of that later. Right now, let's get you married to Mr. Tall, Dark and Dead Sexy.”

  With Mandy by my side, we walked to the entrance of the main church hall. I looked down the long aisle and spotted Hawk standing there, a scowl on his face, and instead of walking, I let go of Mandy’s hand and sprinted to him. I ran straight into his open arms.

  “Well, that is an entrance,” he said, the laughter laced through his words. “Hello again, beautiful.”

  “I love you, Hawk. I love you more than I ever thought was possible. You’re everything to me, and I can’t wait to be your wife,” I said, looping my arms around his neck. He bent down and kissed the tip of my earlobe. I could feel his lips curling against my skin.

  “I love you too, baby, and I am going to spend every day for the rest of my life showing you just how much.”

  “Enough of that stuff. Save it for your wedding night. Let’s get you hitched!” The Don hollered.

  “Ready to get married, baby?” Hawk asked, his eyes glimmering in the light.

  “More than ready. I have been waiting for you, forever.”

  Second Epilogue

  Hawk - ten years later

  “Just one more chapter, Daddy!” Both of my little girls jumped up and down in their side-by-side beds.

  I pushed off the floor, bending to press a kiss to each of their foreheads. “Not tonight, girls. I love you both to the moon and back, but my eyes are beginning to cross sideways with all of the unicorns and sparkle in that book. Same time, same place, tomorrow night?”

  My youngest, Gia, groaned as she wiggled under her covers. I blew her a kiss, and she rolled her eyes, before cracking into a sweet smile. “Night-night, Daddy!”

  I winked at her before turning to blow our five-year-old, Guiliana, her own kiss. She caught it adorably, smacking her lips when she did and sending me one right back. I made a deal out of catching it and tucking it into my pocket. “I’m saving this one for later.”

  They were both giggling as I turned off their lights and edged out of their doorway a minute later. Those two little girls had saved me just as much as their mama had. My footsteps quickened when I reached the kitchen, finding it empty and only one light beaming down the opposite hallway.

  I followed the scent of her soap, sighing when I reached our master bedroom to find she was just stepping out of a hot shower. Wrapped in a fluffy white robe, she was still the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.

  “Come here, little bird.” I caught her cheeks in hand, dotting kisses along her hairline before hovering at her lips. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you right back,” she husked, tiny fingers coming to land at the waistband of my workout sweats.

  “I just put the little ladies to bed.”

  “I was going to read to them tonight,” she said.

  “Already done. Lady Unicorn Sparkles is fast on her way to defeating the evil queen of lollipop land.”

  I felt her smile against my lips with my over dramatic rendition of tonight’s events. “You’re the best dad those two little girls could ever ask for, you know that?” Tears whispered at her eyelids, pulling my own emotion from me.

  “What a life we have, little bird. All because of you.”

  “You’re my everything.” She pressed on her tiptoes and kissed me. I caught her waist, pulling her off her feet and crushing her to my form. Her hands caressed my jaw as we kissed, my cock already hard and pressed against her hot core.

  “You’re soaked.” I dropped her onto the bed before following her down. “And not just because of the shower.”

  One of her hands pushed down behind my waistband, making contact with my throbbing dick. I sighed when she wrapped her cool fingers around the head, her grip tightening as she pushed down my shaft, then back up again.

  I grunted, hips jerking as she slowly tugged on my cock, my mind already near the blitzkrieg stage. “Still can’t control myself when your hands are on me.” I growled, pushing my sweats down my hips before catching her wrist and holding it above her head. “Lean back, I need to taste what’s mine.”

  She mewled like a cute little kitten, before her back arched and I flipped the tie on her robe, her heavy tits round and perfect and full, and waiting for my mouth. I latched onto the nearest nipple, sucking readily before pinching the other softly. She moaned when my other hand trailed between her thighs, stroking the swollen folds of her juicy pussy until she started to tremble fiercely.

  I backed off, bending to swipe at her slickness before latching at her clitoris and nursing her first orgasm from her.

  “Hawk, oh my God, I wasn't even ready and you just--”

  “Mm, stole your orgasm, did I?” I caught her lips in a kiss, stroking my dick along her hot cunt and teasing her. “Give me a minute and I’ll fuck the next one out of you.” I kneaded the swells of her breasts before pushing my tip inside, edging deeper as she moaned and adjusted to my cock. “Ripe enough to eat. How do you expect me to control myself when you walk around all day with those fuck me eyes?” I shoved a little deeper into her, forcing her form up the bed. “No wonder you wanted me to work more from home.”

  “I need you, Hawk, harder, deeper, everywhere, please.”

  “You have me, baby. You had me before you even knew me.” I slid a palm up her torso, devouring every inch of her as I shoved into her a little further. My hand reached her breast, slowly kneading the flesh and plucking at the faint outline of her sweet little nipple. Her moans urged me on as I thrust. “Your body craves me. It wan
ts my lips.” I kissed around her ear. “My tongue.” I ran my tongue up the column of her neck. “My dick.” I ground my pelvis against hers.

  She wrapped her arms around me, ran her palms up under my shirt, and clutched at the skin, digging her nails deep and pulling. A groan hissed from between my teeth from the pain.

  “Hawk...” She sighed, and it went straight to my balls. Tingling and burning with the need for release, I tried to keep a handle on the impending orgasm as I swiveled my hips and plowed into her. I hit the end of her, banging once, twice, over and over, as she breathed profanities in my ear. Watching her like this, while I was owning her body, was like watching a wild animal losing its mind. The rest of the world melted away and it was just the two of us, out of control as we took each other. My mind shot off to a whole other galaxy when I was buried inside her.

  “I love taking you like this,” I said through clenched teeth as her nails dragged across my torso, down my sides. The burning sensation had my back arching. I bit back the pain and focused my energy into her.

  “I can feel you everywhere.” She shuddered.

  “Mm, so hard, deep and fast. My little bird likes it rough.” I circled my hips and launched into her from a new angle. “You feel like heaven,” I breathed. Her fingertips loosened in my hair and her hips started rocking against me. Our bodies found a rhythm, our hips crushing together as I finally hit the end of her, fucking her until I couldn’t see anything else. “Goddamn, I’ve never fucked like—” I breathed, my own release building in my system. “It’s never been like—” She crushed her lips to mine in a heady kiss. “You’re the most incredible woman I’ve ever met.” At just the right angle I could hit her clit, grind and rub her until she was on the verge of coating that sweet nectar all over my cock. “I love knowing I own all of your orgasms.”


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