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Windy City: The Complete 5 Book Series

Page 4

by Measha Stone

  She took a deep breath and undid the button of his jeans. Knowing where everything would lead, she decided to grab his boxers as she pulled them down, springing his cock free of the confinement.

  He grabbed her wrists and held them together as he kicked his clothing away. “I didn’t tell you to take off my boxers,” he chastised.

  She looked up at him; her mouth dried at the prospect of his displeasure. He tugged her hands over her head, so she was stretched upward. Shouldn’t she want to stop him from manhandling her like that? Instead, his authority softened her sharp edges, quieting her raging thoughts.

  He spun her away from him and gave two hard swats to her bare ass. She yelped from surprise but didn’t find the act too painful. He spun her back around to him and kissed her hard, letting go of her hands. She wrapped them around him again.

  “Remember, you do as you’re told. I control what happens here,” his raspy voice whispered into her ear, and he slowly pushed her onto the bed. The challenge lingered between them. Would she retreat, now that they were both naked? Her body would never forgive her if she did.

  She scooted back, and he knelt between her thighs.

  “You are so damn beautiful. I don’t see how you don’t see it…but that’s for another day.” He sounded out of breath.

  She rested her hands at her sides, unsure of where to put them. He leaned down and kissed her again, jerking her senses every which way. His touch was everywhere. He pulled at her breasts and before she could react, he was feeling her softness. His hands slid between her legs. With no warning, he spread them apart, wide. The cool chill of the room brushed her sex but did nothing to diminish the heat building there. His eyes were on her then, looking at the most intimate part of her body. She’d never seen a man look so determined, so full of want when looking at her.

  Reaching up, she grazed her fingers across his jaw, feeling the tension. He bent again, capturing her lips beneath his. Until that moment, she hadn’t thought she could get any hungrier for his touch. His kiss was demanding, possessive. Her body responded even more as his fingers slid into her folds, gently running up to her clit. A ragged moan escaped her lips. He trailed kisses from there to her earlobe. She could hear him breathing, felt the heat of his breath on her skin.

  Slowly his finger invaded her, and she arched her hips toward him. He chuckled into her neck as he continued to kiss her. It wasn’t enough; she needed more. Didn’t he understand what he’d started inside her? Now that the fire burnt white hot, he tortured her with his delay.

  He rolled her clit between his fingers, driving her mad. She hadn’t had another person touching her in such ways in a very long time. She was certain she would lose her mind before he finished with her. He played her body as though he’d known it for a lifetime, had learned exactly which button to push.

  Watching her writhe beneath him in pleasure, he rubbed a bit harder. “You’re close.” The corner of his mouth twisted upward in a sultry smirk, as his fingers became torture instruments. His strokes on her clit lightened until she looked at him, ready to kill.

  “This time you may come when you’re ready. In the future, I might not be so kind.” His voice held a promise of wonders she couldn’t grasp while he stroked her in such a way.

  He left her for a moment to open the drawer of his nightstand, and she watched with a craving building in her belly as he unrolled a rubber over his thick, long cock. No words could hold a candle to the sight before her. Every inch of the man awakened her senses. The ticking of a clock pounded in her ears while she waited for him to return to her.

  The matress dipped when he climbed on the bed, positioning the head of his cock at her entrance. Gripping the comforter in her fists, she arched upward, wanting him to fill her. To cure the ache within her. With measured movements, he inched into her. Inch by tortuous inch and, when the need to have him buried deep within built to the point of pain, he drove into her. She cried out as he withdrew and drove forward again. Her hips arched to meet each of his thrusts. He kissed her hard as they continued to move in unison.

  Pulling at his shoulders, she dug her nails into his muscles. An urgency like nothing she’d felt before took over. She wanted all of him. His fingers left a fiery trail as he explored her body, stroking every sensitive inch. The pad of his thumb circled her nipple just before capturing it between his fingers. She let out a hiss at the burning sensation, but reached higher toward him, her need growing.

  “So responsive.” He met her gaze. “You are so fucking hot. Spread your legs more, higher.” She bent her knees and drew them toward her chest, taking him in farther.


  “Please what? What do you need, Jessica?” He captured her mouth again for a deep kiss, nipping her lower lip. “Tell me what you need.” His hot breath danced against her cheek. “What do you need?”

  The fire building inside her seemed to engulf all her senses. Pressure built, and she was positive she would die if it didn’t release. Digging her fingers deeper into his shoulders, she tried to push up at him, but he stilled her with a firm hand on her hip, pinning her to the bed. “You want to come.” He grinned. Damn him.

  “Yes!” The hunger she witnessed in his eyes mirrored her own, but he possessed something else, something she no longer wanted, something she freely gave him in that moment—control. “Please, Royce, I need to come.”

  Keeping his gaze locked with hers, his fingers found their way to her mound again. “Come for me, Jessica.” And with another flick of his touch, she found her release. As if her body retuned itself to obey him. Her orgasm blasted through her, sending surge after surge of shattering ecstasy to every inch of her being. He captured her scream with his mouth as she bucked up at him, riding the last waves of her orgasm. Every muscle softened, and she melted into the mattress with ragged breath.

  Wide, dark eyes stared down at her. Royce wasn’t done with her. His hands moved to her hips, where he held her steady as he buried himself deeper and faster into her. Jessica pulled her legs back more, taking him even deeper. Watching him fuck her became majestic. His eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched; he was teetering on the very edge he’d just thrown her over. Wanting to please him as much as he’d pleased her, she reached up to his face and ran her fingers over his jaw. An animalistic grunt escaped his lips just before he captured her again in a fiery, possessive kiss. “Fuck.” He released her mouth, increasing his thrusts as his orgasm took him over.

  Once he stilled, they lay together, him resting his forehead on her chin, chasing after his breath. Her fingers lightly ran over his shoulders where a thin layer of sweat had accumulated. Set on ignoring all the sensations being relived in her mind, she settled for catching her own breath. After several long, comfortable moments, he kissed her again before rolling away to grab a towel from the nightstand. With the care reserved for fine crystal, he cleaned her. She watched him, confusion lingering in her mind.

  He threw her a wink, then headed to the bathroom. No lover in her past had been so concerned afterward. The most caring of the bunch had merely tossed a towel to her on the way to the washroom for his own cleanup.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and shook her head. A quick glance at the clock on the nightstand told her it was only nine. The sound of the water running drew her attention to the bathroom door.

  How could he look at her again after this? How could she look at herself after this? He had spanked her. She’d let him. She hadn’t even hated it.

  The two quick slaps to her backside hadn’t been strong enough to hurt, but had been firm enough to raise a few unknown sensations. She’d quickly become aroused and wanted more of him, from him. His confidence wasn’t just something she found positive about his persona, but rather something she drew strength from. Of all the things she wasn’t sure of, there stood one solid truth: Royce was dangerous.

  The water turned off, and she ran from the bedroom before he reappeared to find her sitting nude, contemplating her own foolhardiness. She quickl
y threw on her clothes from the messy pile she’d left in the living room. She was fumbling with the last button of her sweater when he walked into the room wearing a pair of pajama bottoms, his brow wrinkled in frustration.

  “What are you doing?” He crossed his arms over his chest.

  She hadn’t noticed earlier, but he had a small patch of dark hair on his chest. Good. She didn’t really go for hairy chests. She’d hold onto that flaw.

  “Getting dressed.” She gestured to her clothing, slipped her feet into her shoes, then ran her fingers through her hair.

  “I can see that.” His voice was flat. “But why?”

  “I was cold,” she blurted out, waving her hand.

  “And that’s three.” He sighed heavily, dropping his arms to his sides.

  She stopped and studied him. He didn’t appear ready to pounce on her, but she wasn’t entirely sure. Worse yet, she couldn’t decide whether she wanted him to.

  “You said you wouldn’t punish me,” she reminded him, still wiggling her right foot into her shoe.

  “That’s right.” He sighed again. “But I think we should talk.”

  “Oh…I don’t think that’s a great idea,” she half-laughed, half-huffed while she searched out her purse and coat.

  “Jessica, there’s no need for you to run away. You enjoyed yourself.” He didn’t sound at all concerned about his statement. No gloating, just giving her a fact—she had indeed enjoyed herself.

  Like a damn hussy.

  She found her things in the front hall. In her haste to escape, she flung her purse over her shoulder, nearly knocking over a fern on the table

  “I’m not running away. I am just…well…” She dropped her hands and slumped her shoulders. “Fine, I’m running away. I don’t have much experience with…this…and I’d rather just go home and crawl under my bed.” She reached for the door.

  The theme had been casual, but she didn’t do casual sex—and she didn’t do relationships anymore.

  His hand wrapped around her arm, stopping her from fleeing. She hadn’t heard him move. All her internal panic alarms went off.

  “Okay, I won’t keep you. I’ll let you go…this time.” He didn’t even try to hide the meaning of his words. “I’d like to see you again. Give me your phone.” He put his hand out and stared down at her.

  “And then you’ll let go of me?” She met his gaze with what she hoped was a firm glare of her own. He gave a slow nod. Digging through her purse, she retrieved her phone and slapped it into his waiting palm. With one hand, he managed to add himself to her contact list before giving it back to her.

  “I also messaged my phone so I can add you,” he informed her. “As I said, I’d like to see you again. Then we can figure out more about what this is, because I doubt it’s what you think it is.” That damn dimple.

  “Okay.” She nodded and rushed past him as soon as he opened the door for her escape. He called down the hall for her to take a cab home, but she disregarded him.

  A walk would clear her mind better than any smelly cab.

  Chapter 3

  Voicemail. Again.

  Royce left another message. Quick, to the point, and in a firm voice. “Jessica. Call me when you get this, please.” He slid his phone across his desk and rubbed his eyes.

  He’d left three messages over the past two days. She’d ignored every one of them. She was probably mulling over their evening together and he had pushed her too far too fast. She was not a one-night stand kind of girl. That’s what had drawn him to her in the first place. But that evening, she’d looked so beautiful…so pouty, so sexy—so damn determined to ignore what she desired—he’d thrown his better judgment out the window. And now he feared he’d blown it with her before he’d even started.

  He was tempted to question Alex about her, to be sure she was okay, but he didn’t want to put him in the middle of the situation. And he wasn’t confident Alex truly saw her in a sisterly light. The little glances he gave her when he thought no one was watching, the way he tensed when her hand brushed his. Although it was clear Jessica had cemented Alex in the friend zone, it was evident Alex wished for a way out. Royce felt a bit sorry for Alex, especially now that he’d had a taste of the real Jessica.

  Royce shut down his computer and began putting his coat on when his cell vibrated on the desk. He was surprised at himself, holding his breath, hoping to see a message from Jessica. He was beginning to act like an infatuated teenager. He glanced at the message and breathed out slowly.

  Working late. Meet for coffee at seven?

  It was a good sign.

  He worked his fingers over the touchpad of his phone.

  Sure. My place?

  He chose against using an emoticon. Did they even have an emoji for obsessed? He had thought of little else besides her and their last evening together since she ran down the hall like her shoes were on fire.

  No. Starbucks on your corner.

  He checked his watch. There was enough time for him to take a run before meeting her. He needed the extra mile today.

  Jessica stood outside the coffee house, peering through the window. She’d spotted him right away, sitting at a small table in the back. She’d been standing in the cold for five minutes watching him, contemplating her next move. She had been the one who initiated this meeting, but also had more to lose. She doubted he cared if they ever saw each other again, and she tried desperately to believe she’d be just fine never setting eyes on him again. Acknowledging, but ignoring the little voice inside her telling her she was out of her mind, she opened the door and forged ahead. A high-pitched bell announced her entrance.

  Royce got to his feet as she approached the table. With a small grin fixed on his lips, he greeted her.

  “Hi.” He placed a chaste kiss on her cheek.

  “Hey,” she responded, doing her best to sound casual as heat spread across her face at the brush of his lips.

  “I wasn’t sure what sort of coffee you drank. What would you like?” he asked after she sat.

  “What, you didn’t want to choose for me?” She smiled to show him she was teasing.

  He raised an eyebrow in response. “I can if you’d like.” He started to stand, but she placed her hand on top of his to still him.

  “No. That’s okay. I’ll grab one.”

  “I’ll get the coffees. You get comfortable. Now, what do you drink? Something sugary, I bet.” His lips twitched.

  She laughed. “Just a vanilla latte.”

  “You got it.” He paused at her side and cupped her chin, drawing her eyes up to him. “I’m really glad you wanted to meet up.”

  His touch left a tingle on her chin. She could still smell his musky aftershave. Reminding herself again of her strategy, she straightened in her chair and tried to at least appear casual. She didn’t want him to see how frazzled her nerves really were.

  When Royce returned, he placed her coffee in front of her and took his seat. She tried to avoid his eyes, focusing on the little sips she took instead. But Royce wouldn’t be avoided so easily. When she glanced in his direction, she found his gaze glued to her.

  “How was your day?” he asked. His fingers drummed the side of his cup, and she wondered exactly how much patience he would have if she continued to delay the conversation. But she’d already decided on a course of action, and better to get right to it.

  “I don’t really like small talk.” She reached down for her purse, ignoring his little sigh of irritation. Small talk would lead to things getting more serious than she intended, and, for at least the moment, she needed things to be on her terms.

  He watched her, seeming to be content to let her lead them through the conversation. At least for the moment. She doubted he’d be so relaxed about it if she kept it up for long.

  “I wanted to discuss this.” She pulled out a set of rolled up papers and tossed them onto the table.

  He took his time unrolling them and flattening them with his hands.

  It was a th
ree-page list containing activities common in the types of relationships he was obviously involved in. Some of the items were of the sexual nature, and others were simply things regarding the relationship.

  “Okay.” He kept his hands on the papers and stared at her. His eyes weren’t just settled on her, they were searching her. Her skin heated beneath his scrutiny. This had all played out much smoother in her mind when she’d thought of it during breakfast.

  “Jessica.” His voice snapped her out of her drifting headspace. He’d only glanced down at the papers, and only appeared mildly surprised by what he read.

  “Page one is out!” she blurted and quickly checked to see if anyone had heard her. Her cheeks heated at the thought of the items mentioned there. Most of them she’d had to google for the definition.

  He looked down, quickly scanning. “Okay.”

  “What do you mean okay? Don’t you want those things?” His reaction wasn’t meeting her expectations. Why wasn’t he insisting on what he wanted?

  “Not really. Most of what’s here are things I don’t really care for, but I’d be willing to do if my partner wished.” He relaxed his hands and his tone.

  “Oh.” She brought her brows together. She had been sure he would end the conversation after she threw out all the activities on page one. She wasn’t a doctor, but she didn’t think fisting or shoving ginger root into one’s bottom was safe. Even if it was safe, she wanted no part of it.

  “You thought because I took control the other night everything would always be about what I want and not what you desire.” He read her mind perfectly yet another strike against him.

  “No, not really—”

  “And we’re back to one.” He pointed a finger in the air.

  “I don’t like the counting,” she said with a small shake of her head.

  He leaned toward her over the table, his soft composure hardened. “I don’t like the lying.”


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