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Windy City: The Complete 5 Book Series

Page 12

by Measha Stone

  “Maybe she wanted to surprise him with a sexy outfit,” Jessica countered, resting her head on his shoulder. For the first time that day, she relaxed.

  “I don’t think their dynamic allows for such surprises. Besides, she had a smug look on her face when she got out of the cab. She knew damn well what his reaction was going to be.”

  “She was provoking him?”

  “That’s how I saw it.”

  “But why?”

  “Don’t know. Maybe she wants to be punished. Maybe she was angry with him for some slight and it was her way of getting back at him.” His fingers drew circles on her knee.

  “If she wanted a punishment, why not just ask? And if she was angry—well, okay, I can see that.”

  “See what?”

  “Well, it’s not like she can punish him, right? So, rebelling—that’s her outlet.”

  Royce nudged her off his shoulder to look in her eyes. “That’s not okay. Understand that, Jessica. Complete disregard of a rule out of anger goes against what our relationship is. If you’re upset with me, you talk to me. That’s your outlet. I’m sure it’s hers too. Doing what she did because she was mad at him only wedges them apart. I’m sure he will set her straight on that. And I’m sure whatever she was upset about wasn’t worth what she has coming to her.”

  His face left no room for doubt. He meant every word.

  The cab pulled up to the restaurant, giving her a reprieve from his stare. “And we’re here,” she said with a smile.

  “Do you understand what I said, Jessica? I need you to say it, because you had a different opinion a minute ago.” He showed no sign of budging even after the driver requested the fare.

  They were talking about strangers, weren’t they? They had no idea if they were even right about her motives or his reaction. But Royce seemed content to wait here out until she responded.

  “Yes, Royce. I understand.” She pointed to the driver. “I think he wants to be paid.”

  “Are you wearing your plug?” He handed over a few bills and opened the door. He wasn’t even looking at her when he asked the inappropriate question. “Jessica?” He stopped her from stepping away from the cab once she was on the sidewalk.

  She sighed in frustration. “Yes. And you could have asked before there were other people in earshot.”

  “I could have.” He shut the door to the cab and slid his hand into hers. “But I love the way you blush for me.” He kissed her cheek and opened the door to the restaurant.

  “I’m just saying, he thinks more of you than a friend.” Royce nodded to his doorman as they made their way through his lobby.

  “Royce, I don’t want to talk about this. Alex is a friend. A really good friend, and that’s it. I have never seen him as more than that, and he’s never acted anything but friendly. Stop being jealous.” She pressed the button to call the elevator.

  He gave a laugh. “I’m not jealous. I’m only stating a fact, and it was Kelly who started this conversation.” He dropped his smile.

  It was her turn to laugh. “Of course, she did!” Kelly would be mortified if he knew she was as envious of Jessica as Alex probably was of Royce. Jessica knew Alex didn’t see her in the same friend light as she did, but he wouldn’t let that ruin their friendship. And she wouldn’t either.

  When they stood outside his apartment, he turned to her and captured her shoulders in his hands. “Are you ready, Jessica?”

  “Royce. We’re in the hallway.” She looked over her shoulder.

  “And there’s my blush.” He opened the door to let her in.

  Royce hung their coats in the front closet and instructed her to go into the living room and remove her clothing. No matter how many times she’d followed the exact same instructions, each time gave her a little thrill. It wasn’t until he joined her in the room that her anxiety surfaced. When his eyes roamed over her naked body, a tiny part of her doubted herself. One touch from him, as simple as a fingertip on her shoulder, and the doubt shattered, leaving only the two of them in the room.

  He sat on the couch and crooked his finger at her. “Come here.” He helped her lie over his lap, her head resting on the couch cushion, and her ass lifted by his knee. She buried her face into her hands while his fingers trailed along her thighs, up to her bare bottom. “Such a beautiful ass.” He cupped her cheeks. “It’s even more beautiful with this plug in it.” His fingers tapped on the plug, sending a surge of desire through her.

  Her cheeks were pulled apart by his hands. Everything he did was with purpose- to bring her pleasure, but beneath his prying gaze she became skittish. Slowly, the plug was turned. To the right, then the left. With a calculated movement, the plug slid out, and as it was to be fully removed, it was thrust back in. She grunted from the force.

  Again, it was pulled out then pushed back in. “Royce.” She wiggled her ass. The need was growing with each teasing thrust of the plug.

  “I’m right here.” One hand slid beneath her and flicked her clit. “See, here I am.” She pictured him grinning down at her with his evil smile. He enjoyed torturing her, teasing her until she was sure she would burst at the seams. “Are you ready for me? Are you ready to take my cock in your ass, Jessica?” Another thrust.

  She decided to go with honesty. “I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for that.”

  A harder shove on the plug. “Are you scared?” A slow pull on the plug.

  “Nervous. Not scared.” A gentle thrust.

  “Why is that?” The plug twisted as he pulled it back.

  She lay over his lap, naked, while he slowly fucked her ass with an anal plug, and he wanted to have a conversation? “I know you won’t hurt me, not really—so I’m not scared. Just a bit nervous because I don’t want you to be displeased with my inexperience.” The plug stilled. After a moment of silence, she snuck a peak over her shoulder.

  “I don’t think there is anything you could do that would make me displeased with you.” He trailed his hand down her back until it was on the plug. “I’m going to take this out now.” And, with one easy movement, the plug was gone. “Get in the bedroom, Jessica.” His voice was raw and stern, yet gentle and warming.

  He didn’t wait for her to get into the room before he entered, instead he followed, hot on her heels. “On the bed, down on your elbows, and keep your ass in the air. Spread your legs.” All business.

  His belt buckle jangled as he worked it open. Her cunt clenched in anticipation with the quick jerk of his zipper. The first drops of the sticky lubricant fell on her ass, slipping down between her cheeks and over her already wet pussy.

  “Such a good girl.” His fingers ran up and down the cleft of her bottom cheeks, rubbing the lubricant into her ass, pushing one into the already opened entrance. She looked back at him. He was watching her, his hand, slick from the lube, ran over his cock. Her eyes were glued to his actions. Long slow strokes of his hand lubricated his impossible erection.

  Resting her forehead on the mattress, his finger pressed against her untouched entrance. The first finger slid easily inside, then two and three were moving inside her.

  She gasped.

  “Steady, Jess.” His fingers pulled free of her, and the tip of his cock lined up with her next. “Push back toward me, pull me in. It’ll make it easier for you.” Both hands were on her, pulling her cheeks apart as the tip of his cock pressed against her hole.

  She tensed, waiting for the intrusion. A hard slap to her hip relaxed her.

  “Relax, Jessica. Do you need a spanking first?” He didn’t sound as though the spanking would be very pleasurable.

  “No, I’m okay.” She clenched her teeth and worked to relax her muscles. He pushed his cock against her tense entrance until finally he broke through the tension, and the head of his cock stretched her. She hissed as the burning took over.

  “Shh, relax.” He thrust again, claiming her bit by bit. She let out a long, ragged breath when he retreated an inch or two. He plowed forward, taking back the few inches
and adding more.

  “Almost there, baby.” He sounded pained. He reached around to stroke her clit. “Nearly there.” His promise laced with warning. Then it came. The hard thrust that seated him fully inside her. She cried out from the burning and the painful stretching. He stroked her, remaining still so she could adjust.

  She buried her face into the pillow, squeezing her eyes shut. Pain and pleasure mingled into a heated mess. His fingers never left her clit while he moved his cock slowly in and out of her ass. Soon he was moving easily within her. She arched her back, pushing against him as he plowed forward.

  “Ah, there you are.” His hand slapped her ass, and he increased the force of his thrusts. “You like this, Jessica. You like my dick in your ass.” He may have dragged her to the cliff where she teetered, but he would not let her fall. The pleasure of his fingers on her pussy, and the rough pain of his fucking melded together into one clear sensation that rocked through her, bringing her closer and closer to the edge.

  He pulled out and drove hard, making her cry out. Slower movements elongated the stretching sensation, but the fast plunge into her filled her so quickly she groaned from the impact. “Play with your clit, Jessica,” he ordered, moving his hand away from her. Both hands were now on her ass cheeks, pulling them apart. “Do you know how beautiful this is, watching my cock being sucked into your ass?”

  “Royce!” A ragged plea burst from her when she found her clit with her fingers. She applied more pressure and needed more of him. “Please!”

  “Harder?” He gave her a powerful thrust, and she groaned. She rubbed her clit faster, to match his force. He didn’t hold back any longer; he fucked her ass relentlessly, giving her no respite between strokes of his cock. He was going full force, and she wanted every bit of it.

  His hands left her ass and moved to brace himself over her on the mattress. A strong lunge pushed her flat. He lay over her, his cock still pummeling her. The extra pressure on her clit threw her closer to her edge, and she moved her hips up and down, taking every inch of him and chasing her orgasm. He moved faster within her, in and out of her ass. She groaned as her muscles clenched his cock, and her orgasm tore through her with a violent velocity. The intensity was unlike any she’d felt before, leaving her shaking and unsettled while her ass throbbed around his cock.

  “So good,” he said. “So fucking good. Lift up for me, Jess. More.” He slapped her ass hard. Reminding her again who controlled the moment. She thrived on his dominance. Giving over to him, she shoved her ass up, grimacing at the force of his thrusts.

  He fucked her harder, his fingers on her clit, pulling another forceful orgasm from her. His breathing was ragged, and the sounds from their bodies clashing and their guttural grunts, lewd. She reached back and pulled her cheeks open for him, knowing the small act of submission would be his undoing. He thrust hard and then stilled. His cock throbbed, releasing a hot stream of cum deep inside her.

  They were both gasping for air when he collapsed on top of her. His face pressed against her neck, and his hands brushed hers away. They lay like that for several minutes until he slipped from her body and rolled to his side, pulling her with him and tucking her head under his chin.

  “I’m going to run you a hot bath and wash you all over.” He kissed her temple and shoved himself from the bed. “Don’t move until I come back for you.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice.” She grinned as she watched his naked form leave the room. A few moments later, the water swished in the tub. She decided he would wake her when it was ready and let her heavy eyelids close.

  Chapter 14

  Royce put the final touches on the omelets and brought them to the dining room. Jessica sat on the chair beside his, needing to be a little closer to him that morning. She ate her eggs silently, giving him a few side glances as she sipped her orange juice. He knew her silence indicated she was thinking and decided to give her a little space.

  She had done better the night before than he could have hoped. When she admitted to trusting him, to believing in the idea he wouldn’t hurt her, his heart swelled. It took a lot of courage for her to admit that. It took even more for her to submit to anal sex. She’d been set against it at the beginning of their relationship, but she had trusted him to take her through it.

  He felt so much pride for her in that moment, he found it hard to breathe. The small chips were turning into large holes. The wall crumbled a bit more each day.

  “What are you thinking about?” he finally asked.

  “Last night.” An honest answer with no probing from him.

  “The bath?” He grinned.

  “No,” she laughed. “Although, who would have guessed your showerhead could do so much more than rinse my hair. I was thinking about what happened before the bath. I think we can take it off my limits list.” A subtle blush.

  “Take what off your list?” A small push.

  She sighed. “Isn’t it enough that I like it? That I’m willing to do it again? Do I have to say it?” Her eyes didn’t meet his.

  “Tell me what it is that can come off the limits list and tell me you want to do it again. Willing makes it sound like you will endure it. I remember last night very clearly, and you did more than endure it.”

  “What will you do when I get so used to your way of talking that I stop blushing?”

  “Tell me.” He wouldn’t let her veer off course.

  She pressed her lips together and let out a long breath through her nose. She had already resigned herself to obeying, but she needed a moment to realize it. “You can take anal off my list. I would like to do it again.” She shoved a forkful of eggs into her mouth. “And again.” She grinned.

  He watched her eat her breakfast. He could watch her for hours, days if she allowed. She would be going home after her meal. Stating cleaning, laundry, and napping as her chores for the day. He could order her to ignore her chores, to spend the day napping with him, but he figured she needed a little space. Little steps, he reminded himself.

  “I have another project for you today,” he announced as they cleared the table. She settled in to wash the dishes, and he leaned back against the counter.

  He pulled out a business card from a drawer and placed it on the countertop. “A friend from college actually went into the writing world. He’s an editor now for a small publishing house here in the city. Your project is to get your résumé together, write a killer cover letter, and send it to him. I didn’t even tell him your name, only that I was sending a gem his way.”

  “What?” She breathed erratically, looking at the card and then back to him. “But I have no experience.”

  “So what? I’ve seen your purse; you have a different book with you each time I see you. You know books.”

  His observation had touched her; she hadn’t let on about her passion for reading.

  “Royce, I don’t know.” She chewed the inside of her lower lip. “Just because I’m an avid reader doesn’t mean I have the knowledge to work at a publishing house.”

  “I do. Do this if only because I’ve said to. Obey me in this.” He wiped a strand of hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

  Her brow crinkled. “Okay,” she agreed with a tender smile.

  “Good girl.” Then he kissed her, pulling her to him and deepening the kiss. “Leave the dishes. I’ll get them later, after I walk you home.”

  The doorman stopped Royce in the lobby of his building on his return from delivering Jessica safely to her doorstep. He wrung his white gloved hands together as he looked at Royce. “I’m sorry, sir. She demanded to be let up. Said you told her to meet you in your apartment. I recognized her name from the packages. I didn’t feel right about it, but she was becoming unruly in the lobby.”

  “It’s all right. You let her into the apartment?” Royce looked at his watch; he didn’t need to ask who Robert had allowed into his apartment.

  “Yes, sir. She had several suitcases with her.” Robert’s brow wrinkled. A thin
layer of sweat covered his forehead.

  “You did the right thing,” Royce soothed the worried doorman. “She can be very persistent.” The elevator doors opened. “I’ll deal with her.”

  Royce stepped into the elevator and forced a smile on his face as the doors closed. Robert sighed with relief. No doubt Melody had given the man a hard time.

  Music blared from his apartment. Her favorite punk band thumped against the walls as he opened the door. He remained focused and entered his apartment.

  She was naked. She danced in his living room completely nude. Without a word, he found the remote to the stereo and switched off the music.

  Startled, she turned to him and instantly dropped to her knees, placing her forehead to the floor, reaching her hands over her head and placing her right palm on the back of her left hand. A position from another life.

  “Get up.” He tossed his jacket on the love seat.

  She moved from her position on the floor to kneeling with her hands folded behind her back.

  “No, stand up. Where are your clothes?” He walked around the room.

  “It’s good to see you again, Sir. I put my clothing in the bedroom,” her silky voice answered him.

  He left the room and reappeared with a pile of clothes in his hands. He dumped the pile in her lap. “I am not your Sir anymore, Melody,” he reminded her with forced civility. “Please get dressed.” He turned and walked away before she could react.

  He poured himself a glass of water and waited in the kitchen. The dishes were clean and put away. Envisioning her touching the plates Jessica had used fueled his anger. Another strategic move from Melody. She was nothing like Jessica.

  Jessica took to her role as his submissive naturally. It was who she was. Melody saw it as a game, a character role, not a lifestyle. If she wanted more dominance from him, she would purposely break rules. The strict, forceful master she wanted wasn’t in him. He didn’t want to break down a woman, he wanted to build her up, to hold her on a pedestal and worship her the same way she worshiped him. They needed to be partners in their dynamic, not enemies. No forcing or playacting, but real, tangible feelings. Jessica fit everything he searched for and more. Melody remained a past infliction he had been glad to be rid of when he moved to Chicago.


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