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Windy City: The Complete 5 Book Series

Page 27

by Measha Stone

  "To keep me safe?" she asked.

  "Yes, in part. But I also needed to deal with the shit up front, and if I have to worry you might be in danger, it makes it harder for me to do my job. I felt you behind me the second you were there, and all I could think about was getting you away from Ted."

  "He's not going to hurt me. I'm not his target," she interjected, immediately regretting interrupting him.

  His gaze wandered over her for several long seconds. "Get undressed," he ordered from his position by the door.

  Her stomach dropped. She could do this. She had to do this. Yet, her fingers hovered over the buttons, and she searched him for any hint of a reprieve coming.

  He raised an eyebrow.

  There would be no backing down.

  Unsure of what punishment awaited her, she trembled inwardly as she worked the buttons of her shirt. The heat in her backside had already subsided from their play in the dungeon, but she wondered if she would be able to take another spanking. Would it be unbearable? Would she be able to stop her body from reacting to his touch?

  She folded her clothes and held them in her hands, waiting for further instruction.

  "Put them on the chair." He gestured toward the seats facing the large desk in the room.

  She put them on the closest one and turned back to him. Her hands rested loosely at her sides. The cool airflow of the room whispered across her nipples, flicking them to life.

  His gaze never wandered below her eyes. Three long strides brought him directly in front of her. "Lock your hands behind your neck. Elbows out," he instructed. She looked down at his boots. "No, don't lower your eyes."

  She dragged her gaze back to his. His words acted as his hands, pulling her to where he wanted her.

  Shielding herself from his displeasure would have made it easier, but he didn't seem willing to allow that. She dragged in a steadying breath. Determination had replaced the anger she’d seen in his eyes earlier. There would be no wiggling her way out from beneath his hold, and somehow that made it easier.

  He reached out and grabbed hold of her nipples. She sucked in a deep breath at the fiery burn of his grasp. Though she wanted to pull away, she didn't.

  "Now, when I say stay, what are you supposed to do?" His question hung between them.

  "I'm supposed to stay." She managed to keep from rolling into a long line of defense. Typically, she would have plenty of reasons for her actions, excuses for what she'd done. Now, standing before him, she didn't even try.

  "But you didn't, did you?" His eyes darkened, and his grip intensified.

  She took a long drag of air and shook her head. He twisted his right hand, increasing her discomfort.


  "No, I didn't," she shouted. He released the pressure slightly.

  "We need to work on your obedience." His eyes never left hers, not even when she winced in pain. "You’re going to follow my instructions.”

  What did that mean?

  “I’m going to tell you do something, and you’re going to do it. You’re going to practice obeying.” He explained as though he’d heard the questions in her mind.

  "No spanking?" she asked, unable to stop the half smile from creeping onto her lips.

  He grinned and gave a low chuckle. "Did you enjoy the spanking I gave you?" His grin twisted, and his tone flattened, sounding more like one of the professors at the school, instead of the sexy dominant man she wanted to fuck her senseless.

  "Yes," she answered. Her nipples became accustomed to his grasp, but he continued to move his hands, adding new discomfort when he seemed to realize she was relaxing under his grip.

  "Then that wouldn't be much of a lesson, would it?" He winked and pulled her breasts toward him.

  "Stay," he demanded harshly as he dragged her nipples toward him.

  She wanted to lean forward, to lessen the burn, but she kept still. Curling her toes into the carpet, she kept her eyes locked on his. She dug her teeth into her lip, but she didn't move.

  He released her breasts, and they bounced back to her on fire.

  "Good girl.” He backed up several paces. “Drop your hands to your sides.”

  She complied.

  “Good. Now fold them behind your back and spread your feet shoulder length apart,” he directed.

  She swallowed back a smart-ass remark and followed the instructions. Her nipples still burned from his fingers, and now with his hot stare roaming over her displayed figure a new heat fire began to build.

  With deliberate steps he circled her.

  “Stand still, in this position, no matter what. Do you understand?” he asked from behind her.

  “Yes, Kendrick.” She wanted to turn, to see him so badly she had to sink her nails into her arm to keep herself on task.


  A sharp slap to her ass caught her off guard and she stumbled forward a step. It hadn’t been painful, in fact it barely registered as hurtful, but the force moved her.

  “See, now I just said stay put and you didn’t. Let’s try again.”

  She braced herself. When the blow struck, she managed to keep still, absorb the impact without moving.

  “Good girl.” Her heart expanded. A little bit of the pleasure he’d had in his voice earlier leaked back in. And like an addict she wanted more.

  He walked around her until his gaze leveled with hers. “Lift your right knee up, then your left.”

  “Like high knees?” She asked. She knew the move from the few times she’d hit the gym, and she remembered clearly not liking it.

  “Yes, exactly that. Keep doing it until I tell you to stop.” He stepped back and folded his arms over his chest. Challenge filled his eyes.

  She wrinkled her brow. This wasn’t sexy, this was exercise. Wasn’t a punishment supposed to have some sex appeal?

  “Kelly.” His warning shot her into movement.

  One knee then the next, over and over she marched in place like a soldier stuck in a tarpit.

  Her heart beat faster and her breathing became more labored, but his expression didn’t give any indication she’d be finished soon.

  “If you’d obeyed the first time, we’d be having an entirely different scene right now.” He explained. “You can stop.”

  Her foot landed with a thud and she heaved a heavy breath. Obviously, she needed to start working out again.

  “Walk to the wet bar and come back.” He gestured with a raised chin.

  Instead of arguing or asking what that had anything to do with anything, she went into action. She’d do it. She’d do every silly thing he said to do. Fine.

  She walked to the wet bar, her head high and her hips swaying. Let him enjoy the view while he was at it.

  “Good. See how easy it is to follow simple instructions.” His eyes narrowed a fraction. “Like stay put?”


  A slow burn crept up her neck and covered her face.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t listen to you,” she said, and she meant it. He was right. They could have been having fun, doing something they both enjoyed. Instead, she was marching around an office naked so he could prove a point. What a waste of an evening.

  His jawline softened as well as his eyes.

  “You might not always understand why I tell you to do something, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to obey me,” he explained.

  “I know, I was just…well there was a lot of noise—”

  “And you were curious. I get that,” he cut her off. “But sometimes obeying isn’t easy. And sometimes you have to miss out on something because I told you stay away. What you need to decide…” he stepped closer, his warmth brushing against her naked skin, “is if it’s more important to check out what your missing or obey and submit.”

  Her shoulders fell as tension eased out of her muscles.

  “And tonight, I chose to check out what was going on,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, you did. But now we both know you’re capable of obeying simple commands.�
�� His lips spread into a wide, approving grin. "I have to talk to George for a few minutes. Go stand with your nose in the corner, hands folded on top of your head."

  Dragging her feet, she made her way to the corner. A tremor worked its way down her spine. He remained quiet behind her.

  After a long moment of silence, the soft sound of the door opening and closing echoed in the room. She let out a long breath and began to switch her weight from one foot to the next. Her nipples ached, her thighs were heavy, and her mouth was dry. How long would she have to stand in the corner contemplating her sad state of affairs. It was her fault; she understood that. Regret wove through her thoughts.

  Finally, the door opened behind her, and she forced her fidgeting legs to still.

  "So, I'll ask Gary to stop by this weekend and look at the back-door lock. It’s working fine, but it jams. Probably time for a new one." Kendrick’s voice. Chairs moved. Two. He wasn’t alone.

  Flames erupted across her cheeks. It had to be George. It was his office. She groaned. She was naked, her ass still marked from Kendrick’s paddle—and it was facing him!

  “That would be good. Last thing I need is anyone breaking in here,” George responded causally, like she wasn’t standing in the corner of his office with her bare ass staring at him. He owned the club, so it probably wasn’t all that odd for him to experience, but knowing that did little to appease her flushed face.

  "Did Ted's date stick around, or did she leave?" Kendrick's voice tightened.

  "She's still here. Dominick and Teri are chatting her up in the lounge. Apparently, Ted met her a few weeks ago and has been trying to get her alone."

  Ted would keep preying on women so long as he remained free. He needed to be stopped before he really hurt someone. Men like Kendrick were few and far between; they couldn’t always be everywhere. Kelly had been lucky.

  "Good," Kendrick said. A chair moved along the carpeting and soft booted steps approached her. She closed her eyes, sensing him nearby. "I'm not coming in tomorrow night. I have a date with a really hot redhead."

  The tight knot in her chest unraveled.

  "Finally." George laughed. "I noticed the bracelet."

  What about the bracelet? She didn’t dare turn around to ask, or to drop her hands. She wouldn’t give Kendrick any reason to doubt her new resolve. Obeying him was more important than the instant gratification of asking her question.

  Kendrick ignored the topic of her bracelet and firmed up which crew would be working the next night. He was very hands-on with his company and seemed to want to keep George involved with each decision.

  "That's all fine." George’s chair moved and more steps crossed the room. “I’ll see you later, then.”

  From the corner of her eye, the door opened, and George paused to look in her direction.

  "Good night, Kelly," he said with a playful tone right before he shut the door.

  Kendrick’s voice caressed her back. "Do you think you will be able to listen better in the future?"

  She nodded in response.

  He let out a heavy sigh. "Kelly, words. Use your words. I’m really tired of having to remind you."

  "Sorry. Yes. I’ll listen better.” And she would, because the last several minutes of having him near and not touching her was worse than any other punishment he could meet out.

  "I know you can too.” His lips brushed across her shoulder.

  He tugged her arms down to her sides and turned her around. "Get dressed. I’ll take you home." She took her bundle of clothes from him.

  "I'll wait for you outside. I just want to clear up the schedule with Craig." He gave her soft kiss to her cheek and headed for the door.

  "The punishment is over?" she asked, gripping her clothes to her chest.

  He turned, a slow determined curve of his lips forming.

  "That wasn't a punishment. That was discipline." He closed the door and left her alone in the office.

  Chapter 21

  The ride home from the club had been uneventful, much to Kendrick's surprise. He had envisioned a bombardment of questions from Kelly. She was new to being disciplined. With her impulsive nature, he doubted she'd ever heard, or obeyed, the word “no” before.

  Humiliation hadn't been his aim in the office, but he feared she might have seen it that way and resist him. She'd surprised him again by going along with his directions and taking the humility he offered with grace. She'd been obedient and hadn't shown any qualms about obeying the humbling directions.

  He wondered, however, if the lesson had been learned. Would she be able to fight against her impulsive nature the next time her curiosity got the better of her?

  Kendrick walked her up to her apartment. Dropping women at the curb wasn't his style. Once she was inside, he started to stay his goodbyes. It was late and she had classes in the morning.

  "I'm not going to turn back into a pumpkin." She laughed when he mentioned the time. Her laugh was so hearty, so pure, he had to smile whenever he heard it.

  "No. But if I stay, I'm going to pick up that skirt of yours and have you bent over your couch." He tucked her hair behind her ear and kissed her. A chaste kiss leaving them both unsatisfied.

  "That doesn't sound so bad." Her hands rested on his chest, and he covered them with his own.

  "It wouldn't be bad. But you took liberties with a second orgasm tonight, so there wouldn't be one for you now, and after how nicely you took your obedience lesson, I might feel compelled to go against my own rule. And I can't have that." He gave her a slow wink and tweaked her nose before he opened the door.

  She stared after him with large round eyes, and he had to chuckle at how hard she tried not to pout in front of him. He envisioned her stomping her foot at him, demanding he take her over the arm of the couch right that minute.

  He set his jaw firm and inclined his head. "Good night, Kelly,” he said and left her in the doorway as he ran down the steps to the main entrance.

  The small parking lot outside the Indian restaurant Kelly had directed Kendrick to was nearly empty.

  He parked the car and looked around at the other vehicles.

  "Are you sure this is the place?" he asked.

  "Yeah, I think so." She pulled her phone out and flipped through screens. "Yep, this is it. Jessica and Alex are already inside."

  She tossed the phone back into her oversized purse and moved to open her door.

  "No,” he growled, jumping from the car. She didn't even have the decency to hide her satisfied smile as he made his way around to open her door.

  "Wait for me. Always wait for me," he directed as he helped her from the car and entwined his fingers with hers.

  "Of course," she bowed her head slightly, but he didn't take it as a sign of submission. The imp was trying to hide a giggle. She found some of his ideals old fashioned, such as opening doors for her. Though she enjoyed it, she liked teasing him about it.

  The door smacked into the bell hanging from the frame, announcing their arrival to the entire restaurant. The overwhelming smell of curry assaulted his senses as they entered.

  Kelly waved a hand in the air and used her other hand to drag him further inside. Unlike the parking lot, the restaurant wasn't empty. Only a few tables were left unoccupied.

  "Hey, everyone!" Kelly's voice carried over the table as the group of friends looked up at them.

  Jessica waved from her seat and greeted Kendrick as Kelly scooted around the table to the two empty seats.

  "Everyone, this is Kendrick. Kendrick, you met Jessica and Royce already. But this is Erin and Jonathan—soon to be Mr. and Mrs., and this is Alex." She introduced everyone.

  Kendrick turned to shake Alex's hand and paused a moment, letting his face register. Before he could extend a greeting, Alex stood from the table and clasped his hand with a large smile on his face.

  "So, you're the man who has finally taken the challenge of taming our Kelly." His wide grin and deep brown eyes remained fix.

  "Alex, don't be
such an ass!" Kelly chastised, pulling Kendrick into the seat beside her.

  Kendrick shot her a warning glance before he situated himself in the chair.

  "What? I'm sure he's figured out what a hellcat you are by now." Alex took a pull of his beer. "In all seriousness, though. We are all glad you were at that horrible party she went to. Who knows what might have happened—"

  "Jessica!" Kelly glared over the table at her friend, who was staring at Alex with a murderous intent. "You told him?"

  "Oh, please! She tells him everything, you know that," Erin piped up from behind her glass of wine. "What I want to know is why didn't you tell me?" She kept her hand on her glass as she aimed a glare at Kelly.

  "Nothing happened!" Kelly slammed her hands on the table, making their plate settings clink together. "I do not want to talk about that stupid night anymore!" She glared at Jessica. "You shouldn't have told Alex."

  "Of course, I told him! I wanted him to know what mess he could have caused by letting you leave with that Neanderthal!" Jessica reached over and gave Alex a slap across his shoulder, which only made Alex roll his eyes.

  "He is not my babysitter!" Kelly defended him.

  "I already told her that; she doesn't—"

  "He could have protected you!" Jessica shot back.

  "Oh, dear God! I do not need him to protect me. We didn't go to that club together; we just bumped into each other there!"

  Their voices rose to a point other patrons of the restaurant began to take notice. Kendrick laid a hand on Kelly's shoulder, trying to pull her back into her seat to relax, but she leaned over the table again, her eyes still wide with irritation.

  "Kelly, calm down," Erin chimed in again. "Really, it all worked out anyway." She looked at Jessica. "Alex isn't responsible for what Kelly does. And we all know Kelly will do what Kelly wants to do. She can't seem to help herself. Thankfully, Kendrick was there to save her from whatever trouble she managed to get herself into. Although, I'm still unclear as to why Jessica knows all of this and I don’t."

  Kelly groaned and leaned back in her seat. "It doesn't matter. Can we just order?" she grumbled and threw the menu up to cover her face scanning the items.


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