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Page 6

by Sandy Alvarez

  "I like it, okay. I just sit behind a desk and answer the phone all day."

  "How are you and Nikolai getting along?" At Alba's next question, Bella and Sam, who were having their own conversation, halt and bring their attention to us.

  I shrug. "He's a nice boss, I guess."

  "He's a nice boss?" Alba parrots.


  Sam decides to cut in. "You know, I saw the two of you eating lunch at the diner in town today."

  "Nikolai took you to lunch?" The question comes from Bella, Alba's sister.


  Alba, Sam, and Bella look as if they are waiting for me to elaborate. Don't know why. There's nothing more to say.

  Bella cocks her head to the side. Something across the room catches her attention. Or should I say, someone? When I look over my shoulder, I find Nikolai sitting at the bar with his brother Logan. Logan is talking to him. Only Nikolai's attention is fixed on our little huddle. Bella continues to look back and forth between Nikolai and me. Then a smile spreads across her face. I look to Alba, who is looking at her sister. She shares the same smile.

  "What?" I ask.

  "Nothing," the sisters say in unison. Alba and Bella seem to have some secret code. They can communicate with just a look. That's something I have noticed since hanging around them more. It's something special, but annoying at times.

  I look to Sam silently, asking if he knows what their deal is. He just smiles and shrugs. But he too has a strange look in his eyes, like he is in on some big secret I know nothing about. Strange.

  "You guys are acting weird."

  Bella waves her hand in front of us and changes the subject. "So how are you liking Polson? You get settled into the apartment okay?"

  "The apartment is great. I've been meaning to thank the club for all they've done."

  "You're family now, "Alba says. "They guys were happy to help."

  At the mention of family, I let my mind drift and start thinking about my own. It is not lost on me that The Kings have done more for me in just a matter of weeks than my mother and father have in eighteen years. People who hardly know me have shown me what it is to be a family—like Sam, who dropped everything to move because I needed to escape to someplace safe. Family is people who help you find a safe place to lay your head at night and give you a job with no questions asked. They are the people who accept you just the way you are. I'm blessed enough to have found two of the best friends anyone could ask for.

  "You okay, Leah?" Alba's voice fills with concern. "You looked miles away just now."

  Shaking my thoughts away, I decide I need a moment to collect myself before letting my emotions get the better of me. "I'm fine," I give my friend a small smile. "I do need to use the restroom, though. Can you point me in the direction?"

  "Sure." Alba points to her left. "Down the hall, last door on your right."

  "Thanks. I'll be back in a minute."

  Standing, I make my way through the common room and past the bar. And though I don't look up from watching each step my feet carry me, I feel a familiar set of eyes watching my every move. It's unnerving yet makes my tummy flutter. Once I reach the bathroom and rush to lock the door, I lean my back against the wall in front of the mirror and take a deep breath. This is why I don't have friends and why I don't like crowds. I'm not good at making small talk or inserting myself into the conversations going on around me. I don't understand when the people around me give each other cryptic looks spoken in secret code. Regardless of those things, I have to admit; it feels good being around my friend again and seeing how happy she is. If anyone deserves to be happy, it's Alba.

  Deciding I've hidden in the bathroom long enough, I exit and head back down the hall. I don't make it far when I hear my name called. "Leah?" Jake Delane, the club President, stands in the doorway to his office. Jake is just as big as the rest of the men in the club. Only his presence holds more authority. He has a bushy beard, tattoo-covered arms, a broad chest, and kind eyes. "I'd like a word with you, darlin'."

  Not waiting for my response, Jake turns, walks further into his office, and plants himself behind a desk. I follow behind and take a seat in front of him.

  Settling in, Jake picks up a pack of cigarettes from his desk, sticks one in his mouth, lights it, and takes a long drag. Out of nervous habit, I stare down at my hands, resting on my lap while waiting for him to speak. "Darlin'," Jake grabs my attention, and I look up. "You got nothin' and no one to be scared of here. You get me?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  Jake nods. "I only wanted to see how you were settlin' in. See how you're likin' the job."

  "I'm settling in okay. I like my job, and everyone has been nice."

  "That's good, sweetheart." Jake's face goes soft at his next question. "Now, about your dad. Have you tried talking to him again?"

  I shake my head. "No, Sir. Not since before Sam and I moved to Polson." Curious about Jake's line of questioning, I ask, "Do you think he knows I'm here? Have you heard anything?"

  Jake takes another drag from his cigarette. "The club is handlin' your dad. We're keepin' tabs, and he hasn't been sniffin' anywhere near my town. If he does, I'll know about it."

  I let out a relieved breath.

  Jake leans forward, resting his arms on the desk. "The club's got your back, darlin'. Don't you worry. I'll also add, Sam told me what went down with you and your old man. I assure you that the things he told my men and me won't go beyond these walls. You can trust me, and you can trust my club. I want you to know you can come to us for anything. You got me?"

  "I got you. Thank you, Mr. Delane. I know you don't know me, but your help means a lot."

  "No thanks necessary, sweetheart. Alba vouches for ya and considers you family. If you're Alba's family, you're Kings' family. That's all there is to it. We take care of our own."




  Another night of restless sleep, although this time, my insomnia has nothing to do with my past. No, I can't seem to get a particular curvy brunette with amber eyes off my mind. I close my eyes, and she's there. Awake, I want nothing but to lay eyes on her. That is a problem. I shouldn't want her the way I do. For starters, she's barely legal, and Leah is not ready for a man like me. I pull a pair of gym shorts from the dresser drawer and slide them on. Needing a distraction, I walk out of my room. It's a few hours before dawn, so I head toward the other side of the house and enter the gym. The one here at my father's estate in Polson is smaller than the one in Russia but offers a much better view during a workout. I step up to the heavy bag and begin pounding my bare knuckles into the black leather. When thoughts of Leah continue to plague me, my strikes become harder and faster until my flesh is raw, and my body is drenched in sweat.

  Breathing slowly and frustrated that my workout proved useless in my efforts to concentrate on more than a beautiful young woman, I make my way back to my room. Stripping out of my shorts, I stride into the bathroom and turn the shower on. As I wait for the water to warm, I pause, looking at my nude reflection in the mirror. Twisting, I take in the three large scars on my back. They're hidden—blended almost flawlessly with my tattoos. No matter how I disguise them, they are reminders of my past, and of the man my grandfather was.

  My fists tighten at my sides as the memory surfaces. The second time in my life that I defied my grandfather. By this time in my life, there wasn't too much I didn't know about my mafia family. However, I still wasn't privy to all the inner workings. I wasn't killing people or committing crimes, but I was accompanying people here and there to places like restaurants, bars, and strip clubs. No one ever questioned why I always tagged along or was invited to go. At fifteen, I was as tall as I am now, besides, why would they refuse to let me enter? I'm Nikolai Volkov. Cocky to say, but true. There was this one fucker, a real piece of shit by the name of Zavier Minsky, the son of a prominent business associate to the family. The entire meeting went smoothly until I caught the asshole raping an unconscious w
oman in the men's bathroom at the topless bar, where we were conducting business. Long story short, I beat the shit out of him.

  Rolling my shoulders, I take one last look in the mirror before stepping into the shower. Unfortunately for me, Zavier felt disrespected, and my grandfather thought I needed another lesson in respect. I had to endure whatever punishment the Minsky family saw fit, as long as it didn't result in the loss of my life. It turns out; they have strange barbaric customs for such things in their family. I was horsewhipped several times. Some of those strikes left open lacerations across my back. Needless to say, my father wasn't pleased to hear about the incident upon his return. I don't know what transpired between my grandfather and my dad, but I know nothing like what I was put through ever happened again.

  Pushing dark memories away, I shower and get ready for the workday ahead.

  Before heading to the office, I swing by the bakery owned by Jake's woman. "Good morning, Nikolai," Grace greets me with a smile like always as I walk through the door. "What would you like today?" She places a fresh tray of blueberry muffins into the display case.

  "Four of your warmest croissants." I pull my wallet from the back pocket of my jeans, then notice a small pyramid stack of miniature jars filled with various jam flavors sitting beside the cash register. "And a jar of jam."

  "Which flavor?" Grace asks as she places my order of pastries into a small pink box.

  I stare at the selections available, wondering which one Leah would like best. "Fig."

  Grace nestles the small jar in the center of the croissants. "Good choice. Our neighbor's wife makes them, and they are so good. Oh," she looks around, retrieving a wrapped plastic knife with a few napkins, and sits them on top of the closed box. Handing her my credit card, I pay for my order. "How's Leah?" she asks as she rings up my purchase.


  "She's a sweet girl." Grace hands over my credit card along with my order.

  I nod but decide not to reply. Instead, I tell her, "Thank you, Grace." I turn and walk toward the door.

  "Be gentle with her, Nikolai." Grace's words cause me to pause as my hand hovers above the door handle. "I suspect she's suffered for a long time." There's a brief pause, followed by a soft sigh. "I see so much of myself in her. She probably feels like her life is beyond repair right now, but I've noticed the way you look at her."

  I keep my eyes forward, staring out the glass door. "I would never hurt her."

  "I know. You are a good man. Just…" Grace leaves the rest of her thoughts unsaid before adding, "with time, she'll learn to spread her wings. I have a feeling there is much more to Leah than she allows to show," Grace expresses, and I agree with her observation.

  I look over my shoulder. "Have a good day, Grace."

  "You do the same," she waves to me as I walk out the door.

  The rest of the drive to work, I think about Grace's words and wonder if others have been just as observant of my feelings for Leah. As the office building comes into view, I notice her car parked in its usual spot and look at the time above the truck radio. She's almost forty minutes early. I park my truck beside it, cut the engine, and grab the bag sitting in the passenger seat, then climb out. The front door is unlocked, and the thought of Leah being so careless angers me. Anyone could walk in and harm her. I fling the door open, only to find her desk chair empty. Sitting the bag in my hand on her desk, I stride down the hallway, spotting the backdoor open. My pace quickens. The closer I get to the door, I hear the rumble of a man's voice and my pulse races. And the words he speaks as I close in on him makes my blood boil.

  "Come on. A big girl like you should take what she can get, and I'll give it to you good too. You know you want it."

  Clearing the opened door, I catch sight of Leah, pressed against the side of the building. The man who currently has his hands on my woman, John, one of two crewmen we hired three weeks ago. I'm on him in two seconds flat. Grabbing a fist full of his hair, I pull him off Leah, and slam him, face-first into the wall.

  "What the hell?" The bastard falls to his knees, holding his face. "My nose. You broke my goddamn nose."

  Leah blinks. The tears rolling down her cheeks, fill me with more rage than I've ever felt before. This piece of shit hurt her. Leah brings her eyes to mine. "Go inside," I order, but she makes no attempt to move. "Leah. Inside. Now," I raise my voice, which causes her to flinch. I hate to use such a harsh tone with her, but she needs to listen. Leah has seen enough violence in her life; I will not add to it by allowing her to witness what I am about to do. Without further prompting, she steps away. Once she's safely inside, I lift the guy off the ground. "On your feet, motherfucker."

  "Shit, man." John grunts from the force of me, shoving his back against the brick wall. His eyes land on my face, finally noticing who the fuck he just pissed off. "Shit." He throws his hands up. "Look, dude, I'm sorry. I didn't realize…"

  "Didn't realize what you worthless piece of shit." My accent is thick as I wrap my hand around his throat. "Didn't realize a man doesn't put his hands on a woman uninvited?" My grip tightens, causing his face to redden from lack of oxygen.

  "I didn't know she was yours, man." He pries at my fingers, trying to remove them from his neck as I constrict them more. But before he passes out, I release my hold on him.

  He coughs as he takes air into his lungs. "It won't happen again," John sputters.

  "Damn right, it won't." My knuckles connect with his ribcage, making him double over in pain. The second he comes up swinging, something else inside me takes over as I land blow after blow to his face.

  "Boss, Boss." A muffled voice begins to drag me from my rage-filled haze. "Nikolai. Stop before you kill him." Finally, I recognize Gary's voice.

  Heaving, I take in the sight of John's face as I release the collar of his shirt, and he slumps to the ground at my feet, his face swollen and bloodied by my hands.

  "Get yourself cleaned up," Gary tells me, and I look down at my hands covered in another man's blood.

  "He touched her," are the only words I manage to say.

  "I put two and two together once I took in Leah's appearance inside, then found you out here beating John half to death." Gary sighs. "I got daughters and a wife of my own. I get it." He pulls his phone from his back pocket. "I'm assuming I need to call someone to handle this?"

  Walking to the hose laying on the ground at the corner of the building, I turn the water on and rinse the blood from my hands. "You have Jake's number?"

  "I do."

  "Call him." Turning the water off, I dry my hands on my pant legs, then check myself before walking inside.

  I find Leah in the breakroom, sitting at the table, staring at her hands folded in her lap. The moment I hear her wheezing, I realize she's in the middle of an asthma attack. Rushing to her desk, I search for her inhaler. When I find it, I hurry back, and drop to my knees beside her, placing the medicine in her hand. "Here."

  Leah gives her inhaler a shake, then brings it to her lips and inhales.

  After a few deep breaths, her breathing levels out.

  Adrenaline still coursing through my veins I ask her, "What were you thinking? You shouldn't be here alone." She flinches. The moment my harsh words are spoken, I regret saying them. Reining in my anger, I spin her chair to face me. "I apologize. None of this is your fault." I lift her chin, needing her to look at me. "Give me your eyes." Her lids flutter open, her lashes wet from tears. "Are you okay?"

  She nods. "Yeah."

  "He touched you." I keep my voice calm, even though my insides are far from it.

  "His words hurt a lot worse than his touch."

  The pain in Leah's voice guts me. "Those things he said are not true. You're beautiful, Malyshka."

  Leah shakes her head, not believing a word. Dropping her head, she whispers, "I wish that were true."

  "Look at me, Leah." She lifts her eyes to mine once more. "I would never lie to you. You. Are. Beautiful." Her chest rises and falls, and her pupils dilate. When h
er lips part, I find myself aching to taste them.

  A knock turns both our heads toward the door. "Hey, boss. Jake is here to see you." Gary looks between Leah and me.

  "I'll be right there," I tell him.

  "I'll let him know." Gary disappears down the hall, leaving me alone with Leah once again.

  I stand, and Leah follows suit. "Um. What happened to John?" she asks.

  "I taught him a lesson he won't soon forget," I admit since I just told her I would never lie to her.

  "You hurt him?"



  "Yes," I admit freely again, then effectively end the discussion. "Come. You should eat. I left breakfast on your desk." Waiting for Leah to lead the way, I follow close behind her as we walk out front. Jake is waiting at the door when we step out.

  Putting a smile on her face, Leah greets him. "Good morning, Jake."

  "Mornin', sweetheart." Jake then turns his attention to me. "Let's talk outside." With a final look at Leah, I follow him. Once outside, I notice Quinn, and Sam, loading John's limp body into the back of a van. "He's breathin'," Jake pauses a beat. "You worked him over pretty good."

  "He deserved more than what he got."

  Jake runs his fingers through his beard. "From what Gary told us, I believe you. I've done far worse to defend Grace."

  "I appreciate the clean-up. I owe you."

  "You don't owe me shit. All I ask is you be careful with that girl in there."

  I've known Jake long enough to realize the meaning of his words. "Grace had something similar to say to me this morning."

  Jake laughs. "She did, huh?" Then crosses his arms across his chest, and we watch the guys drive the van off the property. Jake turns, clasping his hand down on my shoulder. "Well, then. Nothing more to be said." He lets his hand fall to his side, walks over to his bike, and throws his leg over it. "I'll have the guys dump the asshole near the hospital. Catch ya later."


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