Book Read Free

Let Me Out

Page 7

by A H Alhaila

  Steven knew what she meant and said, “Do you think we can get Lily and your mother’s books?”

  “Yes.”, replied Joanna.

  “We need to. Car. I’ll ask someone for theirs.”, said Steven.

  “We have to be cautious of their reaction. They might think we are running away.”, replied Joanna.

  “Good thinking! Don’t worry and follow me.”, said Steven.

  Steven went up to the group with Joanna and said, “Who has a car parked in the basement?”

  “Why?!”, they asked.

  “We’re going to get my wife’s books which talks about this disease so that we could get some information about these creatures.”, replied Steven.

  “We’re going”? What do you mean we?”, said Max.

  “My daughter and I, and whoever would like to join us”, replied Steven.

  “If something happens to you, what will we do? Who will train us to fight and face those creatures?”, someone asked.

  Alexander interrupted them an asked, “Is this really necessary?”

  “Yes.”, said Steven.

  “Then take my car.”, said Alexander.

  Everyone got upset. “Let him do what he sees fit! What is wrong with you?”, said Alexander.

  Everyone became silent. “We’ll be back in no time.”, said Steven.

  Steven went with his daughter to pack up. When they were ready, they went towards the staircase door. Adam was there carrying Oliver, who had calmed down a bit. Steven and Joanna kissed him as everyone was looking at them as if they were travelling! Alexander was standing beside the door and said, “Take care of my car.”.

  Steven smiled and said, “I will.”

  Alexander continued, “I’m joking. It’s all yours. I’m sending Daniel with you to bring me the cassettes that I left in the car.”.

  Adam gave Max the keys so that he could open basement doors and then close it after they leave. The four of them then left and headed towards the basement. The car was a pick-up truck with tinted windows and cowboy stickers all over it. It also had some tools in the backseat and a few empty prescription boxes scattered everywhere. Steven grabbed one of them and read the label to find that it was an anti-anxiety medication, as were the rest of them. Meanwhile, Daniel took the cassettes while Joanna was getting into the car. Max called Daniel and said, “Listen, I want you to close the basement doors. I’m going with them.”

  “Okay.”, said Daniel.

  Steven and his daughter were surprised as Max gave the keys to Daniel and walked towards them. “Do you really want to?”, asked Steven in surprise.

  “Yes.”, replied Max.

  The basement door was only a few meters away from the street. It allowed Daniel to open and close the door without the creatures noticing. He headed upwards as Adam and Alexander were both waiting for him for the keys and the cassettes respectively. As soon as Daniel arrived, he gave the cassettes to his father then walked towards Adam and gave him the keys. “Did Max go with them?”, asked Adam surprised.

  “Yes.”, said Daniel.

  Meanwhile, everybody went towards the windows, including Adam, to watch them as they were leaving.

  Steven drove slowly and carefully as they drove out of the gate Steven as he didn’t know how the creatures would react! As soon as the car got onto the street, they found themselves surrounded by the creatures which kept starring at them. Frightened, Max said, “Drive as fast as you can.”.

  “Wait…”, said Steven. “They haven’t attacked us. I will drive slowly.”, he added.

  Steven drove the car slowly between the creatures, doing his best to avoid them. He was looking fearfully and said, “Good Lord! There’s so many of them.”.

  “See!”, said Steven. “They haven’t attacked us! Driving frantically would have got us into trouble”, he added.

  “You’re right.”, said Max.

  Joanna hit the glass window causing a sound. Max, in an angry voice, shouted, “Are you crazy? What are you doing?”.

  “I wanted to see what their reaction was if I hit the glass.”, replied Joanna.

  “Don’t do that!”, said Max.

  “What happened to the strong and courageous Max?”, asked Joanna. “I want to scare them off.”, she added.

  “NOOO!!”, screamed Max.

  Steven and his daughter laughed as they drove out of the shopping center. Joanna looked at the back at it and said, “Our friends are looking at us surprised!”.

  “Look how surprised they all are!”, said Steven.

  Suddenly, they heard a sound as if Steven had crashed something. Steven stopped the car straight away. He looked in front of him and saw that one of the creatures was standing in front of the car, starring at him with rage, hitting the car forcefully. Other creatures joined it. Frightened, Max pointed his gun to shoot when Steven stopped him and said, “Do Not shoot…wait!”.

  Those in the shopping center were observing, fearing the worst was yet to follow. “let head to the roof and start drawing the creatures towards us.”, said Joseph.

  Everyone ran up to the roof, leaded by Adam to open the door. “Let’s the throw the empty bottles or shoes or anything at them.”, said Joseph. The whole group moved a one team, gathering what they can.

  “What do we do?”, said Max.

  “Wait until they leave.”, replied Steven.

  “Where did our friends go?”, asked Joanna.

  “They might be doing something to help.”, said Steven.

  AS soon as Steven said that, Joanna said, “Look … they are on the roof.”.

  The group started making sounds and threw whatever they had to draw the creature’s attention. The creatures gradually started moving away from the car, opening a path for them to take. Everyone was excited as they were able to help. “Are we still going through with this?”, asked Max.

  “We don’t have a choice.”, replied Steven.

  Max looked as if he had regretted. Joanna started laughing and said, “Why are you so afraid?”.

  I figured it would be okay going with you guys but seeing all this made me have second guesses.”, said Max.

  “We’ll get through this.”, said Joanna.

  “I know we will.”, replied Max.

  Steven drove the car slowly, moving away from the creatures. They remained at that speed until they had reached the street which their house was on. Joanna started to feel more excited. As they got closer to the house, which seemed to be destroyed as the other houses, the excitement went away. They were worried about Lily. “There are some creatures around. How are we going to get in?”, asked Joanna.

  Steven thought for a moment then said, “Through the window.”

  “Even if we enter from the window, they will still see us!”, said Max.

  “I will park the car next to the house, making the window directly next to the window of the house. This will make things easier and we can go in un-noticed.”, said Steven.

  The car was high enough making that possible. “Good idea.”, said Max.

  “Let’s be careful.”, said Steven as he parked the car.

  Steven entered the house first followed by Max then Joanna. They stopped to make sure the place was safe. Signs of destruction was everywhere. “We’ll walk together. Follow me.”, whispered Steven.

  They walked up the stairs carefully, entering the living room where there were no creatures to be seen. They then entered the kitchen and also found no-one. “We’ll head upstairs.”, whispered Steven.

  They walked carefully upstairs. Max tripped on a piece of wood. It fell down the stairs reaching the ground floor. Out of fear, they all closed their eyes shut. They slowly opened them carefully fearing that something would now appear! They kept going up after waiting for a few moments making sure there was nothing to worry about. “I am going to my room.”, said Steven. Joanna you go to your room and Max go to the storage room. It’s behind the door at the end of the corridor.”, he added.

  Steven headed towards the right to h
is room while Joanna and Max headed left. Suddenly, as they walked together cautiously, Joanna said, “Stop!”.

  Max froze still, looking at Joanna. Joanna was looking at a pile of long black hair on the floor and felt that it was moving. The pile of hair suddenly moved towards them and attacked. The hair tangled their legs knowing them down. The hair reached their heads surrounding Max’s head. Joanna quickly moved away. Max stood up and started moving, desperately trying to get rid of it. He then fell from the balcony overlooking the living room. Joanna attacked it trying to free Max catching it, causing Max to hang in the air as if being hanged. Joanna’s hair also got tangled in the pile of hair causing both of them to be stuck. Joanna held on the balcony’s rail to that she wouldn’t fall off too. All of that happening in an instant. Steven went out to see what he could have never imagined. He took out his sword and ran towards them hearing the sound of Max firing his gun at that pile of hair. Thankfully, he didn’t shot Joanna. Max kept firing until Steven sliced the pile of hair in half. Max fell on the floor and Joanna fell backwards hitting her head on the wall behind her as the hair that wrapped around her head fell off. Her dad knew she was alright as soon as he looked at her, even though he had cut off her hair as well. He looked at max and found him moving away from the pile of hair frightened. “What the hell is that?”, screamed Max.

  “Are you injured?”, asked Steven as he and his daughter quickly ran down.

  “No. Thank God!”, replied Max.

  Steven started examining the pile of hair with his swords and felt a body with bones in it. Steven cut the thick black hair with his sword, removing it out of the way and found it to be none other than Lily! Joanna was shocked! “Oh, poor Lily!”, said Steven.

  Joanna felt a mix of sadness and anger. She shook it off quickly by saying, “Let’s quickly get mom’s books.”.

  She left to search for the book followed by Steven and Max. They carried all the books to the car as well as some food from the fridge. They got into the car and drove away.

  Chapter Ten

  Two Bullets and a Paper

  The three were still in shock as they drove back to the shopping center. The still had some questions in mind. “Why do they keep wrapping our heads with their hair? Is this the way for infecting others or something like that?”, asked Steven. “Wait a moment! Did you see anything when your head was covered by their hair?”, he added.

  Lost for words, they were silent for a moment. Joanna then said, “I didn’t see anything when my head was covered.”

  Max was rubbing his eyes, when he said, “If I remember correctly, my face was directly in front of the dog’s face. I closed my eyes while it was trying to open them with its hair.”.

  “Trying to open your eyes! Is that how they infect others?”, asked Steven.

  “Perhaps.”, said Joanna.

  “How do their victims become like them increasing their numbers?”, said Steven.

  “I will try to find an answer!”, replied Joanna.

  “I believe in you.”, said Steven.

  Steven through the rearview mirror and saw that his daughter’s hair became shorter because of what happened. “I’m sorry Joanna for cutting your hair.”, said Steven.

  “It’s ok.”, said Joanna.

  “It looks better that way.”, said Steven.

  “It really does.”, said Max.

  “Thank ….”, said Joanna before being quiet all of a sudden as she looked at Max.

  “What’s wrong Joanna?”, asked Max.

  Steven looked at Joanna and then told Max, “Your eyes are freakishly red!”.

  “Please, don’t do anything rash.”, said Max. “I think it’s just because I rubbed my eyes too hard”, he added.

  “Give Joanna your gun.”, said Steven.

  “I’ll give it to her. Just don’t do anything rash!”, said Max anxiously.

  Max gave his gun as Joanna was carefully. Max then said, “Believe me guys! It couldn’t fully open my eyes. They’re just red becau…”.

  Steven interrupted him saying, “We know what you’re going to say. We’ll make a decision when the time comes.”

  Max knew from what Steven had said that he is was between life and death and that only time could tell what will happen.

  They continued driving slowly as the sub started to set. “Why don’t we drive faster? It’s almost sunset!”.

  “So? Are you afraid of the dark?”, said Steven. “We’ll keep to this speed until we reach the center. Don’t worry.”. he added.

  Everyone was waiting for Steven and the other to return after the night had come. They felt that something wrong had happened to them. Their eyes kept looking out the windows the whole time waiting their arrival until someone had seen the car’s lights and shouted, “They’re here!”.

  Everyone rushed towards the window feeling overwhelmed with joy. Joseph asked everyone to head to roof to get the creatures’ attention moving them away from the basement door so that none would go in behind them. Everyone went to the roof as Adam and Oliver went to the basement to open the doors. Everyone waited impatiently for their arrival. Steven kept driving slowly as Max kept checking his eyes through the mirror. “I think the redness is gone.”, said Max.

  Joanna checked his eyes and said, “I don’t think we have to kill you anymore! I guess it isn’t a symptom of transformation then!”.

  “We’ll continue our observations later. We’ve reached the center.”, said Steven.

  They entered through the road leading to the basement as Adam opened the door letting them in, then closing it behind them. Steven parked the car and he and Max got out of it. Steven then carried Oliver saying, “How’s my little champ?”.

  Alexander felt happy and started taping at Steven’s back thanking him for his courage and what he had done. He took his car keys and went to Max and hugged him saying, “Welcome back my friend.”.

  “Max was very courageous.”, said Steven.

  “Yes, he is.”, said Alexander.

  Max felt grateful that Steven didn’t say what really happened. Joanna got out of the car after taking a few books with her. Adam noticed her hair got shorter and said, “What happened to your hair?”.

  Hearing that, Alexander said, “Did something happen?”.

  “We’ tell you at dinner.”, replied Steven.

  “Best time to tell stories!”, replied Alexander.

  “What are you so excited about?”, asked Joanna.

  Alexander felt that his ego was hurt, and Steven felt that he was in trouble because Joanna had said the wrong thing to the wrong person. “If you were my daughter and you talked to me like that, I would have taken your life then and there.”, said Alexander.

  Alexander walked away hastily. Steven took Joanna to the side and said, “Why did you say that? He is an old man and he’s not as lenient as others.”.

  “Whatever.”, said Joanna carelessly. “We were facing death and he is happy to hear about it?!, she added.

  Joanna asked Adam’s help to carry the books. They went upstairs together where the others were. Everyone welcomed them warmly. Steven thanked them for their help. They said that it was all Joseph’s idea.

  Steven looked at Joseph and said, “Thank you for thinking quickly in the time.”

  “Don’t mention it, Steven! It is my job.”, replied Joseph.

  Everyone noticed Joanna’s hair. “What happened?”, they asked curiously.

  “We’ll tell you at dinner time.”, said Steven.

  Everyone went to rest for a while as Joanna and Adam went to the glass. “Put the books here.”, said Joanna. Adam put the book down and said, “Are you okay?”.

  “Yes. I am fine.”, replied.

  “Thank God”, said Adam. “Be careful from Alexander. He’s angry.”, he added.

  “I don’t care.”, said Joanna.

  “All right.”, said Adam.

  He then left as Joanna read the books until dinner. “Don’t forget dinner.”, said dam reminding her of it.r />
  “I won’t.”, said Joanna.

  Adam left to get his meal when Steven saw him and asked, “Where’s Joanna?”.

  “She’s reading. She’ll come soon.”, said Adam.

  “Good.”, said Steven.

  Everyone formed a circle around Steven and asked him to tell them what happened. By the time he finished, everyone was shocked. Then, they suddenly heard the sound of two rounds being fired. Everyone turned around as Steven felt very worried. More rounds were being continuously fired! The sound came from the glass wall. They all ran quickly and found Joanna placing her foot on top of Alexander after shooting him dead. Daniel and Brian, Alexander’s sons saw that. Steven and Max quickly pointed their guns towards them, scattering everyone else away in fear of a shoot-out. The situation became tense. “Throw your guns down or we will shoot you!”, said Steven.

  They got really afraid and threw down their guns without hesitation. Max approached them slowly and kicked the guns away then taking them. Brian, the eldest of the two, calmly said, “I think you’re mistaken.”

  Enraged, Steven said, “What do you mean?”.

  “I don’t care about my father’s death.”, said Brian.

  Steven skeptically said, “I don’t believe you one bit!”.

  “What my brother has just said is true.”, said Daniel assertively. “his death doesn’t mean anything to us. He was psychologically unstable and took medication for it.”, he added.

  Brian shouted, interrupting Danial saying, “He murdered our mother too!”.

  “He did.”, said Daniel.

  “Daniel! Show them what he did to you.”

  Daniel showed them his back which was completely disfigured from torture. “This is what my father had done to us!”, said Brian.

  Brian also showed them his back and said, “He kept torturing us for a long time.”

  Steven remembered the pills scattered in Alexander’s car and said, “Wait! You just said that he was taking “medication”? Do those pills in his car belong to him?”.

  “Yes, they did.”, said Daniel.

  Steven gradually started to be convinced. “Okay! We’re going to make sure you’re telling the truth.”, said Max.


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