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Hope's Path

Page 1

by Carrie Carr

  Hope's Path

  Copyright © 2001 by Carrie Carr



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  About the Author

  Other Titles Available in This Series

  Visit Us On Line

  Hope's Path


  Carrie Carr

  Copyright © 2001 by Carrie Carr

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The characters, incidents and dialogue herein are fictional and any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  ISBN 978-1-935053-84-2 (eBook)

  eBook Conversion November 2011

  Cover design by Donna Pawlowski

  Published by:

  Regal Crest Enterprises, LLC

  4700 Hwy 365, Suite A, PMB 210

  Port Arthur, Texas 7764

  Find us on the World Wide Web at

  Published in the United States of America


  I want to thank Lori L. Lake for her tireless editing and good humor; my wonderful wife AJ for always being there for me; and for my publisher, Cathy, whose patience through this past year has been great.


  To my Mom, who's strength of character and heart kept our family together through trying times. You're the best.

  And to my wife, AJ, the woman who holds my heart. Forever and always, my love.

  Hope's Path


  Carrie Carr

  Chapter One

  THE BROODING FIGURE on the porch swing peered into the evening gloom. Concern turned to anxiety as the shadows lengthened. She should have been home hours ago. Maybe I should jump into the Jeep and make sure she didn't break down somewhere. A soft groan escaped her lips as she climbed to her feet. I should never have sat, she thought, feeling the ache of overused muscles.

  Unbeknownst to her, a short sturdy-looking woman stood framed in the doorway. "Lexie? What are you doing out here without a coat on?" she fussed good-naturedly at Lex. "You're going to make yourself sick." Hands on her hips, the middle-aged housekeeper cocked her graying head at the form in front of her. "Now get yourself into this house and go upstairs and clean up for dinner." Her nose wrinkled. "Maybe you should soak in the tub for a bit. I don't think a shower will get all the dirt off."

  Lexington Walters crossed her arms over her chest. "Are you saying that I smell?"

  Martha swatted Lex with a dishtowel. "No, if you could smell, I wouldn't have to tell you to take a bath. Is there any particular reason why you're sitting out here in the dark in just your jeans and tee shirt?"

  Lex bit her lower lip and released a heavy sigh. "My coat and boots are in the mudroom, and I was just," she tried to look innocent, but failed miserably, "sitting out here thinking for a bit."

  "Amanda will be home any time now. She called about twenty minutes ago." Martha reached out and grasped Lex's forearm. "Goodness. You're like a block of ice." She brought both of them into the foyer and closed the door. "Now get upstairs before you catch your death." Martha continued to lead her charge through the house until they were at the foot of the stairs.

  Lex pulled out of the housekeeper's grasp. "I'm fine, Martha. I'm just worried about the problems we seem to be having with the fence." She had spent the entire day in the sleeting rain repairing yet another section of fence. It was the third in two weeks, and deep in her heart she felt there was something, or someone, causing the sturdily built lengths of wire to be knocked over. Compounding the problem was the slow, near-freezing rain that had been falling off and on for the past week, making it impossible to track whoever was responsible. Lex felt a warm hand wipe at a spot of mud on her chilled cheek. "What?"

  Sympathetic brown eyes gazed into her own. "Go on and get into the tub, Lexie. I'll send her up as soon as she gets home, okay?" Martha pulled the soaked, black cowboy hat off Lex's head.

  "Am I that transparent?" Lex asked as she wiped the damp hair away from her eyes. "She's only been gone for one night." When she saw the knowing look on Martha's face, she gave the older woman a wry smile. "Never mind. I don't want to know the answer to that." She gave Martha's nearest shoulder a squeeze and turned to trudge up the stairs.

  As she walked through the master bedroom, Lex glanced around and smiled at the subtle changes in the once spartan room. One month. She noticed the small knickknacks that now adorned the dresser and several bookshelves by the fireplace. And it already feels more like a home. A quilt made by Amanda's great-grandmother was spread out across the foot of the massive oak bed. The bright covering gave the otherwise dark room a sorely needed splash of color. When Amanda came to stay, the two women had had a long, thoughtful discussion and decided to share the master bedroom. Amanda had been afraid of crowding Lex, who argued that having separate rooms was a complete waste. Lex was only able to sway her partner by pointing out that it would be less work for Martha if they shared. She also pointed out that the master closet had more room than the guestroom closet, even with her clothes already inside. Damn, I miss her. With a heavy sigh, Lex started her bath water.

  Later, downstairs, Martha greeted Amanda warmly as she walked into the kitchen. "I'm so glad that you're home. Maybe you can help me get Lexie to slow down a little and take it easy."

  "What are you talking about, Martha?" Amanda perched on the small stepstool next to the counter where the housekeeper was preparing dinner. "Is Lex all right?" She quickly grabbed a carrot from the cutting board on the countertop.

  Martha slapped at her hand half-heartedly. She never minded someone snacking in the kitchen, especially on such healthy fare. "She's fine, so far. But I'm afraid she's going to work herself to death around here." Clearly upset, she continued to chop vegetables for the stew she was working on.

  Amanda dropped the hand that had been on its way to grabbing an enticing stalk of celery. As much as she loved Martha, she knew she tended to be a bit overprotective where Lex was concerned. "Are you sure about that? She's been back at the house before me every night, and she doesn't leave in the mornings until I do."

  "You really don't know, do you?" The older woman patted Amanda's hand. "Roy told me that she's up hours before daybreak, repairing fence by the headlights of the Jeep. Then she comes back to the house before breakfast and gets cleaned up."

  "I wonder why she hasn't said anything to me about it?" Amanda mused aloud.

  Martha rubbed Amanda's arm comfortingly. "She probably didn't want to worry you. We both know how busy you've been getting your office in shape." She scraped a pile of chopped vegetables into the large pot. "And you know how Lexie is."

  "I sure do." Amanda stood and brushed her hands down her black jeans. "And I plan on taking better care of her, starting right now." She hugged the older woman gently. "Thanks for telling me." Pulling back, Amanda walked to the doorway. "Is she...?"

  "Upstairs. I sent her there almost half an hour ago." Martha smiled and turned her attention back to her stew.

  Amanda shook her head as she walked up the stairs. Lex is in so much trouble when I see her, worrying Martha like that. And practically lying to me on top of it. It's bad enough that she sneaks out on me before dawn, but not to let me know when things are bothering her really upsets me. I though we were partners. "Obviously not," she muttered as she crossed the threshold to the master bedroom.

  She sighed deeply, sat on the bed, and removed her high top sneakers. "Ooh, that feels great." Stretching her legs out and wriggling her toes, Amanda looked around the darkened room. Martha said Lex was upstairs, but I don't see her anywhere. The only light was the flickering fire in the fireplace, and-- "Ah." The light peeking out from under the bathroom door gave her a good clue as to where her lover was. She rose from the bed and moved quietly to the closed door, then opened it slowly. The sight that greeted her made Amanda smile tenderly, her earlier anger gone.

  Lex was slumped so low in the bathtub that her head was barely visible above the water. Amanda could see the dark rings prominent under her closed eyes. She looked so peaceful that Amanda almost hated to disturb her.

  Amanda felt somewhat guilty. She knew Lex was always up before her, but before now had never given it much thought. More than once she had found herself being awakened tenderly by the attentions of the already-dressed rancher. Which had its own perks, she remembered with a fond smile. I enjoyed helping her get undressed. But I should have realized something was going on with her before now.

  "Hey," Amanda murmured softly as she inched closer to the tub. "Lex?"

  Tired eyes blinked open slowly and a slightly dazed look appeared on Lex's face. "Amanda?" she croaked, then cleared her throat. She sat up slightly and rubbed her face. "You're home." Brilliant, Sherlock. What are you going to do for an encore? Tell her you're taking a bath?

  "I sure am." Amanda knelt beside the tub. She reached over and placed her hand on Lex's tanned cheek. "You look totally worn out."

  Lex leaned into the touch. "Been a long day." She turned her head and kissed Amanda's hand. "I missed you." Her voice broke slightly on the last word as Amanda met her halfway. She felt fingers entangle in her damp hair as Amanda pulled her close. Lex accepted the kiss eagerly, needing the contact with her partner to affirm that Amanda wasn't a dream.

  Amanda could feel the almost electrical surge course through her as Lex desperately deepened the kiss. She pulled back and inhaled deeply. "Why don't you get out of the tub so we can continue this conversation in the other room?" Amanda gasped as Lex raised her slender form out of the water. She admired the combination of softness and muscle that stood in front of her as water sluiced from Lex's well-toned body. Every time I see her like this my knees go weak, her mind sputtered. Amanda found herself being lifted and then carried into the bedroom as insistent lips captured hers once more.

  THE RINGING OF the telephone beside the bed woke Amanda. She reached quickly to answer it as her eyes fuzzily tried to see what time it was. One-thirty in the morning? Who on earth? "Hello?" she whispered quietly, trying not to disturb the still-sleeping figure wrapped tightly around her body. Lex's soft cheek nuzzled her belly gently.

  "Who the hell is this?" an annoyingly nasal voice demanded. "Put my damn sister on the phone."

  Hubert. That figures. Amanda rolled her eyes. She really didn't want to wake up Lex since she finally seemed to be resting for the first time in almost two weeks. "She can't come to the phone right now." Amanda winced slightly as her lover mumbled and snuggled even closer. "Can I take a message and have her call you back?"

  The voice on the other end of the phone exploded. "You're her little--piece! Aren't you?" Hubert practically screamed. "Put Lex on the goddamn phone, you worthless whore!"

  Amanda held the phone to her chest for a moment. She didn't want Hubert's raving to wake Lex. As she forced her emotions under control, she whispered into the handset, "You can either leave a message, or I can just hang up on you now. I'll tell Lex in the morning that you called. It's your choice, Hubert." She jumped slightly when the phone at the other end was slammed down. Jerk. She carefully turned off the ringer and replaced the handset. Amanda smiled as she felt Lex worm her way up her body until her head was nestled snugly under Amanda's chin.

  She felt a surge of emotion and hugged her partner tightly as she tried to hold back tears. I won't stand by and let anyone hurt you, Lex, she swore silently. Even your own brother. Amanda took a deep shuddering breath and buried her face in Lex's hair.

  Lex woke up and lifted her head slightly. "Hey." She shifted her body until she was lying next to Amanda. Lex raised a hand to turn on the lamp next to the bed. Seeing Amanda's cheeks damp with tears, she pulled her into a hug. "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing, really." Amanda sniffled as she snuggled deeper into the embrace. A gentle kiss on her head made her to lose her composure again. Damn.

  "Amanda? Look at me, please." Lex's heart ached as she wiped the tears away with her fingertips. "Don't tell me it's nothing." She took a deep breath and tried to get her own emotions under control. "I can't stand seeing you like this."

  Amanda sucked in a huge gulp of air, then pulled one of Lex's hands to her face and kissed the palm. "Shhh. It's just after I hung up the phone, I got to thinking." She smiled ruefully. "And I guess it's getting close to that time of the month for me because my emotions went completely off the scale." She leaned up a little and gave Lex a kiss.

  "Mmm." Lex returned the offering, then pulled back suddenly. "Wait a minute. What do you mean, you hung up? Did the phone ring?" Not giving Amanda time to answer she continued, "Who in the hell would be calling at..." she glanced at the alarm clock, "almost two o'clock in the damn morning?"

  Oops. Should I? "Umm. It was your brother. He thought that he had to talk to you right then, but I got him to think otherwise." Amanda braced herself for the impending explosion, which oddly enough didn't come.

  "Oh, really?" Lex reached over to turn off the light, then scooted into a more comfortable position on the bed. "Good for you." She pulled Amanda into her arms and placed a soft kiss on her partner's head. "Thank you, sweetheart."

  Amanda tucked the covers around them to ward off the chill of the room. "You're welcome. But aren't you the least bit curious as to why your brother would be calling in the middle of the night?" She wrapped her arms tightly around Lex and snuggled closer.

  "Not particularly." Lex sighed as she felt sleep pull at her once again. "He used to do it all the time, because late at night was the only time I'd ever be in the house." She struggled to hold back a yawn. "It had gotten to the point that he was calling at least two or three times a week. So I turned off the phone up here and let him rant at the machine." The last few words quietly faded away as Lex dropped off to sleep.

  "Good idea. Guess we'll have to pick up that practice again." When she heard a light snore, Amanda gently lay her head back on her lover's chest to join her in slumber.

  "I'M GLAD TO see that you two are still alive," Martha teased as Lex followed Amanda into the kitchen the next morning. "I was about to send up a search party." Martha smirked as Lex stuck out her tongue childishly, and she was happy to see that the rancher looked more rested than she had in several weeks.

  Lex pushed Amanda into a nearby chair, grabbed two coffee mugs from the cabinet, and set them on the table. "Good morning to you, too, Martha." She kissed the housekeeper's graying head and then swatted her on the rear.

  Martha yelped and spun around, spatula in hand. "You're not too big for a whipping, you know."

  Lex backed away and lifted her hands up to ward off any blows. "Now hold on, Martha. You wouldn't want to break a perfectly good, umm, thingy-whattzit, would you?" She turned to Amanda, who had a hand over her mouth trying to stifle her laughter. "You're not helping, you know." Lex filled both cups before handing one to her lover.

  "Don't blame me. You're the one who can't keep her hands to herself." Amanda enjoyed watching the byplay of the two women. She quickly wrapped her hands around the steaming mug t
hat Lex had placed in front of her and leaned over the cup to inhale deeply of the rich aroma. "Mmm, thanks."

  "I've never seen anyone enjoy their coffee quite as much as you do." Lex sat next to Amanda and leaned back in her seat. The front legs of Lex's chair rose a few inches off the ground, and she rocked back and forth.

  Martha walked by and tapped Lex lightly on the back of the head. "How many times do I have to tell you not to lean back in your chair?" She placed a full plate in front of each woman. "I swear, you haven't changed a bit in fifteen years." Before the housekeeper could turn away from the table, she found herself sitting on Lex's lap. "What?"

  "I don't think I could do this fifteen years ago, could I?" Lex stood and lifted Martha with her.

  "Put me down, you rat." Martha quickly clasped her hands behind Lex's neck. "You're going to hurt yourself! Lexie!" she squawked as she was tossed slightly in the air and caught again.

  Lex sat back down, but kept her hold on Martha. "That any better?" she asked, as the older woman climbed off her lap.

  "You!" Martha swatted her on the shoulder and walked across the room. Neither woman at the table noticed when she reached into the sink.

  Proud of herself, Lex couldn't help but give Amanda a saucy grin. She completely missed the diabolical smile on Martha's face.


  There was total silence in the kitchen. The quiet was finally broken when Amanda laughed so hard that she fell out of her chair with a solid thump.

  Lex stood. A wet dishtowel hung off her head and soapy water dripped down her face. "Martha," she growled as she pulled the sodden clump from her head. She stalked slowly to the housekeeper, who had her hand to her mouth with a shocked look on her face.


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