The Balance

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The Balance Page 4

by L. J. Jackson

  “Are you ready to return home?” the Vrail asked Lilly.

  “No, it’s so beautiful here I could stay here forever.”

  “It is time,” said the Vrail. “We will fly home with you.”

  “But I can’t fly,” said Lilly. “I don’t have wings like you.”

  “The diamond crystals in your body will give you the power to fly without wings,” said the Vrail.

  “Are you serious?”

  “You have unlimited gifts that were given to you by the Creator. Haven’t you noticed? You are breathing the ocean water in to your lungs,” said the Vrail.

  “No, I didn’t notice,” said Lilly. “I’m breathing underwater!”

  “Close your eyes, Lilly, and focus,” said the Vrail.

  When Lilly opened her eyes the diamond crystals in her hands started to glow. Lilly and the Vrail shot to the top of the ocean like a lightning bolt. From the surface they launched out of the water like cannon balls into the dark sky. Lilly noticed their tails turned into legs, and their bodies glowed in the night like flying saucers. They flapped their large ears and silver wings and soared in the air. They seemed happy to escort her home, flying side by side in the night sky. When they arrived, they landed on the roof of Lilly’s house so her neighbors would not notice them. The Vrail hugged Lilly and said goodbye.

  Lilly’s eyes filled with tears because she didn’t want them to leave. They placed a beautiful diamond ring on her finger that sparkled and tightened very fast.

  The Vrail said, “This ring will give you access to the under city. It will never fit anyone’s finger but yours. You can visit us anytime; we are not far away.” Then they dashed into the night sky and vanished before her eyes. Lilly whispered, “Goodbye, my friends, I will see you again one day.”


  When the Vrail left Lilly’s house, she continued to sit on the roof, watching the moon and stars. The crystals in her hands started to glow. She noticed several people from all races and walks of life gathering at her doorstep down below. Lilly rose to her feet and walked a few steps, then her body lifted into the night air and floated down to the ground. She knew something was different about these people; she could feel it in her spirit.

  “Why are you here?” said Lilly.

  “To see you, Lilly,” said a man from the crowd.

  “Who are you people?” Lilly asked.

  “We are aliens,” said the man. “We live on the planet and have been waiting for you for a thousand years.”

  “A thousand years?” said Lilly. “I’m only twenty years old. That’s not possible. What is your name?”

  “Zale is my name,” he said. Zale was tall, dark, and handsome in human form. “It’s my job to represent all the aliens that live in this city,” said Zale.

  Then he spoke to the crowd of aliens in a language that Lilly did not know, but surprisingly she understood what he said. Zale told the crowd that she was the chosen one they had been waiting for to bring love, peace, unity, and balance to the planet. The aliens yelled, “The prophecy has been fulfilled!”

  “The prophecy?” said Lilly.

  The aliens chanted, raising their hands in the air. Then an old African American alien woman walked out the crowd with long, bright white hair and piercing gray eyes that glowed in the night. She was holding a tall staff made of glass that had red glowing liquid inside. As she walked closer to Lilly, the staff glowed brighter and brighter. She lifted the staff in the air then five mystical creatures appeared out of the staff and circled around Lilly. They were seven feet tall and dressed in long white cloths. They had human bodies and faces made of blazing fire. They lifted their hands in the air, creating a circle of fire around Lilly that turned into a ball of fire covering her entire body for a few seconds. Then the fire creatures returned to the glowing staff. The woman said, “Give me your hands, Lilly.”

  Lilly lifted her hands out to the woman. When the old woman touched Lilly’s hands, the crystals in Lilly’s palms glowed. The old woman could feel the Creator’s love flowing through her bloodstream, which caused tears to flow down her face. “The Creator loves humanity so much. I’m happy he sent you to save the earth,” said the old woman. Then she said, “My child, you are the anointed one created by heavenly fire. The creatures in my staff confirmed it to me. You are predestined to do great things on the earth. But remember, Lilly, evil is always present. Look into my eye and you will see.”

  When she gazed into the old woman’s eye, she could see a vision of the Six Evolrace plotting to destroy the planet. Lilly was so upset she yelled, “Never!” Tears dropped from her eyes.

  “Don’t fear, my child. Your father will give you the power to defeat them with the Seven Ovels. They will protect you. Nevertheless, the prophecy must be fulfilled,” said the old woman.

  “What did the prophecy say?” asked Lilly.

  Zale said, “The prophecy states that the Creator will form a child in perfect love and preserve a child in a diamond crystal dome. Then the Seven Ovels, the guardian of the earth, will bring her to earth as a baby and raise her among humans. She will show compassion toward humans and aliens. When she comes of age, the Seven will reveal to her the purpose for which she was born. She will save the planet from destruction and change the hearts of humans forever. Lilly, you were given gifts from the Creator to defeat evil and balance the earth with love.”

  “I know, Zale,” said Lilly. “The Seven told me many things. I’m still shocked. I feel like I’m dreaming. Zale, is this a dream or reality?”

  “It’s reality, Lilly; you’re not dreaming. You will meet your ancestors soon. They will explain everything to you.”

  Zale continued: “Lilly, you must also be aware of the Six Evolrace. They are different from most aliens. They hate humans and will stop at nothing to destroy you and the human race. They have the ability to walk in any earthly life form because they are eternal creatures. The Evolrace are wicked and influence humans to destroy each other because they want the earth for themselves. That is why humans are so evil. You must open their blind eyes so they can see the truth. Humans have the power to love—it’s in their DNA—but they are determined to follow the ways of the Evolrace. We love humans and have been living and working with them for years in human form. Some are good, but others will not change. Hopefully you can help them to change. Humans would never accept us if they knew our true identity because they are afraid of the unknown.”

  Lilly said, “Zale, can you show me your true form?”

  He said, “Sure, Lilly. Don’t be afraid.” She closed her eyes for five seconds then opened them.

  “Wow, Zale, you are so beautiful,” said Lilly. He was eight feet tall and had a human form.

  His eyes were bright yellow like solar flares and round like marbles. His face resembled a bird, and the front of his body was covered in shiny green fur. His arms, legs, and back were covered with large, bright white feathers. The feathers on his arms and legs lifted his body into the air as they fanned up and down.

  Zale said, “Lilly, give me your hands.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Trust me,” said Zale. “I will never hurt you.”

  Lilly gave Zale her hands then all the aliens gathered around them. They made strange noises that sounded almost electronic. Five gold triangular ships appeared above their heads. The ships looked like pyramids in red smoke hovering in the night sky and moving in a circular motion. In the center of the pyramids was a large circle that showed an image of the stars and the galaxy.

  When Zale held Lilly’s hands, the crystals in her palms started to glow, lifting them into the large circle between the pyramids in the night sky.

  “Where are we going?” asked Lilly again.

  “To meet your ancestors in Egypt,” said Zale. When they entered the center of the pyramids, they were pulled into a doorway transporting them to Egypt. Then the five pyramid ships disappeared from the sight of the crowd and carried them away. As th
ey traveled, Lilly’s subconscious mind was moving in time, giving her visions of the future as if from an all-seeing eye.


  When they arrived in Egypt the five spinning pyramids lifted the desert sand into the air like a whirlwind. When Lilly’s feet hit the sand, she closed her eyes and knelt down, touching the earth with her hands. She could feel a pure presence summoning her for help, whispering in the air. Then a soft wind brushed across her dark skin as it blew her hair in the breeze. Then she heard a voice say “Lilly” very softly.

  “Did you hear that?” Lilly asked Zale.

  “No,” said Zale, “I didn’t hear anything.”

  “Who are you?” said Lilly into the air.

  “I am Nature, Lilly,” said the voice. “You must save the earth from destruction and keep it balanced.”

  “From destruction?” said Lilly. “How can I do that? I’m just a girl.”

  “You are the Creator’s daughter—the anointed one. Come with me, Lilly, and I will show you,” said Nature.

  Lilly closed her eyes and placed her hands on the earth. When she opened her eyes, she was standing on a large piece of green ice in the Arctic Ocean near Alaska. “Why am I standing here?” asked Lilly.

  The voice of Nature said, “Look with your heart and you will see destruction.” All of a sudden she could see dead polar bears, seals, walruses, and fish floating on the ocean.

  “Why are they dying?” asked Lilly.

  “They are dying, Lilly, because the ice glaciers are melting and the earth is unbalanced. Jump in the water, and I will show you the most endangered species.”

  “Jump in?” said Lilly. “The water is freezing. I will die.”

  The voice of Nature said, “Trust me, Lilly. You will be fine. I am with you.”

  So Lilly jumped in to the freezing water, plunging to the bottom of the Arctic. When her feet touched the bottom of the ocean, the plants and all the sea life at the bottom lit up in bright colors. Everything that was dead at the bottom of the ocean regained new life. Then the crystals in her hands and head turned her body in to a bright light bulb in the dark ocean.

  “Wow,” said Lilly, “this is amazing,” and she began to float like a fish.

  Then fifty male narwhals appeared, each with a long glowing tusk pointing out like a unicorn. They circled around Lilly as she floated in the middle like a black fairy.

  “The narwhal whales are beautiful,” said Lilly.

  “Yes, they are, and not many humans get a chance to see them because of their location in the Arctic,” said Nature. “Touch them, Lilly. You have the ability to communicate with them, just like the Vrail,” said Nature.

  “How do you know about the Vrail?” said Lilly.

  “Remember, Lilly, I’m Nature. I know these things.”

  When Lilly touched their long glowing tusks with her glowing hands, she could feel their pain. Then they made a strange sound of communication that sounded like a crying baby.

  “Did you understand their message, Lilly?” said Nature.

  “Yes,” said Lilly.

  “What did they say?” said Nature.

  “They said I must balance the earth and save all marine species. They are dying.”

  All of a sudden, the narwhals gathered and placed their glowing tusks together under Lilly’s body. She leaned back slowly, and they lifted her small body up and carried her to the surface. From there the water lifted her body twenty feet into the air like a shooting geyser. Lilly felt like a flying fish, and then she landed on a piece of ice. “This is amazing,” she said as she watched the narwhals vanish back into the Arctic Ocean.

  Then Nature said, “I will take you back to Egypt now. Wake up!”

  Zale said, “Wake up, Lilly. What happened? Where did you go?”

  “I went to the Arctic Ocean off Alaska with Nature to see the Narwhals,” said Lilly.

  “Hello, Zale. I’m Nature,” whispered a voice. “I’m the protector of the earth.”

  “Did you hear her voice this time, Zale?” said Lilly.

  “Yes, Lilly, I did,” said Zale.

  “Show yourself to me!” yelled Lilly.

  The voice of Nature said, “As you wish, it shall be done.”

  Then the earth trembled and shook like an earthquake.

  Lilly said, “What’s happening, Zale? The ground is shaking.”

  Sand flew all over the desert like a tornado, making it very hard to see anything. Then out of the sand storm a thousand black cheetahs with beige spots appeared, charging at Lilly and Zale. Lilly was so afraid she closed her eyes and stood very still. She heard the cheetahs breathing very loudly. When she opened her eyes, she saw that she was surrounded by a thousand large black cheetahs with their heads bowed down at her feet. Lilly reached out her hands and touched their heads as they lay at her feet in submission. She was excited to see black cheetahs with beige spots, which she didn’t know existed. Suddenly all the cheetahs stood up and ran back into the desert.

  Lilly said to Nature, “Will I ever meet you in person?”

  Nature said, “Look into the sand.”

  When she looked into the sand, an image of a beautiful woman appeared with large wings. The image lifted from the sand in front of Lilly, catching the light directly from the sun. “Hello, Lilly, now you can see me,” said Nature. When the sun hit the sand, she shone like pure gold, and her lavender eyes glowed.

  “Wow,” said Lilly, “your eyes are beautiful. Are you made of gold?”

  Nature said, “I’m made of gold and so much more. Let’s just say I’m made of everything on earth that helps the physical world thrive and survive.”

  Nature continued: “Now it’s time to enter the hidden city. It’s at the bottom of the Great Pyramid. Go and meet your ancestors. They have a message for you.”


  When Lilly looked down she saw a large magical door that glowed. It opened a doorway to an unknown city twenty feet below the sand under the Great Pyramid. Zale grabbed Lilly’s hand then they both flew down to the bottom of the pyramid. When Lilly walked into the underground city, it was pitch black and quiet. On the walls Lilly noticed a thousand Egyptian scarab beetles. When she reached out her hands to touch them, the beetles immediately covered her body and glowed bright blue. The crystals in her hands glowed, too, and then the beetles returned to the wall. When Zale saw the beetles covering her body, he knew they were protecting the underground city and confirming her identity.

  “Did the beetles alarm you?” asked Zale.

  “No,” said Lilly. “I love insects. The beetles are beautiful.”

  “Do you know what the scarab beetle represents?” said Zale.

  “No,” said Lilly, “I don’t. Please tell me.”

  Zale said, “Your ancestors believed that the scarab beetle had magical powers that gave the dead new life after death.”

  Lilly said, “I read some of the hieroglyphs on the stone walls when I entered the city, and I know the scarab beetles cannot do that. Only the Creator can give life after death. Everything was created by him, and life is in his hands.”

  As she walked, the floor lit up under her feet, revealing a floor made of assorted gemstones that gave more light to the underground city. She noticed seven thrones made of pure gold that stood very high, about twenty feet tall. In the center of the thrones was a large All-Seeing Eye that hovered in the middle protected by silver fire. There were also seven humanlike creatures. Their bright skin was covered with eyeballs, and they also protected the All-Seeing Eye.

  A loud voice said, “Lilly, the time has come, and the prophecy has been fulfilled.” Seven tall African Egyptians appeared on the thrones looking down at Lilly with glowing eyes. They were adorned from head to toe in jewels such as no human had ever seen. One of the African Egyptians said, “Lilly, we are your ancestors from the African Egyptian Empire preserved by the Creator. The prophecy we foretold over a thousand years ago has been fulfilled before our eyes t
his very day. The Creators promised us that you would come one day and balance the earth.”

  The African Egyptian continued: “In the beginning of time the Creator gave our ancestors the knowledge to build the pyramids and all the riches of the world. They were black kings and queens and ruled the world in peace, but they broke the laws of the Creator. When the Evolrace saw how the Creator blessed the Egyptians they became full of jealousy and hate for the human race. They came down from the heavens disguising themselves as beautiful gods from the stars, but they were a dark, evil species. The Egyptians were deceived into worshiping the Evolrace and followed their dark practices, turning them into gods in their pyramid temples, which was forbidden by the Creator. They forgot about the practices of the Creator. This provoked the Creator to anger, and they paid with their souls when he lifted his protection and knowledge from them. The Evolrace betrayed the Egyptians by allowing other nations to force them into slavery, which resulted in hunger and diseases, wiping out the African Egyptian nation. But the Creator preserved some of the Egyptian people—the ones who refused to follow the Evolrace practices—and placed them in a hidden city in Egypt.”

  “Where in Egypt is the city?” asked Lilly.

  “The Creator will reveal the hidden city to you in due time,” said the African Egyptian. “Mystical gold doors protect the city so the Evolrace will never find their location. They vowed to destroy them if they found them.” When Lilly gazed into the All-Seeing Eye, she could see the past. She could hardly believe what her African ancestors had endured on earth for centuries. It saddened her heart to see such evil in the hearts of humans.

  “Lilly, are you all right?” asked Zale.

  Lilly noticed that the stones in her head and hands were glowing. Then the stones connected to the All-Seeing Eye, and the seven elders on the thrones transferred power to her body. A powerful light shined from the All-Seeing Eye and from the elders who sat on the throne. It penetrated through Lilly’s hands and head, lifting her into the air and changing her into a black warrior. Fire covered her body, and then the creatures covered with eyeballs placed their glowing hands on her flesh. Her dark skin shined like the night sky, and her eyes twinkled like stars in the galaxy. The stones in her hands released a gold liquid that covered and protected her body like armor. It also released swords of fire from her hands that burned bright like the sun. Then the stone in her head released a beautiful orange crown made of bright gold. It wrapped around her head very tightly and sparkled. It was adorned with jewels and flames of fire that blazed from the top of her head. She was given powers to perform signs and wonders beyond imagination from the Creator. Then the Seven Ovelrace appeared from the burning flame of fire, their orange bodies and gold crowns glowing in radiance. “Now, Lilly, you are almost ready to fight evil, uniting aliens and humans, but there is still much to learn,” said the Seven. Then the Seven African Kings on the throne vanished with the All-Seeing Eye, and the strange glowing creatures covered in eyeballs vanished like vapor.


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