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The Blackstar Gambit

Page 10

by Jan Domagala

  12.12 s.e.t.

  Kurt saw the pistol. He knew he couldn’t move fast enough to evade a plasma bolt but what he could do was watch.

  He watched intently as Visjic brought up the pistol. He watched as he saw the index finger tighten on the trigger. He knew when the pistol was going to fire so he moved before it did.

  The pistol fired, the sound reverberating off the walls of the deep cavern.

  The plasma bolt passed through empty space where Kurt’s head had been mere fractions of a second before.

  As fast as Kurt had moved, he still felt the heat from the passing of the deadly plasma bolt.

  Visjic’s eyes widened in disbelief as he missed his target.

  “Oops! Missed me,” Kurt goaded.

  Visjic snarled in frustration and hurled the pistol at Kurt’s head instead.

  Just then, the elevator doors opened and Zara stepped out, catching the hurled object as it left Visjic’s hand.

  “You really should be more careful, you could hurt someone with that,” she told him showing him the pistol.

  Visjic shoulder-charged Zara pushing her into Kurt’s path and then darted for the elevator.

  As Kurt caught Zara, he saw the doors close and heard the elevator leave, heading towards the surface. It seemed to be going much faster than when he had come down in it so he deduced Visjic must have accessed an express function.

  “Boy am I glad to see you,” Zara said a little breathlessly as she looked up into Kurt’s eyes. It had nothing to do with her exertions but rather the sight of the man she loved.

  “Me too,” he replied smiling broadly. “Can you tell me what the hell is going on here?” he asked as he saw the vats below.

  “No time. We have to stop Visjic from getting away,” Zara explained.

  They both turned when they heard a noise that startled them. It was the sound of something clattering down the elevator shaft.

  12.15 s.e.t.

  Visjic reached the top floor and quickly exited the elevator.

  He was in shock.

  How had the two of them become so strong and fast? They were even stronger and faster than he was and he was a native of this planet. His family had evolved to survive here. They had been here less than a few hours and had adapted better than if they had lived here all their lives.

  He had better come up with a counter measure and fast he reasoned.

  Things were falling apart. He felt despair, all his careful planning was for naught.

  When he had learned of Stryder and his ability to regenerate, he knew he had a way of bringing his family, his entire nation back from the brink. All he had to do was get him here and use his DNA to give his family a chance at survival. Then he could take his rightful place at the head of the most powerful dynasty mankind had ever envisioned. They would rule the galaxy.

  Whilst he drained Stryder of his ability, he had a team in place to strike at the very heart of the Security Council. Once they had been destroyed, the organisations around the galaxy would be in disarray and he and his like could come in and conquer what was left.

  It had been a simple yet ambitious plan that hinged on one very simple thing, being able to get Kurt Stryder on the planet and capture him.

  That had not gone as planned.

  He could still pull it off though.

  As he stood outside the elevator with these thoughts running through his fevered mind, he knew he could still pull it off if he trapped the two of them down below the surface.

  He would need to seal off the elevator shaft.

  The dead guards lying nearby had grenades on them. He took as many as he could get and took them to the elevator. He yanked the door open and popped the access panel in the floor then tossed the grenades through the hole.

  He quickly resealed them and set the grenades off remotely.

  The explosions rocked the entire building as the shockwave travelled along the shaft.

  He had to move fast as the blast from the elevator sent debris flying across the room.

  He was standing by the exit looking at the dust and smoke billowing up from the shaft and he turned and walked away.

  “That should hold them until I get back,” he gloated as he walked off.

  12.17 s.e.t.

  Kurt moved first. He pushed Zara away from the elevator opening and across the balcony.

  He saw the surprise on her face as she recognised the sound too.

  They were twenty-five feet from the shaft when the first grenade detonated. The others followed so closely they sounded like one enormous explosion.

  The blast blew the doors off sending them clattering against the metal railing, buckling it before the kinetic energy from the blast ripped it off.

  The blast sent a huge fiery column across the chamber followed by debris.

  Not only did the railing buckle but the balcony they were on went too.

  Kurt felt it give beneath them and as he lay across it, having been knocked off his feet with Zara, he looked at her and said, “Hang on.”

  She nodded and gripped tightly as the balcony tipped over having been weakened by the explosion. It came away from its moorings against the cavern’s walls and swung out over the spacious vat-filled expanse.

  The two of them were almost thrown clear and had it not been for their prodigious strength they would have been.

  As they clutched the edges of the balcony, the section they were on broke free and was hurled out into the air.

  “Hang on, this is going to leave a mark,” Kurt told her with a smile.

  “Yeah right!” she replied, she got the joke but didn’t find it funny.

  They landed in a bone crunching smash against the tops of several vats knocking them over.

  Kurt rolled free, pain wracking his body from the impact, but he got to his knees and quickly looked for Zara. She was lying across from him, her limbs entangled with the metal of the section of balcony they had rode to the ground. She looked in a bad way, blood oozing from several cuts on her head and arms.

  As he approached her he saw the wounds start to heal already and he sighed in relief.

  She would be okay.

  He helped her get to her feet and they both looked up at the wrecked balcony high above their heads and the smashed elevator.

  “Shit!” Kurt exclaimed when he saw the shaft filled with rocks.

  “Looks like the shaft has collapsed. We won’t be leaving by that route any time soon then,” Zara added.

  They looked at each other and then at their surroundings. They had air but that was about it. They had no provisions, no water and what was most important, no way out.

  When they looked at each other again, Zara voiced both their thoughts.

  “We’re trapped.”

  12.20 s.e.t.

  Visjic made his way to the shuttle he had landed in, hidden behind a nearby ridge.

  All the guards he had come down with to escort Zara had been left behind, either killed or left unconscious by Kurt or Zara so he was on his own. The remainder of his crew had remained on board the freighter still in orbit around Osiris.

  He quickly started the engines and was in the air moments after boarding.

  “Prepare for departure the moment I get there,” he said through a secure comm channel.

  “Copy that,” the captain of the freighter replied.

  Using the freighter’s comm network he accessed a sub space comm channel and called his asset who had been keeping watch on Matt Hawk.

  “Have you eyes on the target still?” he asked when the connection was made.

  “Yes, sir. They left Canto as predicted and have gone on to a secondary location,” replied the asset.

  “Earth?” Visjic asked already knowing the answer.

  There was a pause on the other end of the line as the asset was surprised by the response.

  “Er... yes sir, how did you know?”

  “It was what I would do,” he explained. “Is everything ready?” he asked.

nbsp; “Yes, sir, we have the units in place and just need the go signal.”

  “I’m en route to your location, I’ll give the signal personally,” Visjic said with a smirk. His plan may have suffered a minor setback but he would circumvent it and complete it anyway. Once this strike against the Confederation had been completed and his enemies were in disarray he could complete the rest of his plan in comfort and at his leisure.

  He saw the freighter through the front viewscreen of the shuttle as he approached and he couldn’t help but smile.

  It would all soon be over and his family would be great once more holding the Confederation at their feet in ruins.


  Day 3

  08.10 s.e.t.

  Matt had managed to grab a few hours sleep once they had returned to Earth.

  He returned to his quarters in Col Sec HQ in Nellis Base and threw himself down on his bunk and was asleep almost immediately.

  His alarm woke him two hours later and he dragged his body into the shower, which helped to wake him somewhat.

  By the time he was dressed and leaving for the C and C he felt a little better.

  He entered the large room and saw Sinclair standing in the centre staring at the main monitor screen.

  “Morning sir, did you get some rest?” he asked slightly surprised to see the general wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Clearly, he had not slept which struck a guilty nerve in him.

  “Morning Matt, no I’ll sleep after this summit is over. I’ve been in touch with all the delegates and they’ll arrive on time at the alternative venue. We need to get there and make sure the preparations are going ahead. We lift off in thirty minutes, so grab your gear,” Sinclair replied turning to look at him.

  “Who’s handling the security, sir?” Matt asked. He didn’t like the look of the general, bags hung under his eyes and fatigue creased his forehead.

  “Colonel De Boer and members of ‘C’ Battalion are on station, things are progressing as they should at this moment.”

  “What about Kurt and Zara, any word from them?”

  “I’ve not heard from either of them since you mentioned they were on Celeron. I’m sure they have the matter well in hand.”

  08.15 s.e.t.

  “It’s been over four hours and we’re no closer to clearing this shaft,” Zara grumbled as she hefted another huge lump of rock clear from the elevator shaft.

  “We mustn’t let that that stop us from trying. We have to get out and warn the general about Visjic,” Kurt encouraged her to continue. The both of them had been working hard to shift all the rubble from the collapsed shaft in order to escape.

  “You really think he’s going to attack the summit then?” she asked stepping clear to look him in the eye.

  “I do yes, everything he’s done points to his attacking, or planning something against it. He told you his plans to conquer the galaxy, a bit grandiose I admit, but if he’s serious then he’s got to disrupt the summit if he wants to throw the Confederation into chaos.”

  “We should think about destroying these vats then, that’ll put a crimp in his plans.”

  “Later, we can do that once we figure out how to get out of here.”

  “Maybe we’ve been looking at this all wrong. There has to be another way out of here. They must’ve planned for a cave-in at some point; it seems ludicrous to only have one ingress and egress point. What about maintenance, they must have a way of getting in and out of here should the elevator break down?”

  Kurt smiled, “That’s my girl, you’re right,” he said then started to look around. “We’ve been that busy trying to get out we never stopped to think logically about it.”

  “What’re you thinking then?” Zara asked. She recognised the look in his eyes; he had an idea.

  08.20 s.e.t.

  “Where are they now?” Visjic asked.

  “Nellis Base in Southern Nevada, sir, but I have a feeling they’re preparing to move to another location where the summit will be held soon,” replied the man standing before him.

  Visjic had a network of operatives working on various planets, sleeper cells that could be activated whenever he needed them. This one had been in place for decades. The man before him was Edmund Tomas; he had been recruited from the Black Knights and placed here more than a decade ago. His records had been altered so that he could fit in with society on Earth where he was known as Edward Thompson.

  “What makes you say that?” Visjic asked frowning.

  “There has been some activity in and around the base. Not just the usual duty as normal but like they’re getting ready to deploy,” Tomas informed him.

  Visjic thought about that for a second. “Good, it seems that they’re doing exactly what I predicted they would do. Is the device ready?”

  Tomas hesitated before answering, “Sir, are you really planning on using it or is this merely a threat?”

  “I never threaten anything I do not intend to carry through,” Visjic told him coldly.

  Tomas took a step back. “With respect sir, but is that wise?” he asked concern etched across his dour features.

  “Choose your next comment wisely Tomas. I chose you for this mission, I can just as easily remove you,” Visjic growled, his anger at being challenged bubbling beneath the surface of his control.

  Tomas saw the look in Visjic’s eyes and knew the man was borderline insane.

  “What about the loss of life? It won’t just be those at the summit who die sir, it’ll be millions of innocent lives. Are you willing to pay that price?” he asked.

  “There are no innocent lives here. We will carry out this mission and my family will rule this galaxy. The question you should be asking yourself is which side do I want to be on in this war, the winning or losing side? Are you as committed to the Alliance as I am in this?” Visjic replied, his eyes wide with the fervour of a fanatic.

  Tomas knew there was no need to argue with the man so he told him what he wanted to hear. “It goes without saying sir. I will carry out my orders as instructed.”

  “Good, now carry on. Inform me the instant the target moves, I want to be ready to follow. Make the preparations,” Visjic said smugly.

  He nodded to the other members of his team and said, “Copy that,” then left with his men.

  08.40 s.e.t.

  Matt was sitting across from General Sinclair in the passenger section of the Silver Dart that had been placed at their disposal.

  In the compartment above his head was his go-bag, which he had hurriedly collected from his quarters after checking that he had what he needed inside.

  He glanced across the aisle at Sinclair and he was staring out of the window as the sleek craft powered down the runway towards take off.

  “Where are we heading, sir?” Matt asked. He was still a bit put out that he had been kept out of the loop where the details of this summit were concerned. He was a top-flight agent with one of the highest security clearances an agent could have and a member of the new Wildfire Initiative, and yet they still chose to keep details of this summit from him.

  Sinclair turned to face him before speaking. Matt saw the concern for him in his eyes briefly, his normal stoic expression slipping for a second only.

  “The alternative venue has been a closely guarded secret since the summit was announced, as was the primary location. It seems though that whoever it is we’re facing has keen intelligence and can dig out what they need to know,” he explained.

  “Are you thinking we may have a mole?” Matt asked, sitting forward.

  “I’m not sure, but I’m also not willing to take the chance that we have. Every precaution has been taken to safeguard the new location, even down to those who need to know not being informed until the very last second.”

  “Who knew already?”

  “I kept it strictly to a handful, myself, obviously, President Takagi and Colonel De Boer who is handling the security with members of ‘C’ Battalion.”

  “This whole thing has o
nly flared up in the last few days,” observed Matt, “I’m sure it has something to do with the situation Kurt is facing. I think the two events are tied in somehow.”

  “So you don’t think OMEGA has anything to do with this then?” Sinclair asked.

  “No sir, nor the Alliance. I think we have a new threat out there.”

  “There’s always a new threat out there Matt,” Sinclair said with an uncharacteristic smile.

  “You never answered my question sir, where are we heading? Where is the alternative venue?” Matt asked wanting to get back on topic.

  “The Capitol Building,” Sinclair finally said.

  “When are you planning on telling the delegates or have you already done so?” Matt asked as he pondered the logistics of getting them all to Washington DC and keeping everyone safe.

  “I did it before we left.”

  “Right so let’s hope Colonel De Boer has everything in order when we get there because I’ve a funny feeling this is far from over,” Matt said. Then he turned to look out the window at the receding ground as they took flight.


  09.23 s.e.t.

  Kurt saw light at the end of the shaft they had been climbing for the past half hour.

  They were getting near to the top.

  “We’re nearly there,” he said looking down the ladder at Zara who was following closely behind.

  He saw the look in her eyes and asked, “Are you okay?”

  Swallowing hard she said, “Just a little claustrophobic is all, I’ll be fine as soon as we reach fresh air.”

  They were in a tight shaft that they found after a quick search, which was used by maintenance crews to access the workings of the machinery that kept this settlement running smoothly. What he hadn’t known was that Zara suffered from claustrophobia.

  “You never told me,” he admonished.

  “It’s not the kind of thing you like to broadcast is it!”

  “No but I could’ve...”

  “You could’ve what? There was no other way out of there so it was either this or stay down there and wait for Visjic to return and dig us out. Somehow I don’t think that would work, do you?”

  “I suppose not,” Kurt agreed.


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