The Devil: A Paranormal Vampire Romance Novel (Devil Series Book 4)

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The Devil: A Paranormal Vampire Romance Novel (Devil Series Book 4) Page 14

by Raven Steele

  Llona was still taking down shifters left and right, thanks to her invisibility. Eve, gaining strength and focus, was doing the same. The two women were competent fighters. Llona's body shimmered into view, her back arched and her face contorted in pain. A shifter had shoved his claws into her stomach and held her body into the air. He dropped her to the floor, his hand dripping blood.

  Lucien dropped the barrier around him and began fighting frantically to get to her. Eve seemed to be doing the same thing, muttering magical commands and punching at anyone who got in her way. At least she must believe him about the DSRD now.

  There were so many shifters! More seemed to have come while Lucien hadn't been looking. He used magic as much as he was able, but there simply wasn't enough time to think through his next moves. At this point, it was all he could do just to survive as he fought his way closer to Llona.

  Something sharp pierced him from behind, radiating pain to every nerve in his body, and he stumbled forward.

  "Lucien!" Eve cried.

  Another blow to his back dropped him flat to the ground. A second later, whatever had been driven into his back was pulled out, causing even more agony. Two shifters jerked him to his feet and held him fast. Eve, too, had been bound. There was fire in her eyes, and her jaw set with grim determination, despite a deep gash on her forehead.

  Jackson approached Lucien with a stake. "I've been given the go-ahead to kill you." His eyes flashed to Llona who lay unmoving on the ground, blood pooling from her wounded stomach. "I don't know how you're doing it, but if you use magic on us again, I'll kill the one with white hair."

  Lucien bucked against the shifters restraining his arms. Two more grabbed on, but a rage was building inside of him, fueled by magic. Just as he was about to unleash his fury, he looked at Eve. She was breathing hard, her eyes glossy. He'd seen that look before, but not for a very long time. For the first time in months, hope swelled within him. Maybe Eve's consciousness was closer than he thought.

  Her green eyes grew lighter and lighter until they were a brilliant white. He hunched over, knowing what was coming next. She had done this before when he had escorted her to a costume party back in Skystead when being hunted by his brother Aiden.

  Eve's head snapped back and a wave of energy spread outward knocking everyone to the ground, including himself, but he had been ready for the impact. Freed from the shifters holding him, he scrambled to his feet and rushed to grab Llona, jumping over the bodies of disoriented shifters, but when he spotted two men leave the darkness of the van holding guns, he switched directions and sprinted toward Eve who was directly in their line of fire.

  "Get down!" he shouted, but they had already opened fire. Three bullets tore though her body. Warm blood sprayed the air, catching him in the face. He grabbed her body before she hit the ground.

  "No!" he yelled and cradled her to his chest. He ignored Jackson's earlier warning and used magic to knock both gunmen back into the car. Their heads hit metal with a sickening thud.

  Eve coughed, spitting blood up and over her lips. "Lucien…"

  "Don't talk. Just hold still," he whispered. "You're going to be okay." He said it in his mind several more times. She just needed a few minutes and her body would dispel the bullets inside her. Even knowing this didn't make the pain in his chest any less.

  Lucien sensed Jackson approach him from behind. He spotted one of his silver blades next to Llona. If he could just get there—

  A cold wind burst through the opening of the warehouse chilling the air instantly. It circled around with a force of a hurricane, knocking shifters across the room. Behind it came another force, just as powerful, but more familiar.

  Henry appeared with his back to Lucien and Llona, shielding them from the shifters who had come to their feet and readied themselves for another attack.

  The strong gust of wind circled the room one last time until it stopped abruptly next to Llona. Liam appeared on his knees, his face pale. "Llona?"

  She moaned and attempted to sit up, but fell back.

  While Liam attended to her, Lucien turned his attention to Eve. The smell of her blood filled the air, a sweet coppery smell. It was still flowing, but it was slowing down.

  "Is Llona…" Eve said, her voice weak.

  "She's hurt, but I think she will be okay." He hoped.

  Liam smoothed Llona's hair back while also trying to assess the damage. He glanced back at Lucien, his eyes practically on fire. "What happened here?"

  Lucien tried to answer, but he had to dodge out of the way of a shifter Henry had just tossed.

  "Eve?" Lucien said. "I'm going to set you down and help my friend, but I promise you're going to heal. You're an immortal. You will survive this."

  She narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips as if she didn't understand. That would soon change.

  Lucien came to his feet, his muscles rippling in anticipation for the fight. He stepped next to Henry, raised his hands, and focused on the approaching shifters. Power practically exploded from his mind. He swirled his arms in the same pattern as Henry. It was as if their minds had linked and together they completed a perfectly synchronized dance of magic and power.

  Shifters rushed them one after another, but they couldn't come close. They were tossed into the air and smashed against the walls. Arms broke, legs shattered. Lucien used the silver dagger to kill the ones that refused to stay down.

  It seemed they had the upper hand, when an explosion at the other end of the warehouse shook the whole building. A great hole appeared, bricks and dust raining from the top of the opening. A dark figure immerged, walking though the cloud of debris. It was a woman, her long dress swaying against her slender figure. Long brown curls twisted around her shoulders—Liane.

  Lucien met Henry's gaze. Liane shouldn't be this powerful, but the last time they had met, she had been surprisingly strong too. Erebus had probably given her part of his powers.

  "Hello, boys," she said. "You know you shouldn't have a party without inviting me." She snapped her arms forward, pointing ten sharp, painted nails in their direction. An electric jolt shot through him, and they flew backward at least twenty feet into hard bricks, freezing them in place high on the wall. Pain tore through his body from the force. Next to him, Henry grimaced.

  "We must stop her," Henry growled. "Remember everything I taught you."

  Lucien closed his eyes briefly and refocused, already knowing where to find the magical tendril that overflowed with Genesis's power. He mentally grabbed onto it and tugged hard, thinking only of his love for Eve. It still burned as bright as the moment he first fell in love with her. Pain exploded in his mind, but he grit his teeth together and kept pulling, as if uprooting an ancient oak tree. He took as much light and power as he could before the pain crippled him.

  He dropped to the ground, finally breaking Liane's hold on him. Henry was already there and gave him a knowing look. Together they stalked toward Liane.

  Chapter 19

  Lucien raised his hand toward Liane, blocking all of her moves. Henry did the same as they continued to come closer to Liane. She was still across the warehouse from them, but at least she wasn't able to harm them, no matter the spell she used. Her power was no match against the both of theirs.

  Lucien glanced over at Liam and Llona. Liam had removed his shirt and torn it into one long strip to wrap around her bloodied stomach.

  Llona took hold of Liam’s hand. "Help them," she begged. "I'll be okay."

  "Get the girls out of here, Liam," Lucien said.

  "That's what I'm trying to do," he shot back.

  "No one is going anywhere." Liane's voice echoed in the large space.

  She reached up toward the overhead garage door and jerked her hand down. The entire wall and metal door began to crumble near them. Bricks, metal, and wood fell from the ceiling in a great pile of rubble blocking the entrance. Parts of it nearly hit Liam and Llona, but Liam managed to pull her away just in time.

  Liam straightened. "I'm
going to kill this bitch."

  Liane laughed. The sound was literally cold, freezing the air around them. "I'd like to see you try!" She glanced over her shoulder. "It's time."

  Supernaturals came pouring through the opening behind her. Lucien could smell them: fae, demons, vampires, all kinds of creatures. Their power pulsed into the warehouse, making the large space feel constrictive and smothering. Their combined essences were so strong, the air actually darkened.

  "We need to get out of here," Henry warned, his voice low.

  "I'll stop who I can while you figure that out." Liam squeezed Llona's hand, then leapt into the air, his body bursting into a furious wind again. He tore around the building, smashing into whomever he could.

  Lucien was about to join in the fight against the supernaturals when he glanced back at Eve to make sure she was still safe. She sat up staring at something in the corner, her eyes wide and teary. He followed her gaze. There in the shadows, about twenty-five feet away, stood Bo.

  "Bo?" Eve squeaked. She came to her feet, her body healed, her clothing covered in blood.

  "Eve!" Lucien shouted back at her, but she didn't acknowledge him. There was no way that was the real Bo. Someone was playing a trick on her.

  "It's me," Bo said, his voice deep yet airy, as if it were being processed through a digitized voice filter.

  She took a step toward him, her eyes narrowed. "But I saw you die."

  Bo shook his head. "I'm very much alive and waiting for you. Come to me." He stretched his hand toward her.

  Lucien's heart raced, and he searched the room to try and find the source of magic that was creating the powerful illusion.

  "You betrayed me," Eve said to Bo, her voice full of pain.

  "No Reina. They lied to you."

  She took a step toward him, her eyes narrowed.

  "Stop her!" Henry snapped at him. "They must not get her. We'll hold off everyone else, but the second you have Eve secured, I'll teleport her and Llona away from here. You and Liam," he hesitated, "will have to find your own way out."

  Henry returned his gaze to an approaching shifter who was whipping around a long chain. Before the chain-wielding shifter reached him, Liam plucked him from the air and threw him back into the crowd.

  Lucien ran toward Eve and grabbed her hand, stopping her from going any further.

  "That's not Bo. He's dead."

  Her eyes flickered to Bo then back to Lucien. "You killed him."

  "Yes," he answered honestly.

  Bo spoke again: "I won't hurt you, Reina, but we must go now. I'll keep you safe. I promise!"

  "Don't listen to him, Eve," Lucien pleaded. "It's a trick."

  She jerked her arm away from him. "Stop calling me that."

  "Lucien's right. That's not Bo," a voice said.

  Lucien and Eve turned. Llona had sat up, her face pale. "Please, we need to leave this place. Can't you see that they are trying to kill us all? Eve looked toward the oncoming attackers then back at Bo.

  Lucien blocked her view of the shifter. "I've only spoken truth to you. Bo was not who he seemed. All of this is a ploy to mess with your memory. I am right about your past, about you being an immortal. I haven't lied to you."

  "You lied about not being a vampire."

  His mouth opened, but words escaped him.

  "Reina!" Bo called.

  Lucien glanced down at his hand gripping Eve's arm, realizing something in that moment. He couldn't force Eve to remember. Some part of her, no matter how small, had to want her memory back. The spell wouldn't be strong enough without both of them desiring the same thing.

  Reluctantly, he let her go. Her bright green eyes searched his before glancing at Bo.

  "You must come now!" Bo called again.

  She took a step toward the shifter. Lucien's knees almost buckled, but then she turned back toward him with desperation in her eyes.

  "Fix me," she whispered and held out her hand.

  Lucien's chest heaved up and down with hope swelling inside of him. That's all he needed.

  He took hold of her hand and closed his eyes, already knowing where to find the magical tendril that overflowed with Genesis's power. He mentally grabbed onto it and pulled straight to its source. There was nothing that blocked him now. The power was his.

  In a voice deep and sure, he said, "Sands of time, breath into me. Release the past, set her free."

  Fear flashed in Eve's eyes. He took her gently by both arms and gave her an encouraging smile. From the corner of his eye, he spotted Llona crawling toward them while Henry and Liam continued to hold back the many supernaturals.

  Lucien spoke again, louder this time. "Sands of time, breath into me, release the past, set her free."

  He pulled her to his chest, her body warm against his. Power ignited between them, raising the hairs on both their arms. She stared up at him, her eyes wide.

  "Eve, I have always loved you," he said. "I always will. You gave me my life back, showed me what it means to be loved, and I will spend the rest of eternity doing the same for you. Starting now."

  His lips crashed into hers, the words of the spell running through his mind. Each letter was filled with all the emotion he could muster. His hands gripped her back, as he willed every ounce of his magic into her. She squirmed once, as if she might pull away, but then a sudden heat ignited near his leg, and power like nothing he had ever felt before filled his entire being. It was a bright light, as strong and radiant as the sun, but it filled him with a different kind of heat, one that lit a fire inside him.

  Llona. She was gripping his leg and transferring her Light into him.

  Lucien deepened the kiss with Eve and thought the words one last time:

  Sands of time, breath into me, release the past, set her free.

  A powerful force exploded from him and into Eve. Her body warmed and her muscles tightened. A pressure began to build, an eerie calm before a storm like none he had ever experienced before.

  A blast of energy exploded outward from Eve knocking him back several feet. Even Llona was tossed aside. He sat up, dazed.

  Eve's head was back, her eyes open and staring at the ceiling. Light shot out from her open mouth and eyes in three steady streams that burned holes right through the roof.

  Lucien glanced back at the fight. Liam was in hand-to-hand combat with a supernatural who disappeared and reappeared in different positions, making him almost impossible to fight. Henry did his best to knock others away from getting to Eve, while also fighting off Liane's attempts to hit him with magic, but he was losing ground.

  Lucien's eyes darted to the fake Bo. The vision of him had faded, revealing the source of the illusion. Erebus stood tall, wearing a black business suit with a red-collared dress shirt and black tie. He stared at Lucien, his dark eyes glowing a crimson red.

  Erebus's mouth didn't open, but Lucien heard Erebus’s voice in his head: "The end is coming."

  And then Erebus was gone.

  Lucien stared for a moment, wondering if he would reappear, until he heard something crash behind him. He whirled around. Eve had collapsed.

  Part II


  Chapter 1

  My eyes closed, and my breathing came in shallow gasps. I lay on rough ground cold enough to chill me to my bones. I curled my hands and brought my arms to my chest to warm myself.

  I inhaled deeply. Cool air rushed into my lungs, and it was so rich, so invigorating, that it felt like my very first breath.

  An onslaught of sounds came next.

  Shouting. Crashing. Breaking.

  Too much. My eardrums vibrated painfully.

  Then the images came. Broken fragments of faces and events, twisting around each other like a child's kaleidoscope.

  Blood. Pain. Death.

  I curled tighter into a ball.

  Pressure on my shoulders made me open my eyes. The world went silent, all sounds just gone. A man kneeled before me, his lips moving, his eyebrows drawn tightly together. His eyes
were blue like the sky on a warm summer day, the kind of sky you want to lie beneath for hours.

  I blinked and rubbed at my eyes. Was I dreaming?

  The man caressed my cheek, a soft tender touch. A jolt of electricity raced through my body. Sounds returned.

  "Eve!" the man said.

  Behind him, a spray of blood shot across the room, followed by a severed head. I scrambled backwards on the ground, my hands scraping against cold, rough concrete. My heart raced so fast I thought it might burst from my chest. The large room, more like a warehouse of some kind, was full of carnage. Bodies flew through the air, lights flashed across the room, walls painted in red.

  "You're safe," the man said, his voice gentle as if he could somehow soften the scene around me.

  I narrowed my eyes, a tiny pinhead of memory returning. He was not human. He was a vampire, but not one I feared.

  A girl with long white hair sat on the ground nearby, her front covered in blood. She looked at me anxiously like she might jump at me any second. Who was she?

  My gaze darted to the vampire. His dark hair, high cheekbones. Full lips that had once tasted mine. My hand came to my mouth as another tidbit of memory surfaced.

  "Lucien!" a voice called from across the room. "We need to go now!"

  The vampire looked back at whoever called his name.

  Lucien. Flashes of him accosted my mind in a wave of both happiness and sorrow. I saw his face, felt his touch, smelled his scent. This was someone I cared about. He was someone I loved. I reached for him.

  Behind Lucien, another tall, brown-haired vampire rushed toward me, his serious expression filling me with dread. The girl with white hair reached out for him, and he took her hand in passing. He practically lifted her from the ground as he also lunged for me. I tried to get out of the way, but he was faster and gripped my arm tightly.


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