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Legend of the Red Sun Village

Page 64

by Mark Swaine

  “You scared me half to death dragon!” yells Yu-Huang, shaking like a leaf frozen beneath the weight of a winter snowfall.

  “I know, but you will never be more afraid for your mortal self as you are right now,” says the dragon proudly, “unless that is, you witness the return of my partner, but you are safe here in the dungeons where she cannot see us,” says the dragon. The Black Dragon shudders at the mere thought of seeing his companion fly overhead and his playful smile drops from his scaled, winding mouth as it hisses in apprehension. “My Emperor; you may ask one more question," says the dragon calmly.

  “The spirit of my ally and friend Emperor Kazuko, does he rest in peace?” asks a sooty-faced and breathless Yu-Huang.

  “More than you know, humble and wise Emperor. My Emperor, I must request you do something, something important before you leave,” says the dragon.

  “What would you ask of me?” asks Yu-Huang.

  “Create a Bonsai portal, here in my chamber,” asks the dragon.

  Yu-Huang doesn't ask why, but he can only assume it is so the inventor can return without having to make frequent journeys on foot.

  “Where should I place the connecting portal?” asks Yu-Huang.

  “The stream of Yóuyǒng Jiàn (Swimming Swords), in the Lǜ Zhǎo (Green Paw) Mountain range. Do you know of it?” asks the Black Dragon.

  Yu-Huang dismisses the dragon's geographical query and aims the palm of his hand to the corner of the bronze cast floor. The ground cracks as tree roots spread outwards and a winding tree trunk spirals upwards before blossoming a platform of leaves.

  “Will there be anything else?” asks Yu-Huang humbly.

  “I ask your permission to continue the training of my soldiers, undisturbed by your Ministry and Warden Seto,” requests the dragon.

  “I will trust your wisdom dragon; they will continue training under your supervision, I place them under your charge,” says Yu-Huang still a little vexed at the dragon's earlier outburst.

  “They will serve you well when the time is upon us. One more thing, have you noticed anything strange?” asks the dragon in passing.

  Yu-Huang stares at the dragon with a blank expression, and cannot decide whether he is mocking him.

  “Strange? Dragon, what is normal these days?” replies Yu-Huang tiredly.

  “Strange voices perhaps, things appearing that have no common place to?” muses the dragon.

  Yu-Huang thinks back to the strange voice that occurred some time ago, not to mention the strangely branded cup of tea that mysteriously appeared and disappeared before his very eyes.

  “No dragon, everything aside what I have told you, there is nothing else,” lies Yu-Huang.

  “Very well, go now, and begin your first trial,” says the dragon allowing him to pass.

  “I thank you for your guidance and wisdom dragon; I leave you in peace,” replies Yu-Huang, hiding his concern for all he has learned.

  The Black Dragon watches Yu-Huang leave and sees that he no longer walks with pride in his steps, and he can see the worry of all he has revealed already bearing down upon him.

  “Yu-Huang, ‘tis during this time you will discover just how powerful you really are. You possess great knowledge, and unlimited wisdom. You are not defenceless, you are Master in the arts of Wushu and Magic, but I am always here should you require further counsel,” assures the dragon.

  Yu-Huang contemplates the dragon's encouraging words, and bows to the Black Dragon in gratitude before leaving.

  “Yu-Huang, inform the Samurai Kamui Li I will have words with him,” says the Black Dragon.

  “Certainly,” replies Yu-Huang.

  The Black Dragon stamps his way back to his place of dark slumber beside the barred archway of fire looking out into the abyss. He appears tired as he rests his jaw on his front paws, and as his eyebrows furrow his dim yellow eyes look up to whomever may be looking down on him.

  “Duìbùqǐ (forgive me),” says the dragon sadly.

  “Don’t beat yourself up lad, it isn’t your fault,” says a husky rough voice beside him.

  The dragon looks at the elderly man stood beside him wiping the lenses of his glasses on the sleeve of his chequered woollen dressing gown.

  “Snooze,” says the dragon identifying the sixty-something-year-old man, “where is the Jiangshi? I need that incantation if I am to lift the Curse of Immortality from the Samurai,” says the dragon impatiently.

  “Ee'll be 'ere, give im some time, avva bit of patience. It in't time to lift that curse yet any'ow,” replies Snooze.

  “How will I know when to remove it? I cannot rely on your word since you appear by chance,” says the dragon.

  “You'll know when the time comes,” replies Snooze, “the question is are you ready to accept the knock-on effect? We're not talkin a couple of centuries ere, you’re the one oo's gonna be lumbered with this curse, for all bloody time lad,” says Snooze.

  “For my misdeeds, I will accept the consequences,” replies the dragon guiltily.

  “Yu-Huang better tread carefully, maybe I should keep a closer eye on 'im,” muses Snooze.

  “You should not interact with the Emperor, you are confusing him, and he is confused enough already,” says the Black Dragon.

  “They're the least of his worries,” says Snooze sadly, 'yer din't tell'im bout facin't Darkness when he gor's to the cave,” says Snooze.

  “There are a great many things I did not tell him. The Emperor is overloaded with burdens, he needs not another. Besides, facing the Darkness is merely the beginning of his first test, and this test was placed before him,” says the Black Dragon.

  “we don't av much time,” says Snooze. “I hope he completes these three trials before it’s too late,”

  “He will not fail, he doesn’t know how to,” says the dragon.

  “He’s a good lad ee' is, he dunt deserve this,” says Snooze.

  “No my friend, no he doesn't,” says the dragon in kind.

  On his way back through the corridor of cages, Yu-Huang observes the lack of stillness in his hands and grips them to stop the shaking whilst passing the caged inmates. A convict with a partially burned face gripping the bars of his cell appears genuinely concerned for the Emperor, but cannot hold his smirk any longer.

  “Did the dragon give you a bit of a fright?” asks the prisoner mockingly.

  Before the Emperor can even acknowledge the inmates jibe, another convict in the adjacent cell asks him...

  “Are you in need of a spare change of underwear?” says the stubbly faced man waving a grey loin cloth before him.

  The other scar-faced inmate snorts into a fit of laughter as Yu-Huang smiles accommodatingly.

  “I hope you can fight as well as you laugh,” replies the Emperor.

  “Harder,” replies the loin cloth-waving convict.

  “You call yourself warriors. Let us put you to the test,” says the Emperor.

  Yu-Huang permits them to exit their cages, and the charge at him with loud battle cries. The inmates rush for the opportunity to prove themselves to their Royal opponent and Yu-Huang prepares to attack. If this was the only way he could gain their respect then so be it, thinks Yu-Huang, why not speak their language as well as gain a head start to his path of self-righteousness, he muses. The scar faced man moves in first and performs a powerful combination of rapid straight punches and kicks. Yu-Huang blocks the oncoming attacks with his forearm and the palm of his hand. Using his solid knee and shin he blocks the attacks from the 'loin cloth man' attacking from the other side. The Emperor yawns then imitates snoring noises sending the two men into a fury of blind rage. The Emperor creates an opening for the equally heightened convicts, one to execute a straight kick to his gut and the other to target his lower back. Before their solid straight feet can impact Yu-Huang, he moves sideways between the two dashing legs and the two men kick each other between the legs. The prisoners keel over and roll on their sides whilst urinating their khakis. Leaving a trail of yellow piss,
the two men cup their beaten nether regions whilst hobbling slowly back to their cells. With the corridor of inmates howling in an uproar of laughter, Yu-Huang approaches the cages.

  “‘Tis fortunate you possess a spare change of underwear,” says Yu-Huang before moving on. “Is this the best you have to offer?!” shouts Yu-Huang to the other inmates.

  A cell door creaks open, and a prisoner walks out to meet Yu-Huang and accept his challenge.

  “Kill him Kuángrén (Madman), show him, show him what we can do!” shouts a keen prisoner sticking his head between the bars of his cell.

  All the prisoners quietly begin chanting the challenger's moniker, and the more they chant his assumed name, the louder the mantra grows in volume. As the prisoners bang wildly on their cells whilst bellowing “Kuángrén, Kuángrén, Kuángrén!”, Gang Huojin ignores them and prepares a stance of attack. He begins with a display of powerful forward thrusts before aiming his palms to Yu-Huang. Rushing in with a murderous expression, his fists move like the wind as he uses every muscle in his body to try and break the Emperor's defences. Yu-Huang blocks his strikes with ease and counters a straight punch with a reverse kick. Gang catches his leg by the calf and spins him off his feet. In his mid-air falling twist Yu-Huang kicks Gang's mouth with his free foot and lands on his other. Gang Huojin snarls with blood seeping between his teeth and Yu-Huang appears puzzled that he isn't even dazed by the powerful attack. Yu-Huang re-engages the man with an aerial roundhouse kick and Gang ducks as Yu-Huang lands to his feet whilst advancing with a series of front thrusts. Gang backflips to avoid the combination of damaging fists and finishes with an upturned front kick. Yu-Huang catches his leg and throws him against the bars of a cell door. Yu-Huang lifts Gang up from the scruff of his baggy tunic and drives a solid punch into his chest knocking him onto his back. Gang recovers and springs to his feet and faces a barrage of punches to the face. Gang, with his face cut and bloodied, refuses to admit defeat as he stubbornly pursues his three blurring targets with his limp hands and feet, and as the Emperor prepares a combination of thrusts that would surely render him unconscious, Gang slides his heel back and prepares to execute a move of his own. Yu-Huang moves in swiftly and Gang performs a double reverse dragon kick that sends him into a rapid motion of spinning feet. Yu-Huang defends the first blow with his forearm and he feels the strength from the impact. Yu-Huang grabs Gang's foot from the second blow and delivers a kick to his gut sending him back to the ground. Gang struggles back to his feet with blood pouring from his mouth nose and forehead and Yu-Huang holds his hand up.

  “Enough,” says Yu-Huang.

  “Never, not until I have defeated you,” replies Gang.

  “Return to your cell and tend to your wounds,” says Yu-Huang.

  The stubborn prisoner attempts to hide the pain from the broken fibia protruding from under his skin whilst rushing in to deliver a series of fluid kicks. Yu-Huang ends the challenge with a scissor kick to the face and Gang's nose explodes in a fountain of red as he lands backwards onto the side of his face.

  “What are you trying to prove? Return to your cell convict!” says Yu-Huang sternly whilst standing over him.

  Gang Huojin stands to his feet and pants defiantly in the Emperor's face before hobbling slightly back to his cell. Gang lowers himself onto his hammock and crafts a tourniquet whilst staring through the bars at the Emperor.

  “You fought better than I imagined you would, but you rush into combat, your mind must be silent, focussed,” says the Emperor.

  “You permit us to serve or not?” asks Gang Huojin stubbornly.

  “You will be granted the second chance your victims will never receive, but I do not promise you redemption,” says the Emperor.

  Yu-Huang listens to Gang Huojin grunt as his groaning fractured fibia strains together with a grinding chew. Yu-Huang's eyes flicker with light as the palm of his hand glows and winding stream of bright particles blasts through the bars and merges with Gang's leg, healing it instantly.

  “You appear to possess a kind and strong soul Gang Huojin. Although I sensed how much your beloved wife and brother wounded you, I still do not understand how you willed yourself to commit such a wicked deed,” says Yu-Huang.

  “Had you witnessed the only woman you had ever loved, embracing a man you would gladly die for in battle for, then you would understand,” replies Gang, remorsefully. “I cannot justify my actions Emperor, but I can pay for them, in your service, in the coming war,” says Gang.

  “I trust in the wisdom of the dragon, I shall trust in your allegiance also,” says Yu-Huang.

  Gang stands comfortably to his feet, and approaches the bars whilst beckoning Yu-Huang forward.

  “During your second trial, there will come a time when you too... will sense the urge to kill,” says Gang quietly.

  “How do you know of my trials?” asks Yu-Huang crossly.

  “The Black Dragon talks during his slumber, in many languages. I know of your burden... you will feel as mortals do, even the ones as wicked as us. You will become a new mortal, in the body of a weapon. It only takes a second to lose control my master, trust me,” says Gang.

  “The others, do they know of my business?” asks Yu-Huang suspiciously.

  "No, only I. Fear not, your secret is safe,” assures Gang. “Emperor, you must control your anger, or your soul will suffer the same fate as ours. There will come times when you are afraid, look to your pride and you shall gather strength. However, be warned, depend on your pride too greatly and your strength shall be robbed of all valour and dignity... you must rediscover a new sense of balance,”

  Yu-Huang can hardly believe he is actually heeding this murderer's advice, yet feels compelled to absorb every ounce of wisdom Gang has to offer. Yu-Huang can't deny he that isn’t afraid of his new frail state, vulnerable to harm, in both body and soul, and he realises just how much worth his words of wisdom hold. In formal gratitude, Yu-Huang grants him one favour and Gang Huojin need not ponder for a second as he thinks upon his daughter.

  “Adopt Xunsu as your own daughter, better she assumes I am dead,” says Gang.

  “I will not lie to her, she deserves the truth... but not yet,” says Yu-Huang.

  “Please, I can bear the shame before you, but not my daughter, not my little Xunsu,” says Gang in dismay.

  “One day, she will come to learn of the truth, and she will know I withheld the truth and betrayed her trust. I cannot do what you ask Gang Huojin, but you can trust me to care for her and act in her best interests as one of many trusted guardians, until you come back into her life,” says Yu-Huang.

  “I miss her so much,” says Gang to himself.

  “She misses you too Gang, these are tragic circumstances for all those concerned. Be well Gang Huojin, I will return,” says Yu-Huang, sympathetically.

  Yu-Huang's kind soul begins to hurt as he senses Gang Huojin's heartache, and he leaves wishing he'd not arrived in such a hurry. Deep in thought, he strolls by the rows of cells, and he catches the gaze of a shaven headed convict.

  “My Emperor, my heart weighs with the guilt I carry; I also repent my past crimes. I deserve to remain in this cell to the last of my dying days,” says the convict earnestly.

  “I am listening, continue convict,” replies the Emperor to the pleading soul.

  “I ask only one favour... a rack of lamb served with fresh vegetables, a stone roasted Turkey leg on a bed of rice, and a warm pot of ale,” states the prisoner, pointing at his third finger in the list, believing his false confession will bring about his wishes.

  The Emperor bites his lip crossly whilst exhaling through his nose as he looks away from the convict.

  “Good luck with your training,” says Yu-Huang with a nod before leaving; the other convicts glare threateningly at the neighbouring cellmate as he shrugs innocently.

  As Yu-Huang continues along the corridor, the soldiers are separated from the fools as he walks past their cages. Most bow respectively before their Emperor whilst
others jestingly offer their confessions of guilt in exchange for foot rubs, old age harlots, fine lady garments from his wardrobe, and various other ridiculous requests conjured up within a second’s passing. Yu-Huang is taken back up to the main platform where Warden Seto awaits him, and Yu-Huang explains the situation regarding the prisoners’ training.

  “Master Yu-Huang, this is not a Dojo, but a top security prison,” protests Warden Seto.

  “Do you trust me old friend?” asks Yu-Huang.


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