Legend of the Red Sun Village

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Legend of the Red Sun Village Page 69

by Mark Swaine

  “What did you say?” says Chung Denshi with a shaking fist tightening around the pot of wine.

  “The Emperor is weak, and he is a coward,” says Peng Shi looking directly at him whilst taking his seat.

  The Priests gasp in shock at Peng Shi's blasphemy, and Chung Denshi looks away as his mind process the soul breaking insult. The pot of wine in Chung Denshi's crushing grip shatters in his hand, and as he glares at the tables occupants, he knows his cover is blown. It is clear now where his loyalties lie, and it is not with their cause to discover the spell for eternal life. Chung Denshi's furious eyes focus squarely on the treacherous young Priest, and as Peng Shi conceals a sneaky smile behind his raised tankard Chung Denshi moves faster than light leaving his chair rocking back and forth on its legs. As the enraged Chung Denshi leaps over the table to deliver a flying kick to Peng Shi's face, and a portion of his teeth flies from his mouth in a spatter of blood as he hits the cobbled stone deck. An entourage of muscled Priests hear the commotion and move in on Chung Denshi. With one swift roundhouse kick Chung Denshi knocks each of them to the floor as more able bodied Priests join the fight. Chung Denshi delivers a reversed flying kick to a Priest's gut and sends him rolling back over the table, and another delivers a hard punch to his cheek. Chung Denshi returns with a hard blow knocking his jaw out of place and stunning him. The hulking Priest advances once again Chung Denshi delivers a solid punch to the man's muscle bound torso before landing a powerful downward kick to his shin. The Priest's shin breaks like a branch and Chung Denshi watches him fall to the ground beside the others. Chung Denshi stands over Peng Shi and picks him up by his throat, and the bloody mouthed Priest grapples with the solid forearm attached to the hand around his throat.

  “You are a bad person, and you are dangerous, too dangerous to remain in the Emperor's trusted Ministry. You are guilty,” seethes Chung Denshi.

  “Guilty of what?” taunts Peng Shi with a smile of blood.

  “Blasphemy, conspiring to hail the darkness, conspiring to invite the Darkness into our temples of light and scheming to gain immortality without the consent of the Emperor...” says Chung Denshi tightening his grip around his neck to rid Peng Shi of his smile, “...and the murder of a High Minister, my Brother, Jian-Heng. You bring shame to the Brotherhood of Jade Ministers, and I will see you exiled for your crimes,” says Chung Denshi bringing Peng Shi's face closer to his.

  “Brother Denshi, have you gone mad!” asks Minister Pán, scared stiff of the raging Minister.

  “Yes,” replies Chung Denshi clenching his jaws.

  “You have not the authority to command my banishment from the Brotherhood, or the Empire of China. Where is your proof, who will corroborate these dreadful and serious allegations?” coughs Peng Shi.

  “I not need the word of these drunken fools; General Arachie will heed my words. Your time in the Brotherhood is, finished!” bellows Chung Denshi.

  Peng Shi spits a mouthful of blood into Chung Denshi's face and the angered Priest reacts by head-butting his nose, breaking it instantly. Chung Denshi brings his fist back to deliver one final blow to Peng-Shi’s face and a high pitched voice urges for him to stop. Chung Denshi stops his fist an inch away from Peng Shi's face as Anming stands at the far end of the archive entrance with a tray of wine in her hands and a stern expression upon her face. Chung Denshi drops Peng Shi to the floor and walks away, but not before leaving his Brothers with a final piece of wisdom.

  “Would you care to know what Emperor Yu-Huang asked of me earlier this evening after the meeting? His grace humbly requested I accept the gift of eternal life, so that I may serve him until the end of his days, or until the time I request to be released from it,” says Chung Denshi sadly.

  As Chung Denshi breaks the news, his previous outbursts of fist and feet are forgotten, and the carnage of beaten bodies surrounding the table of Priests becomes invisible. The Priests sit in silence and marvel at the first Priest to be chosen for eternal life in centuries. They look upon Chung Denshi with admiring eyes, for they all know if there was one among them deserves to be chosen, it’s their wise and patient Brother Denshi.

  “Brother Denshi, what glorious news you bring, ‘tis a great day for all the Houses of the Brotherhood,” says a tearful Priest admirably. “Why would you keep this from us? When will the ceremony begin, with you being chosen, surely this will pave the way for many more of...?” says Minister Jīn.

  “...there will be no ceremony,” says Chung Denshi. “Emperor Yu-Huang informed me to reflect upon his request carefully before committing to a decision,”

  “What? and you are refusing this treasured gift, why?” asks Minister Jīn.

  “For a number of reasons,” replies Chung Denshi.

  “Name one. You are irrational to refuse to such an honour,” says Minister Dewei in disbelief.

  “Should the day come when the Emperor chooses one among you to serve him until the end of his days, I would graciously accept his gift with a glad heart,” says Chung Denshi.

  “You would make this great sacrifice for us, why?” asks Minister Wén lovingly and shamefully.

  “Because you are my Brothers, you are my family, and I would never betray you, nor would I flaunt this gift before your very noses. But I am sorry my Brothers, I foresee each and every one of you perishing at the hands of old age, so I too will perish with you,” says Chung Denshi.

  “Chung Denshi, you speak of our service in such low regard,” says Minister Cáo forlornly.

  “I speak the truth. I have done all I can to convince you of the Emperor's worth, but you no longer possess the qualities required of our service, patience, mercy, and most importantly... faith,” says Chung Denshi disappointedly.

  “Brother Denshi, what are you saying?” asks the worried and guilty-looking Minister Jīn.

  “I can no longer tolerate your grief, your unforgiving, and your disloyalty toward our great Emperor. Do you not see what our Great Emperor represents, ‘tis not merely a man we worship, but the light he carries inside of him. Do you not see my Brothers, we serve pure goodness, ‘tis our purpose to serve the will of good. Positive actions attract positive attention, but you people bring out the worst in me, you people... make me a lesser person. Even now you hold me back, I have desired the gift of eternal life my whole life, but now I fear this gift will cause more harm than good” says Chung Denshi looking at the bruised men moaning on the floor “I am leaving the Brotherhood to create a new life, a new life with my beloved Anming. I will report Peng Shi's intention's to contact the Darkness to General Arachie after sunrise, you have until then to prepare your defence. You need not involve yourself in this matter but I beg of you...do not hail the Darkness. You are men of light, even if you fail to act such as. Farewell my Brothers, I will pray for you,” says Chung Denshi, turning away.

  “What will you do, where will go Brother Denshi?” asks a panicked Minister Máo feeling suddenly alone.

  “Anything, everything... anywhere,” says Chung Denshi calmly whilst smiling lovingly at Anming across the hall.


  Outside the screen door of his bed chambers, Chung Denshi and Anming kiss passionately whilst breaking for pauses as they caress each other’s faces and smiling excitedly.

  “You are sure of this?” asks Anming.

  “I have never been so sure of anything in whole life. But how will we live, where will we go?” asks Chung Denshi in an excited laugh of wonderment.

  “Where ever we choose,” replies Anming uncaring of the details.

  Chung Denshi's smile drops slightly as he realises he has no wealth to contribute to their new life, and he also feels a pinch of guilt for not staying to aid in rebuilding the city.

  “What troubles you?” asks Anming.

  “I am leaving the Brotherhood tomorrow, you have my word. But I do not trust the Houses of the Ministry to aid the people in this time of great need,” says Chung Denshi.

  “You can not undertake the responsibiliti
es of the Ministry single-handedly, without you they will be forced to become stronger. Besides, surely you cannot be the only Minister with the people's best interests at heart,” says Anming.

  “There are too few to speak of,” says Chung Denshi.

  “You are a good man Chung Denshi, ‘tis only you that I desire, no other, nothing else,” says Anming serenely.

  “I have nothing of value to trade with, no currency to speak of, how will we survive?” realises Chung Denshi.

  “Fear not my love, cease your worried tone, I have saved my entire life, we have enough,” says Anming. “Upon sunrise we shall gather supplies, livestock, and begin a new life far away in the countryside,” replies Anming holding the back of his neck.

  “Our children will love the countryside,” says Chung Denshi with a calm smile.

  Anming returns the smile then pulls him closer as she kisses him softly, and as her kiss grows in strength Chung Denshi pulls on the sash around her waist bringing her body closer to his. Chung Denshi rapidly fumbles for the handle on the screen door and yanks it open. Disrobing whilst entering his chamber in an overjoyed, backwards stagger, the screen door shuts closed behind them. Back in the archive hall, Peng Shi scowls in thought as he knocks back a jug of wine with a single rag stuffed up his bloody nose. The wine spills down his throat and chest as he double takes at the other Priests staring at him scornfully.

  “What are you all looking at?” asks Peng Shi.

  “You are finished here Peng Shi, when General Arachie hears of your betrayal...” Minister Dewei slams his old and wrinkled bony fist on the table.

  “My betrayal? Brother Dewei, you all expressed just as much intention as I to hail the Darkness, and this I promise you, I will not face the consequences alone,” says Peng Shi.

  “Chung Denshi would not involve us in this, would he?” asks Minister Jīn unsurely.

  “Chung Denshi may be many things, but he is not a liar, and when I am questioned by the General, I will be forced to tell the entire truth. We are all implicated,” says Peng Shi.

  The Ministers look around at each other in worry, knowing Peng Shi is right.

  “You will all of you join me in exile,” sneers Peng Shi nursing his swollen face. “Brother Pān, how long have you served in the Brotherhood?” asks Peng Shi.

  “Sixty years,” replies Minister Pān.

  “And you Brother Dewei, how long?” enquires Peng Shi snarkily.

  “Seventy years,” replies Minister Dewei worriedly.

  “In your exile, what will you do, how will you survive? Remember, we are forbidden to take anything with us. I am still young, I care not. To be quite honest, the prospect of starting over is actually... quite encouraging, wouldn't you agree?” says Peng Shi half-heartedly.

  “What are we going to do?” asks Minister Dewei to his other aged Brothers.

  “There is only one thing we can do,” replies Peng Shi with a scornful whisper. “Those of you who wish to prevent their exile and destroy our enemies... the Samurai, follow me to the séance chamber. It is the only way to save yourselves, the city, and the Emperor,” says Peng Shi.

  One by one the Priests reluctantly stand to their feet and follow Peng Shi through the temple. The Priests enter a cold hard wood room with a spire of rock reaching up from below and a flight of wooden steps leads down to an entrance hanging with sacred charms intended to prevent any other worldly spirits from passing. All but Peng Shi feels a shiver dancing up the lumbars of their spines as they make their way down the winding stairwell built into the cavern.

  In single file, each of them remain silent as they ponder upon the repercussions of what they’re about to do. As each of them contemplate turning back, the journey down the iron spiralled staircase is short, and it abruptly comes to an end as they find themselves standing amidst the torch lit séance chamber. Stalagmites hang way overhead and drip with continuous drops of water. Decorated with drenched red and purple drapes, the chilly room has an aura of death. In the centre of the room an iron hexagon table with a strange embedded surface awaits nine Priests to sit in the low cobwebbed chairs.

  A Priest takes one look at the table and begins huffing in panic before turning back to the stairs.

  “Where are you going Brother Dewei?” asks Peng Shi stopping him by his arm.

  “If he wants to leave then let him leave!” shouts Minister Pān.

  “We are all in this together, there is no going back. Not for you, not for me, and not for Brother Dewei,” says Peng Shi.

  The Nine Damned Priests stand before the seats at the low table and look once again at its embedded surface staring up at them.

  “Those taking part in séance must announce themselves,” says Minister Pān, “I will begin,” he adds whilst looking reassuringly at the troubled Minister Dewei, “High Minister Pān of the House of Dog,” says the lean aged middle aged Minister sitting down,

  “M...m...minister Dewei, of the House of Rabbit,” says the nervous elderly Minister.

  “High Minister Luó, of the House of Tiger,” says the eager, brutish bearded Priest.

  “High Minister Wén of the House of Rat,” says the one-armed Priest.

  “High Minister Jīn, of the House of Snake,” says the comfortable Priest.

  “Minister Cáo, of the House of Monkey,” says the paranoid middle-aged Priest.

  “High Minister Shi of House of Goat,” says Peng-Shi spitefully.

  “High Minister Tán of the House of Dragon,” says burned scar faced Priest ashamedly.

  “High Minister Máo of the House of Pig,” says a dwarf Priest.

  The nine Priests each take their seats and Peng Shi runs his hands over the table, fascinated by its eloquent and ancient design. The curious Priest toys with three moveable rings surrounding the exterior of a circle. Inside the spherical bands a large codex of letters and numbers are ingrained on the surface. Peng Shi takes his place at the large candlelit Diexian and removes the tiny lid from a cracked ampoule covered in dust and webbing. Peng Shi observes and sniffs a red liquid inside the clear vial.

  “What is this?” asks Peng Shi.

  “The blood of a virgin,” replies Minister Dewei.

  “Sacrificed?” asks Peng Shi.

  “Of course not!” scowls Minister Pān, reaching for the vial from his hands.

  Peng Shi grips the vial tightly, forbidding its removal from his grasp as he glares at Minister Pān threateningly.

  “What shall I do?” asks Peng Shi.

  “Place nine drops on the Diexian (planchette) then place your fingers upon it,” replies Minister Pān bitterly.

  Peng Shi does as instructed and places nine drops of virgin blood over the star shaped planchette. Each of the Priests places their shaking fingers on the planchette and slides it to the centre of the table. The nine Priests call out to the deity of Darkness while the Priests standing behind them look back over their shoulders in paranoia. Peng Shi's plan is simple, to invite the Darkness through the contacting table and grant it entry so it may destroy the Samurai, in return they will request the gift of eternal life. During the night the Priests continue to call out whilst awaiting movement from the ever still Diexian. Eventually, much to their relief, Peng Shi finally gives up, blaming the Priests in the process.

  “At least we tried Brother Shi, perhaps this is for the best,” says Minister Pan looking forward to his exile.

  “The Fuji board might have proved more effective, after all we are attempting to contact a deity, not some common spirit, or perhaps you knew this already,” says Peng Shi accusingly.

  “We are not Sorcerers nor are we Necromancers Peng Shi!” barks Minister Pán.

  “We should not have come here in the first place! We must leave, before anybody even discovers we were even here," says Minister Dewei ashamedly.

  The Priests begin the process of ending the séance but before they can remove their fingers from the marker, the candles on the tables flicker sidewards from a slight breeze. Wall mounted torches
are suddenly blown out one by one until consuming the room in shadow, leaving only the shallow glow of the rising candles on the wax laden table before them. As the standing spectating Priests huddle together in tightly packed groups, strands of their clothing are lifted from an unseen force. One of the Priests shifts in his seat and looks over his shoulder as he feels the presence of a passing energy moving behind him.

  “It is here?” says Peng Shi smiling curiously.

  In the séance chamber, all eyes look on the horizontal candle flames, and suddenly the wheels of the Diexan begin to spin out of control whilst stopping on various letters.

  “A...M...A...Y. Spirit, your name is AMAY? We not seek your company, be gone, we wish only to converse with an agent of darkness, or the darkness itself,” says Peng Shi.


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