Legend of the Red Sun Village

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Legend of the Red Sun Village Page 70

by Mark Swaine

  “Enough Peng Shi, that is enough, we will have no part in this!” says Minister Cáo.

  “Then take your fingers off the marker, if you dare,” smiles Peng Shi. “Spirit, where do you hail from?” asks Peng Shi,

  Suddenly the layered wheels begin spinning in staggered directions as the entity continues to communicate and manipulate the Diexian.

  “U...Y...I...D?” says Peng Shi confused. “Spirit, what is your meaning?” he asks.

  “When a spirit is still connected to the other side, sometimes letters can appear back to front. ‘Tis the spirit looking into the mirror of the mortal realm,” observes Minister Máo.

  “U...Y...I...D means...” stutters Minister Dewei.

  “...Diyu...” says Peng Shi with an evil grin.

  “Diyu but that would mean...AMAY, oh no, this is the spirit of...” exclaims Minister Wén identifying the spirit.

  “Get rid of it! Chung Denshi may have been right, we cannot do this to the Samurai, we are Priests not murderers,” exclaims Minister Dewei.

  “You do not realise with whom we have hailed! Get rid of it, send it back! Take your fingers off the marker!” pleads Minister Jīn in a frightened high-pitched tone.

  “I am sorry my brothers, it is too late for the Samurai. I will claim my birth right,” says Peng Shi self-assuredly.

  As the dripping of water becomes a trickle of blood, the cave walls explode into flame. The fire recedes to reveal rolling walls of meat and flesh with faces and limbs protruding against tight sticky membranes. Steam rises from the Diexan table as its surface begins to melt into a pool of boiling blood. The hot pool of blood spills over the sides of the Diexan as two circular ripples disturb the surface. Slowly, two bowled bony pale elbows rise up whilst unfolding and dividing to reveal its double jointed arms. At the end of its arms a pair of gangly skinny fingers opens up and braces themselves on the edges of the table. Very slowly, a creature begins to lift its body out of the thick sludgy gateway as its white saggy skin hangs of its shoulders and long neck. Submerged in the broth of blood, the entity's tubular veiny neck lifts its hairless gloopy head above the surface. Three horns protrude from under the skin of its forehead as it twists its neck to observe its new surroundings. Wading waist high in the pool, it moves on its agile and gluey arms, pulling and shifting itself around to study each of the nine Priests. The petrified Priests say nothing as the creature pushes through the pool to each one of them. Jerking its head erratically, the demon presses its oozing yellow featureless face against theirs, sniffing out the leader of the séance.

  “Spirit, name yourself once more,” whispers Peng Shi.

  “I am the ruler of my domain, King of my ten courts of Diyu. I am...Yammmaaaaa,” says the demon through the thick membrane of its mouth.

  “T-’tis Yama,” stutters Minister Luó.

  “Behold, the future of your existence,” says King Yama.

  “Of what curse do you speak of?” asks Minister Wén.

  “Forsaking the Emperor bears the penalty of a second existence in Diyu, I know this,” whispers the Demon King portraying his lies well.

  “We? I... have forsaken no man,” protests Minister Dewei.

  “Doomed Minister Dewei, by hailing me into the domain of the living, you have forsaken your Emperor. Only the spell of eternal life will prevent your soul from leaving your body, which will surely pass to my domain,” lies the Demon.

  “What is it you desire in return for this generous gift?” asks Peng Shi humbly.

  “There is a traitor among you,” whispers the Demon.

  “A traitor, here? Never, we exist only to serve you,” says Minister Luó stuttering like a maniac and sitting as far back in his chair as possible.

  “Free my spirit from the Diexian, and I shall bestow upon you the gift of eternal life,” whispers the demon into Peng Shi's ear.

  “How do we know we can trust you?” asks Peng Shi.

  “Your choices are none existant. Free me from the board, I will take the traitor,” replies the demon.

  “What traitor do you speak of, the Samurai?” asks Peng Shi.

  “The Samurai will be dealt with in time,” says the demon whilst projecting images into their heads.

  The Ministers suddenly grab their heads and scream as Yama displays a sordid and cruel torrent of images into their minds. The images batter their sub conscious as flames consume an entire army of Samurai. Unnatural beasts of the upmost savagery feed upon their bodies and spells of cruelty are cast at point blank range as the Samurai scream to a rolling red thunderous sky. King Yama laughs heartily as he gives the Ministers their first taste of hell, and its beautiful visceral sky. Minister Dewei sweats heavily and gasps repeatedly as he grips the top of his arm whilst wincing in pain. Minister Dewei falls out of his seat as the images continue to traumatise his gentle and naive mind. The other Priests attempt to stand and aid their fallen brother but are unable to as skeletal fingered shadows restrain them to their seats.

  “We shall mourn Brother Dewei tomorrow, stay seated Brothers,” says Peng Shi uncaringly. “Of which traitor do you speak Demon? Speak,” asks Peng Shi urgently.

  “Chung Denshi must not be allowed to leave your Brotherhood of lies. He must accept the gift of eternal life, and remain with you long enough for me to claim the twin blades,” says Yama.

  “Do it, take him now before he betrays us to the General,” says Peng Shi excitedly.

  “Release me from the Diexian, or I shall come for each of you in person on your last breath," warns the demon.

  “Are you insane?! Chung Denshi is our brother!” yells Minister Pān.

  “Do it, take him, do it quietly,” says Peng Shi urgently with conviction. “King Yama, one other thing, should my brothers speak of these events to anyone, take them immediately,” says Peng Shi looking directly at his protesting brothers.

  “I will be watching... through the eyes of Minister Denshi,” says the demon opening a large red eye upon the objecting Priests.

  “Chung Denshi was right about you, everything he said was the truth, we should have listened to him,” says Minister Pān desperately.

  “But you did not,” says Peng Shi, with a slight, scoffing laugh.

  Little does Peng Shi realise, the demon has no intention of claiming Chung Denshi's life, nor is it in their favour. The demon had looked into the minds of the Priests and witnessed firsthand Chung Denshi's trustful relationship with the Emperor. Chung Denshi is the perfect vessel for an agent of the darkness to hide in, and the Emperor and the Samurai would be none the wiser, for the Darkness had become so powerful he can now hide from the most darkest of hearts, and intuitive of minds.

  “Do we have a deal?” asks King Yama.

  Peng Shi stands to his feet and picks up the planchette floating on the bubbling surface of the table and smashes it on the ground. The demon's eye smashes to reveal a black void within the demon's head, and a cloud of black and green smoke rushes from it and circles the room. The demon's long armed body drops lifelessly back into the pool of blood and sinks below the surface with a rise of slow bursting bubbles. The table then solidifies and the cave torches reignite as the walls of flesh returns to its craggy grey form. The spirit of Yama merges with the looming shadows of the cave to leave them in peace, and all but Peng Shi rushes to aid their fallen brother lying dead from a heart attack.

  “He is dead, Brother Dewei is dead, we did this,” says Minister Jīn wracked with guilt.

  “Nobody forced Brother Dewei to hail the Darkness, he made his own choice and ultimately, he paid for it with his life,” says Peng Shi logically.

  “Have you no soul, no remorse for your actions at all Brother Shi?” asks Minister Pān.

  “You have gone too far Peng Shi; this was not the bargain we spoke of. We must warn Chung Denshi, we must warn the Samurai!” shouts Minister Jīn.

  “You are too late my brother; you are just as much a traitor to the Emperor as I now. You all heard what King Yama said, should we betra
y him he will take our souls to Diyu, that is after we are all exiled from the city first...” reminds Peng Shi.

  “Exile would have been a dream come true compared to this nightmare!” interrupts Minister Máo.

  “...but should we cooperate, we shall be rewarded with all eternity. You should praise me my Brothers, for I have saved us,” says Peng Shi to his less than grateful brothers.

  “No my brother, you have doomed us,” replies Minister Cáo hopelessly.

  “Demons lie you fool! Did you learn nothing from your studies!” bellows Minister Cáo.

  “I learned much from my studies,” smirks Peng Shi.

  The Ministers watch hopelessly as the shadow of an elongated hand of claws creeps along the chamber wall until it disappears up the spiral stair case. With the rain lashing down, thunderous booms and cracks of lightning, Kamui Li tosses and turns during his slumber as he fights to awake from his long dream. In the chamber further across from Kamui Li's, Chung Denshi and Anming face each other whilst smiling breathlessly. The love-struck sweating couple kiss gently as they caress each other’s bodies.

  “Maybe we should not have done that under the sanctity of this roof,” jests Anming.

  “There are a lot of things we just did that we shouldn't have done under the sanctity of this roof... let us do them again... in a minute or so,” laughs Chung Denshi.

  “I do not believe you have never done that before,” giggles Anming.

  “Nor can I,” laughs Chung Denshi. “What shall we name her?” asks Chung Denshi.

  “Her? Presuming I am with child, what if I should be carrying a boy?” asks Anming.

  “Well I am not raising him here,” says Chung Denshi as he kisses Anming before washing and robing himself.

  “Where are you going? Come back to bed,” moans Anming playfully.

  “The sooner we pack, the sooner we can leave and do these things everyday... all day,” says Chung Denshi resisting the urge to jump back into bed. “After sunrise I will meet with General Arachie regarding important matters, then I will address the Emperor regarding my departure from the Brotherhood. Then we shall leave this place and move into a cabin on the hills, and I will build us a much larger bed,” says Chung Denshi jestingly. “The sooner we leave, the better,” he adds sincerely.

  Anming jumps out of bed and wraps her arms around Chung Denshi and as he lifts her to kiss her slowly, not even the threatening voice of the black skies can lower their spirits. Anming closes her eyes in bliss as Chung Denshi holds her tight, and he feels her grip tighten around his neck. He feels her breath against his neck and her grip tighten even stronger. Chung Denshi adjusts his neck slightly as her hold becomes uncomfortable and Anming suddenly digs her fingernails deep into his skin. Chung Denshi winces and is about to object until heeding her extraordinary silence. No longer able to hear her breath, or feel it against his neck, he senses something wrong. As the entire room grows cold, the wall mounted candles are snuffed out by a looming darkness. With Anming shaking wildly and clinging onto him for safety, Chung Denshi takes his hand off her waist and solidifies his palm. With his back to whatever Anming is facing, he slowly and quietly whispers a spell, causing the lines in his palm to illuminate with light. The light casts the room in all sorts of untrustworthy jagged shadows. Shadows of all sorts and sizes cast by the bed chamber's furniture rocking back and forth and shifting rapidly in looming directions. He slowly turns his head to face whatever is keeping Anming frozen stiff and readies his fist. He twists rapidly to face the ominous presence and raises his palm of light and his face is aghast with horror as the unseen beast sucks the light from his hand.

  The jaws of the shadow open up to reveal a background of flame, and as the shadow takes on form it lowers slowly with its upturned head facing his. Chung Denshi forcibly removes Anming and moves her to his back as he thrusts his palm of light to the demonic entity. Kamui Li awakes erratically in his bed sweating heavily and panting in exhaustion. Grasping insanely to reach for the jug of water on his bedside table, he scatters the contents across the floor whilst gasping for breath and fluid. Bracing himself up he tips the jug over his head and tips the rest into his upright mouth and looks around fearfully in all directions. In dire need of fresh air and open space, Kamui Li moves the heavy hide curtain aside and braces himself on the handrail of the balcony to expose himself to the cold battering storm to cool his body. After finally gaining his breath, he calms a little and begins to dissect his dream piece by piece, until he winds up at the beginning. Remembering the cave room, he is distracted by a semi-clothed figure walking slowly onto Chung Denshi's balcony.

  “Anming, what are you doing out here?” asks Kamui Li as a strike of forked lightning momentarily exposes her blank face with a sudden flash.

  Anming fails to respond as she approaches the handrail in the battering rain, and as her blowing robe partially exposes her bare chest, her thick black hair blows backwards against whistling gusts of wind. As Kamui Li continues to observe her dream like state, Anming looks at him with a stern, desperate expression. Kamui Li peers at her strangely as her eyes plead for help whilst climbing atop the handrail.

  “Careful, Anming what are you doing?” says Kamui Li cautiously.

  Anming stands atop the broad handrail facing the brutal dark landscape.

  “Anming, Anming! what are you doing, Anming stop!” shouts Kamui Li.

  As Kamui Li reaches out for the figure standing on the balcony, she turns to face Kamui Li. Another strike of crackling lightning illuminates her distressed face and it’s almost as if she wants to tell him something, but something would not allow her. As the lightning disappears to darkness, so does Anming, and as a second ear-piercing crack of lightning strikes again, she is nowhere to be seen.


  Kamui Li frantically looks over the balcony and sees Anming lying lifeless on the rocky base of the temple. Looking helplessly at her body, his arm that reached out for her hangs over the handrail in a useless swing. As Kamui Li recovers from the initial shock of Anming's death, he plays back the few seconds leading up to her death. Even though he had only shared mere moments with Anming earlier in the evening, Kamui Li refuses to believe she had willingly leapt to her death. Kamui Li quickly throws on a pair of black Khakis and grabs his Katana before leaving his bed chamber. Unsheathing his Katana, he cuts down the screen door of Chung Denshi's bed chamber and finds it empty. Kamui Li looks at the bed, entrenched with the sweating shapes of two bodies, one slim, and the other broad and taller.

  “They were lovers?” muses Kamui Li, confirming his earlier suspicion.

  He looks in the corner at two sacks beside one another and searches their contents. One contains only a few women's robes, garments and grooming items, and the other contains the horn and bull pelted armour of Minister Denshi, otherwise known as Niu Shou.

  “They were leaving,” says Kamui Li in realisation.

  Kamui Li rushes down the staircase and makes straight for archive hall to find the Priests congregated by a large fireplace. With his head and chest dripping with sweat and rain water, he enters the chamber as civilly as possible in his agitated state. The bruised face Peng Shi sips on a tankard of wine and notices Kamui Li, and invites him to join them. The young Priest appears jolly, yet the young topless warrior notices the other Priests are unusually quiet, and have an air of guilt and fear about them.

  “Kamui Li, care for some wine?" asks Peng Shi holding up a small goblet.

  “No, a young hand maiden named Anming has been killed,” replies Kamui Li curtly.

  “That is terrible. Killed you say. A handmaiden?” exclaims Peng Shi.

  “A handmaiden by the name of Anming,” says Kamui Li specifically.

  “Oh no. Chung Denshi will be most upset: the two were closest of friends. But I was not aware the two of you were acquainted,” says Peng Shi feigning suspicious curiosity.

  “We shared words earlier this night. Where is Chung Denshi?” asks Kamui Li sternly.

  “Thank goodness you are here to deal with the matter; I assume you killed this imposter that killed one of our own. Where is the attacker's body?” asks Peng Shi acting well.

  “There is no body, I found no man,” replies the Samurai knowing full well what Peng Shi is doing.

  “I do not understand Kamui Li. Calm yourself and explain to me what happened,” says Peng Shi, humouring the man.

  “I am calm,” replies Kamui Li. “What happened to your face?” he asks while stepping closer.

  “Chung Denshi and I had a slight misunderstanding, we drank much wine, and the whole matter has now been resolved. Now explain to me exactly what happened and we shall get to the bottom of this troubling matter together. Never mind, if there is an assassin in the temple he must be dealt with immediately, I will hail the guards to aid you in capturing this maniac,” assures Peng Shi.


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