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Legend of the Red Sun Village

Page 80

by Mark Swaine

  She had already lost her family to the undead back in her homeland of Japan, and lost many close friends during the recent attack on the city. Sensing a prolonged stare resting on her face from the opposite formation of Jade soldiers, her empty eyes suddenly close in on a familiar face further down the row. Akane Junko smiles slightly as she sees Captain Jinjing Lim unable to take his eyes of her, and Akane Junko smiles gratefully to see him alive and well. Yu-Huang sits proudly on his throne and observes the might of the various armies and Houses of the Brotherhood gracing his presence with Yeman Ren standing at the foot of the steps. Yu-Huang is not only proud to see his forces united under one roof, but pleased to see his many friends have accepted his invite to attend the special ceremony. From the front row of special guests he sees Xunsu looking at him to gain his attention, and as he looks back at her she waves excitedly to him. Yu-Huang smiles and nods at the girl wearing her own custom tailored armour woven with swift feathers.

  Her new minder Shun-Shiro nudges her to bring her to attention and Xunsu frowns as she nudges him back. Shun-Shiro nudges her in return and Xunsu discreetly presses her foot down on his toes. Shun-Shiro's face remains composed as the little brat rotates her foot from side to side on his leather crafted boots. Lu Ban, now in the service of the Emperor stands clothed in fine robes, feeling like a fish out of water. Lu Ban's contribution to not only rebuilding the city, but agreeing to craft a fleet of new ships for the Blue Coastal Clan has seen him handsomely rewarded. Ling Long Song stands beside Lu Ban with a Guqin slung over her back. Ling Long Song’s patience with being limited to playing with horse strings is wearing thin. Only Yu-Huang is capable of training her in the art of dragon string, but will not allow her to so much as touch the exotic metal until he is confident she attained complete control over her hands. Ling Long looks at Yu-Huang long enough for him to acknowledge her presence in a pestering bid for his attention. Yu-Huang nods to Ling Long and lowers his hand in an effort to heed patience. Yu-Huang observes the plain expression of a young man wearing armour formed of rat pelt. Ever since the loss of his friend Wang, Wenyi's conscience and sense of morality challenges him on a daily basis, taunting him. Today, Wenyi is to receive a medal for his valiant efforts in supporting the Jade soldiers on the day of the attack, and he cannot decide which is worse, being officially honoured for his accidental heroic deed, or that he is expected to enlist in the Jade army. Wenyi's attention drifts to Major Lài staring directly at him with a blank expression, and Wenyi can only imagine what he must be thinking. Wenyi's 'selfless deed may have the people of the city fooled, but not the Major, and only his silence is saving him from social exile. Wenyi has yet to understand why the Major hasn't revealed what really happened that day. Was he torturing him with shame? Only Major Lai knows and Wenyi is too ashamed to ask. Wenyi only wishes to escape his enrolment in the Jade army, but how is the “Dragon Slayer” to refuse such an honour when not only Jade soldiers are hailing him worthy of holding the Jade banner, but the general population too. Wenyi looks away from Major Lai and tilts his head down in shame. Emperor Yu-Huang watches from his throne and peers into the troubled boy's soul, and is much wiser to the entire series of events. Yu-Huang waits patiently for his remaining guests, for three more had yet to arrive; only one had declined his invitation. Kamui Li, talks telepathically to Xan Li stood beside him.

  “Where is Akio? I am going to kill him,” says Kamui Li.

  Just outside the city, escorted by an entourage of Jade soldiers, Mǎkè pushes an occupied wheelchair up a steep hill whilst being harassed by Xiaojian to put his back into it. Xiaojian urges the crazy inventor on as Mǎkè pushes the two wheeled chair up to a flat park area. Mǎkè bends over and breathes heavily as a shower of sweat drops from his forehead and loose black fringe.

  “I cannot believe how late we are. Come Mǎkè there is no time to rest,” says Xiaojian.

  “You push him then,” pants Mǎkè.

  “I can walk,” says Akio.

  “Akio you are not yet strong enough to walk. Mǎkè, I pushed him the first half of the way, ‘tis your turn,” says Xiaojian.

  “You only pushed him the first half of the way because you knew there would be a hill when it came to my turn,” moans Mǎkè.

  “Just move it,” says Xiaojian making her way down the shorter hill on other side of the market lane.

  “Nobody need push me, I can walk. I cannot bear the shame any longer, get me out of this infernal contraption,” says Akio lowering his face and covering it with his hand.

  “First, Xiaojian says you are not to walk because you have not allowed your wound to heal properly. Secondly... I call this 'infernal contraption’ the wh--”

  “The wheelchair, yes the wheelchair. Get me out of it now. I can walk,” complains Akio.

  Akio, tired of being minded like a child, lifts himself off the armrests and stands to his feet before dropping forward like a piece of falling timber, landing squarely on his chest.

  “Yes, my mistake, you can walk, please... wait for me,” says Mǎkè dryly.

  “Shut up Mǎkè,” says Akio frustratingly.

  “I told you not to let him out of the chair!” shouts Xiaojian, rushing to aid Akio back into the chair.

  Akio grunts as Xiaojian grabs him under his arms and sits him back in the leather seat. Mǎkè recoils as she storms toward him whilst ranting in his face, and as she delivers her grilling Akio discovers a sliding panel on his arm rest. Akio slides the panel open and sees a single red button begging to be pressed. Ever the curious one, Akio presses down on the button, much to Mǎkè's protest.

  “No, no, no I have not yet tested them!” shouts Mǎkè leaping for the handlebars.

  Mǎkè holds on tight and digs his sandals into the grass as two propulsion jets beneath the seat ignite with rumbling bursts of flame. Mǎkè quickly opens his legs and braces his feet on the mudguards as the two streams of flame narrowly avoid scorching his ankles. The wheelchair suddenly thrusts forward sending its occupants into a freefalling jump over the hill. With their faces pinned back and their hair blowing wildly Akio and Mǎkè shout in fright as their ride rockets forward. The wheelchair eventually lands with a rickety thud and a screech amid a busy market place filled with colourful strutting birds and fine gowned families. Akio screams as he looks down to see a crowned headed frilly peacock sat on his lap. Mǎkè, doing his best to steer the wheelchair using his weight shouts in protest as the peacock fans open its bright blue tail whilst pecking madly at Akio's face. As Mǎkè drives blind in pitched screams, he ploughs the wheelchair into the kitchen of an open air eatery. Woks and pans hanging from lined hooks dong loudly as each one knocks Mǎkè on the head and a plump chef leaps to avoid the wheeled projectile whilst throwing a large sack of flour onto the rolling Samurai. As the bag of flour impacts Akio, a cloud of white explodes around Mǎkè, and the white faced men and peacock scream louder as they pass between two maids hanging wet sheets out to dry. The two men shrouded by the heavy panes of fabric, grapple and kick to be free of the wet tangling mess and toss them behind. Akio removes a huge pair of slacks from his head, and as he opens them he sees a long brown stain reaching at least a foot long. Akio winces disgustedly and hastily throws the damp dirty draws backward and they land perfectly in the centre of Mǎkè's face with a harsh slap.

  “Mǎkè!” warns Akio.

  “I cannot see, and this smells really bad,” muffles Mǎkè whilst removing his hand from a handlebar.

  “Mǎkè!” repeats Akio.

  “All I see is a dark brown line, perhaps I can use it to guide us, but it smells like sh... Agggghhhhh, get it off me, get it off me!” screamsMǎkè.

  “MAKE!” shouts Akio, as they approach a bulky wooden fence.

  Mǎkè furiously rids his face of the filthy underwear as the two near a pen of live stock. Chickens scatter, cluck and flap in a mad dash as the flaming, screaming vehicle rushes past them. The wheelchair crashes through the fence of a pig pen and the wheelchair spins out of control on the loos
e muddy ground spraying it in all directions. The wheelchair rocks from side to side as it crashes through the other side and onto a cobbled lane. Mǎkè winces as he struggles to regain control as they fly down the narrow lane a woman throws a bucket of waste from a passing window. The bucket of yellow waste lands mostly on Akio and Mǎkè laughs loudly at his own good fortune. The wheelchair, still rocketing along the country lane approaches a dead end formed of cages stacked on raised carts and tables. The alerted merchants rapidly roll the stalls out of harm’s way to make enough room for the runaway chair to pass through. As the wheelchair rockets past, a small cage drops from the pile and onto Mǎkè's head. Mǎkè screeches in terror as something inside the cage hisses and growls.

  “DUCK!” shouts Akio as they near a low stall.

  “No, cat! Stop confusing me!” replies Mǎkè.

  “Then stop speaking in that ridiculous language, duck!” screams Akio.

  “It is not a duck, listen to my words, NOT A DUCK!” shouts Mǎkè ranting furiously.

  “GET DOWN!” shouts Akio.

  Mǎkè heeds the warning and ducks his head as the wheelchair shoots underneath a stall. The top of the wooden hutch wedged onto Mǎkè's head hits the top of the stall and shatters upon impact leaving a collar of metal mesh around his neck. The two men are so pre occupied with their insane journey they don't even realise they have reached the Shinnen palace at the base of the Tower of Guang. As the wheelchair rockets toward the walls of the citadel gates, Mǎkè and Akio wave their rolled up invitations to the Jade soldiers guarding the entrance. Entering the courtyard of gatherers, the surging crowd of spectators disperse as the strange rocket rumbles toward them. Mǎkè panics as he sees the steps growing closer and he leans to the side and aims for an upturned cart filled with flowers. The cat dug into his head screeches as the wheelchair jets up the ramp incinerating the fresh smelling petals. The chair launches clear of the steps and into the main entrance of the throne room where the audience awaits. Kamui Li closes his eyes in shame and despair as Akio identifies his passing face. The wheelchair, still going strong, continues toward the steps at the base of the Emperor's throne. Akio and Mǎkè both jolt forward as their ride is brought to an abrupt stop, and they look curiously at the giant armoured foot bracing the wheelchair in its place. As the rockets finally fizzle out, the two men look up to see Yeman Ren's face lowering toward them.

  “I would wager my right arm your ancestors had once mated, they must have at least met,” says Yeman Ren in amusement.

  “Akio, Mǎkè, I am so very glad you are able to attend,” says Yu-Huang humbly.

  The two embarrassed men bow sheepishly to the Emperor with their new pets under their arms. Xunsu instantly recognises her former guardian Akio, and runs toward him to embrace him tightly. Shun-Shiro marches out of formation and wheels Akio to his side.

  “Glad you made it brother,” smiles Shun-Shiro.

  “How are you enjoying your child-minding duty?” replies Akio smugly.

  Mǎkè walks steadily toward the unflinching Xan Li, and like a love-struck child he makes a bizarre range of ill-timed and awkward confessions.

  “My beloved Xan Li, I have missed you so much, maybe later we can get something to eat...after the banquet...if you’re still hungry,” says Mǎkè.

  Kamui Li and Xan Li converse telepathically regarding her beloved Mǎkè.

  “Xan Li, who is this person?” asks Kamui Li.

  “‘Tis my beloved,” replies Xan Li.

  “Your beloved... have you forgotten our purpose here? How can you possibly enter in a companionship with a mortal man?” asks Kamui Li.

  “I have not forgotten,” replies Xan Li.

  “We shall be wed at once. We shall raise many children,” says Mǎkè ecstatically.

  “This man?” exclaims Kamui Li.

  “And this must be your kin, the great Samurai Kamui Li,” says Mǎkè, landing an imaginary punch to his chest.

  “I like him, he is different,” replies Xan Li.

  “If he strikes my chest once more you can be certain of that,” replies Kamui Li. “He is not even Japanese: what would your father say?”

  “I no longer care.Mǎkè is caring, genuine, brave and honourable, and he makes me smile,” replies Xan Li.

  Kamui Li observes the skinny and scarred man attempting to remove a metal piece of mesh from around his neck with a cat whining viciously under his arm, and continues his telepathic conversation with his cousin.

  “Honourable?” says Kamui Li in a surprised telepathic voice.

  “There will come a time to settle Xan Li, but that time is not now,” says Kamui Li.

  “I know,” replies Xan Li in hesitant agreement.

  “Nor should it be with a Chinese mortal who is not of sane mind,” says Kamui Li.

  “Do not speak of him that way, he displayed great courage on the battlefield,” says Xan Li sternly.

  “Make, won't you please join the guests,” says Emperor Yu-Huang patiently.

  “We shall talk later,” says Mǎkè discreetly before joining the formation of guests.

  Seconds later, Xiaojian races into the throne room followed by her entourage of Jade soldiers. Yeman Ren smiles lovingly as Xiaojian's eyes meet his, and he steps toward his adopted daughter as she sprints toward him. Xiaojian runs into his chest and wraps her arms around his neck and he closes his eyes in joy to have her in his arms once more. Emperor Yu-Huang stands from his throne and walks to the edge of the steps.

  “People of the Huanghua city, we have endured much this past year, we have lost many loved ones, friends, family... and soldiers,” says Yu-Huang nodding to General Arachie. “I have taken measures to ensure our safe and continued existence. During the next few seasons, you will notice many changes...” says Yu-Huang as Yeman Ren stands at his side.

  “...Let it be known to all, I have formed an alliance with King Kao Lu of the Kunlun Mountains. As a united force we will defeat this new evil threatening our very lives, from this day forth these great beings may walk freely among us...” says Yu-Huang.

  “...many of you have surely heard many rumours by now, that the Samurai are in fact bound by the curse of Immortality. My forefathers were too bound by this curse and it was I who released them from their torment. It was I who forbid this curse, and the use of magic, even though I allowed various forms of it for recreational use...” says Yu-Huang looking at Liu Chan's smirk.

  “...but I have learned, learned from mortal men, women, children and soldiers, foreign and domestic, that all a mortal requires is only a lifetime to live completely. And so with this in mind, I have decided to reinstitute the Curse of Immortality, only this time... bless it... with a sentence of time. No mortal need live forever, so from this day forth, any Minister selected by me, and who is willing, shall be gifted with one hundred years of immortality. To guide me into the next age, to serve by my side. As you know, it is an age old custom that any who are chosen are granted entry into the archives of the Tower of Guang,” says Yu-Huang.

  As Yu-Huang continues his controversial speech, Peng Shi stands by Chung Denshi sneering at Kamui Li. Chung Denshi's face is motionless as Kamui Li briefly observes him. Yeman Ren, standing beside Yu-Huang to offer strength in his presence, frowns suddenly and his eyes are drawn to the Ministers. For a second, and a second only, he smelt death, old death accompanied by a faint scent of decaying flesh. He had smelt it before, way down deep in the endless caverns of the Kunlun Mountains when it came to him. It was a scent to faint for the mortals to detect, but there was no mistaking its identity and it appeared to originate from the formation of Ministers. Yeman Ren looks discreetly at the Emperor to see if he too had noticed, but he hadn't. Yeman Ren’s hooded dark eyes then drift to Kamui Li, and he notices the Samurai's vacant gaze locked onto Minister Denshi.

  “Minister Denshi step forward,” bellows Yu-Huang. “Minister Denshi, based on your devoted love to the people of the Chinese Empire, your unquestionable loyalty to the Brotherhood, and to your
Emperor... I choose you to serve me as Elder-Priest. Because of your wisdom, your bravery and mercifulness, I choose you to exist alongside me for a term no longer than one hundred years. Do you accept?” asks Yu-Huang.

  “I accept the honour you bestow upon me with great humility. I shall use this gift with unlimited kindness to others and strive to become ever wise with each passing season,” says Chung Denshi.

  “You filthy scheming liar,” thinks Kamui Li.

  “Are you ready?” asks Yu-Huang.


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