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Broken Earth

Page 13

by S. J. Sanders

  Veral’s mandibles clicked together. “Your sounds of enjoyment are a delight, anastha.”

  He stepped into the large tub, settling comfortably with a hiss. Reaching forward, he pulled her over to him so that she was cradled against his chest, the water sloshing at the edges of the tub though never quite spilling over.

  Terri relaxed into the heat of his body, all too aware of the way his cock jerked in its pouch before sliding out like a firebrand against her ass. It twisted against her, trying to tunnel toward her sex. Veral groaned and his arms wrapped around her, holding her tight. She wiggled against him, her desire sparking at the feel of his cock caressing her ass. Her mate growled and yanked her up so that her bottom no longer rested on the smooth material of the tub. His cock wedged itself beneath her as it burrowed persistently into her channel, every writhing motion of his phallus grinding against her clit, sending pleasure shooting through her.

  He didn’t move. He held her in place and gathered a small padded cloth that when rubbed emitted a pleasant-smelling cleanser. He washed her leisurely, soaping her breasts and belly as his cock twisted and writhed within her. Veral interrupted his washing to gently pinch one of her nipples as the head of his sex bumped a delicious spot within her.

  All too soon, his hand moved away, and he continued to explore her body with soapy hands as his cock stroked her insides. She moaned and tried to shift to give herself some relief, but he held her fast, pinned to his pelvis. Soon his moans and growls joined hers and Terri’s body began to quiver, wound tight. His swollen cock dove and flexed once more, brushing a sensitive spot deep within her and she clenched around him, her hips jerking as her orgasm swept over, soon followed by Veral’s.

  Her mate growled and panted behind her, his body shaking slightly as he gently pulled her off his phallus, allowing it to retreat back within his pouch. His touch felt gentle as he washed between her legs before tending to himself as they lay together, soaking within the hot water.

  At long last, he gathered her in his arms and stepped out of the tub. Touching the same panel that brought it up, the tub drained and sank back into the floor. Another panel started a stream of water sluicing down over them from the nozzle above, and the side nozzles sprayed them from all sides.

  “Close your eyes,” he said.

  She obliged and discovered that a sweet-smelling substance was spraying on her body and over her head. Lifting her arms, she massaged her scalp to remove any lingering dirt and grime. Within minutes, it shifted back to water, rinsing them thoroughly.

  The water shut off and she wiped her fingers over her eyes to remove some of the excess water. She let out a startled squeak of surprise when hot air blew from vents in the walls, drying her rapidly. When they shut off, Terri stood still a moment longer to make sure no other surprises would be sprung on her. Laughing, Terri stepped out of the cleansing unit. Veral chuffed in amusement as he followed her out.

  Slipping a long silky robe of the most vivid shade of blue around her, he led her through the ship, letting her explore to her leisure as he pointed out the features of his spacecraft and what specific things did. She was particularly fascinated with the food replicator. The clothing generator soon became her second favorite when he provided a smaller black armored suit to fit over her frame.

  “Only for when we are out there. I much prefer seeing the robes on you. They highlight your beauty. The armor, however, will keep you safer to my liking,” he said as he sealed the clasps into place. With those words, he brushed his nose and mandibles over the top of her head before leading her toward the cargo bay. “Come, anastha. I have work to complete here before we can return to Phoenix.”

  Terri allowed herself to be pulled along with him, though she was almost disappointed that she had to return to the city so soon. When she was in the ship with Veral, she could almost forget her pitiful life of scavenging for scraps.

  Soon, though, that would be behind her. It was a comforting thought.


  “Just how long do Argurma pregnancies last?” Terri asked.

  Veral glanced up at her from the side of the collector cart that he was sealing and putting into locked mode. She was looking down at her belly, her brow knitted together in concentration while one hand played gently among Krono’s vibrissae. The dorashnal leaned against her, his scales nearly quivering in an expression of bliss. Veral’s own vibrissae moved as his processors lit up with images of his mate swollen with his offspring. He was intrigued by the idea as he latched the cart in place in the hold. Though it was premature to expect to be greeted with young on their first joining, he couldn’t deny that he lusted for it.

  “We evolved in a manner that provides slow development to reduce physical stress on the females in a desert environment. This means that the fetus remains very small, building its complex systems over a two-year period. Within the first three lunar cycles of the third year is when it matures rapidly to prepare for birth. The two years are utilized to collect plenty of food and water for these final three months when the female remains in her domicile attended by her mate.”

  Terri’s jaw dropped in what he now knew meant surprise. It was a curious lack of muscular control in the face for the species when they were scared or startled. It was most entertaining in his mate, though he suspected that he would get enjoyment out of it from any of those that he killed as well, although in a different sense. When done by his mate, he found it oddly endearing.

  “Pregnant for three years!”

  Ah, it seemed that horror was also involved. How fascinating. His mandibles automatically began to vibrate to soothe his mate. She blinked at the sound, but her body quickly began to relax, not unlike that of the females of his own species.

  “Just so you know, in humans we carry the egg… uh, seed, I guess you say, which the male fertilizes. But human babies only gestate for roughly nine months.”

  “Your species must have once reproduced very quickly like prey animals,” he observed. “On Argurumal, only small creatures and prey animals reproduce yearly, usually during our brief wet season.”

  “So you’re comparing me to livestock…” she said slowly.

  Not wishing to displease his mate, he searched his memory banks and amended his statement. “The great enthar is a massive, intelligent creature that swims across the oceans of moving sand of Argurumal. They deliver one pup a year,” he added thoughtfully.

  Her brows shot upward. “Did you just compare me to a desert whale?”

  “They are dangerous predators, with long necks that allow them to pick off warriors at their leisure,” he offered placatingly.

  “Make that the Loch Ness Monster of the sands.” He frowned. Perhaps he said something that upset his female. Such concerns were allayed when she burst out laughing. “I fucking love it!”

  He gave a low click of his mandibles as he returned his attention to his task. Once all the carts were secured, he went to the wall storage unit and retrieved more collector cart discs. Snapping them into place on his belt, he gestured for Terri to join him. She immediately took her place beside him. Nudging Terri out of the cargo hold into the hot desert air and allowing room from Krono to squeeze through, Veral sealed his ship once more.

  His mate grinned up at him and leaned in, wrapping her arms around his torso to bestow her affection upon him. It was not the way of Argurma to touch when not engaged in coitus, but he found that he enjoyed it. Her embrace was welcome, and he trilled low in his throat in response. He could feel his civix trying to work out of his pouch once more, eager for the tight, hot sheath of his mate, but he drew away, allowing only a moment between them for his mandibles to slide affectionately over the top of her head and his vibrissae to stroke over and through her hair.

  They traversed the sands side-by-side. Although his gait naturally outstripped hers, he reined in his steps to keep pace with her. Only Krono struck out ahead, his forked tails waving behind him. Although in their days together previously he had been comfortable allowi
ng her to trail behind him, now his systems demanded that he keep her firmly within his sight despite everything around them being calm and undisturbed.

  “Do you think that the migrants are still camped out on the desert?” Terri asked.

  Veral snapped his vibrissae, unconcerned. “If they are wise, they will not linger where the Reapers might easily ambush them. They should be far from here by now.”

  “What does that say about us then?” she returned with a slow smile.

  He chuffed, his vibrissae tangling in her hair and gently tugging on the locks playfully. “It says that your male is far more dangerous than any of them and, if they were wise, the Reapers would flee instead.”

  Terri’s grin widened before it faltered. “You wouldn’t have really hurt the migrants, would you?”

  Veral clicked his mandibles thoughtfully. “If they attempted to take you from me or harm you in any way, I would. I have little concern for those not tied to me.”

  His mate frowned in disapproval. He admired her soft heart even if it was inconvenient. “That’s not very compassionate,” she countered.

  He chuffed in amusement at her observation. “Argurma live by codes of action and obligation. I might concede to serve my people because it is within the framework of my purpose to serve them, but my bonds and sympathies do not extend far beyond you and any offspring we might have.” He paused, considering his progenitor. “I would not be as my sire was. I believe that I would care very much for our young.”

  A happy look returned to his mate’s face, and he continued by her side contentedly until the roar of engines in the distance ripped him away from his peace. His arm snapped out, stilling his mate as his mandibles extended and his mouth opened, drawing in the scents of the desert surrounding them. Whatever was occurring was far enough away that he didn’t sense any disruption in their immediate vicinity. But the sound of the engines was unmistakably that of the Reapers verging into the desert. As they came over the rise, he was able to see the metallic glint in the distance.

  Scanning the red and yellow desert, it didn’t take him long to locate the caravan. The camp was still erected, males and females moving about as their offspring milled around and chased after each other in their play. A rattling growl rose in his throat in accompaniment to his vibrating vibrissae. They were storing their belongings back in their vessels but were going about it leisurely beneath the brutal heat of the sun bearing down on them.

  “Oh, fuck,” Terri whispered at his side, her eyes turning attentively to the direction of his focus. “They didn’t leave!”

  “Foolish to risk offspring in such a way.”

  They hadn’t seen the Reapers, but he knew the exact moment when they did. A cry went through the people as adults picked the younglings up from the ground and ran toward their vessels.

  He turned away with disinterest and no little contempt. He felt no discomfort over surrendering them to their fate. He came to a stop, however, when he felt his mate grip his arm tightly. He chirped at her inquiringly, his gaze going down to her hand clenched on his armored wrist just above the horn curving out at the joint.

  Her eyes were imploring as she looked up at him. “Veral, we can’t leave them to the Reapers. Please! We have to help them.”

  He regarded her steadily and cocked his head. “I would not risk my mate for the wellbeing of strangers too foolish to safeguard themselves from enemies.”

  She took a breath and met his gaze directly. “I’m not asking you to. I’m asking you to do this for me. Be compassionate and merciful on my behalf. Help them like I would if I had the ability. I will stay out of the way and remain safe, I promise… Just help them, damn you! If you don’t, I will.”

  Veral turned to face her fully, anger radiating through him as his vibrissae lifted into the air, thrashing around him. “You will not disobey me!”

  “Then do what I ask!” she snapped.

  “Very well,” he bit out, his vibrissae flaring out around him as he focused his attention on the encampment below.

  Without another word, he lifted Terri into his arms and raced toward the caravan, utilizing all his enhanced speed. Although he raced down from the slopes, he knew the Reapers barreling toward the encampment would make contact first. He would not arrive in time to prevent the slaughter. He growled viciously as Terri shouted when the first of the Reapers struck, bringing down a mature, unarmed male. The male valiantly attempted to fight him off, swinging his crude weapon through the air.

  The Reaper toyed with him, laughing and taunting, delivering wound after wound with each retort until the injured male succumbed. The female at his side shrieked, rushing back to her mate with a club upraised. Even from his greater distance, his optical enhancements saw that her eyes were wild with grief even as he caught and zeroed in on the faint sounds of her sobs amid the chaos. The male circled her, trying to snatch up the female. Every time he came near, she struck him. It wasn’t enough to do any true damage but gave her a small reprieve before he was on her again. The final time she swung her club, he caught it and ripped it out of her hands. With a shout, he struck her with it. The crack from the delivered force was loud and the female fell to the dirt a short distance from her mate she’d attempted to defend.

  The Reaper did not last long himself, however. Krono, outstripping Veral in speed, lunged upon the male, dragging him down. His terrible teeth quickly ended the pitiful human’s life. Chest heaving as he panted, gore splashed over him, Krono made a terrible sight, but no one seemed to notice him. They were too focused on the males spilling into the encampment.

  All around males and females shouted in panic as the Reapers flooded in, some on small two-wheeled vehicles, riding alone or in pairs. Others were packed together on what Terri called pickups with males, jumping from the back amid the prey, snatching up females and bludgeoning men to spare the ammunition. The migrants ducked behind their wagon, seeking safety in numbers as they pulled knives and whatever else they could find to protect their offspring. Any female who resisted too much was killed in the attempt to restrain them. More were killed in obvious bouts of bloodlust among the Reapers. In consequence, many females died before Veral arrived. His processors recorded every scream into his memory. When the first offspring wailed helplessly for its mother as she was gutted by a laughing Reaper, it triggered something within his mind.

  In that moment, Veral understood hate. Every offspring’s cry served to work him into a fury so that when he dropped among them, he was truly the likeness of death.

  Setting Terri beside the wagon, he spun around and flung himself at the nearest Reaper, his long, secondary fangs sliding down over his primary teeth, and his retractable claws lengthening for battle. He did not have his blaster, but he did not need it. His processors targeted each male and he leaped upon them, shredding them with claws and fang in the old way. His brethren would find such a method of killing uncivilized and brutish, but such concerns didn’t touch him other than a distant acknowledgment. The old ways served him well, even better with his systems online calculating the most expedient way to destroy his target.

  Blood flowed like a crimson river around him and he rejoiced in it, triumphant in battle as he conquered his foes. He was almost amused by the way the desert greedily sucked the liquid of the spilled blood into the parched ground with each human he tore apart. Yet, no matter in the intensity of his warrior’s bloodlust, he always kept Terri in his peripheral vision. His processors studied her as she crouched over the children huddled around her. The few remaining females, heavily wounded, scrambled to her side, their arms clutching their offspring.

  He would allow nothing to get through him.

  It was, in truth, a relatively small number of Reapers who had been sent after the caravan, yet only a pitiful handful of them had gotten away, dragging females with them. Veral snarled in frustration that even one evaded him. He snatched one off the back of a truck as it peeled away, the male’s body colliding with the ground before he opened the human
’s belly. Still, it wasn’t enough. Those few Reapers who escaped did so with their shrieking victims flung over the back of their two-wheel vehicles or piled into the trucks.

  Veral walked among the remains of the Reapers, his vibrissae waving around him, rattling their menacing song, and he surveyed the destruction he’d carried out on his mate’s behalf. He felt nothing but elation as he stared at the ruins of males he had destroyed by his own hand. Their deaths had given the females time to escape to safety. He felt satisfied by the great nest of corpses that surrounded him, their limbs tangled together wherever they overlapped. He could feel the wide, terrible grin of predatory triumph stretch over his face as he looked over the carnage.

  It was the soft, shuddering cry of females that finally drew his attention. Spinning around, he stalked over to them, Krono loping to his side. His gaze fastened on none but his own female, watching him with a curious light in her eye. His lips quirked in amusement though it soon turned to a disdainful sneer as every female whose life he’d saved and offspring he’d preserved retreated, holding their younglings clenched to their chests. Not one of them remained near Terri as he approached, and he felt his contempt rise. They had no way of knowing if he was a threat to his mate and yet they abandoned her despite the fact that she’d done everything in her power to protect them.

  He growled intolerantly at a female who recoiled from him, weeping uncontrollably. Terri frowned at the aggressive noise and attempted to soothe and reassure them. They didn’t respond other than to weep amongst themselves. One female, an older one among them with a pair of older offspring following close to her, eyed him warily as she conversed with Terri in low tones. Separated only by a short distance, he could have heard their conversation had he wished, but instead he waited for his mate to return to his side.


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