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Page 9

by BJ Harvey

  “I want you to open the sunroof and stand up, and have a look where you are.”

  The limo slows down and gently turns to the left before coming to a stop.

  “You better not be in the front of this limo,” I stage-whisper.

  “Princess, if I were in that limo, it would only be you and me, and you definitely wouldn’t be talking—let alone complaining. Moaning, screaming…? Absolutely.”

  Now that is my future husband. “God, I love you,” I say through a huge smile.

  “I’ll always love you more. Now please, stand up through the sunroof and tell me where you are.”

  I do what he says, not opening my eyes until my torso is out of the vehicle.

  “Holy fucking shit! How… I mean… what did you do?” I say as happy tears—or an emotional release built up over the past few hours—fall down my face. “You brought me home,” I whimper.

  “You bet your ass I did. And in ninety minutes, I’ll be your new one.”

  “You’re so getting anal tonight,” I whisper down the phone.

  He laughs, and I can imagine him shaking his head at me. “See you soon, princess. Everything you’ve ever dreamt of is waiting for you at the end of that driveway. Now, go be with your girls and the next time you see me, I’m gonna marry you.”

  “Not if I marry you first.”

  “You’re on.”

  We end the call, and I’m swooning as I drop down into the limo, slipping back onto my seat as I look at all my friends. They’re smiling big and bright, which starts a new round of tears.

  “Hey, now,” Amy says, handing me a napkin. “If you keep crying, we won’t be able to do your makeup, and we’re now on a deadline.”

  “All of you knew about this, didn’t you?” I say, my attention firmly on Mia, whose grin widens.

  “The dress?” I quirk a brow.

  She nods, and the rest of them snicker.

  “The venue?” My voice lifts up an octave. “The vision board?” I shriek, and everyone loses it, rolling around as they giggle their asses off. I’ve been well and truly had, and oh my God, I’m on cloud nine. My dream guy is giving me my dream wedding.

  Pressing the intercom, I wait for Jamie to answer.


  “Jamie, I’d estimate we’re about ten minutes away from my parent’s house.”

  “Sounds about right…”

  I grin. “Let’s make it five.”

  When I made Jase mine

  The moment I step out of the limo, I’m tugged into my father’s arms, more tears escaping as he holds on tight. “I’ve developed a leak. I can’t stop crying,” I murmur into his chest.

  He runs his hand through my hair like he always used to do when I was a kid. “You’re okay, petal. There ain’t no other man I’d be willing to give you to than the one waiting for you now.”

  Leaving one hand on his shoulder and wiping my face with the other, I look up into my daddy’s warm brown eyes, nothing but love and pride shining back at me. I steady myself, and stand on my own two feet, a somewhat symbolic gesture, if I was into that kind of thing.

  “You ready to go get impossibly pretty for that man of yours?” Malcolm asks, sidling up to me and hooking his arm around my waist.

  “You bet your ass I do.”

  “Hey, enough about my ass.”

  “Bet that’s not what you say when Malcolm—” Trust Mia of all people to choose that moment for an inappropriate comment to my dad’s partner.

  Thankfully, Malcolm and Dad exchange a look before they both bust a gut laughing, the rest of us soon joining them as, arm in arm, we all walk inside my parents’ home.

  A beautiful bouquet of wildflowers and calla lilies lay waiting for me on the dining table. Four mini bouquets are beside it, one each for Zoe, Mia, Dani, and Amy.

  Kate and Amy frame me as I stand there speechless, idly running my finger down the emerald green ribbon curling around the handle of the arrangements.

  “This color…”

  “We’ve all seen your book, Nat. We’ve all seen Jase make sure every single little part of this ceremony is your dream,” Kate says softly. Those damn tears sting my eyes again.

  I turn my head toward her. “As long as he’s with me, every day is my dream.”

  “Oh God, I think I’m gonna be sick,” Mia says with a laugh.

  I snap my gaze to her quicker than a nerd comes watching Leia in that bikini. “Oh, shut up. I’ve heard more than enough swooning about Matt out of your mouth.”

  Her lips curve into a wicked grin. “Only when he wasn’t filling it.”

  “And that is the Mia Roberts I know and love. Free-spirited and all about love in its many expressive forms,” Mom says, entering the room holding a pair of the most beautiful green satin heels I’ve ever seen in my life—more so than the ones I might have added to my wedding book had I ever been able to find a photo of them.

  “Mom…” My voice cracks. What the fuck is with all these feelings? I’m like a hormonal girl going through the change—either pre-menstrual or pre-menopause.

  “These were found by Abi, and they were the hardest thing to find,” she explains. I look over to the living room where Abi, Zoe, and Dani are having their makeup done by Sarah and Amy in a makeshift beauty salon. “Abi Cook, I love you more than your husband likes his stethoscope.” She laughs and shakes her head. “It’s his thermometer he likes using on me more,” she says, waggling her brows.

  “And that, spitfire, is far too much information,” a deep, rough voice announces from the entryway.

  Abi jumps up and runs to her husband, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as he lifts her up and nails her with a kiss so hot I swear I’m not the only one having a quiver down below.

  When he finally lets her up for air, he lowers her to the ground and pulls her into his side and together, they walk across the room to where I’m now sitting, Katie gently pushing me into a chair as they approach.

  “And to what do I owe the pleasure, Dr. Carsen? Ooh, and the sexier twin is here too.” I stand to attention and send Cameron a salute. “Officer Sexy…”

  Both Cade and Cam’s matching dimples pop out. Cam walks toward Sarah and the girls as Cade stops in front of me.

  “I come bearing gifts.” He reaches into his pocket and grabs a small black velvet box, holding it out to me in his open palm. “Care of your future husband.”

  Okay. Fucking swoon.

  Taking the box from him, I pop the lid. The most beautiful emerald and gold stud earrings lay cushioned in a white velvet interior.

  I look up at Cade and grin widely. “They’re perfect.”

  “He knows. And, I quote, ‘nothing else would do for his perfect girl,’” he says with a wink.

  “My turn,” Cam says, stepping forward and elbowing his brother out of the way. He also holds out a black velvet box for me to open.

  When I do, I gasp at the thin gold ankle bracelet. I finger the chain, my heart close to bursting. I look up between the twins, then to the living room where the girls, Dad, Malcolm, Mom, and now Justice are standing all wearing stupid grins. Leaning forward, I give both Cade and Cam a kiss on the cheek and make my way toward Kate. “I’m ready to be made pretty for my husband.”

  “Oh babe, you’re already stunning, but I’ll see what I can do.”

  Sixty minutes later, my hair is a mass of soft waves down over my shoulder. The top is pinned back with gorgeous jeweled green clips, and a smattering of green and cream flowers form a half-crown at the back of my head. Amy and Sarah have done a subtle bronze eye with understated makeup, both of them assuring me it will match the entire look of the wedding perfectly.

  I’m staring in the mirror, soaking it all in, when a hand rests on my shoulder and gives me a gentle squeeze. Mom.

  “There’s one more thing you need, petal.” She bends down so her face is next to mine in my reflection. “And let me tell you, that man of yours outdid himself with this one.”

  “He found my d

  “He found the dress.” She smiles at me through tear-filled eyes.

  “Mom…” I whisper before narrowing my eyes. “Don’t you start, or you’ll ruin my makeup. I’ll be late for my own wedding,” I say a little louder, “and then you’ll never get rid of me!”

  Mia steps into the space on the other side of me. “Best get you dressed then.” She holds out her hand to me, and I let myself be pulled to my feet. Arm in arm with the two of them, I walk down the hall to the closed door of my parents’ bedroom.

  “One last thing,” Mia says, thrusting a phone into my hand. “He wants to be with you when you see it. It’s his wedding present to himself.”

  Dammit, now she’s gonna make me cry.

  “Meems, you have to go before I lose it…” I turn to Mom. “You too. I have a call to make, then I’ll knock so Mom can come in and help me get dressed.

  Mia leans in and kisses my cheek, bringing her mouth to my ear. “You’re going to absolutely love it.”

  The butterflies are fluttering. My heart is steadily thumping against the wall of my chest. The lengths Jase has gone to since proposing in order to give me my dream wedding—the fake wedding board, enlisting my friends to keep up the very detailed farce of the Bears-themed wedding, down to fake dresses, venue viewings, hell, even a fake wedding planner. All the while he was putting everything in place to give me today. Albeit, with a crap-load of freak-outs and concocted wedding disasters in between.

  I bring up his number and call him, lifting the phone to my ear as I grab hold of the door handle.

  “Princess,” he says, soft and low, turning my insides to goo. Not the bad goo—that sticky, sickly-sweet smelling one that I used to love running my hands through as a kid until my fingers were slimy and slippery and—to a child—freaking amazing. “Baby?”

  “I’m here. I’m standing outside my parents’ door, waiting to see the dress I’m going to walk down the aisle to you in.”

  “You could wear anything at all, and you’d be the most beautiful bride in the world.”

  “My adult dream would’ve been a nudist wedding. You grabbed the wrong book,” I say with a laugh.

  “Dammit. It was a red pill, blue pill moment, and I went with the red one.”

  “I’ll give you my naked version later.”

  “You bet your ass you will.”

  “It’s already yours.”

  “Not yet, but it will be.” His voice is rough now, and I love that in a moment when most men would be nervous, I can turn him on with simple words. It definitely bodes well for my future sex life.

  “Put me out of my misery, baby, and please open the door. I need to know the girls did me a solid and didn’t steer me wrong.”

  “Okay,” I breathe, wondering not for the first time what I did in my life to deserve a man like him.

  “Shut your eyes and step inside, baby.”

  “Okay…” I step forward.

  “Now close the door…” I do as he says, then lean my back against it and wait, listening to his quiet breaths down the phone line like a stalker.

  “I’m ready.”

  “Have a look at your wedding dress, princess.”

  I slowly open my eyes and look towards the closet. My lips part, my hand shaking as I lift it to my mouth. Words fail me as I stare at the most exquisite cream dress I have ever seen—let alone imagined.

  The entire length is covered in embroidered lace, embellished with what must be hand-stitched flowers and petals, crystal beads, and sequins from bodice to hem. I move towards it, reaching out to brush my fingers over the deep emerald satin belt wrapped around the waist. My eyes roam over the lacy winged sleeves, down the deep V-neck to the full skirt that falls to the floor.

  “Baby? Your silence is killing me here.”

  “I now love you more than I thought I could ever love you, Jason Marcus Cleary, and you have just made me happier than I ever thought possible, which is funny because I was already feeling that way last night when I kissed you under the moonlight in the backyard.”

  “Oh, thank fuck for that. Now I can tell you a secret.”

  “Another one?” I screech.

  “The last one. I wanted to hear your thoughts about the dress because I have not seen it in person. I wanted the first time to be when I turned around and saw you wearing it, walking down the aisle to become my wife.”

  “Fuck, Jase,” I sob. Fuck the makeup. This is a cry-worthy moment. I am marrying the most perfect man on the planet, and I wanna do it now. Not in an hour, not in thirty minutes. Right. Fucking. Now.

  “How fast can you get dressed?” I ask.

  “Why?” he asks with a chuckle.

  “Because as soon as Mom and Mia help me into this wedding gown, I’m putting on the gorgeous ankle bracelet and slipping in the stunning earrings, sliding my feet into the most spectacular shoes I’ve ever laid eyes on, then I’m running down the aisle to you.”

  “Fuck,” he breathes. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “As a heart attack.”

  “God I love you.”

  “Good, since you’re stuck with me for life.”

  “And it still won’t be long enough.”

  “Jesus. Maybe less than thirty minutes.”

  He chuckles, and it’s the best sound in the world, especially knowing I get to hear it forever. “Guess I better rally the troops then.”

  “I’m going to go put on my perfect wedding dress now.”

  “See you soon, princess.”

  “Not if I see you first. Love you.”

  “Love you more.”

  Impatiently doesn’t come close to explaining how fast I knock on the door and step into my dress with Mom and Mia’s help. A quick makeup, jewelry placement, and shoe-fitting later, I’m standing in awe of Zoe, Mia, and Dani in their gorgeous green strapless dresses, the color matching my belt and earrings, their hair flowing down in soft curls.

  Footsteps in the hall grab my attention. My head slowly turns to meet the eyes of first Dad, then Malcolm, and Justice. My three dads.

  “Fuck, petal,” Dad says, stepping into the room. He closes the distance between us, reaching out to grab my hand and lifting it to his lips to press a gentle kiss on my knuckles. “You’re a vision.”

  “He’s not wrong, sweetheart,” Malcolm says hoarsely, coming up to me and kissing my cheek.

  I look at Justice, his eyes locked on mine. He doesn’t utter a word, but his wide, beaming grin says it all.

  Mom walks up to me and stands beside my father, wrapping an arm around his waist and resting her head on his shoulder. “You ready to join your soul mate?”

  “Never been more ready in my life,” I whisper with a smile.

  “Then the girls and I will go ahead and let your fathers bring you down to the field.” I nod and hold out my arms, closing them tightly around her back when she hugs me.

  “You’re the best thing I ever did,” she whispers.

  My throat constricts, my breaths coming hard and fast as I will myself to not ruin my makeup for a second time.

  “Want a shot? Weed? Valium?” Justice whispers in my ear as he takes my hand and helps me down the stairs outside one of my childhood homes.

  I giggle and rest my head on his shoulder, tightening my grip on his fingers. “I’m good, Jus.”

  “You’re perfect.”

  “That’s what Jase says, too.”

  “Glad he knows he’s punching above his weight.”

  “He’s perfect too,” I reply.

  “He’s perfect for you, and that’s more than a father can ask for.”

  Fifty feet down the path in the backyard, Malcolm comes into view, pride shining in his eyes. We come to a stop when we reach him at the back gate. Justice leans down and kisses my temple and steps back. He hands me over to dad number two, and with a wink, walks ahead, presumably to take his seat beside Mom in the front row.

  “Beautiful,” Malcolm murmurs, lacing his fingers with mine and
hooking my arm in his elbow before moving me forward towards my future.

  “I love that all of you can be part of this.”

  “We wouldn’t have it any other way, Natalie. You’re my daughter too, not by blood, but by love, which is just as important. It’s been a joy and a privilege to help raise you into the gorgeous, intelligent, and generous woman you are today.”

  “Stop being sweet or you’ll make me cry again.”

  He laughs and shakes his head, making me smile. “We wouldn’t want that, now, would we?”

  A few minutes later, Dad steps through the hedge-covered arch leading to the field. My heart skips a beat. Those butterflies scatter in my tummy at just how close I am to Jase now.

  Malcolm lets me go and steps in, pressing his lips to Dad’s before moving back. Their eyes are full of a love that I used to dream of finding. One I found when I saw Jase for the first time. It’s the same love I know I’ll have with him forever.

  It’s just Dad and me now, standing in a meadow, my future husband and the love of my life standing mere feet away on the other side of the hedge we planted when I was a child.

  “I’m not sure I’m ever going to be ready to give you away, petal.” His voice is low, his eyes glistening.

  “It’s okay, Daddy. You don’t ever have to give me away because he’d never let you. He is the one man you can trust with my body, heart, and soul. You raised me to wait until I found the one, and the man waiting for me is one of the best men I’ve ever met, along with you, Malcolm, and Justice.”

  “Petal…” he says with a gentle smile. He holds out his arms and I jump into them, letting my Dad’s warmth course through me, giving both of us one last moment as father and daughter before I fly the coop.

  “Let’s go put Jase out of his misery then, shall we? He’s like an energizer bunny, ready to pounce,” he says with a chuckle, taking a step back and grinning at me.

  “Take me to my husband, Dad.”

  He bends down and presses his lips to my forehead, resting there for a moment before straightening. “Let’s go get you hitched.”

  “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri softly fills the air as Dad leads me arm in arm through the hedge. It’s a song I loved as a twenty-four-year-old Twi-hard who saw Breaking Dawn more times than she cared to admit. But obviously, it’s a song that made it to the wedding book. Yet another reason why I’m tempted to run, not walk, to make Jase mine already.


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