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An Agent for Ulyssa

Page 4

by Patricia Pacjac Carroll

  Just as she was about to ride up and see for herself, she heard him call.

  She rode to the top of the ridge and looked below to see a small cabin. Sam’s horse was in the corral, but he must be in the cabin eating. Thanks a lot. Just as I was beginning to think you were decent.

  Ready to let him have it, he came outside to help her down. “Go on inside, I’ll take care of your horse.” No explanation of what or who was on the other side of the door, he left her.

  Ulyssa stretched her aching legs and back and walked stiffly onto the porch. She knocked on the door.

  “Come in.”

  The voice sounded pleasant enough, and the smell of food made her realize how hungry she was. She opened the door, and warmth welcomed her. The fire in the hearth was roaring. Bacon and eggs were on the table while a man was pulling biscuits from an oven.

  He turned and smiled at her. “Come on in. Sam told me what a rough night you’ve had. Sit down, and I’ll bring you some coffee.”

  Ulyssa was surprised at the warmth coming from the man. He was tall, had blond hair and pleasant, blue eyes. She was instantly drawn to him. A feeling like none she had ever had. Her detective instincts picked up nothing dangerous.

  Except for her heart. With one small sentence, he’d broken through the walls she’d built for protection. She didn’t even know his name. After biting into one of his biscuits and eating the eggs and bacon, she liked him even more.

  Ulyssa wasn’t exactly a good cook. In fact, she rarely cooked. But this man was amazing in every way she’d ever regarded a man to be. Handsome, friendly, and a great cook. She chided herself for getting carried away so easily.

  She ate another biscuit and consoled herself that any man would be a comfort after being with Sam. One thing she knew, this great handsome cook of a man could not be an outlaw. No, he was just shy of perfect.

  Ulyssa finished eating and held out her hand. “I’m Ulyssa Long. Thank you for your hospitality.”

  He sat in the chair opposite her and smiled. “You’re a pretty sight out here. Oh, I’m Cade Monroe. Ulyssa, that’s a different name.”

  “Yes, it is. I’m not sure what my father thought when naming me, but it is my name.” All she could do was stare at the man. Cade. Had they unwittingly run into half of their case?

  She jumped when Sam entered the cabin.

  “Thanks for the feed. Our horses needed it.” Sam glanced at Ulyssa.

  She knew he was taunting her for her mistake. Then again, Sam should have made sure they had some. It wasn’t all her fault. Her warm feelings cooled as Sam sat beside her.

  “Good food. Cade knows how to get to the Allred ranch.” Sam looked at her as if she should be aware of something.

  She smiled at the man. “Is the Allred ranch very far away?”

  Cade gazed at her, keeping his friendly smile even after she’d mentioned Allred. “Maybe ten miles. Straight down the road and then you’ll see the gate to his ranch house. This is actually part of his ranch.”

  Sam set his coffee cup down. “Is this your cabin?”

  Shaking his head, Cade stood to get more to drink. “No, but I stay here from time to time.”

  Ulyssa glanced at Sam. He knew. Good. The case was on, and she was in control.

  Chapter 6

  Cade Monroe stared at the woman. She was something. What was she doing with the likes of Sam Russell? He’d heard of Russell in Denver and seen the poster. Russell was an alias for Paxton, but he was supposed to have been hung some time ago.

  Ulyssa was a different name, but it went with her. She was hardly the type to be an outlaw. She sounded educated. Looked, well, he couldn’t get his eyes off her. Rusty was cute, but this Ulyssa was all woman.

  For a moment, he was ready to give up on his plans. Not that they were progressing very far. Rusty’s father was a wise old coot. Allred never suspected that he was Caldwell’s stepson. Cade couldn’t forgive Allred for causing his stepfather to lose the farm. The only way to make Allred pay was to take something from him that he couldn’t replace. Rusty.

  Getting Rusty to marry him, that is. And she was one spoiled, but smart woman. So far, she’d rebuffed his advances to the altar and expected him to prove himself. And he still might. What stopped him was of all things, his own heart.

  It had started innocently enough. His love for Rusty. They’d met when he saw her riding over the wild land. One look at her was all it took. He followed her and when they stopped their horses, he found Rusty to be fun, smart, and nice to look at.

  Why Trucilla, Rusty, Allred wasn’t already married was a question he couldn’t answer. Here she was in the wilderness where men greatly outnumbered the women. She could have her pick, yet she’d chosen no one.

  Until she saw him. He’d never forget it. Something like lightning shot between the two of them that day. After he found out who she was, he was committed to staying. One he thought he loved her. Two, one way to hurt her father would be to marry Rusty and take her away from the ranch. But time had passed, and either he got her to marry him soon or he’d lose his post at the university.

  He had feelings for Rusty and figured he could learn to love her, yet, Cade could never shake the idea that it was the revenge that was driving him. Cade might want to exact revenge on Roy Allred, but Cade didn’t want to hurt Rusty.

  “Cade, do you work at the Allred ranch?” Ulyssa’s face had changed. Gone was the beautiful woman in need. She’d been replaced by a woman who was all business. Focused, alert, and not at all that friendly.

  Cade grinned. “No, ranch work isn’t in my line of work.” He didn’t explain what that would be, but the two strangers didn’t need to know.

  Sam picked up his plate and cup and took it to the kitchen. “Well, we better be on our way. Thanks for breakfast.”

  Cade kept his gaze fixed on Ulyssa. “She looks tired. You’re welcome to stay here and leave later or tomorrow.”

  Ulyssa stared at him, looked uncomfortable, but kept her gaze on him as if she was trapped. After a few minutes of awkward silence, she shook her head. “I, uh, I’m fine to ride. The breakfast was a great help. And the coffee.”

  Sam went to the door. “The horses are fine. We can take our time traveling.”

  Cade didn’t want Ulyssa to go, but this was crazy. He didn’t know her, and what he did know he didn’t like. She was traveling with an outlaw. They didn’t seem to be romantic at all, in fact, he didn’t think they liked each other.

  Sam tapped on the door. “I’m leaving. Are you coming?”

  Ulyssa nodded. “Yes. Be right there.” She stood and extended a hand out to Cade. “Thank you. That breakfast was a lifesaver.”

  “You’re welcome.” Cade walked her to the door. “You have some business at the Allred Ranch?”

  “Yes, you might say that. Maybe I’ll see you again.”

  “I’d like that. I’m usually here.”

  She looked around. “What do you do?”

  He shrugged. “I’m between jobs at the moment. So I’ve been thinking about my options.”

  “Good. That’s good to do.” She smiled at him again and left to follow Sam.

  Cade watched them ride away and was shocked when Ulyssa looked back and waved.

  Funny, he didn’t think that would be her style. Then again, she seemed at odds with herself. Still, he couldn’t figure out what she would be doing with an outlaw.


  Sam kept the horses at a quick pace until they were out of sight of the cabin. Sam slowed his horse and turned to Ulyssa, who had been strangely silent.

  “Well, what do you think of Cade Monroe. He’s the one we’re supposed to keep from marrying Rusty Allred.” Sam kept staring at her until she looked at him.

  Ulyssa shrugged and looked away from him. “I don’t know. He didn’t seem like a bad sort.”

  Sam stopped her horse. “Ulyssa, you’re the expert agent. What are our plans?”

  She shrugged and looked straight ahead. “We’ll wait
until we meet Mr. Allred and his daughter.”

  “What do you think of Cade? He didn’t seem like an outlaw.”

  She gazed at him, and her eyes narrowed. “No kindred spirit feelings?”

  “That’s low even for you. I’ve left that life behind me. Cade didn’t seem like he was out to take advantage. He seemed more the opportunistic type. Who knows, maybe he’ll make this Rusty, a good husband.”

  She huffed. “I doubt that. I don’t think they’re right for one another.”

  “You don’t know her.” Sam couldn’t figure Ulyssa out. She’d changed over the last few hours.

  Ulyssa kicked her horse and moved ahead of him. “Like I said, we need to assess the situation after we’ve met all the players. Cade seemed likable.”

  Sam sneered. “I guess that would be because you have a likable kindred spirit.”

  She glared at him. “I’m the lead agent. Remember that.”

  “I doubt you’ll let me forget it.” He mumbled, but by the glare in her eyes, she’d heard it all. He pointed. “There’s the ranch. Pretty impressive.”

  “Yes, it is.” She had never seen a house that went on and on for so long. “It’s bigger than most hotels.”

  Sam laughed. “The file did say Mr. Allred was a wealthy ranch owner. I would say they underestimated a bit.” He reined his horse under the gateway and up to the house.

  Once in front of the large house, Sam helped Ulyssa from her horse. “We made it.”

  She walked to the front porch. “I hope Mr. Allred is home.”

  “I’m sure he is.”

  She knocked on the door and almost immediately it was opened by a man. “Welcome to Hacienda Allred.”

  Sam followed her inside.

  Ulyssa stared at the walls and high ceilings.

  Sam pointed to the plaster walls. “Adobe walls. It keeps the building cooler in summer.”

  “I see.” Ulyssa looked at the man who had let them in. “We’re here to see Mr. Allred.”

  After a bow, the man pointed. “He waits in his study for you.”

  Sam followed Ulyssa into the study. A man, who looked like one of those bigger than life legends, sat behind a huge desk.

  Smiling, the man rose and put a hand as big as a bear paw. “I’m Roy Allred. You two must be the Pinkertons. Archie promised it would be a good pair ideal for the situation.”

  Ulyssa shook his hand. “Yes, sir. We’ll solve this case quickly.”

  With a frown, Roy shook his head. “Now, now. I want this done delicately. I love my daughter very much. If I thought just shooting Cade would work, I’d have already done that.”

  Sam liked Roy right off. “Do you have a plan?”

  Roy nodded. “Yes, I do. If you two are willing to go along.”

  Ulyssa walked to the shelves of books. “You have an impressive library.”

  “Yes, I do, little lady. Not much to do out here in the dark days and nights.” Roy frowned. “I lost my wife twenty years ago and threw everything into building this ranch for Rusty. She likes to read, so I brought in books whenever I could find them.”

  Sam sat in one of the big chairs in front of the desk. “Where is she? Does she know why we’re here?”

  Roy shook his head. “No, but she’s a smart girl, so I would think she has her suspicions. I told her I had company coming. Business. So, you are Mr. Paxton cattle buyer out of Laramie. And you, Miss Ulyssa, are his wife.”

  “Wife?” Sam and Ulyssa said at the same time.

  “Yes, I thought it would be good for her to see how two people really look when they care for one another.” Roy stood. He had to be at least six foot four and had the broadest shoulders Sam had seen. “Rusty, come on in and meet my friends.”

  Sam turned and thought he’d been punched in the stomach. She looked petite up against her father but was probably not an inch shorter than Ulyssa. Rusty’s hair wasn’t the same red color as her father’s, but a light golden blond.

  Rusty entered like a gust of fresh air. “Father always invites the most delightful people to come and visit.” She hugged Roy. “He feels bad that we’re out here in the middle of nowhere, so he brings culture to me.” Rusty looked at them as if she were waiting for them to tell her what they were known for.

  Sam wasn’t sure what Ulyssa had in mind, but he wanted to get to know Rusty. His heart was still pounding. He was about to go over to her when Ulyssa intervened and took him by the arm to show him a book.

  Once at the bookshelf, she pulled out a book and whispered. “We need to look like we’re in love. Stay close to me and keep a hand on me. And for goodness sake, stop looking at her and smile at me.”

  Sam stared at his partner. She must have lost her mind, but she was right. This was Roy’s plan. He put an arm around Ulyssa’s shoulders. “Dear, I bet Mr. Allred will let you borrow the book and read it while you’re here.”

  Ulyssa kept the book in her hand and turned to smile at Mr. Allred. “May I?”

  Roy looked at the book and frowned. “You have odd taste in reading. But feel free to read any book in my study. Rusty can help you pick one out if you’d like to tell her what you’re looking for. Maybe something romantic?”

  “Oh, this one is fine.” She looked at the spine. Cattle breeding: The Longhorn. She gulped and stared at Sam.

  He took the book from her. “We have dreamed of starting a ranch in Texas. But I do like the idea of Rusty picking out a book that we can read to each other tonight. We enjoy that.”

  Ulyssa glared at him, then smiled, and turned to Rusty. “Yes, that would be wonderful. Do you have any suggestions?”

  Rusty went to a bookshelf and pulled one out. “My favorite. Pride and Prejudice. I’m sure you’ve read it before.”

  “Yes,” Ulyssa answered.

  “No,” Sam said at the same time.

  Ulyssa laughed. “Yes, we read it on our honeymoon. Don’t you remember?”

  Sam shook his head. “I guess that wasn’t what was on my mind.” He held his arm out for her. “So, Rusty, what are your plans for your life? Do you want to stay on the ranch and run things?”

  The young woman stood by her father. “The ranch can run itself. We have good people to work the cattle and see to the horses and chores. I want a good man to love me and take care of me.” She smiled at her father. “I don’t know, maybe I want my own fairytale. A knight in shining armor to rescue me from the monster of boredom.”

  Sam grinned at her. If he hadn’t been anchored by Ulyssa’s arm, he would have gone to Rusty and volunteered to be that knight. “That is an honorable plan. Have you found that knight yet?”

  She put a finger to her chin. “Perhaps. And then again, perhaps not. It remains to be seen. There is a certain young man that has captured my heart, but Father doesn’t trust him. It seems he may not be an honorable man. Father thinks he is from the dark kingdom and certainly not from Texas, where my father came from.”

  Sam walked toward her only to be pulled back by Ulyssa.

  With a scolding glance, Ulyssa turned away from him and smiled at Rusty. “It is hard to know when you have the right man.”

  Rusty pointed at Sam. “You got yours.”

  Ulyssa turned to Sam and smiled. “Yes, my love.” She hugged his arm.

  Roy stepped between them and his daughter. “You both must be tired, I’ll take you to your room.”

  Sam nodded and felt a slight tug of resistance from Ulyssa. He looked at her and saw the panic on her face. He almost felt sorry for her. Almost.

  Chapter 7

  Ulyssa walked beside Sam and gave her best loving wife impression. This was not going to work. She could not stay in the same room with Sam. Then the blood drained from her face. She had no clothes to change into. He didn’t either. Not that that would bother him.

  Roy pointed to a large suite. “I hope this will accommodate you.”

  Ulyssa walked inside and felt like she’d entered a luxurious hotel. She turned around, taking in the richness of the pla
ce. Almost a palace. No wonder Rusty was looking for her knight in shining armor, and no wonder Cade wanted to marry her.

  She caught Sam’s arm. “Roy, we had to leave our bags at the shack where the Indians attacked us. I don’t have any clothes to change into.”

  Roy looked at her. “You’re about the same size as Rusty. I’ll have her bring you some of her things.” Roy nodded at Sam. “And I think I can find some for you.”

  Sam grinned. “What about a bathtub? Would that be possible? I’m sure Ulyssa would enjoy soaking her muscles after the long ride.”

  With a wink, Roy grinned. “Spoken like a doting husband. You’re doing well, young man. I think after a week or so of showing Rusty how it should be, she’ll be ready to break it off with Cade.” He turned to go and then stopped and looked at them. “You know, the funny thing is I like the boy. He’s smart. But there is something he’s holding back from her and me. That’s no way to start a marriage.”

  Ulyssa nodded. “Yes, I can see your concern. You have every right to protect your daughter.” She glanced at Sam. “Men can be horrid brutes.”

  Sam pulled on her arm. “Only if they have been taken advantage of by bitter women.”

  Roy put a hand on each of their arms. “Remember, we want Rusty to see how good marriage should be.”

  “Yes, sir.” Ulyssa and Sam answered at the same time.

  Ulyssa pulled away from Sam. “Mr. Allred, that bath would be wonderful..”

  “I’ll have Daniel bring the tub and fill it with warm water, oh, and bring you some clothes. I am excited for Rusty to spend time with you Ulyssa. She has missed the company of refined young women such as yourself.”

  Roy motioned for Sam to follow. “Let’s go look around the ranch. I have many things to show you.”

  Sam nodded, turned to face Ulyssa, and winked. Then he left with the man.

  It wasn’t long, and the tub was filled with warm water, and Rusty had brought her several changes of clothes. Making sure the windows were closed, and curtains were drawn, Ulyssa stripped and sat in the tub.


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