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Page 9

by Craig MacLachlan

  “Whatever. Just look at magazines and I’ll start a movie for you.”

  “You’re always lockings me away in a box, Skye.” Morgan plopped onto her back.

  “I know and I’m so sorry. I feel badly but only do it to keep you and all three of us safe.” Skylar started the movie. “You’ll like this. I’ll be back as soon as I can, promise.”

  “Promises, promises, my dear girlie” Morgan bounced on the bed.

  Skylar couldn’t understand what the deal was with Morgan, Haley, and promises, but she let it go.

  “Be good,” she said, closing the door.

  Downstairs, a soft knock came to the door. When she opened the door. Trevor had already turned away as if he were leaving.

  “You haven’t even tasted my food yet,” she joked, though a bit thrown by his attempted exit.

  “Should I be scared? Do you know the number to poison control?”

  “Hilarious.” She closed the door and led him to the kitchen. “Your folks couldn’t make it?”

  “You only invited me,” he replied.

  “Oh, yeah,” she said, hoping she hid her delight.

  “I haven’t eaten since our desert-lunch.”

  “Me either. I hope you like chicken noodle soup.”

  “Love it.”

  Skylar heated canned soup and served it with sourdough bread and pumpkin butter.

  “I hope flavored huckleberry water works for you?”

  “It does.”

  Skylar handed him a bottle.

  Soaking the bread in his soup, Trevor’ eyes lit up.

  “Delicious,” he said, dunking again.

  She waited until his attention was on the food and quickly dipped her bread into the soup and stuffed it into her mouth. In such a hurry, she realized she should have bitten off the soup drenched section of the bread and not stuffed the entire piece into her mouth. She chewed vigorously, her cheeks puffed out and her jaw ached. Trevor looked toward her and Skylar dropped her head, stirring her soup hoping he didn’t see her swollen face. There was an awkward silence as the continued eating and Skylar finally chewed and swallowed the bread.

  “Yummy,” she said nervously looking at him.

  “It’s the best.”

  She noticed Trevor was on his last chunk of bread and it gave her an excellent reason to get up and compose herself. Going to the counter, she made them each two more pieces.

  “Here ya go.”

  Trevor took his pieces and both their soups were only half finished.

  “Want to go out back? Enjoy the evening before I have to go?”


  Bringing their bowls with them, they moved to the patio, the cool air pleasant. The moon had risen and stars began to fill the night sky.

  “Tricky lock on that door,” Trevor said as they settled at the picnic table.

  “Yeah, Dad still hasn’t fixed it.”

  “Maybe it’ll be fixed the next time you have me over for dinner.”

  “Cool.” She was pleased that Trevor had enjoyed the simple dinner she’d made, and even more so that he’d found an excuse to visit again. “And, you’ll fix it like the knot in the fence, right?”

  “Oh that. Yeah, sorry. I’ll get that done tonight.”

  “I was only giving you a hard time.” She teased. She’d be fine if he never repaired the hole.

  “If you’re not worried about peeping Trevor’s, I’ll put it on my future to-do list,” he winked.

  His scent grew stronger as they relaxed into a comfortable silence. She didn’t want to lose control—not now, not tonight. In an effort to mask his scent, she lowered her face into her half-empty bowl, breathing in the soup. She knew she must look ridiculous.

  “Good idea.”

  She looked up, surprised to see that Trevor had lowered his face into his own bowl.

  “It does smell good in here.”

  “I’ll take that, copycat.” She grabbed his bowl with a wink and hastily walked into the house.

  Setting the bowls into the sink, she was relieved she could no longer smell him. To be extra safe, she decided to take a whiff of the soup in the pot. She turned to the stove, but the pot was gone.


  She raced upstairs to find Morgan holding the pot, her head shoved inside, lapping at the soup. A wet spoon lay on the bed, and the movie still played.

  Returning to the kitchen, she removed a bag of frozen huckleberries. It was her only option unless Trevor wanted another physical assault from her feral side. She stuffed two berries into each nostril, pushing them up far enough that she hoped Trevor wouldn’t see them.

  Back outside, Trevor was standing at the fence. As Skylar approached, he made his way to her. “Thought I . . .” Trevor began, then tripped.

  Darting forward, Skylar caught him. Pressed close, her muscles locked, taught and tense.


  Their eyes met, and all she could think about was their unfinished kiss from earlier, even though the huckleberry seemed to be working.

  Suddenly, Trevor backed away from her, and she knew he was going to run away again, reject her once more.

  “I have to go. Lots of unpacking still to finish. Maybe we’ll see each other tomorrow.” He kissed her on the forehead and turned toward the fence.

  Determined to not let the evening end without a real kiss, Skylar stepped in front of him.

  Placing a hand on the back of his head, Skylar pulled his lips to hers until they met. But, it felt wrong. Her lips were moving but his weren’t.

  Walking away, Trevor scaled the fence. “I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t understand?” Skylar wanted to explode.

  “You wouldn’t understand. It’s just—”

  “Let me guess. It’s complicated?” She heard her own voice rise, but, enraged, she didn’t care who heard.

  Looking through the hole, she watched as he reached the sliding glass door. She was about to look away when a black gloved hand reached through the blinds and pulled Trevor inside by his hair before slamming shut.

  The blinds separated and a face looked through. Not a human face, but the head of a Grizzly bear and it slowly shook its head causing the blinds to flail about. It was the woodcarver from the festival.

  Skylar turned to escape into her house, but someone had blocked her path.

  With no way to escape, she screamed.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Get back!”

  “Skye it’s me.” Haley rested her hands on Skylar’s shoulders.


  “Why so jumpy? Did you see something?”

  Skylar shook her head. “No, you just surprised me. What are doing here?”

  “I snuck out. I wanted to see Morgan. If my mom or dad find out I’m gone, I’ll be the one chained to something.”

  “She’s in my room.” Skylar headed toward the house.

  “How was dinner?”

  “A waste of time.”

  Skylar’s room was a disaster. It looked as if it had been flipped upside down. Everything was strewn about. Candy wrappers, ice cream containers, and empty bags of chips littered the floor. Skylar and Haley stared at the chaos.

  “Morgan!” Haley hurried through debris and jumped onto the bed.

  Looking sickly, Morgan moaned and held her stomach as Haley hugged her.

  “Haley not so much—tight too much,” Morgan groaned.

  “You’re not looking so hot there, Morgan,” Skylar said.


  Skylar couldn’t stifle a laugh, and huckleberries flew from her nostrils, landing on the bed.

  “Skye, eww! Gross!”

  Haley bounced around on the bed, and Skylar could see that the rocking bed unsettled Morgan’s stomach even more. Eying the berries, Morgan convulsed as if she were about to throw up.

  “Help me get her to the bathroom before she completely wrecks my room.”

  Sliding Morgan from the bed, they hauled her to the bathroom.<
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  “Were those huckleberries that came out of your nose?”

  “I guess,” Skylar said, embarrassed.

  “You guess?”

  They wrangled Morgan to her knees and leaned her head into the tub, her retching sounds making Skylar nauseous.

  “I was bored.” She hoped it would be explanation enough.

  “Remind me to not hang with you when boredom strikes.”

  Skylar and Haley leaned against the wall outside the bathroom as they listened as Morgan regurgitated her gluttony.

  “Morgan sure did tear up your room.”

  “She’s been a handful.”

  “When are you taking her back?”

  “I’m not,” Skylar said.

  “So, she’s staying with us? We can finish the plan?”

  “I don’t know, it’s all messed up. We have bigger problems than the plan.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like where to keep her. My room isn’t going to work forever, you know.”

  “Or mine.”

  Skylar checked on Morgan. She was still bent over the tub, and the acrid smell of bile stung Skylar’s nose and throat.

  “Watch her. I’ll be back in a moment.”

  Moving through the mess in her room, Skylar opened the closet door. The box where she’d stored the blood letters was empty. Falling to her knees, Skylar searched through the mess on the floor. She tried sniffing out the letters, but the remnants of food masked the chipmunk blood. Searching frantically, she tore the sheets from her bed.

  They were gone.

  There was no time to dwell on it, as a police siren wailed.

  Rushing from her bedroom, Skylar found Haley in the bathroom washing the tub while Morgan rinsed and spat into the sink, her color returning.

  “We’ve got a problem,” Skylar said. “Both of you, follow me!”

  In her bedroom, she pushed them both toward the closet.


  “What’s this all about, Skye?” Haley questioned.

  “Morgan did something bad.”

  “I bitted a girl,” Morgan said, licking her lips. “I liked it.”

  “Haley, I’m counting on you.”

  Skylar moved the box from the closet, and Haley and Morgan squeezed inside.

  “I’m scared,” Haley said.

  The doorbell rang.

  “Let’s eat more and watch those big rats ROAR!”

  Skylar grabbed an armful of clothes. “Keep her quiet, Haley.”

  “Keep who . . .” Morgan began, as Haley put a hand over her mouth.

  Skylar covered them both with clothes, and then moved the box in front of them. Closing the door, she ran downstairs.

  The doorbell rang again.

  Composing herself, she opened the door. A police officer stood along with a well-dressed couple who looked strangely familiar.

  “Skylar Colt?”


  “May we come in?”


  “Skylar,” the woman said sternly, “We need to talk about Morgan.”

  “It’s important,” the man said.

  “Don’t you need a warrant or one of my parents around to question me?” Skylar stalled.

  “We already talked with your father. He’s on his way here and only believes you witnessed the event,” the officer stated. “Your friend is wanted for questioning on assault and battery charges.”

  Skylar wanted to slam the door and escape with her friends to the cabin.

  “Skylar, this would be easier if the three of us talked. You don’t want your parents finding out that you’re hiding and protecting this girl.”

  She didn’t. The last thing she wanted was to destroy the trust and freedom her parents just granted her. She’d never see the light of day without a twenty-four-hour escort.

  “Fine,” Skylar stepped outside and closed the door. “My mom’s sick.”

  “Is the girl here with you?” asked the officer.

  “I don’t know where she is,” Skylar said in an even tone.

  “Witnesses saw you leave the scene with her,” the officer said, placing his hand on the gun holstered to his hip.

  “Don’t harass her. We’ll take care of it,” the man said as he walked through the door, and the woman motioned for Skylar to follow.

  Though guarded, Skylar followed the couple outside to a black SUV with windows were tinted so dark she couldn’t see inside. The woman opened the back door.

  “If you’ll feel more comfortable, I’ll get in first,” the woman said.

  Skylar didn’t answer.

  “Ladies first,” Skylar said.

  The lady grinned and stepped inside.

  The man closed the door, remaining outside on watch. The vehicle had that new car smell and the leather seats were sticky. Behind the seat was a metal cage. Shackles were attached to the cage.

  For a moment, Skylar saw herself bound in the cage. She was young, out of control, and wearing a strait jacket.


  The woman’s voice broke her trance.

  “What’s that for?” Skylar eyed the cage.

  “Not you for you,” she paused. “You don’t remember us, do you, Skylar?”

  “Not particularly. Should I?”

  The lady touched Skylar’s knee and she pulled away from her touch.

  “You’re scared. It’s understandable. We were there when you were recovered. We examined you with our doctors, and rehabilitated you, made sure you weren’t mistreated.”

  “Experimented on?” Skylar could barely get the words out. “You said me? You meant Haley too, right?”

  “I’m afraid not. Haley’s lucky to have you. We’ll talk more about this later, but first, I need to know about Morgan?”

  “I know as much as you do,” Skylar shrugged, but the woman flashed her a look that made it clear she wasn’t stupid.

  “How long have you been in contact with her? The two of you?”

  “Haley hasn’t, only I have. She showed up at Logging Days, introduced herself, told me who she was and that was it.”

  Skylar wanted out of the vehicle.

  “So, you’ve never seen her before today?”

  “Nope, sorry to disappoint you, ma’am.” Skylar felt for the handle.

  “Call me Debra,” she continued. “According to witnesses and the victim, she knew how to talk, appeared almost normal. Did she say anything about how she became so . . .”


  “You could put it that way, yes.”

  “Not a word. She protected me from a girl Haley and I have been having problems with, followed me into the parking and ran off. I don’t know what else to tell you, Debra.” Skylar hoped she would believe her lies.

  “Morgan needs professional help and guidance, Skylar. You should know that by now. She won’t be able to fit in. She’s going to really hurt somebody next time. Think about that before pursuing whatever path you are on.”

  “If I see her again, I’ll let her know of your generous offer.”

  Skylar took pulled the handle, but the door was locked.

  “You still amaze me, you know that?” Debra sounded proud. “Jake and I, we were your family when you had none. You trusted us. We only want what’s best for you Skylar, and the other two.”

  “Can I go now?”

  A car arrived and relief swept through Skylar.

  “I guess the hypnosis really worked. Maybe one day you’ll remember us.”

  “I don’t’ think I want to.”

  Even though Debra smiled, she looked hurt by Skylar’s words.

  “Some friendly advice; you might consider seeing your hypnotherapist again.”

  “Thanks, but I’m fine.” She tried to open the door again, but it wouldn’t budge until she heard a click and saw Debra holding an electronic device. She opened the door.

  “We’ll talk soon, Skylar.”

  “Morgan doesn’t belong in a cage.”

ar closed the door. She found her father talking with the police officer, but there was no sign of Jake.

  “Did you tell them everything?” Her dad asked.

  “Where is he?”

  “Who? Oh, you mean Jake. He needed to use the restroom.”

  Wasting no time, Skylar rushed into the house. She reached the stairs at the same moment that Jake appeared. He walked down and she walked up.

  As they brushed each other, he grabbed her arm.

  “We’re here to help. We know he wants you back,” Jake said calmly.

  Skylar tore away from his grip and ran to her bedroom.

  There was a moment she wanted to turn around and tell Debra and Jake everything. She just wanted a normal life, to be a normal kid, but she didn’t know who to trust. She couldn’t validate their claims about their identities. She couldn’t even remember them . . . yet.

  Her bedroom appeared just as she left it. Dirty. She paced at the window and noticed the lantern was on in Trevor’s bedroom. Trevor was in the window, staring at her. The front door closed, and Skylar turned away. When she looked back, Trevor was gone.

  “Haley?” Skylar whispered at the closet door. “Haley, its Skye.”

  “Is it safe? Someone was in here and opened the door,” Haley replied, and Skylar could hear Morgan’s muffled voice. “I kept Morgan quiet.”

  “I’ll be right back. Stay put,” she said and returned to the living room.

  Skylar opened the blinds enough to see outside, observing the cop climb into his car and drive away. Debra and her dad were talking, while Jake stood next to the SUV. After they shook hands, Debra and Jake drove away and her dad came inside.

  “Everything okay?” She prodded.

  “They really are great people, kiddo, give them a chance. It’s because of them we have you back.”

  “Yeah, sure, whatever. So, did she have any ideas about this Morgan girl?”

  Her dad hung his jacket on the rack. “Only what you and others have told her,” he walked over to Skylar with a loving, concerned look. “This girl is dangerous. I understand the three of you used to be a pack, but that was a long time ago.”

  “It was and I’m a different person now, dad. You know I don’t remember much. I just want to forget it all.”

  Although she meant what she’d said, she also didn’t want to lose Haley and Morgan.

  “I know, but we’re worried she’s back to tempt you, to lure you into the woods again, and that someone may be helping her.” He sounded upset.


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