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Devil’s Knights MC Box Set 2

Page 45

by Winter Travers

  Demon nodded his head, pressed a kiss to the side of my head and gave a shout to Saul that we were ready to stop for a bit.

  Saul pulled over to the side of a trail we were on and hopped down. “I’ll go take a walk for half an hour. Kong needs a drink, and there’s a stream just down the way.” Saul unhooked the horse, and I felt bad that he was going to leave while Demon and I ate.

  “Do you want a coffee and a sandwich to take with you?” We had only brought two cups for the coffee, but I could drink out of Demon’s.

  “You don’t have to do that,” Saul called.

  “I insist.” I fished out one of the sandwiches while Demon poured a cup of coffee. “And, you really don’t have to wander off, we’re just going to eat.” I didn’t want this guy to think he needed to disappear so Demon and I could be alone.

  “Kong needs a drink, and I’ll take him for a walk.” He winked at me, then nodded his head at Demon and disappeared down a trail I hadn’t seen with his sandwich and coffee.

  “He totally thinks we’re going to make out or something.”

  Demon threw his head back laughing and kicked back in the seat, a cup of coffee dangling from his fingertips. “I don’t think this is his first romantic sleigh ride he’s ever done, Paige. Ninety-nine percent of guys who take their women on a sleigh ride are looking to get laid.”

  “Is that a proven statistic?”

  Demon shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his coffee. “Ask me tomorrow, and I’ll let you know.”

  I rolled my eyes and shifted through the cooler, looking for the bowl of fruit we had packed. “You do know you need to share your cup with me now, right?”

  “I’ll share anything with you.”

  “Hmm,” I hummed. “What did you want to eat?”

  “A sandwich and some fruit will be good.”

  I found the bowl of fruit and two more sandwiches and closed the lid on the basket. I sat back, throwing the blanket back over our legs and handed Demon his sandwich. “So, why don’t you tell me how you got the name Demon.” When Demon and I had been dating, he had been itching to get his official road name but didn’t know when it would happen.

  “It’s really a stupid story,” Demon mumbled, as he unwrapped his sandwich.

  “Oh man, now I really want to know,” I laughed.

  Demon shook his head and took a bite of his sandwich. “I’d much rather you call me my other name. You never even knew me as Demon, I don’t understand why you call me it now.”

  “I don’t know. I guess when I heard that you were now called Demon, it made it seem like even more that the man I knew was gone.”

  “That man isn’t gone, Paige.”

  “So I’m coming to see,” I mumbled. I unwrapped my sandwich and tossed the wrapper into the basket. “Now, tell me where Demon came from.”

  “Jesus, you’re not going to let this go, are you?” I shook my head no and batted my eyelashes at him. “I’ll tell you, but then you gotta tell me something.”

  “I’m an open book.”

  “Yeah, we’ll see about that.” Demon finished his sandwich in two bites and tossed his wrapper into the basket. “King and I were shooting the shit one night. Neither one of us had gotten our road names yet, and we were both eager to get them.” This was something I had known. “So, we got drunk. I’m talking, we were falling off of our bar stools, drunk. Prez came over, wanting to know what King and I were talking about. King and I were both drunk enough to tell him that we were trying to think of tough road names.”

  “Oh, my. I think I know where this is going.” I had seen Demon drunk before, he was quite the talker.

  “Prez humored us as we rattled off all of the names we were coming up with and he continued to feed us shots of whiskey. Everything was going fine until I got up on the bar and announced to the whole club that I wanted to be called Demon.”

  “Wait, you got the name Demon because you asked to be called that? How in the hell does that work? I thought you had to earn that? I call bullshit.” I eyed Demon up, knowing he wasn’t telling the truth.

  “I swear. That’s how it went down.”

  “Wait, is that how King got his name too? He asked to be called that? Because if it is, please don’t tell me, because you’ll just ruin the MC fantasy I have.”

  “No, babe. That’s not how King got his name.”

  “Dammit, Demon. I wanted some kick ass story why you were called Demon.” I waved my hand in my face and frowned. “Color me disappointed.”

  “Sorry, baby. I can tell you with the condition of the club calling me Demon, I had to live up to the name.”

  “Oh, now that is more interesting. So, what did you do to live up to the name?”

  “Nope, not happening. I answered your question. Now, I get to ask you one.” Demon grabbed my hand and pulled me close. “Put your leg over me, baby.”

  “That’s not a question, Demon,” I mumbled. Demon ran his hand down my body and cupped my knee, and pulled my leg over him so I was straddling his lap.

  “You know you talk too much sometimes?” He growled into my ear.

  A tremor rocked my body as his lips grazed the lobe of my ear, and I couldn’t fight the rush of desire I felt. “I do not,” I protested, trying to act like the mere touch of his lips wasn’t my undoing.

  “Just sometimes. Only when all I want to do is kiss you until we lose ourselves in each other.”

  “Sometimes I just have something I need to say.”

  “Baby.” One word. One word this man says and he has my full attention. “You’re doing it right now.”

  “Oh, sorry,” I mumbled.

  “Can I ask my question now?” He asked. I nodded my head, knowing that if I opened my mouth, I was going to start babbling. Demon reached up, his hand cupping my cheek. “Can I kiss you?”

  Wait, that was his question? I thought for sure it was going to be some soul searching question, trying to find out what I was thinking, and all he asked was if he could kiss me? “Um…” and I was speechless.

  “Baby, I’m taking that as yes since your hot body is still in my lap. Wrap your arms around my neck.” Demon was full of demands, and I was more than willing to follow whatever he wanted. My arms mindlessly wound around his neck, and I leaned in, eager to feel his lips on mine again. “So fucking perfect,” he mumbled right before his lips brushed mine. My fingers delved into his hair, deepening the kiss, needing more. Demon’s tongue invaded my mouth, melding our bodies together while his hands roamed over my body.

  “Demon,” I moaned as his lips traveled down my neck, sucking and nibbling. “Please, I need more.”

  “Tell me,” he demanded. “Tell me what you want.” His hands went to the waist of my jeans, trying to tug them down. His fingers slipped between the fabric and my skin, kneading my butt.

  “I… I need…” I needed to get a grip, but with Demon’s hands on me, I lost every reasonable thought.

  “You need this?” he asked as his lips stayed on my neck, but his hands moved around to the front of my body, and I felt the button of my jeans pop open. His hands deftly parted my jeans and tugged them down my hips a bit.

  “Please, yes,” I moaned, grinding my hips into him. The cold air hit my bare skin, but the heat from Demon’s touch warmed me instantly. “Are we really going to have sex in the sleigh?” I had to say, I wasn’t completely opposed to it.

  “No, baby. I am going to make you cum all over my hand, though,” he growled. “Reach over and grab the blanket. I don’t want you getting cold.” I blindly reached over, not wanting to move away from Demon’s lips and pulled the blanket over my shoulders. “Good girl,” he murmured, “Now get ready to feel, and try not to moan so loud that Saul hears you.”

  Demon’s lips attacked my mouth as his hand slipped into the front of my panties and his fingers parted the lips of my pussy. “Demon, please,” I begged. He was barely touching me, and I was ready to bust apart at the seams.

  “I’ll give it to you. You w
ere always my greedy girl.” I preened at his words, relishing in the fact that Demon remembers what I liked. His finger swirled around my clit, teasing me and making me squirm against his hand. “You know I’m not going to give it to you, baby, until I’m ready to.”

  My dirty talking biker was back and with each word he spoke, I crept closer to the edge of ecstasy. “Demon,” I moaned.

  “First, you need to give me something.”

  “Anything,” I gasped as his finger grazed my clit, giving me a taste of what I wanted, but not enough.

  “Say my name,” he growled into my ear.


  “No. I said say my name.”

  I knew what he wanted, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to give that to him yet. “Please, I need…”

  “You need to say my name, and then I’ll give you everything you need right now, and then I’m going to take you back to the cabin and fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk for days. Say. My. Name.” Demon nipped my neck and didn’t move.

  I knew that we were at a big step into getting back to the Demon and Paige we were. “I… I just don’t…”

  “Stop thinking and just do what you want to, Paige. Don’t overthink or overanalyze. Do what feels right.”

  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. “I need you, Dustin.” Demon growled low at my words. He buried his head into my hair, as his finger attacked my pussy, giving me what I had been wanting.

  “Say it again,” he demanded.

  “Dustin, Dustin…” I trailed off as his lips worked their way up to my mouth. He thrust his tongue into my mouth, mimicking the movements of his finger. He flicked my clit over and over, my release building with each touch.

  “God dammit, I missed this, baby. Your tight pussy needing only me.”

  I opened my eyes as he moved backward and I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Dustin, please.” He was still teasing me. He still knew exactly how to work my body like no one else. “You’re driving me crazy.”

  “No. I’m giving us everything that we’ve been missing.” He slammed his lips down on mine, and I buried my fingers into his hair. I could have sworn that Demon had mumbled something against my lips, but I was so close to tipping over the edge of my desire that I barely heard him.

  “Cum for me. Cum.” I leaned back from Demon, arching my back and slammed my eyes shut as my orgasm rocked my body. “Yes, yes. So fucking beautiful,” Demon whispered. His hand still worked me over, milking every last drop of my desire out of my body. “Holy fuck,” Demon murmured.

  I cracked one eye open and looked down at him. “I think I should be the one saying that.”

  “Baby, you have no idea what that was like watching you.”

  “I’m sure it looked like I was trying to exorcise a demon out of me.”

  Demon reached up, snaking his hand around my neck and pulled me to him. “No, that was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, and it took all my willpower not to rip off both of our pants and drive into you, taking what’s mine.”

  My body shivered at his words, wanting more of what he just gave me. “How much time do we have until Saul comes back?” I purred.

  “Not enough to let me take you the way I need.” Demon worked the zipper up on my pants and buttoned them up. “Tonight. You’re all mine.” Demon pressed a quick kiss to my lips and sat back. “Now, you need to be a good girl and sit in your seat before you completely destroy my willpower, and I take you right now, Saul be damned.”

  I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his ear. “There’s my dirty talking biker I’ve missed all these years.”

  Demon growled low and grabbed my ass. “There’s more where that came from, baby. Just wait.”

  The butterflies in my stomach were in full effect at his words, and I was counting the seconds till we were back at the cabin.

  I was ready to be Demon’s again.


  Chapter 21


  I was going to kill Saul. All it would take is grabbing the shovel that was next to the front door and smash him over the head. Paige was inside the cabin, and I was standing outside in the falling snow with Saul as I listened to him drone on about all he had done on the cabin. I wanted to tell him I knew what he had done since I paid all of the bills, but I really did owe him for taking care of the place for me.

  “The tub leak at all?”

  “Um, no, not that I noticed. Paige and I have only showered, but it seemed good.” I knew Paige was using the damn shower right now, and it was killing me knowing she was standing under the shower head with the water streaming down her lush body, and I wasn’t there to watch.

  “Well, you let me know if it leaks. I had a hell of a time getting that new tub in there, but I have to say when it was all said and done, it turned out damn good.”

  Saul was right. The tub that had been in the bathroom before was falling apart seven years ago, and I could only imagine what it had looked like before Saul had ripped it out. Now there was an oversized claw-foot tub that sat in the middle of the room that was the centerpiece. “The whole cabin looks good, Saul. I can’t thank you enough for all you did.”

  “Not a problem. It gave this old man something to do. I’ll let you get to your lady.” Saul gave me a wink and lumbered over to the sled.

  “We’ll be here until Sunday,” I called.

  “I’ll make sure to call before I come over.” Saul looked over his shoulder at me, a knowing look on his face, and I couldn’t help but laugh. I guess Paige and I weren’t as subtle as we thought on the ride back to the cabin. At one point Paige had climbed back into my lap, her hands roaming all over my body when Saul had hit a bump and almost bounced her right out of the sled.

  Things had changed too quickly with Paige, that I was worried it wasn’t going to last. I felt like being up here at the cabin, we weren’t really living and that when we went back to Rockton, things were going to change, and not for the good.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I pulled it out to see that King had texted.

  Shit is going down. Keep close to your phone.

  Son of a bitch. You need me to come back?

  No. Just stay by your phone. Things might change quickly.

  I shoved my phone back into my pocket and crossed my arms over my chest. I should have fucking known. Things had been too quiet with Big A, and I had a feeling things were about to blow up at the shittiest time possible. “You coming in, or just plan on standing outside all night?”

  I turned around and saw Paige leaning against the open door of the cabin with her arms crossed over her chest. She had changed out of the warm clothes she had worn on the sleigh ride and had changed into something much more comfortable. “You think it’s little cold out here?” She was wearing yellow short shorts and tight, white tank top that was molded to her lush breasts, and I was ninety percent sure she wasn’t wearing a bra.

  “Hmm, you’re probably right.” She shrugged her shoulders and stepped back into the house. “Why don’t you come and keep me warm?” she purred and shut the door.

  I pulled my phone out of my pocket, making sure King hadn’t texted me again and turned the volume up all the way. King may not need me now, but if he did, I’d be ready. Until then, I had Paige to keep warm.

  I headed into the cabin, shutting the door behind me and stomped my feet on the rug. Paige was in the kitchen, leaning against the counter with her arms at her side. “Was Saul telling you his life story?” Paige laughed.

  “It sure as shit felt like it, baby. I never thought he would leave.” I shrugged my coat off, threw it on the coat rack and toed my boots off. “You heard from your sister at all?” I highly doubted that Gwen would tell Paige anything that was going on, but I needed to know for sure.

  “Only three times a day. I haven’t answered or listened to any of the messages she’s left, though.”

  “You should probably touch base with her. At least at some poin

  “I’ll call her tomorrow. Or, I’m sure she’ll be calling within the hour.”

  “You shower without me?” Her dark brown hair was piled on top of her head, and she had a small smirk playing on her lips.

  “I might have, although I’m always open to getting dirty again.”

  “Game on, baby.” I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it on the couch. “Getting you dirty was always my favorite thing to do. You were my prim and proper I got to get dirty every night.”

  “I wasn’t prim and proper, I just… was conservative.”

  I popped open the button on my jeans and watched Paige rub her legs together and run her eyes over my body. “You were exactly what I wanted. I just could never figure out what you saw in me, though.”

  “Um…” She took two steps towards me and hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her shorts. “You were my dirty talking biker who treated me like a queen. Everything I didn’t know I wanted but needed.”

  “You remember that first night we were together, baby?” I asked as I watched her walk towards me.

  “Hmm, that is definitely one night I could never forget,” she purred.

  “I was absolutely terrified you were going to turn tail and run.”

  Paige shrugged her shoulders and slowly pulled her shorts down. “The way you acted was the reason I didn’t run that night. You were so gentle and caring with me that I would have had to have been insane to run.”

  My eyes watched as she bent over, giving me a view straight down her tank top, confirming she wasn’t wearing a bra. “That’s called being scared shitless. I knew you were something special.” She slowly stood up, and I couldn’t help but stare at the lips of her pussy that were glistening with her desire.

  “You could have fooled me.” She ran her hands up her body, pulling her shirt up, exposing the bottom swell of her breasts. “I knew after that night; I wouldn’t want anyone but you. It’s been a long seven years.”

  My world rocked at her words and my mouth dropped. “What the hell do you mean that it’s been a long seven years?” She couldn’t mean what I thought she meant.


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