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Devil’s Knights MC Box Set 2

Page 68

by Winter Travers

Slider’s hand skated up my back and gathered my hair. He gently tugged my head back and the soft bite of pain was more than I could take. “Slider,” I gasped while he rocked his hips into me hard and finally pushed me over the edge. My orgasm slammed into me, and I couldn’t hold back the scream that ripped from my lips.

  “Fuck, fuck,” Slider chanted.

  He let go of my hair, dug his fingers into my hips, and pounded into me. I held on, knowing if I let go of my ankles, we would end up a pile on the floor.

  “Fayth,” he growled low. He groaned, frantically thrusting into me, and I felt his dick spasming inside me. I clenched the walls of my pussy, milking his cock while he came inside me.

  He thrust one last time, burying his cock deep inside me. “It’s a damn good thing you’re on the pill, because if you weren’t, there sure would be a condom shortage. I plan on fucking you like that every morning now.” He slapped my ass one last time and slowly pulled out.

  I released my ankles and stood, blood rushing to my head. I held onto the counter and looked over my shoulder. “That definitely is one hell of a way to wake up,” I purred.

  Slider stood behind me, his chest heaving and sweat on his brow. “You’re gonna be the death of me, woman.”

  “But what a way to go, huh?” I asked, laughing.

  Slider shook his head and grabbed his pants from around his ankles. “Where did you find those panties?” he asked, nodding at the pale pink scrap of lace by the stove.

  “Pulled them out of my bag. I couldn’t find the ones I was wearing before.”

  Slider pulled my panties out of his pocket and held them up. “You mean these?”

  I snatched them out of his hand and laughed. “Those would be the ones.”

  Slider pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me. “You sure do make me damn happy, Fay.”

  “Stealing my underwear makes you happy?”

  “Well, that, and you just being you.”

  I buried my face in his neck and sighed. I didn’t know how I had gotten so lucky to have this man holding me, but I knew I was going to do everything I could to make sure he never stopped. “Do I get the breakfast Slider Special now?” I mumbled.

  “I’m pretty sure you just had it,” he chuckled.

  I smacked his shoulder. “Ass.”

  “And we’re back to me being an ass. Full circle, Firecracker.”

  I rested my head on his shoulder and smiled.

  Full circle, and I was pretty damn happy with where we were.


  Chapter 33


  “You’re an ass!”

  I rolled my eyes and grabbed my jeans off of the floor. “No, I’m not.”

  “Then, why in the hell can’t I come with you to the clubhouse?” Fayth asked, tugging the sheet up over her body.

  I had just gotten done fucking her brains out, and her attitude was in full-force. “Because of what just happened here. I don’t get shit done when you’re around.”

  She sat up and clutched the sheet to her chest. “That’s not true,” she protested.

  “Fay, I was changing the oil on my bike, and the next thing you know, we’re in bed fucking like rabbits.”

  “You act like that’s a bad thing,” she pouted.

  “It’s not, but when I have things to do, you’re a distraction that I can’t pass up.”

  “So, you’re just going to leave me at home when you have something to do? Why can’t I come with you and hang out with the girls?”

  “Because they aren’t there. Meg and Cyn are going to be working, and I think the rest of them are at home or also working. King said just the guys were at the clubhouse.”

  “So, I have to stay here with Creed?”

  I nodded. “Yes. I won’t be gone long. Marco should be home from school soon. You won’t be stuck with only Creed for long.” I pulled my shirt on and grabbed a pair of socks out of my dresser.

  “I guess I could start on dinner. You’ll be home by then, right?”

  I glanced at the clock on the dresser and nodded. “I’ll be gone two hours.” It was only two-thirty, and I didn’t even think I would be gone that long.

  Fayth bit her lip and nodded. “I guess I can find stuff to do while you’re gone.”

  “You act like I’m leaving you for days, Firecracker,” I said, pulling on my socks and then grabbing my boots from under the bed.

  Fayth shrugged. “I guess I like having you around.”

  “And I like being around.” It had been two weeks since Fayth and I fallen into bed together, and we had barely been out of it since. Whenever she was around, I couldn’t keep my hands off of her. “But I need to get some shit done today, Fay. The less distractions, the better.”

  “Can I call Gwen and Paige and see if they want to come over?”

  “Knock yourself out, Firecracker.” I shoved my feet into my boots and quickly laced them up. I was already running behind. I had told King I would be there at two to work on a couple of cars he had lined up.

  I leaned over Fayth and pressed a kiss to her lips. “Are you sure you have to leave?” she asked, tugging down the sheet.

  My eyes fell on her lush, full breasts, and I shook my head. I stepped back and put my hand over my eyes. “No. Not happening. Your banging body will not distract me. King will kill me if I call in and tell him I’m not coming.”

  Fayth laughed. “Okay, you can look,” she called.

  I peeked between my fingers and saw she was adequately covered. “Get dressed, have the girls over, and try not to get too drunk.”

  “Yes, sir.” She lifted her hand that was holding the sheet in place and saluted me. “Whoops,” she whispered, grabbing the sheet. “I promise not to distract you until you get home.”

  “Promises, promises,” I said. “Call me if you need me. I’ll be back soon.”

  Fayth nodded, and I made my way down the hallway before she tried to persuade me to stay.

  Creed was in the kitchen, headphones on his ears, and looking in the fridge. I clapped him in the back, and he jumped around.

  “Jesus Christ, man,” he cussed and tugged off the earphones.

  “What’s with those?” I asked.

  “These? These are the only thing that is keeping me from hearing you bang my boss’ sister.” Creed tossed them on the counter and turned back to the fridge. “Bunch of fucking rabbits,” he said under his breath.

  I laughed and grabbed the keys to my bike off of the counter. “I gotta run to the garage for a bit. Keep an eye on Fayth for me? She was thinking of inviting some of the girls over.”

  Creed rolled his eyes and grabbed a container full of leftovers out of the fridge. “Great, me and a bunch of women.”

  “Don’t act like you don’t like it,” I said, laughing.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’ll keep an eye on her. That’s my job.”

  I glanced at the clock over the sink and knew I was going to have to book it to make it to the club before King reamed my ass out. “Later,” I called as I stepped out the front door.

  I swung my leg over my bike that I had pulled out of the garage earlier and cranked her up. The curtains in my bedroom moved to the side and Fayth stood there—naked from head to toe.

  “Jesus Christ,” I whispered. She blew me a kiss and cupped her tits in her hands.

  I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed her number. She disappeared from the window and answered her phone. “Yes?” she said coyly.

  “Giving me a little show?”

  “Just reminding you of what you’re missing.”

  “Behave,” I muttered.


  “Hey, Fay,” I called before she hung up. “I’ll never forget what I have, Firecracker.” I shoved the phone in my pocket and slid my sunglasses over my eyes.

  Fayth Banachi was the one woman I could never forget.


  Chapter 34


  “How does he not have margarita mix
?” Gwen asked while she surveyed the small bar Slider had in the basement.

  “Probably because he’s a guy, and beer and whiskey are what he drinks,” Paige said, twirling one of the handles on the foosball table.

  “You know you’re going to have to rectify this, right, Fayth?”

  I laughed and grabbed a bottle of amaretto. “I promise the next time you come over that we will have a full bottle of margarita mix.”

  “Do you have sour?” she asked, eying the bottle in my hand.

  “Of course. It’s upstairs, though.”

  “Sweet. I brought some chips and salsa over. I figured we can snack while we watch you make dinner,” Paige replied.

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” Gwen chimed in. “Lead the way, woman.”

  The door to the garage opened and closed, and I rolled my eyes. “Creed’s declaration of staying in the garage the whole time lasted a whole five minutes,” I laughed.

  “Typical man, says one thing and does the other,” Gwen agreed, shaking her head.

  Gwen followed behind me, with Paige bringing up the rear.

  “I see you lied about staying in the garage,” I called to Creed when were halfway up the stairs. I heard his heavy footsteps in the laundry room, and I smiled over my shoulder at Gwen.

  The smile on her lips fell and the color drained from her face.

  “Hello, Fayth. It sure is nice to finally hear your voice.”

  I whipped my head around and saw Dr. Stevens standing on the landing. “Dr. Stevens?” What the hell was going on?

  “Oh, and you have your friends with you. This will save me from paying them a visit later.” He pulled a needle from behind his back and held it up. “Now, be a good girl, and let the doctor check you over.”

  Gwen grabbed my arm and yanked me down the stairs.

  “Creed!” I called as I stumbled down the stairs.

  Dr. Stevens shook his head. “Creed won’t be bothering us anymore. He was always around—him and that biker you’ve been fucking aren’t going to stop me this time.”



  King leaned against the fender and crossed his arms. “You gonna have this car done today?”

  I was elbow-deep in an old Caddy, and only an hour into the job. “I’m hoping on it. Should only be another hour to get it all done.”

  “Good. This car has been sitting here for three days waiting for you.”

  “Sorry, brother.”

  King smirked and shook his head. “No need to apologize. I remember how it was the first time I got a taste of Meg, I couldn’t get enough. Hell, I still can’t get enough.”

  I wiped my hands on a towel and grabbed a wrench off of the cart next to me. “I definitely ain’t complaining,” I laughed. “She just distracts the hell out of me. Hell, when I was leaving today, she pulled back the curtains in our bedroom, naked as a jaybird, and blew me a kiss. The woman is going to be the death of me.”

  “Nice,” King chuckled.

  Yeah, it definitely had been nice. So nice that I hadn’t been able to get the picture out of my head.

  “Yo, your phone,” King said, nodding at the workbench. “I gotta head up front. Holler when you’re done with this.”

  King made his way across the shop, and I grabbed my phone and saw that it was Leo calling. “‘Leo?”

  “Slider? You with Fayth?”

  “No, she’s with Creed. I had some things to take care of. You need her?”

  “No, I was just making sure that someone was with her.”

  “Why?” I tossed the dirty rag on the bench and leaned against it.

  “Her doctor called me today. Asked if he could see her. Said he was interested in how she was doing.”

  “She’s doing fine. She doesn’t need to see the doctor.”

  “Well, he’s on the way there. Hell, he’s probably there already. He called me over two hours ago, but I didn’t get the chance to call you right away.”

  “Wait, he called you?” I grabbed my keys off the bench. Why would he call Leo? What could he possibly need to see her for? Unless… fuck!

  “Yeah, he said he needed to close out her case or some shit like that. He’s her doctor,” Leo reminded me.

  “No, he’s not, Leo. He’s Big A’s doctor.”

  All the pieces fell into place, and I sprinted across the shop and hollered for King.

  “Son of a bitch,” Leo barked. “Get to her now!”

  King peeked his head out of his office. “What’s up?”

  “I know who the doctor is, and he’s with Fayth right now.”


  Chapter 35


  “Wake her up!”

  “I can’t,” Gwen said. “You knocked her out when you hit her over the head. What the hell did you expect to happen?”

  Dr. Stevens growled and grabbed Gwen by her hair. “You might want to be careful of what you say to me. You don’t want to end up like your sister.”

  Paige had tried to make a run for it when Dr. Stevens had skirted around the pool table to grab me, but she hadn’t been quick enough. Now, she was laid out on the floor, with a huge gash on her forehead. Gwen growled back but didn’t say anything.

  His eyes fell on me and a sick, twisted smile spread across his lips. “I bet you never saw this coming, did you?” he sneered.

  I shook my head and slightly moved backward. I was ten feet away from the bar, and I knew the only way we were going to make it out of here was if I was able to get the gun that Slider kept on the shelf.

  “What are you doing?” he shouted at Gwen, his gaze shifting from me.

  I slowly crab-walked backwards, careful not to draw attention to myself.

  Gwen quickly looked at me, and I nodded at her.

  “She needs help,” Gwen shrieked, keeping Dr. Stevens’ attention on her. “Why would you hit her like that?”

  “Because I’m supposed to kill you bitches, so it doesn’t really matter if I knock her out before I do.” He snapped Gwen’s neck back, and she yelped. “Although, I think I might want to have a little fun with you first. I like the ones that fight back.” He licked his lips, and my skin crawled.

  Gwen kicked him in the shin. “You’re fucking disgusting,” she spit out. “I’d rather be dead then have you touch me.”

  “All in due time, my dear.” He pulled on her head, lifting her off the ground and onto her feet. “I could always fuck you when you’re dead, too.”

  Jesus Christ, this guy was one sick fucker. I was almost to the bar when his eyes whipped over to me.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing?” he shouted. “Get your ass over here,” he demanded.

  I needed to think fast. If he got me away from the bar, I knew he wouldn’t let me over here again. I licked my lips shook my head. “I need a drink,” I rasped out.

  He didn’t buy it, but it gave me time to figure out my next move. “Get the fuck over here, now!” he screamed.

  I acted like his words had stunned me and shot up from the ground, and then stumbled over my feet. I fell backwards and landed behind the bar.

  “Get the fuck up and get your clumsy ass over here.”

  The black 9mm was right where Slider had left it the last time we were down here, and I grabbed it as I hoisted myself. “No,” I growled, lifting the gun and pointing it at his head. “Let her the fuck go.”



  I flew down the country roads, praying I wasn’t too late.

  King and half of the club were behind me, all of them hell-bent on getting to my house.

  This was the time I cursed myself for buying a house outside of town. The ten minute drive felt like an hour, and each second that ticked by, I could feel Fayth slipping away from me.

  I careened into the drive, and in one fluid movement, I knocked the kickstand down and shot off of my bike. The garage door was open, and Creed was lying in the middle of the floor, unconscious.

ing wait,” King called.

  I pulled my gun out of the waistband of my jeans and shook my head. I couldn’t fucking wait. That asshole had Fayth, and I had promised that nothing would happen to her. I was going to keep my promise this time.

  “Call an ambulance,” King barked. His footsteps sounded behind me, and I looked back to see he had his gun drawn.

  “I got you,” he said.

  I nodded and slowly opened the door. I instantly heard Fayth yelling for the doctor to let someone go. I looked back at King and pointed down to the basement. Somehow, Fayth had gotten trapped in the basement with the lunatic. That was probably the worst place to be. There was only one way out.

  “You shoot me, I’ll stick this needle in her!”

  I stepped into the house, checked to make sure there wasn’t anyone in the kitchen, and put one foot on the steps. King laid a hand on my shoulder and held me back. He pointed down at the ground and shook his head. “Lay down,” he whispered.

  Fayth was yelling at the doctor, and I prayed she could distract him long enough for me to get in a position. I laid down on my stomach, set the gun three steps lower, and slowly slid down the stairs.

  Four steps down, I was able to see Fayth facing me, my 9mm in her hand, pointed at a guy who was holding Gwen by her neck.

  “Get away from her,” Fayth screeched again.

  “You won’t shoot me. I know what it takes to kill someone, and you don’t have it in you.”

  Fayth shook her head and cocked the trigger. “Try me, fucker,” she bellowed.

  The doctor held something to Gwen’s neck and laughed. “One stick of this needle, and she’s dead,” he threatened.

  “One bullet between your eyes, and you’re dead, asshole,” Fayth spit out.

  “You can’t kill me!” he shouted. He lunged at Fayth, Gwen still under his arm.

  I took my shot, knowing it wasn’t a clear one, but I had to take it. Just as I pulled the trigger, Fayth moved the gun down and fired a bullet into his foot. He released Gwen just before my bullet ripped through his back and sent him careening onto the floor.


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