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Claimed (Trojans MC Book 10)

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  She glanced over the menu.

  Burgers. Chicken. Steak. Meat pies.

  The waitress didn’t give them long to choose.

  Going to the back, Anna found what she could eat.

  Landon ordered himself a burger with nuggets on the side and fries smothered in cheese.

  “I’ll take the salad, no dressing, and no extras for me.”

  “Don’t you want anything else?” Landon asked.

  “No, I’m good. Thank you.”

  She forced a smile to her lips, and turned to look at Landon as the waitress walked off. She was a big girl. Hips, tits, and ass, and she had no problem with her figure. People always assumed she ordered salads because of her weight. Furthest thing from the truth.

  It was just easier for her to allow people to make assumptions.

  Pushing her hair out of the way, she smiled at Landon.

  “I earned a second visit from you. I must be lucky not to scare you off,” she said.

  “I didn’t know you’d be home.”

  “You called my cell phone.” She hadn’t heard from Maya yet, but she hoped to. To Anna it looked like Maya could use a friend. “I could have been anywhere.”

  He leaned over the table and brushed across her breast. She was about to snap at him but stopped as he held up a piece of cotton.

  “Now you know what I was doing.”



  “Your friend, has she told you yet when you’re next going out?”

  “Yes, this Friday in fact. We’re heading back to the clubhouse.”

  “My clubhouse?”

  “Are you the one in charge?”

  “No.” He snorted. “That’s Duke. Maybe you’ll meet him one day.”


  “This Friday you’ll be in for a special treat.”

  “I will?”

  “Yes. We were tame last week because of the kids being upstairs. This week there is no holding back.”

  “Right, and you think a prude is going to enjoy it.”

  “You’ll have the chance to prove me wrong about you being a prude.”



  “How awesome.” She couldn’t help but laugh.

  There was something about Landon that made her feel … happy. She didn’t understand why, but he did. Even when he’d annoyed her, she still enjoyed his company and found she couldn’t be angry with him for very long.

  “This Friday will make it a third time.”

  “Won’t it be our fourth?”

  “Last week doesn’t count.”

  “Why not?”

  “I was at your place, and you didn’t seek me out. We met. Totally innocent in our meeting as well, might I add.”

  “What about Saturday? I wasn’t hunting for you.”

  “Were you thinking about me though?” She waited, and he didn’t deny it. “You were?”

  “Then you know it counts. Today counts. So this makes our second. Friday will be our third. Do all the women get this much attention from you?”

  “Nothing like it at all.”

  “Then I’m special.”

  “Totally special.”


  He laughed. “You’re … different.”

  “I’ll take that.”

  The waitress brought them their food. Landon’s plate was piled high with lots of food.

  Her salad looked rather pitiful.

  Grabbing her fork, she pierced a lettuce and tomato. The salad here needed a little work. Not a single grain in sight.

  She took a bite, and saw the salad consisted of lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers. She ate it anyway while glancing around the diner, before returning her gaze to Landon.

  This date was all new to her. She wasn’t exactly known for dating or spending much time with anyone, not since the move. Even visits from Misty were limited.

  “Are you sure you don’t want a bite of my burger?” Landon asked.

  “No, no. I’m fine. Thank you.”

  She ate her salad, finishing before Landon.

  “Look at the dessert menu,” he said, after putting the last piece of burger in his mouth.

  Lifting up the menu, she saw everything was covered in cream or ice cream.

  “I’m good. I’m full.”

  “You don’t want any dessert?”

  “No. I’m fine. You go ahead.”

  “I don’t mind you eating in front of me,” Landon said.

  “I don’t have a problem eating, believe me. It’s all good.” She smiled at him. She’d get something more to eat at home. Maybe some noodles, or something else.

  “This has never happened before,” he said.


  “The food is gone and you’re not lingering for some more time by ordering food.”

  She chuckled. “You’ve never been on a date before?”

  “No. This took less than…” He stopped to check the time. “Half an hour.”

  He looked completely gutted to have had such a small date, and she didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

  “How about we go back to my place? I’ll make you some tea.”


  “If you want coffee we’ll have to stop by the store. I don’t keep any on hand. I drink tea.”

  “I’ll take a tea.”

  “Okay then.”

  Anna grabbed some money out of pocket, but Landon stopped her.

  “This is my treat.”

  “I don’t mind paying.”

  “There are some things I’m capable of doing. Let this be one of them.”

  She wanted to argue with him but decided against it. Even as she tried to ignore the whispering, there was no way she’d be able to as they were more than happy to glance, point, and talk.

  People were so rude. This was just another reason in an endless list of reasons why she liked to keep her own company.

  Climbing on the back of Landon’s bike, she held onto him as he took her back to her apartment building.

  She’d never had a man come back to her place before. The men before him who she dated randomly, she either went to a motel or their place, sneaking out afterward. This was her space to be herself without trying to put on any shows.

  Landon parked his bike, and he took her hand as they walked into the building. She typed in the code, the only security system within the block.

  The elevator worked, but she always took the stairs, going toward the third floor.

  Pulling out her key, she flicked open the lock and entered her space.

  It was still light out, and she closed the door behind Landon. The main living room was her sewing space. No television, just sewing and her dressmaking mannequin.

  “You weren’t kidding about what you did,” he said.

  “This is everything I do.”

  “Doesn’t this freak you out? It’s like a body without a head.”

  She laughed. “I’ll make some tea.”

  Her hands shook as she filled the kettle.

  Every now and then, she chanced a glance over at Landon. He was staring at her fabrics and space. With their cups made up, she turned to find him at the kitchen.

  “You have a nice space.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You don’t expect a lot of guests, do you?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  He took a sip of his tea, and she saw he liked it, taking another sip.

  “I make you nervous?”

  “No, you don’t.”

  He stepped into the kitchen. She didn’t move back but watched as he stalked his way toward her. He wasn’t coy about it either.

  He stepped right up close. The tips of his toes touched hers, and she tilted her head back to look up at him.

  His hands brushed her hips, sliding up just a little. The backs of his fingers teased across her breasts as he pushed some of her hair out of his way.

  “Are you a prude, Anna?”

  “Why don’t you try and find out?” she asked.

  For several seconds he didn’t move. She was leaving this to him.

  Landon had initiated all of this, and now it was up to him what he wanted to do and how he wanted to do it.

  She licked her lips, and he let out a groan.

  His mouth slammed down onto hers, and she gasped, moaning as he kissed her hard.


  Anna didn’t push him away, and Landon was so fucking pleased with that.

  Cupping her generous hip, he slid his hand down, finding her knee and lifting her leg up over his hip, placing his aching cock against her core. He wanted her.

  She circled her arms around his neck, and he held her still, wanting her more than anything, desperate and hungry for all she could give him. These feelings were not natural to him.

  He’d used plenty of women in his time. None of them had ever made him feel this way, and he didn’t like it, but he couldn’t stop kissing her.

  Anna was nothing more than an itch in his thoughts, and he needed to scratch her right out of his system. What made her so intriguing was how different she was.

  The other women in his world, they threw themselves at him, begging for his attention, and he didn’t fight them. He always gave in because he was getting a fuck out of it.

  As he lifted her up onto the counter, she wrapped her legs around him, her fingers sinking into his hair as he bit her lip.

  Breaking from the kiss, he nibbled down to her neck, biting on the flesh as she cried out. Grabbing her shirt, he tore open the fabric, buttons spraying in all directions as he opened it.

  The lace of her bra teased him. The dark red of her nipples was peeking through, begging to be sucked, and he wanted them.

  Sliding his tongue across each peak, he heard the slight catch as he bit down over the lace.

  Glancing up, he found her staring at him.

  “Do you expect me to run?” she asked.

  He cupped her between the thighs, testing her to see if she was a prude but fighting it. She spread her legs wide, and he wanted to touch her. She felt hot to the touch, and he wanted more.

  Rubbing against her cunt, he pressed his thumb on her covered slit, watching her to see if he was even close to her clit.

  She leaned back, the cupboard at her back, stopping her.

  The kitchen wasn’t the best place for this. He needed a hard surface.

  Lifting her up, he didn’t even need to ask where to go. This apartment was small, and he only had one destination, her bedroom.

  He kicked open the door; he’d fix anything that was broken. When he dropped her down to the bed, she stood right up and pushed his leather cut off his shoulders. Next she went for his shirt, and, seeing as she was undressing him, he had no problems with taking her clothes off as well.

  He pulled her pants down, and she kicked them off along with her shoes. She bent down, untying the laces of his boots, and he had to sit on the bed to take them off.

  As Anna removed the last of her clothes, he did the same until he was sitting on the bed naked, and she stood before him, exactly the same. She didn’t try to hide her body or play coy with him. There was no reason for her to, and certainly nothing for her to hide. He liked every single part of what he saw. She was everything he wanted, and there was no holding back.

  She stepped close, and he put his hands on her hips, enjoying the feel of her against him. She nudged him back against the bed, taking his lips, and he loved that she wasn’t waiting for him to initiate anything. This was all on her, and he loved it, relished it, craved it.

  All it would take was his flipping her to the bed and he’d be the one in charge, but he was more curious in how she’d take this.

  One of her hands rested on the bed beside his head while the other ran down his body, cupping his dick. He groaned as she bit on his lip, sucking it into her mouth.

  “Do you have a condom?” she asked.

  “You don’t need to ask stupid questions. It’s in my pocket.”

  She pulled away from him, and going to his elbows, he watched as she pulled out the condom, tore into the foil packet, and climbed back on the bed. She pinched the end and slowly rolled the latex over his length.

  He was so fucking hard, she didn’t have to fight to get the condom on.

  Without waiting for a response from him, he watched as she straddled his waist, held his cock to her entrance, and felt her consume him as she slid down his length, inch by glorious inch.

  Her tits were nice and big, more than a handful.

  Landon let her take control, waiting to see what she’d do.

  She took all of him and released a moan as she sat on his balls. It felt incredible. Her pussy was so tight, and he had to hold her. Cupping her hips, he stroked up to hold her breasts, brushing over the hard peaks of her nipples before moving down her back, gripping her ass, bending his knees and sitting up. She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him.

  “It has been a little time for me,” she said.

  “Me too.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “Do you care?”

  “No. I don’t like to be lied to.”

  “I’m not lying. I’m used to having a new woman every single day. It has been a couple of months for me.”

  “Okay, same for me.”

  “Just a couple of months?”

  “Yes. There are plenty of men out there who are more than willing to have sex. I haven’t gone hunting for it.”

  He pushed her hair off her shoulder. She used his shoulders and began to rock up and down his length, and he watched her, not wanting her to stop, but she wasn’t going fast enough for his liking.

  Finally, he changed their positions, sliding her to the bed as he drew up. He grabbed her legs, holding them against him as he began to pump inside her. His condom-covered dick was slick, and in that split second, he wished it wasn’t in his way to claim her.

  He had to have her, to feel her against him, to fuck her, to take every single part of her and make her belong to him.

  He wouldn’t do that, not yet.

  Dropping her legs, he lifted one over his hip and began to fuck her harder, wanting to feel so deep inside her. It wasn’t enough, and he took possession of her lips. A part of him wanted to wipe out all memory and all trace of any other man. He didn’t know or understand why he suddenly felt this overwhelming need to claim her, to make her his, but it was there, bubbling beneath the surface, and he had no control over it.

  Taking hold of her hands, he pressed them to the bed, keeping her locked beneath him, which was exactly where she should be. For this briefest of moments, she was going to belong to him.

  Breaking from the kiss, he bit down on her neck, sucking on her pulse, wanting to leave his mark, to take her to peaks she’d never even dreamed of.

  Pulling out of her tight cunt, he needed a taste to rid her from his mind. No woman had ever made him ache like this or feel this possessive, and after today, he had to be done with her. He never saw a woman more than twice, and he certainly didn’t fuck them.

  Sliding his tongue over her clit, he filled her cunt with three fingers.

  “Yes, oh, yes,” she said.

  Swirling, flicking, sucking, biting, he teased her, glancing up her body to see her shaking as he drew her close to the edge, but didn’t let her topple over it. He kept her balanced right there at the peak.

  “Please,” she said.

  Throwing her into an orgasm, he watched her, mesmerized as she simply came without any drama, or screaming his name.

  Before she had even finished, he plunged his cock deep inside her, feeling the last flutters of her orgasm, and he couldn’t help but groan.

  She had a gorgeous pussy, and he watched as she took his cock. Her little hole opened up for him, taking all of him, and he felt his own release starting to build. His balls tingled as he watched her.

  Her tits bounced as he took her, driving into her, knowing he was about
to fill the condom, when in the back of his mind, all he wanted to be filling was her cunt.

  He grabbed her hands again, keeping them locked above her head, holding her in place, taking her lips, as he finally came. He growled her name, closing his eyes as pleasure overtook him.

  Seconds passed, maybe even minutes, but finally, he was able to think and to focus and when he opened his eyes, he found Anna smiling at him.

  “That was amazing,” she said.

  He smirked. “At least I know I’ve still got it.”

  Chapter Five

  “What happened after that?” Misty asked.

  Anna glanced back at the ink rooms and saw they were still in somewhat privacy. “Not a whole lot. He got a call, things got a little awkward, and well, I went back to sewing.”

  “Oh, my, I can’t believe you got it on with a Trojan guy.”

  “I don’t even want to think about this right now. It was just sex, Misty. I don’t even know why I told you.” She continued to wipe down the table from any dust she may have missed five minutes ago.

  Misty had offered to take her out to lunch, but seeing as she was still working, that hadn’t happened. Then her best friend had heard about her random date with Landon, and so, she couldn’t seem to keep her mouth shut.

  “Do you know anything about Landon at all?” Misty asked, jumping on the counter, folding her legs, and looking so smug and happy.

  “Nothing at all, why?”

  “Let’s just say, he’s not known for seeing a chick more than once if you know what I mean.”

  “We haven’t seen each other more than once. One date at the diner, a bad salad, and we were done by seven. Believe me, there is no chance of me seeing him again.”

  “Have you called him?” Misty asked.

  “I don’t have his number, and I don’t call guys.”

  “This guy is different. He’s not like the Erics of this world.”

  “You loved Eric,” she said.

  “No, you did. I kind of put up with him. Besides, any guy who doesn’t like my best friend doesn’t deserve for me to like him.”

  “I love your way of thinking.”

  “Awesome, so what are you going to do?” Misty asked.


  “Oh, come on. You’re telling me right now you’re not a teeny bit curious if he’s thinking about you?” Misty held her thumb and finger together.


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