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The Antares Codex Box Set

Page 41

by Bob Cooper

  “I hope you’re right. We need to get back to work.”

  The judge stood up. “Would the defendants please rise.”

  Raina, Robert, and the Brothers stood as the judge stepped down from the bench and out towards them.

  “After reviewing the details in this case, I rule in favor of the defendants. There was absolutely no merit in this case at all. I believe it was politically motivated, and I will see to it that the appropriate government participants will be named for reprimand. I also find that all court costs for the defendants be paid by the plaintiff and that a judgment in the sum of three hundred and fifty thousand credits be paid for the loss of commerce.”

  Raina couldn’t contain her joy after winning her first court case and hugged everyone there, including the judge.

  “Thank you so much. We are forever grateful for all your hard work. We need to get back on track. I must contact Acey and discuss our finances,” Ignacio said.

  She had to tell Acey. Leaving the courtroom, she found a quiet corner in the building and called Acey.


  “Acey, I won. The judge ruled in favor of us and even awarded damages to the Brothers,” she said, squealing with happiness.

  “I’m so happy for you. We need to celebrate. How about tonight at my place for dinner.”

  “Sounds good. By the way, give the Brothers a call. They want to review their financial situation and make plans to get back to work.”

  “Yes. I need to do that, don’t I?”

  “Okay. I’ll see you tonight. Is there anything I can bring?”

  “Well I’m finishing up some shopping with Annie, and I need to stop by the hospital afterward. Could you contact Dirk? Invite him and Norma. And pick up some dessert.”


  “Yes, I’ll explain later. It seems they’re an item these days.”

  “I’ll be damned,” Raina said. “Okay, I’m off. Say hi to Aidan for me.”

  “Will do.”

  Acey hung up as Annie came out of the dressing room. After a trip to the salon and a new haircut, she looked stunning in her new outfit.

  “You look so pretty,” Acey said, twirling her around in front of the mirror.”

  Annie almost didn’t recognize herself as she stood there, staring in amazement.

  “Thank you so much. I love it,” she said hugging Acey.

  “Okay, let’s go show you off to Aidan now,” Acey said.


  Aidan went through the last regiment of physical therapy. The doctors said he would need more surgery, but for now, he could go home. He sat on the chair, waiting for Acey to pick him up. Looking through messages on his computer, he saw all the get-well wishes from his friends. But there was one message marked “Encrypted—For Your Eyes Only.” No sender was associated with it. Opening it, he found a secured link containing several attachments from the Citizen Guard. One was an honorable discharge signed and dated back to when he left them, and the other was a job offer re-instating him in the Guard with a promotion to Sergeant. The note said:

  Thank you for your service. I hope you give this consideration.


  Captain Peter Ryan, Citizen Guard

  Aidan reread the discharge papers several times. Memories of his father came rushing back—his untimely death in the Guard, the promise Aidan made to him, and how Aidan dishonored that promise by helping Dirk. He forgot about his condition, stood up and let out a loud, Yeah Baby!

  Acey walked in time to see him dancing around the room with a big grin on his face.

  “What’s this all about?” she asked.

  “I’ve been honorably discharged from the Guard. Plus, I can go back at a rank of Sergeant if I want,” he said, grabbing her with his good arm and kissing her.

  “That is so great. I’m happy for you.”

  “Where’s Annie?” he asked, noticing she wasn’t there.

  “Okay. Sit down for this,” Acey said.

  “I present to you, Ms. Annie Stewart.”

  Annie walked in and stood there for a minute to let Aidan see her transformation. Then she ran to Aidan and hugged him.

  “What do you think?” Annie said, turning slowly for Aidan.

  “You look amazing, Annie.”

  “Thanks,” he said to Acey, kissing her again.

  “Let’s get you out of here. They discharged Hillary little while ago. We’re all meeting at my place for a celebration dinner, so I have to get moving,” Acey said.


  Dirk, Norma, and Raina were at Acey’s apartment by the time Acey showed up with Aidan and Annie. By then, Acey had given the news to everyone about Aidan’s honorable discharge, and they all congratulated him—especially Dirk, who felt responsible for putting him in the situation in the first place.

  Acey led Aidan to a recliner and helped him settle in. He was weak, but he had no intentions of missing the celebration.

  “A toast to family,” Raina said, passing out glasses of Champagne.

  They raised their glasses and drank down the first of many toasts.

  “Where’s Hillary and Billy?” Acey asked Raina.

  “Billy called and said they were running late, but they would be here.”

  The ladies returned to the kitchen, putting the final touches on dinner. Dirk took a seat close to Aidan.

  “Have you decided if you’re going to pursue Captain Ryan’s proposal?” Dirk asked.

  “I’ve been thinking about it. Most likely, they will give me a desk job. I wouldn’t like that at all,” he answered.

  “Hmmm. But it’s steady income—a nine to five job.”

  “Yes, but I think I can make my PI business work. It will allow me flex-time to spend with Annie when I need to.”

  “But your income will be erratic, at best.”

  “Yes, I know. But I have many friends and colleagues that are willing to do business with me. Anyways, I’d like to try it and see where it goes.”

  Dirk would be forever grateful to Aidan for helping him. If it wasn’t for Aidan’s help, Dirk wouldn’t be around today, and he knew it. Dirk turned and looked directly at Aidan.

  “There’s no doubt in my mind that you will be successful. You have a good head on your shoulders and a pure heart. If you ever need anything, please count on me.”

  “Thank you. I will do that.”

  “Dinner’s ready!” Annie shouted motioning to Dirk and Aidan to come to the table.

  Dirk stood up to help Aidan out of the chair.

  “Wait. One more thing,” Aidan said.

  Dirk waited as Aidan stood and faced him.

  “I want to ask Acey to marry me,” he said, quietly waiting for Dirk’s reaction.

  “I would be proud to have you and Annie as part of my family,” he said, smiling at him.

  “Do you think she….”

  “That I don’t know. You’ll have to ask her. But I’m rooting for you,” he said, helping him over to the table.

  “Where’s Billy and Hillary?” Aidan asked.

  “Good question. They should be here by now,” Acey answered.

  Acey picked up her com link and called Billy.

  “Hi, Billy. Where are you guys?”

  “Acey, I can’t talk right now. Hillary passed out and is back in the hospital. Something is wrong with the baby. I’ll talk to you later.”


  Dirk herded them into his vehicle and took the fastest way he knew to the hospital. Pulling up to the emergency entrance, he let them out and parked in the garage across the street. Again, in the hospital, he thought to himself. Running through the door, he saw Billy talking to the rest of the group. From his animated gestures and disheveled appearance, Dirk knew this wasn’t going to be good.

  “They won’t let me in. I don’t know what’s happening?” Dirk heard him say to them before he sat down exasperated.

  “Calm down. She’s in good hands. She’ll be alright. And so will the baby,” Acey said.

  Annie was visibly upset, seeing Billy in this emotional state and moved close to Acey.

  “Will she be alright?” she asked Acey.

  “I don’t know. We’ll have to wait and see,” she said, squeezing her hand tightly.

  Raina pulled Dirk aside and filled him in.

  “Her water broke, and she passed out while they were on their way to Acey’s. Hillary came to when they arrived at the hospital, but she was in a lot of pain. They’re evaluating her now.”

  “I see,” he said as the doctor walked in the room.

  Billy ran up to him.

  “Is she alright and the baby….”

  “Everything is fine with Ms. Grant. She is resting comfortably. The baby came prematurely, but she’s in an artificial womb in the nursery. She’s on around-the-clock care. I should let you know that, even with today’s advances, any time a baby is born this early, there is always a chance for complications.”

  “Complications! What do you mean complications?” Billy panicked.

  “Try to calm down. We are working hard to make sure she is okay.

  “Can I see her?”

  “You can see Ms. Grant, but I’m afraid you cannot be permitted in the neonatal ICU yet.”

  Billy turned and faced everyone. “I’ll be right back,” he said, following the doctor to Hillary’s room.

  The light was off, but Billy could see her laying there staring at the ceiling. Walking up to her, he kissed her gently. She was slightly sedated, but a smile came to her face as she reached out for his hand.

  “How’s the baby?” she asked in a weak voice.

  “They’re working on her now,” he said, brushing her hair out of her face. “We can’t see her yet.”

  Hillary slipped off to sleep. Billy didn’t notice the doctor standing in the room.

  “Best to let her get some rest. I heard about the trauma she’s been through. No doubt that’s what triggered the premature birth. Physically, she’s fine. She needs some rest.”

  “Thanks for all you have done. When can we see our daughter?”

  “She’s in the neonatal intensive care – under twenty-four watch. You and Hillary can see her, but we request no one else in there until she’s stable.”

  “How long will she have to be there?”

  “I don’t know. She was examined, and her bodily functions are responding as expected except for her….”

  “For her, what?” Billy asked.

  “Her heart. It’s too small to pump enough blood. We have her connected to a machine. It’s helping her pump blood.”

  Billy sat on the chair with his head in his hands. He needed some rest.

  “Is it alright if I stay here with Hillary?”

  “Sure. I’ll have a cot brought up.”

  Billy walked down the hall to the waiting room to let the group know what the doctor had said. Since they couldn’t see Hillary, they reluctantly went home with the promised to come back tomorrow. Billy watched them leave in a somber procession out the hospital door. Returning to the room, he lay on the cot, waiting for sleep. It never came.


  Acey woke, showered, ate some breakfast, and made a quick call to the hospital. She then headed over to Raina’s office where the Brothers waited for her. With the lawsuit behind them, they were eager to get the business running again.

  “Good morning,” Ignacio said to Acey. “I trust everything is well with your friend Hillary?”

  “She’s fine, but the baby is in intensive care.”

  “Give her our regards,” Jose’ said.

  “Will do. I apologize for neglecting my duties during this….”

  “No need to apologize. We understand. And we have some news we would like to tell you,” Jose’ said, looking at Ignacio.

  “Yes, we decided to turn the business over to new owners,” Ignacio said. “I have asked Raina to draw up the papers.”

  “New owners? Do I have a job?” Acey asked, somewhat shocked.

  “Yes, you and the rest of the employees will be the new owners and run the business. We will retain a silent interest and retain ownership as stipulated by our father, but you and the other employees will make decisions for the future, run the day-to-day business, and grow the company. We will take a percentage of the profits. The rest will be split amongst yourselves; however, you decide.”

  Acey looked at Raina, who shrugged her shoulders.

  “We are asking you to review this with the rest of the company and come up with a management structure. You will be the new CEO, but we need your expertise as our Astro-Archeologist.”

  “Me? CEO? Of the JPG Interstellar Mining Company?” Acey asked in total amazement.

  “Yes, you are the only one who knows the finances and regulatory aspects of the business and can keep the company on track. The other employees are great for what they do, but they lack your perspective,” Ignacio said.

  The discussions continued all day, and at the end, Acey became more comfortable with her new role.”

  “Well, Ms. CEO, how’s it feel to be in charge of the company,” Raina teased after the Brothers left.

  “I don’t know what to think. They have given me a unique opportunity,” Acey replied.

  “Yes, they have. I’m so proud of my little sister,” Raina said, hugging her.


  Andrea came over Aidan’s place to watch Annie when her shift at the café ended. It was late, and Annie was ready for bed. Thanking Andrea, he headed out to pick up Acey. She was at Dirk’s place, discussing the CEO position. When he arrived, Aidan had not heard the news yet. Dirk saw him drive up.

  “I see Aidan has arrived. We can continue our discussion tomorrow if you want?” Dirk said.

  “I would like that. I’ll call you. Say hi to Norma,” she said, heading out the door.

  Aidan opened the vehicle’s door, and she stepped in.

  “How’s Hillary and the baby doing?” he asked.

  “The baby is in intensive care. Hillary said the doctors are amazed at the baby’s resilience and how she’s progressing. Her heart is almost normal, and they took her off the machines. Billy and Hillary were able to see her for the first time.”

  “That’s great. Does she have a name yet?”

  “Not yet. They’re working on it. Uh, where are we going?”

  “I thought we would get some dinner and then go out dancing.”

  “Dancing! You dancing?”

  “You act surprised. I’ll have you know that in my younger day I could really get down.”

  “Get down?”

  “Yeah, like party hardy.”

  “This I got to see,” Acey said, laughing.

  Aidan pulled up to the valet at the restaurant and opened the door again for Acey.

  Twice in one night. What’s going on, she thought.

  The table was in the corner, away from the rest of the patrons. A fresh bouquet of red roses was neatly presented in a crystal vase. Out the window, the city lights sparkled in the desert night heat. Acey read the attached note: For all we’ve been through, Love, Aidan.

  “Thank you so much. They’re beautiful.”

  When Acey looked up, the waiter was there pouring two glasses champagne.

  “To us,” Aidan said, holding his glass up.

  “To us,” Acey said, smiling and clinking glasses with him.

  Acey suspected this was going to be a special night gauging Aidan’s non-characteristic behavior. She had a hunch he was going to propose.

  Aidan felt around in his pocket for the box containing the ring.

  “I have some rather extraordinary news to tell you. It happened this afternoon when I was talking to the Brothers.”

  “What was that?” he asked, sliding the box back into his pocket.

  “I’m the new CEO of the JPG Interstellar Mining Company. The Brother’s turned the company over to the employees to run. Plus, I keep my duties as Resident Archeologist. I’m going to be very busy getting the company organized.”
  “That’s great. I knew you were destined for great things.”

  She smiled at him, and he let out a loud sigh. Maybe this isn’t the right time to do this, he thought. There was a long period of silence as they sipped the champagne and read the menu. The waiter took their order, and Acey watched him process what she said. What started out as a very romantic evening was quickly becoming awkward. Finally, she took his hand.

  “How’s Annie doing?”

  “She’s fine. Andrea’s watching her.”

  He decided to go for it. He reached into his pocket with his other hand and put the small, purple box on the table. No matter what she says, he was going to ask her. Acey looked at the box, knowing what was coming next. She watched him open it. A half-carat diamond surrounded by several citrine stones sparkled as he took it out.

  “Acey, all I can say is I never loved anyone as much as I do you. I want us to spend the rest of our lives together. Will you marry me?”

  He waited, holding his breath as she stared at the ring. Tears streamed down her cheeks. She squeezed his hand tighter.

  “That depends,” she said, wiping her face.

  Aidan waited for her to specify the condition.

  “That depends on if you’re willing to be patient with me while I get the CEO position on track. It’s going to be a lot of hard work, and I’ll need your support.”

  Aidan exhaled and slipped the ring on her finger. “Of course, I will. We’re both experiencing new challenges in our lives. We can see them through together,” he said.

  “How do you think Annie will react?” Acey asked, voicing her other concern.

  “You know she thinks the world of you, and she was pushing hard for me to marry you. Besides, she said my consignment shop clothes weren’t cutting it. She likes to go shopping with you.”

  They both laughed again.

  Aidan stood up and came over to Acey. Coaxing her up from the chair, he took her with his good arm and kissed her as the waiters brought their meals.

  “I love you so much,” he said and kissed her again.

  Applause from the tables around them brought a shy smile to Acey as Aidan continued to hold her. He was oblivious to what was happening around him. After eating, Aidan showed her his best boogie moves.


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