The Antares Codex Box Set

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The Antares Codex Box Set Page 45

by Bob Cooper

  “Okay,” she said, holding back her tears.

  “First, check the stabilization dial on the top left of the con. It should have STAB written underneath it. Do you see it?”

  She moved over and found it. “I see it.”

  “What is it doing?”

  “It’s flashing red.”

  “Okay, now press the button next to it and let’s see if it resets the gyros and gets you steady.”

  She pushed the button. There was a whining sound, and then the ship flipped end-over-end throwing Carina into the monitor and then back. The ship righted itself and became steady.

  “It worked! It worked! We’re not tumbling.”

  “That’s great! Now, go over to Mr. Saunders and see if he is still unconscious.” Carina rushed over. She detected him breathing shallowly, and there was a cut on his forehead with a small trickle of blood running down his face. “He’s still unconscious and has a cut on his forehead, but he’s breathing.”

  “Okay, let’s check the navigation system. The flight plans were put into the computer before you left so we need to see if the nav computer is following the flight plan. Look on the monitor in the lower right-hand corner and tell me what you see.”

  Carina found four rows of letters and numbers. All displayed a specific value except for the last row. It was spinning through numbers faster than Carina could make out.

  “I see four rows of numbers and letters, but the last one is spinning very fast.”

  This time there was silence. Carina waited and then repeated what she said.

  “Okay, little lady. That means that the nav computer lost the plan for the return trip. But not to worry. We can fix that. You stay calm and do as I say. All right?”

  “Uh, okay. What do I do?”

  “I’m checking your flight plan now. We’re going to modify it, so I get you back to Earth faster. I’m uploading it now. Recheck the monitor and tell me what you see.”

  “Nothing’s changed!”

  Carina heard a string of cuss words. She looked over to Dirk. He was no longer wedged in and was floating in the back.

  “Hi, Carina. Here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to fly that tin can back to Earth.”

  “I can’t do that. We’re going to die, aren’t we? Oh, my God!” she said, bursting into tears.

  “Carina. Cowboy doesn’t let his friends die. Do you hear me? Now pay attention, and when you get back, we’re going to make you a Starship Captain.

  Carina looked back at Dirk again. “Okay, I’m ready,” she said, sobbing.

  Cowboy walked her through the use of the controls and told her how to monitor her speed and direction. She couldn’t believe his instructions enabled her to bring the ship in. Amazingly, she saw Earth.

  “Is that Earth?”

  “Yes, it is, sweetheart. You made it. Look at your monitor. What do you see?”

  “I see three ships.”

  “Good. One is going to dock with your ship. But you have to open the emergency hatch when I tell you.”

  “How do I do that?”

  “In the back, on the cabin ceiling, there is a wheel. When I tell you, push the button next to it and when it turns green, turn the wheel counter-clockwise. You’ll hear a rush of air and the medics will help you and Dirk on board.”

  “Okay, I’m going over there now.”

  She checked Dirk one more time. His eyes were opening, and he reached out for her.

  “Gramps, they’re coming to get us. Hold on.”

  He smiled at her.

  There was a clunking sound that shook the ship.

  “Okay, you ready?”


  “Push the button now.”

  Carina did and heard gears turning above her. The light turned green.

  “The light’s green.”

  “Good. Now turn the wheel.”

  Carina grabbed the wheel and turned it with all her might. It didn’t move. She tried again. Nothing.

  “I can’t get it open!”

  “You have to get it open. Try again. I know you can do it.”

  Carina grabbed the wheel, but nothing happened. She started to cry. She felt a hand next to hers. Dirk was there. Together they were able to open it. An arm reached down and pulled Carina into the rescue ship. Then they brought Dirk in. Taking off their suits, she hugged him so tight he gasped for air.

  Medics began to immediately attend to them. “You did an excellent job. We’ll have you on Earth in no time. We notified your parents.”

  Carina’s eyes bugged out. “Oh, no! They’re going to kill me.”


  Two emergency vehicles were waiting, along with medical personnel. Dirk’s vehicle left first with sirens screaming as Hillary and Billy jumped in the second vehicle with Carina. Hillary was crying and held her hand.

  “Mom. Dad. I’m sorry,” was all she could say.

  “Shhh. Be still,” Hillary whispered, brushing the hair out of Carina’s eyes.

  They arrived at the hospital and wheeled her into the Emergency room where several doctors evaluated her condition. Billy and Hillary were waiting outside when one of the doctors came over to them.

  “She’s fine. Nothing medically wrong. She’s frazzled, that’s all. But we’re keeping her overnight to make sure. Oh, one more thing, she wants to stay with her Grandfather.”

  “How’s he doing?” Billy asked.

  “He suffered a severe concussion. He’s conscious. We are having tests done right now.”

  “He’s not her Grandfather. She calls him that. It would be good for them to be together,” Hillary said, looking at Billy. Billy concurred.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” the doctor said.

  Norma, Acey, Aidan, and Annie came running toward Hillary.

  “What the hell happened?” Acey asked Hillary as they hugged.

  Hillary told them the story as best as she could piece together. Acey was furious with Dirk.

  “What the hell was he thinking? He can’t fly anymore. Why would he do this?” she said in frustration.

  Norma and Annie calmed her down.

  “I’ve seen this coming,” Norma said. “I should have mentioned it to you.”

  “Saw what coming?” Acey asked.

  “He’s like a lost puppy. He wanders to your office, Annie, looking for scraps of work to make him feel useful, then to the park where he sits on a park bench. He comes home, watches the news and goes to bed. He’s lost purpose.”

  “Where are all his friends? Why doesn’t he hang out with them?” Annie asked.

  “Annie, most of them are dead. The others moved away. All he has is us, and we’re all too busy for him except Carina. She’s young enough to be fascinated by his stories. She worships him. But his actions were inexcusable. He must be made to understand that,” she said.

  Acey cried openly as Annie and Aidan tried to console her. “I’m so sorry for this,” she said, apologizing to everyone.

  “Does Raina know what happened?” Norma asked.

  “I’ll call her,” Aidan said. “You guys go see him, and I’ll catch up with you.”


  Raina stirred as the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafted up to the second floor of her condo. It was seven-thirty, and she had a lot of work to catch up on before the Senate convened on Monday. Before she could get out of bed, the door opened. Sue came in carrying a tray with fruit, toast, and coffee.

  “Good morning, sleepy head,” she said, laying the tray down on the bed.

  She bent over and kissed Raina. “I’m so glad you’re home. I’ve missed you.”

  Raina pulled her closer, almost spilling the coffee in the tray. “I’m glad to be home, too. I missed you.”

  Sue got under the covers and lifted the tray on to Raina’s lap. “Go ahead, eat,” she said, moving into Raina.

  Raina took a sip of coffee and bit into the toast.

  “How was your trip back home?”

  “It was great. I
miss everyone.”

  “Did you miss me?” Sue asked, looking deeply into her eyes.

  “Of course I’ve missed you. I don’t like it when we are apart.”

  “Did you tell them about us?”

  “No, not yet.”

  Raina was going to come out to the family and tell them about Sue. They had been together for over a year and were deeply in love.

  Sue shot up in the bed. “Why not. You said you were …”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I couldn’t find the right time. I promise the next trip, I will tell them.

  “Why are you so afraid of what they’ll think? From what you told me, your family sounds like they would understand.”

  Raina was trying to think of an excuse when the com link buzzed.

  “Hi, Raina, Aidan said.

  “Hi. Is something wrong?”

  Aidan took a deep breath. “There’s been an accident. Dirk and Carina are in the hospital.”

  “Oh, my god! What happened?” she asked, getting out bed.

  Aidan told her what he knew of the story.

  “How serious is he?”

  “He’s got a severe concussion. He’s in and out of consciousness. He’ll be in the hospital for several days.”

  “How about Carina?”

  “She’s fine. They’re keeping her overnight for observation. I’ll call you when they can talk to you.”

  “Aidan, I’m coming back. I also have some unfinished business with all of you,” she said, looking at Sue. She said goodbye to Aiden.

  “Raina, what happened?”

  “My Grandfather had an accident and is in the hospital. Pack a bag. You’re coming with me to see him.”


  Dirk and Carina shared a semi-private room. Carina was sitting in bed waiting for Dirk to come back from tests. They all rushed in at once and startled her.

  “Mom! Dad! I’m so sorry. I should have told you what …”

  Hillary didn’t say anything but ran to her and smothered her with kisses. Billy held and kissed her hand.

  “We’ll talk about this later, young lady. For now, you get some rest,” Billy said.

  They wheeled Dirk in. The gash on his head was stitched up. Both eyes were the color of eggplants. Acey continued crying as the nurses shooed them out to the waiting room. Dirk tried to say something but the words didn’t come out.

  “I got a call from Raina. She’s on her way here and will meet us at the hospital around noon.”

  They waited until they received an okay to see Dirk. Carina was sitting in a chair talking to him when they walked in.

  They all hovered over him which made him very uncomfortable.

  “Just what the hell were you thinking? You know you’re not supposed to fly anymore. And you took Carina with you?” Acey unloaded on him.

  Dirk was going to respond when Norma shot him a dirty look and he sunk back in the bed. Acey continued to lash into him until Aidan eased her into a chair where she began to sob again.

  “It’s my fault, Aunt Acey. I should not have encouraged him,” Carina said.

  “It is your fault, young lady. You should have known better. Tomorrow we will discuss this,” Billy said.

  After everyone vented their anger at them, they calmed down enough to where Dirk thought it was safe enough to speak.

  “I apologize to all of you for my stupidity. It won’t happen again.”


  Raina and Sue were able to get a priority shuttle thanks to one of the Senators on her committee. Sue could tell Raina was extremely nervous. She held her hand.

  “It’ll work out. I promise,” Sue said.

  As the shuttle docked at the spaceport, Raina wasn’t so sure.


  Gretchen drove up to the gate and waited for the security scan. Security personnel greeted her when it opened. After a retinal scan and a check for weapons, she was allowed to pass. At the door of the secluded Spanish-Style home, she was greeted by more security officers who checked her off a list of names.

  “Good Afternoon, Ms. Coswell. Please proceed through to the courtyard. They are expecting you.”

  She nodded and continued outside to a cactus-shrubbed area by a large pool with a cascading waterfall.

  “Gretchen, please have a drink and mingle with the others. We’ll get started in a minute,” he said. The man stood out because of his six foot five muscular frame and his blond short-cropped hair.

  “Thank you, Father. It’s good to see you. How long are you here for?”

  “Not long. Once we have this cell in place, I will leave.

  She smiled politely as he left to greet the other guests. Everyone treated her with cautious respect because of her being the leader’s daughter, but no one dared to get too close. Life was hard for her at first. While the others led semi-normal lives, she shied away from any relationship, instead delving deep into the inner mysteries of the cult and researching its history. She believed that understanding the historical beginnings would lend legitimacy to the organization and they would prove their rightful place in the world order.

  There were approximately thirty people attending who would be cell leaders throughout the western part of the country. She knew most of them, and they smiled at her politely, but kept their distance. That is the way it always was.

  “Everyone, will you please come inside and we will get started,” her father announced.

  They walked into the large dining room of the rented villa where they sat at a long mesquite table. On the wall was a large unfurled cloth banner with their national symbol – a swastika. Their wine glasses were filled. She noticed the security officers taking up their positions to ensure total privacy. Her father stood up.

  “It is a glorious day for the Fourth Reich,” he said, raising his glass.

  “It is a glorious day indeed,” came the response.

  “Let us get started. We have many things to discuss. First and foremost, we have the boy.”

  There were cheers from everyone, and he gestured for them to calm down.

  “We have concluded that he is one of them. He has all the genetic qualities of a Star Child, and the cloning process will soon be underway in earnest. We will construct the clones in the likeness of our Aryan Ancestors but with the powers of Star Children. But it is you who will introduce them in various parts of the world and spread their seed. We will purify this country and then the world. It is a glorious day for the Fourth Reich,” he shouted.

  “It is a glorious day indeed,” they responded.

  “I would like my daughter, Gretchen, to tell us of her work here in Arizona.”

  Gretchen took a sip of wine before standing up. “First of all, I found employment at a Private Investigation firm. This allows me access to databases the general public does not have. I can carry on my research into the beginnings of our organization. It also allows me to be close to another well-known Star Child, Carina Bayberry, whom I’m sure you have heard of mainly through the exploits of her mother, Hillary. I believe that combined with the young Nelson boy, we will have enough genetic material needed for the cloning.”

  “Well done, my daughter. You never cease to amaze me,” her father said.

  Everyone clapped and cheered, but Gretchen saw through the insincerity of their gestures. It left her feeling cold and alone.


  Raina rushed into the hospital leaving Sue in the lobby. Quickly getting off the elevator, she ran down the hall and stood in the doorway. They were all there fussing over Dirk and Carina.

  “Aunt Raina! You came back!” Carina said, running up to her.

  Raina hugged her tightly. “What were you thinking, you crazy little girl,” she whispered. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. They’re keeping me here overnight.”

  Raina went over to Dirk. She gasped when she saw his swollen face. He held out his hand. She grabbed it. “You didn’t have to come back,” he said.

  “I did have to come back. For two reaso
ns,” she said, looking at everyone. First, to make sure your sorry ass was in one piece.”

  Everyone laughed, and the mood lightened.

  “Second reason is because … “

  She hesitated to catch her breath. They stared at her.

  “There is someone I want you to meet.” She called Sue on her com link. “Come up.”

  No one said a word until Acey broke the silence. “Meet who?”

  Sue quietly came into view and stood in the doorway.

  “I want to tell you I’m gay. I should have told you long ago.” She took Sue’s hand and brought her into the room. This is Susan Baker. I love her very much, and we’re going to be married soon.”

  “Hello, it’s nice to meet all of you,” Sue said.

  No one said a word and Raina’s expression was borderline panic. Since all eyes were on Raina and Sue, no one saw Dirk get out of bed dragging his IV stand up to Raina and Sue.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Susan. Welcome,” he said, taking her hand in his.

  “Thank you, Mr. Saunders.”

  Acey came up next. “You could have told me. I’m your sister for god sakes.”

  “I’ve wanted to so many times,” Raina answered, starting to cry.

  Everyone came up to them and offered their congratulations. They were asking Sue questions about how they met and when the wedding was going to take place. But Raina was looking at Carina. She sat in her bed, visibly seething. When Raina approached, she recoiled away. No one else noticed.

  “Carina, please …”

  “Go away and leave me alone,” she said.

  Dirk lost his balance and grabbed the stand while everyone rushed to steady him.

  “Mr. Saunders. What are you doing out of bed? Get back before you hurt yourself,” the nurse said. “Okay, visiting time is over. You all have to leave,” she said, shooing them out. Raina backed out of the room watching Carina as she slipped under the sheets and began to cry.


  At the pub down the street, Sue was charming everyone with Raina stories. Raina tried to smile, but it was strained. It was Hillary who noticed. She leaned into Acey. “Something’s wrong with Raina.” Acey caught Raina’s attention who then quickly turned to Sue and laughed, avoiding Acey’s concerned look.


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