The Antares Codex Box Set

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The Antares Codex Box Set Page 46

by Bob Cooper

  “Something happened,” Acey said.

  Acey got up. While everyone was mesmerized with Sue’s stories, Acey leaned into Raina. “Can I talk to you? How about in the lady’s room,” she whispered.

  Quietly, Raina slipped away and followed Acey into the restroom. “What’s the matter?” Acey asked.

  “Did you see Carina? She wouldn’t say a word to me at the hospital. I upset her. I don’t know what to do.”

  Hillary and Annie walked in. “What’s wrong?” Annie asked.

  Raina told them what happened. “I’ll talk to her tomorrow,” Hillary said. “I’m sure she’s just confused.”

  “I want her to know that I adore her and always will,” Raina said. “We have to leave tonight. I’m scheduled back at the Senate tomorrow morning. Please tell her to call me.”

  “I will,” Hillary said.


  The nurse watched Dirk and Carina pick at their food. “I know it’s not very good, but you have to eat something,” she said, shrugging as she left the room.

  Dirk sensed Carina’s uneasiness with Raina and Sue. Carina hadn’t spoken since they left.

  “You want that green Jell-O crap on your tray?” he asked.

  “Why? You want it?”

  “Yes, please.”

  She tossed it over to him. Dipping his spoon in it, he flung a green gob hitting her square in the forehead. The look on her face was priceless.

  “Why, you old turd,” she said, tossing several zucchini slices at him.

  It was an all-out war, and the food went flying. They laughed until they were in tears.

  “I noticed you didn’t congratulate Raina on her upcoming marriage.”

  Carina lost her smile. “How can she love another woman? It doesn’t seem right.”

  “I think you mean it’s different. This is your first experience with homosexuality, and it’s confusing.”

  “I guess.”

  “Well, you now have more in common with Raina than you ever did before.”

  “What do you mean? I’m not gay.”

  “I know you’re not. I’m talking about your special abilities. You always said you felt different from other kids. So, now you can understand how Raina feels. Different. Just like you.”


  Aidan was at the office early reviewing his workload for the day. He had a conference call with Captain Tom about the missing Nelson boy at nine, a new client coming in at eleven, and then a meeting with Captain Tom, Carina, and her family at four-thirty. Annie came in, looking exhausted.

  “How are you doing? What a weekend,” he said.

  “Yeah, too much excitement for me. How’s Dirk and Carina?”

  “They are letting Carina out today, but they won’t let Dirk out until after the brain swelling goes down,” Aidan said. “What’s on your schedule?”

  “I have to finish the background checks for the three security guards at the prison. I got a call from a lawyer last week about doing an investigation for one of his clients. I was supposed to go to lunch and shopping with Mom, but she rescheduled it until tomorrow,” Annie said, letting out a sigh.

  “Can you meet with our new client at eleven? I’ll be out with Gretchen looking for apartments.”

  “No problem.”


  Aidan was about to leave when Annie called out to him.

  “Wait. I have a question. Did you know that Aunt Raina was gay?”

  Aidan drew a deep breath. “Not really, but now that I look back, I’ve never known her to have any significant relationship with a male. She was always focused on her law practice and her political career. She seems happy and her fiancée Sue sounds like a nice person. I’m happy for her.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  Gretchen walked in. “Good morning.”

  Aidan didn’t share the events of the weekend.

  “Are you ready to look for apartments today?”

  “Yes, anytime you want to go,” she said.

  “All right, we’ll leave at ten.”


  At nine, Aidan closed the door to his office and called Captain Tom.

  “Good morning. How are you doing?” Captain Tom said.

  “Great. What’s new with the Nelson case?”

  “Not much. The forensic team confirmed that several incendiary devices were used to start the fire. They found the detonation piece to one of them and are tracking down the supplier.”

  “That’s promising. “You heard what happened to Dirk and Carina over the weekend?”

  “Yeah, it was all over HQ about the accident. There are plenty of officers that know Dirk Saunders. Is he all right?”

  “He’s still in the hospital. Hopefully, he’ll get out tomorrow.”

  “How’s Carina doing? Are we still on for this afternoon?”

  “She was released yesterday. They’ll be here. Her parents are concerned about what you want her to do.”

  “I understand that, but to tell the truth, I have no clue how she can help us. I was going to let her tell me.”

  “Is there anything else?” If not, I’ll see you this afternoon at my place.”

  “Just one thing, Aidan. Please be careful. We can’t be sure that somebody didn’t see you at the mansion.”


  Aidan pulled the cruiser around and waited for Gretchen. He couldn’t help but notice her short skirt rise halfway up her thighs as she slid into the front seat. She smiled and pulled it down.

  “I was looking at a crime map. There is a lot of crime in the southern part of the city.”

  “Yes, I suggest the North or East sections. They are relatively close to the office, and there are several nice complexes. Are you planning to have a vehicle?”

  “Eventually, but for now, I take public transportation.”

  “Okay, there’s one place about three miles from here. Let’s check it out,” Aidan said, pulling on to the street.

  She smiled at him. “This is fun. I’ll buy lunch later.”

  Aidan smiled back noticing her skirt rising again.

  The hi-rise apartment complex was two years old and took up half a city block.

  “I thought I’d show you this one first. It has several clubhouses with restaurants on the premises. There are two gyms and three outdoor pools, and it caters to a younger crowd. The other ones are a mix of senior housing and family units.”

  Aidan passed through the gate where they were scanned and directed to the housing office. The rental specialist greeted them at the door.

  “Good morning. My name is Kenya. I’ll be showing you apartments after I find out about your preferences,” she said. “Will you both be on the lease?”

  “Uh, no. I’ll be the only one renting. My name is Gretchen Coswell.”

  Kenya spent the next half an hour reviewing options and available apartments. She had several to show, but Gretchen was interested in the unit on the eighth floor of the main building. It had the best view. She took them there and let them in.

  “This is what I want,” Gretchen said, walking out on the balcony and admiring the desert mountains. “I’ll take it.”

  “Don’t you want to see the rest of the place?” Aidan said.

  “I suppose, but this is the one I want.”

  It came furnished with high-end appliances and contemporary furnishings. In the master bedroom, Gretchen jumped on the bed.

  “Nice and soft and comfy,” she said, wriggling around.

  She pulled Aidan down next to her. “What do you think?”

  Aidan was blushing and said nothing.

  “This one will do for me. Let’s do the paperwork,” Gretchen said to Kenya.

  “Okay. I brought a copy with me. Let’s go into the kitchen and get it done,” Kenya said.

  Aidan watched her derriere sway back and forth as she left the bedroom. Turning into the hallway, she shot him a grin over her shoulder.


  Acey was finishing up the quarterly reports whe
n Hillary called.

  “Hi, Acey.”

  “Hey, I’m almost done with my reports. Do you want to meet for a bite to eat?”

  “That would be great. I need to talk to you. How about at the café around by the Gallery?”

  “See you there in an hour,” Acey said, sending the last of the reports to the Board of Directors.

  She tried contacting Annie, but she didn’t answer. Then she tried Aidan. Joey picked up.

  “Hi, Joey. Is Aidan there?”

  “No, he’s not. Can I take a message?”

  “No, I’ll call later. Do you know where he is?”

  “Yes, I believe he’s showing Gretchen apartments.”

  “Okay, thanks?”

  A worried look came across Acey’s face.


  Hillary was sipping tea when Acey showed up at the café. They hugged, and Acey ordered coffee.

  “How’s Dirk?”

  “He’s better. They might let him out this afternoon. I’m going down to the hospital with Norma later. I’m sorry for what he did. I don’t know what gets into him.”

  “Carina is just as bad. They’re two peas in a pod. Billy had a talk with her about her actions. Now she blames herself for what happened to Dirk.”

  “Nonsense. He was lucky Carina got the ship back in one piece. Norma and I talked to him for a long time. I could tell he was genuinely sorry, but he doesn’t know what to do with himself.”

  There was a lull in the conversation.

  “I need to talk to you about something. I told Aidan I wouldn’t say anything, but I don’t know what to do.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Did Aidan mention that he was the one who discovered the bodies at the Nelson Mansion?”

  “No, he didn’t.”

  “Well, the Citizen Guard asked him to help in the investigation. They believe they took the boy for his Star Child powers. They asked us if Carina could help find him. We’re meeting with Aidan and the Guard later this afternoon.”

  “Oh, my god. I didn’t know anything about that.”

  “Billy thinks we should let Carina be involved, but after thinking about it, I’m not so sure.”

  “I suppose it won’t hurt to hear them out this afternoon, but I’m with you, that sounds dangerous,” Acey said. “I’m a little upset that he didn’t mention discovering the bodies. He promised me he wouldn’t take on any dangerous cases.”

  Have you heard from Raina, since her big announcement?” asked Hillary.

  “Yeah, I called her when she and Sue got back to D.C. I’d seen her with other women, and even though she didn’t say anything to me, I had a feeling. In a way, I’m a little mad she didn’t confide in me. We used to be so close.”

  “Yes, I know what you mean. We were all close before life happened. I promise to stay in touch more. I know I haven’t been the friend I once was,” Hillary said.

  “Hillary, you are my closest friend and always will be. There’s not a day that goes by when I don’t think of you,” she said, reaching out and holding her hand.

  “Thanks, I needed to hear that.”

  There was a pause while the two women reflected on their years of friendship.

  “Have you seen that woman, Gretchen, whom Aidan hired?” Acey asked.

  “Yeah. I saw her once.”

  Acey didn’t respond right away, but sat there fiddling with her glass.

  “Why? Is something wrong?” Hillary finally asked.

  “I don’t know. She looks at Aidan funny.”


  “Yeah, like she’s got the hots for him. She’s very attractive and younger than me.”

  “Come on, Acey. We’re talking about Aidan Carter here. The most loyal person I know. He would never do anything …”

  “You’re right. But he gets this weird grin on his face when she’s around.”

  “Acey, you have nothing to worry about.”


  Captain Tom was waiting for Aidan in the lobby when Hillary, Carina, and Billy walked in. Joey asked them to have a seat and introduced them to the Captain. They chatted while waiting for Aidan. Annie came out when she heard their voices.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?”

  “We have a meeting with Aidan,” Billy said.

  A puzzled look came across Annie’s face. She saw the meeting with Captain Tom on his calendar but didn’t know it involved the Bayberrys. Aidan and Gretchen walked in. They were laughing at something when he saw them waiting.

  “Hey, sorry I’m late. Go to my office. I’ll be right there.”

  When the group walked away, he turned to Annie and Gretchen. “I won’t be long. I want to talk to both of you when I’m done.”

  They looked at each other. “Okay, we’ll be waiting,” Annie said.

  Aidan entered the room and closed the door and sat down.

  “I’m going to let Captain Tom talk and tell us more about this case and how he thinks Carina could help. He knows the decision is totally up to you guys. Captain?”

  “Thanks for coming. I know this is a lot to ask. As you know, the Nelson boy has been abducted and his aunt and uncle killed. He will soon receive the Nelson Family fortune. We thought this was a kidnapping but after no ransom note was delivered and the deaths of his aunt and uncle, we know that’s not the case. What we have learned is that a radical fringe group is holding him. Anyone ever hear of the Fourth Reich?”

  Everyone looked at each other. “Wasn’t there a Third Reich centuries ago?” Hillary asked.

  “Yes. Back then it was Adolf Hitler who wanted to create an Aryan Race consisting of blond hair, blue-eyed humans.”

  “What about people of color?” Carina asked.

  “They weren’t part of the chosen either, and they were also to be eliminated.”

  “Eliminated?” Billy asked.

  “Yes. His vision only included what he believed to be pure Aryans. I don’t fully understand the Aryan history which began eons before Adolf Hitler, but he started by killing six million people of Jewish descent.”

  “I remember learning something about this Holocaust in school,” Carina said.

  “We believe this Fourth Reich has similar beliefs.”

  “What does the Nelson boy have to do with it?” Hillary asked.

  “We don’t exactly know. But when Aidan mentioned Carina believing he was a Star Child, we began to think they knew that and wanted him for those special powers.”

  Aidan watched Hillary become agitated. Thoughts of her abduction came rushing back. If it weren’t for Aidan, Acey, and Raina rescuing her, she wouldn’t be here today.

  “What do you want me to do?” Carina asked.

  “We need your help in locating him.”

  “Carina looked at her parents.”

  “Will she be in any danger,” Billy asked.

  Captain Tom looked at Aidan, got up and walked to Hillary. “I would be lying if I said this was not dangerous. All I can say is that your family will be protected.”


  There wasn’t much to discuss. Carina had convinced everyone she had to do this. Hillary understood completely. The vague images and voices in her head would drive her insane if she didn’t follow through. Hillary’s mother called it a ‘gift,’ but sometimes she thought of it as a curse.

  Annie and Gretchen were finalizing the day’s work when the Bayberry’s left. Aidan called them into his office. He debated whether to get them involved, but decided he needed their help.

  “We have a major case, and I need your involvement.”

  Aidan went over the details while Annie and Gretchen sat back mesmerized.

  “Does this take precedence over our other cases?” Annie asked.

  Aidan thought before answering the question. He wasn’t sure how much of his staff’s time this would take up. He couldn’t afford to let the other work slide. They were the bread and butter of the agency. But this case had all the markings of a highly public case that cou
ld bring in more critical cases and more money.

  “I don’t know how much time we will be spending, but let’s give it top priority for now.”

  For the next hour, they discussed what each of them would do. Gretchen listened intently, already knowing what she had to do.


  Acey and Norma checked Dirk out of the hospital and took him home. The swelling had gone down, but his face was still black-and-blue. His heart was more stressed than usual which left Dirk weak. He didn’t say much during the ride, and when he got home, he went to his study where he pulled out a book and began reading.

  “Are you comfortable?” Norma asked, covering his legs with a blanket.

  He nodded without saying anything. Acey was brewing tea when Norma walked in.

  “I’m worried. He hasn’t said much since the accident,” she said.

  Acey gave her a cup and sighed. “We need to do something, but I’m not sure what. If we can get him involved in something. Maybe at the Academy? He could find a purpose and …”

  “Believe me, I’ve tried. But because of his age, no one takes him seriously and that hurts him. But what hurts him more is how we all ignore him because of our busy lives. Myself included.”

  A deep sense of guilt came over Acey. Norma noticed it.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean …”

  “No. You’re right. I’m never home, Aidan and Annie have the business, and you’re working at the lab. We must make more time for him.”

  “I was going to retire next year, but I’ve been thinking about moving it up to next month,” Norma said.

  “He used to take me camping when I was younger. I can arrange for some trips to the mountains. Nothing too strenuous, but a relaxing weekend where we can build a fire and look at the stars like we once did.”

  “He would like that.”

  “I’d better be going,” Acey said, hugging Norma goodbye.


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