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The Antares Codex Box Set

Page 56

by Bob Cooper

  “You all right?” Sue asked.

  “Yes, but totally drained after meeting with the Senator, followed by talking with his wife.”

  “You want something stronger?” asked Sue.

  Raina laughed. “I could use a stiff drink, but I’ll save that for when I get home tonight.”

  “So, what happened?”

  “Their marriage is a sham. They use each other. The Senator warned me to be careful. He’s now the second person to warn me about her.”

  “What’s she up to?” Sue asked.

  I don’t know. She confessed to screwing up her run for the House, but wouldn’t say much more about it.”

  “So how does this play on your chances of a Presidential run?

  “I believe I still have a shot. I’m not sure I want Dorthea running my campaign.”

  Sue was nervous about Raina running for President. It was going to be hard with all the time Raina would need to spend campaigning. She wasn’t happy about her running, but would support her all the way.

  “Oh, I got a call from Annie.” Sue said.

  “Is everything all right. Did they find the kids?”

  “They haven’t found them yet. She asked me to see if I could find labs or medical facilities on the moon that could perform cloning experiments. I told her I would check it out.”

  Raina forgot her problems, remembering the sweet young girl that she adored.

  “Annie said they left for the moon to look for them. I’m sure everything will turn out okay,” Sue said.

  Raina took her hand and gave her a guarded smile. “I hope you’re right.”


  The cargo ship landed without incident. They waited for the inspectors to inspect the ship before leaving. As they were gathering up their gear, Dirk emerged from the cargo hold. Aidan’s face reddened, his anger building up.

  “I’m sorry Aidan, but I have to be here. It’s my fault she’s in this predicament.”

  “Does anybody know you’re here?”

  Dirk said nothing.

  “Of course not. Why would I even think that?”

  “Aidan, I can help. I know I can.”

  Foster and Captain Tom walked in. “What are you doing here?” Captain Tom asked.

  “I’m here to help.”

  Captain Tom looked at Aidan. “Too late to send him back. He’ll have to come along.”

  Dirk gave him a half-assed smile, but Aidan continued to glare at him.

  “The inspectors are here,” Foster said.

  “Answer their questions but don’t say any more than you have to. Remember, we’re here to set up another ore refining facility for the company.”

  Two inspectors walked in - a male and a female. After greetings and introductions, the male inspector left with Captain Tom to check out the cargo holds while the female reviewed the manifest.

  “It says here that you are looking for facilities to process ore. Is the ore being processed from your company or ore from other companies as well?” she asked Aidan.

  “Uh, from our company only.”

  “You currently have a facility here. Is there a reason why you can’t process the additional ore there?”

  Aidan was not prepared for these detailed questions and coughed nervously. “Our facility’s process would have to be radically changed to handle this type of ore, and we decided it would be cheaper to invest in a new facility.”

  “Is that so? What type of ore will you be processing?”

  Well, uh. It’s, uh, …”

  “It’s high-grade Bellenium ore that has a high concentration of Fenel 683 which is used in medical equipment. To process the ore, we need to employ a large special magnetometer to separate the Fenel. Our current facility isn’t large enough to house the equipment,” Dirk answered.

  Foster and Aidan looked at him in awe.

  “Thank you, sir. You are?”

  “Astro Geologist Dirk Saunders, ma’am. Would it be possible for your agency to give us a current list of all the medical labs and facilities in New Moon City?”

  “I believe we can. I’ll upload a copy to your ship.”

  Captain Tom and the inspector came up from the cargo hold. The female inspector nodded her approval. “Everything is in order here. Enjoy your stay.”

  “The shuttle down to New Moon City is waiting,” Captain Tom said. “Let’s go.”

  “After you, Astro Geologist Saunders,” Aidan said.

  Dirk bowed graciously and walked out.


  Back in the cell, Carina was furious knowing her body had been violated. What infuriated her more was that Gretchen had betrayed them and was part of this conspiracy.

  Jonathan stirred on the mat in the corner. She went over to him, watching him shiver as he laid there balled up in a fetal position. She wiped the hair off his forehead. There wasn’t any blanket, so she curled up close to him wrapping her arms around his chest. They did something to our bodies. But What? And Why? His shivering stopped, and they fell into an uneasy sleep. In a dream, she saw her parents crying. Carina moaned and called out Mom! Mom! Then a fuzzy image of Dirk came to her. He was looking for her, calling out her name. Gramps! Gramps! I’m in here! The vision faded as fast as it came. Jonathan awoke. Carina, you’re having dreams,” he said, shaking her awake. “Are you okay?”

  Carina opened her eyes and smiled at him. “Yes, we’re going to be okay. Gramps is here looking for us.”


  Captain Tom pushed the debris away from the door as he entered the dingy room. It lacked fresh air, and the stale smell made him wrinkle his nose.

  “Is this the best you can do?” he asked the Private.

  “Sir, this is the only space that’s not occupied.”

  The Citizen Guard facility was an afterthought. New Moon City had its own set of laws and ways of dealing with those who break them. The citizens balked when they were forced to accept the small contingent of Guards. A dilapidated storage area was what they called HQ. The Guards sent there considered it a lousy assignment and a form of punishment.

  “Are the networks secure in this facility?” Captain Tom asked.

  “Yes. That’s the only good thing about it. We had the latest communications equipment installed.”

  “Good. Then find us a couple of chairs so we can get to work,” he said, wiping the dust off the table.

  The Private was eager to please and came back quickly with old plastic chairs. “This is the best I could find, sir. If you need anything else, please contact me.”

  They set up their tablets and were reviewing the data on medical and lab facilities that had been uploaded to the ship by the female inspector. There were quite a few, probably because of the lax oversight and regulations. Several stuck out as good possibilities.

  “How about we get something to eat and call it a night. We can follow up on these tomorrow,” Captain Tom said.

  They kept a low profile, finding an obscure restaurant off the beaten path. At the bar, several humans conversed amongst themselves. In the corner, several Grays were sipping drinks through straws. Foster did a double-take when he saw them. Gawking at off-worlders was never a good thing. Aidan took him by the arm and led him to a table.

  “Not a good idea to stare,” he said.

  “This is the first time I’ve seen live Grays. They look smaller than on the media.”

  “Don’t let that fool you. You don’t want to get them pissed off at you,” Captain Tom said.

  “Can I help you, gentlemen?” a waiter said.

  They ordered beers and assorted appetizers to eat.

  Dirk’s com link buzzed, and everyone looked at him. “Excuse me. I need to take this.”

  “Do Norma and Acey know what he did?” Foster asked.

  “I’m sure by now they know. He said he left a note for Norma. He didn’t say what it said,” Aidan answered.

  “How does he fit in? My superiors don’t know he’s here. If anything happens to him, I’m in deep shit,” C
aptain Tom said.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll take responsibility for him,” Aidan said. “He can be instrumental if we give him a chance.”

  Dirk returned not saying a word.

  “Everything all right?” Aidan asked.

  “It was Norma and Acey. Norma was upset, but she understands. Then Acey took the link and lashed into me. I couldn’t say anything, so I hung up. I’m hoping you can talk to her and calm her down,” he said to Aidan.

  “Good luck with that,” he said. “But I’ll try.”

  The waiter brought a steaming plate of deep-fried tofu and a plate of flatbreads with assorted vegetables and cheese. They dug in, discussing the plan for tomorrow.

  “We can divvy up the leads on the medical facilities and begin researching them. Drivers from the local Guard unit have agreed to take us around. Dirk and Aidan can work together, and Foster and I will team up. None of us are familiar with this city, so we need to be extra cautious.”

  Everyone agreed. After a few more beers and several stories from Dirk about his adventures on Antares Proper, the mood became somber.

  “A lot is riding on us. The lives of two children are at stake. But I want everyone to be extremely cautious. Don’t take any unnecessary chances. We do have support up here, so let’s use it,” Captain Tom said.

  He picked up the check, and they filed out on to the street. No one noticed Gretchen, who watched them leave the café from across the street. Her heart leaped when she saw Aidan. Discreetly, she followed them to the hotel, staying a safe distance away. From the other side of the lobby, she saw them take the elevator to their rooms. She approached the night clerk.

  “Can you tell me the rooms that group is staying in?”

  He gave her a puzzled look and said nothing.

  “A hundred credits for their room numbers,” she said.

  He took a slip of paper and wrote them down, holding out his hand. She slipped him the credits.

  “One more thing. Which room is the tall one, Aidan Carter in?”

  He circled it on the paper. She nodded her thanks and retreated to the restroom, contemplating her next move. Pulling out her com link, she stared at it. I should contact my father and let him know they’re here, she thought. But then a strong sense of desire and loneliness overcame her. She had to see him one more time.


  The facility consisted of fifteen stories. Each floor contained one hundred rooms with four replicants in each room. Buried deep below New Moon city, there was one way in and one way out. Gretchen’s father stood on the first floor looking down the long hallway until the dim light turned to darkness.

  “This is where they will be housed?” he asked the lead scientist.

  “Yes, temporarily. They will be released once they receive their orders.”

  “And the plan is set?”

  “Yes, the first wave will take control of New Moon City and establish New Moon City as the seat of the Fourth Reich. Once New Moon City is secured, we will send them to Earth to ‘assimilate’ and wait for further instructions. The Grays will support us as long as we allow them to continue their experimentation on humans. Once in place, we will proceed to conquer Earth,” the lead scientist answered.

  Gretchen’s father smiled. Many years of planning had led to this point. The end vision of the Fourth Reich was in sight, and he savored the idea of a ‘pure’ Aryan society ruling Earth.

  “Have the tests been completed on the first replicants?”

  “They have, and I’m happy to say all went well. We are ready to start the replication process. The next time you come here, this facility will be filled with exact replicas, each awaiting their orders.”

  “You have done an excellent job. I will see that the High Council knows of this and rewards you.”

  “Thank you, Mein Fuhrer,” he said bowing his head.

  That was the first time anyone had used that title, and Gretchen’s father beamed from ear to ear.


  Aidan sat in the hotel bar swirling his Sorian Brandy, watching the gaseous white froth rise to the top and sink back down. The pressure from the business, the separation from Acey, the betrayal of Gretchen, and now the kidnapping of Carina weighed heavily on him. His mind slipped away to happier times. Camping trips up in the mountains when Annie was young flooded his head. He sipped on the Brandy, lost in those good thoughts.

  “Is there anything else I can get for you?” the bartender asked, bringing Aidan back to reality.

  Aidan looked around. Except for the bartender and the front clerk, there was no one around. A sense of loneliness came over him.

  “Can I order a burger with mustard and another Brandy, please?”

  “Sure. No problem.”

  He didn’t notice Gretchen walking out of the hotel. When she heard his voice, she panicked, deciding to run for the door, but something held her back. Her heart raced as she slowly edged to the bar room entrance and peeked in. She saw him sitting alone. A flushed heat came over her. Her instinct was to go to him, but she knew that was not possible. Instead, she closed her eyes, gaining back some composure and quickly walked out of the hotel, but not before the front desk clerk saw her and waved.

  “He’s here if you would like to see him,” he shouted. Gretchen continued walking without acknowledging him.

  Aidan looked up at the clerk.

  “Hi. There was a young woman here looking for you. I just saw her in the lobby and …”

  That’s all Aidan had to hear. “Charge this to my room and thanks,” he said running through the lobby. Out in the street, he looked both ways, hoping to see her. He glimpsed her turning left. He followed her for the next half hour until she reached the hotel where she was staying. Aidan watched through the hotel window as she disappeared into the elevator. Back at his hotel, he contacted Captain Tom.

  “Aidan, Is everything all right? It’s 2:00 AM.”

  “Yeah, sorry about that. I know where Gretchen is staying. Do you think we can get her mother up here?”


  “The Senator will see you now,” the secretary announced. Raina nodded and walked into Chad Carrington’s office.

  “Sit down, please.”

  She watched him scribble notes on a yellow pad. He shoved it to the side and put his pen down.

  “It’s time to formally announce your candidacy and register you as a presidential candidate. There are tons of financial reports and other …”

  “Wait. I have not made up my mind yet. Why are you pushing the issue? You are not even from my party.”

  The Senator pushed the intercom button. “Is my wife here?”

  “She is, Senator.”

  “Please ask her to join us.”

  Dorthea entered the room and sat next to Raina.

  “Hello, Raina.”

  Raina returned her greeting with a cold stare. “I’m not running for anything until you tell me the real reason you’re both interested in me,” Raina said.

  Dorthea looked at Chad and then spoke.

  “I know you’re upset with me, but I assure you, I only have your best interest at heart.”

  “Bullshit!” Raina stood and walked towards the door.

  “Wait,” said the Senator. “Hear us out before you leave.”

  Raina stood there with her hand on the door handle. Turning, she sat back down. “Okay, talk. And get to the point.”

  The Senator coughed and began. “Dorthea has been active in politics ever since we met in law school. When she ran for the House of Representatives, the world was a different place. Our society wasn’t as open to alien cultures as we are today. The opposing candidate challenged her ideas for setting up cultural exchanges with the aliens as reckless and harmful to our way of life.”

  “If I remember correctly, you were the one leading that challenge,” Raina said.

  The Senator looked over to Dorthea. “Yes, I did. It almost ended our marriage. I am truly sorry for the way I handled that situation even though I hold
steady in my beliefs. I promised to make amends if we stayed together. And I’m ready to do just that. I would like Dorthea to run as your Vice President.”

  Raina was confused as she processed what she heard. “But how can she be my campaign manager and run for Vice President? There’s no way she could do justice to both.”

  “You’re right. When my term is up at the end of the year, I will devote all my resources to your campaign and Dorthea can concentrate on strengthening your platform. You will then announce her as your Vice President.”

  “You want to be my campaign manager? You don’t belong to my party. How will that work?”

  “It will work out great,” Dorthea said. “No one can say he didn’t give his all to his party. And we can use his expertise to shape our vision for this country.”

  Raina sat back, rubbing her temples. There remained a touch of doubt. “One more question. Why me? Other candidates have more experience than me.”

  “What you lack in experience, you make up with charisma and sincerity. You’re intelligent and cut through the bullshit of politics. That’s what wins elections.”


  Annie had made the necessary arrangements to accompany Gretchen’s mother to New Moon City. It was a long shot, but the plan was to grab Gretchen and bring her mother to her. Hopefully, Gretchen would turn and talk about where the kids were being kept. Aidan, Foster, Captain Tom, and Dirk finalized the plan that was going down tonight.

  “I have the cooperation of the Guard. They’re loaning us an armored vehicle and a driver. It’s up to us to get her into the vehicle,” Captain Tom advised.

  “I’ll take her by force if necessary. Her mother will be waiting at the Guard facility,” Foster said.


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