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Wives Cheating, Husbands Watching Box Set

Page 23

by Gustav Jorgenson

  Carl doesn’t waste another moment, and sweeps your wife away toward the french doors leading out to the patio. Carl whispers something in her ear and she giggles, slapping him on the chest and waving to you distractedly as they depart.

  “Ah, really?” you ask Gabrielle. “I don’t like that guy, Gabby.”

  “Don’t be like that, Jason,” she says, pouting prettily at you. “He’s always been a perfect gentleman. He’s just playing around. Wives are always flattered by a little attention from a man other than her husband.”

  “Uh, huh,” you say, looking over suspiciously as Carl gets himself and your wife a couple more drinks and head out on onto the moonlit patio.

  “Why, I like a bit of attention myself, you know,” she teases, wrapping her other arm around you and looking up at you seductively. Her eyes are a bit glassy, and you can tell she’s a little drunk. “But you don’t see my husband getting all jealous and trying to pull you off of me, do you?”

  You feel your penis stiffen in response to Gabrielle’s flirtation. She makes no mention of it, but embraces you more tightly so that the lump in your trousers is pressed firmly against her thigh.

  “Gabby, I’ve known you and Sam for years, I should think he would trust us together,” you tell her with a little smile, loosening your arms around her, but not wanting to push her away for fear you might embarrass her.

  “Well, I’ll vouch for Carl, OK? Now give me a little kiss,” she purrs.

  You bend down and give Gabrielle a quick kiss on the lips and she seems satisfied, though you are sure she rubs her thigh deliberately against your hardon as she withdraws from your embrace. “There you go, now come along and let’s go mingle.” She take you by the hand and draws you into the dining room as you struggle to rearrange your erection so that no one notices.

  You get into a conversation with some other friends but your jealousy of Carl keeps eating at you.

  “If you’ll excuse me, folks, I am going to go check on my wife,” you tell the group as you head out to the patio.

  “Yeah, I think you’d better, Jason,” sniffs your neighbor Jennifer. “I saw her chatting quite intimately with a strange man out on the patio.”

  “Uh-huh,” you say, your pulse quickening with anger.

  “Let me join you, Jason. I could use some air,” says Gabrielle urgently, tagging along as you walk briskly out onto the patio. It take a few moments for your eyes to adjust to the moonlight, but then you see Carl and your wife embracing against a tree in the yard. They seem to be kissing again and you rush over with Gabrielle trailing behind and making small anxious sounds. As you get closer, you are stunned to see that Carl has your wife’s blouse open to her waist and is kneading her large breasts and pinching her hard pink nipples while he kisses her lustily.

  You grab him by the shoulder to pull him off of her and then realize that his fly in undone and your wife has his cock in her hand and has been stroking it while he felt her up.

  “Oh boy,” gasps Gabrielle behind you with concern.

  “Holy fuck!” you shout. “What the hell are you doing?” you demand of your wife.

  She is confused by alcohol and lust and it takes her a moment to respond, she just stares at you disoriented, still tugging on Carl’s stiff penis.

  “Look, it’s not what it seems,” says Carl, not looking at you and continuing to pinch your wife’s nipple. “We were just talking.” Then he grunts and starts spurting semen all over the front of your wife’s blouse and skirt.

  “Oops,” she says, finally releasing his cock from her grip. “That’s going to leave a stain…”

  You snap out of it and punch Carl abruptly in the mouth. He staggers back and you are about to pounce on him when you wife and Gabrielle intervene and hold you back.

  “Jason, please!,” shouts Gabrielle. “Get a grip on yourself,”

  “Honey, I know this looks bad, but I can explain,” shrieks your wife.

  “Stay away from me, you brute!” shouts Jason dabbing at his bloody lip as more people gather around.

  “What the hell?” cries Gabrielle’s husband, Arthur. “Carl, put your johnson away for Christ sake.”

  “That animal punched me,” shouts Carl in response, wagging his limp dick around as he gestures angrily at you. You are annoyed that several of the women are staring at his exposed member in fascination.

  “You were… molesting my wife!” you shout in reply, straining to get at him as several more men intervene.

  “Well…” he says, settling down some and zipping his fly back up. “I think molesting is too strong a word. We were just chatting.”

  “Chatting with your cock out?” laughs a man from the crowd.

  “Yes, well… Ingrid is quite… friendly,” says Carl squaring his shoulders and straightening his tie. Several people laugh in spite of themselves and then look over at you guiltily.

  Ingrid breaks down in tears and Gabrielle leads her away as she clutches the front of her blouse closed.

  “Ok folks, I know that this is quite interesting, but please break it up and go back inside. We need to sort out a sensitive situation here,” says Arthur shooing everyone away. He puts his hand on your shoulder and says, “Sorry about this old man, but it’s just the sort of foolishness that happens when people drink too much. Don’t make too much out of it.”

  “They were really going at it, Arthur,” you say glumly.

  “Ok, well, go check on your wife. I will get Carl’s side of the story,” he says soothingly.

  “Side of the story?” you ask, incredulous. Then you shake your head and walk inside.

  Gabrielle intercepts you in the livingroom.

  “Oh Jason, she is too upset to talk right now,” says Gabrielle breathlessly. “I gave her a valium and the poor dear is laying down. I think she should stay here tonight and you two can work this out tomorrow morning in the light of day.”

  “But…” you say, then close your mouth. “Maybe you are right, Gabby. I’m too upset right now to talk this over properly.”

  “Good man, you are such a sensible fellow. Let me call a car to take you home, I don’t want you driving in this state,” she says rushing off.

  You stalk over to the bar and get another drink to steady your nerves. After a few moments, Arthur comes to join you.

  “Where is that bastard, Carl?” you ask testily.

  ‘Well, he’s too drunk to drive, so I put him up in one of the guest rooms,” says Arthur, shaking his head. “He is a cocky fellow. He doesn’t seem to get what the fuss is about and he’s threatening to press charges against you for assault over that fat lip you gave him.”

  “Wait, what?” you squawk. “He can’t stay here, Ingrid is staying here!”

  “Eh?” asks Arthur confused.

  Just then Gabrielle shows up, “Jason, a car is here to take you home, now come along.” She starts bustling you toward the door, but you resist.

  “Wait Gabby, Arthur just put Carl into a guest room to stay overnight. I am not leaving Ingrid here in this house that guy!” you stammer.

  Gabrielle and Arthur share a look of concern, then he holds up his hands, “Look, Jason, we will make sure no hanky panky goes on. I am sure Carl and Ingrid are both too upset and worn out to try anything further…”

  “She’s sound asleep from that valium,” says Gabrielle with a weak smile. “Nothing will happen. Now off you go.”

  You let them shepherd you out the door and walk slowly over to the waiting car where the driver is holding the car door open for you. Then you heard the distinct sound of your wife’s voice calling out. You glance back at the house and see that the upstairs guest room window is open. You stop and motion to the driver to wait, then walk back under the window to listen.

  You hear your wife call out, “Oh Carl!” Then you hear the unmistakable sound of a bed creaking and a headboard tapping the wall rhythmically. You blood runs cold as you stand there frozen. Gabrielle and Arthur see you standing there and come out to see what is t
he matter. They hear the sound of Carl grunting and your wife gasping as the headboard taps out a staccato against the wall and they look at you with chagrin.

  “Uh, I’m sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation,” says Gabrielle putting her hand on your shoulder gently and smiling awkwardly up at your stoney expression.

  Slutty Girlfriend Agrees to Blow Boyfriend’s Perverted Uncle for Cash

  Sheldon and Sarah met attending college in California and had been dating for about a year when he brought her along to his family reunion back east in New England. They were hanging out in his grandmother’s basement den with Sheldon’s uncle Bob, who was his mother’s brother. Sheldon’s father didn’t like Bob and called him a pervert and a junkman. But Sheldon and his mother suspected that he was just jealous because Bob made more from his recycling business than Sheldon’s father made as a college professor. Sheldon was soon to learn that his father had been partially right about Uncle Bob though… to his immense chagrin.

  “I have good memories of this place,” said Sheldon, looking fondly around the basement den decorated in rustic new england style with an old plaid couch, wood paneling, and duck decoys on the shelves. “We used to play Magic: the Gathering down here.”

  “You are such a nerd,” snorted Sarah, laughing and taking a sip of her sloe gin.

  “Yeah, I have good memories of this place too,” said Bob, reflectively scratching his fat belly though his faded t-shirt. “We used to bring girls down here and dare them to do naughty things.” He winks suggestively at Sarah and looks body her up and down. Sarah is wearing a short dress and boots with thigh high stockings, leaving the tops of her thighs exposed and Bob’s eyes flick hungrily from her pale thighs to her large breasts, barely contained by the halter top of her revealing dress.

  “What sort of naughty things?” asked Sarah with a giggle. She noticed Bob’s interest in her body and smiled inwardly, squaring her shoulders to make her boobs jut out a bit more. It amused her that a fat, old, sloppy man like Bob would take such an obvious interest in her.

  “Oh, you know,” chuckles Bob, “We would play spin the bottle or maybe dare them to take their clothes off and fool around in the closet.” He pauses to gaze at Sarah’s breasts again. “I would have liked to have a girl as good looking as you to play with back in those days,” he said, gripping his crotch suggestively.

  “Ok, wow,” laughs Sheldon. “Take it easy there, Uncle Bob.” He was starting to understand why his father called Bob a pervert. Sheldon hadn’t seen this side of him before.

  “Sorry boy,” says Bob, as he continues to fondle himself and ogle Sarah’s body. “But Sarah is just such a beautiful damn girl.”

  “Oh stop it,” laughs Sarah, blushing. She didn’t take Bob seriously, but it was always flattering to be complimented, even by a dirty old man. Sheldon was a bit annoyed at her reaction. She was obviously pleased by the attention.

  “Why do you let her dress like that?” demanded Bob with an evil grin. “With those slutty boots, and her boobies hanging out, of course men are going to look.”

  Sheldon rolled his eyes in exasperation, not knowing where to begin. “First of all, Uncle Bob, this is the 21st century and we aren’t from a trailer park. My girlfriend doesn’t ask my permission to wear an outfit.”

  “Besides, he likes it when I dress a little slutty,” said Sarah looking at Sheldon fondly. “If I wasn’t a little sexually aggressive, we wouldn’t have ever gotten together. He’s shy around girls.”

  “Really?” asked Bob with furrowed brow, taking a slurp of beer. ‘I never had that problem.”

  “Yeah, I’ll bet,” responded Sheldon with a tight smile. Then he loosened up as he remembered how he and Sarah first met. “I am confident in my academics, but not with women. I have trouble reading the signals they send. I never know if they are attracted to me or not. Luckily, Sarah just came over and plopped right into my lap at a party.”

  “No mixed signals there, huh?” said Sarah with a smile, touching Sheldon on the arm.

  “I wouldn’t mind it if you came over and sat in my lap,” said Bob, patting the faded thighs of his old jeans suggestively as he sat in a leather club chair, facing Sheldon and Sarah together on the couch.

  “Omigod, you uncle is such a dirty old man,” squealed Sarah with a laugh, addressing Sheldon but shooting Bob a sly look out of the corner of her eye and cocking a shoulder at him coquettishly.

  “I had heard that, actually,” mumbled Bob nervously. He was really uncomfortable with how much Sarah was enjoying the attention from his disgusting uncle.

  “Ahh, don’t listen to what your father says about me,” said Bob, frowning and waving his hand dismissively. “There is good money in garbage. It doesn’t mean I’m stupid just because I’ve chosen a dirty business.” Then he shook his head and said, “But speaking of money, how much can I offer you to come sit on my lap, little lady?”

  “Are you kidding?” blurted out Sarah, amazed at Bob’s audacity. “I’m not a prostitute!” she exclaimed with a grin, putting her arm around Sheldon to comfort him.

  “Now, now, don’t get offended and start throwing that word around,” said Bob, making calming gestures with his hand. “Look at it this way, who pays for dinner when you and Sheldon go out?”

  “Well he does,” she said hesitantly. “But he’s my boyfriend…” She stopped and gazed over at Sheldon affectionately, “Also, he’s young and smart and good looking.”

  “Sure,” said Bob, rubbing his hands together. “And you would go out with him even if he made you pay.”

  “Of course,” said Sarah, less sure of herself. Sheldon didn’t like the direction this conversation was going, but he didn’t know what to say.

  “Yeah, you might be a 21st century couple, but you would think less of him if he didn’t have the cash to take you out,” said Bob, nodding his head knowingly. “And you might even be thinking of his future prospects. A smart guy like him is sure to make a good buck… If he doesn’t get sucked into academia like his father did.”

  “Now hold on!” objected Sheldon hotly. “Dad’s considered the top researcher in his field.”

  “I know, son, I know,” said Bob soothingly. “I am just saying that women do take money into consideration when they choose who to bestow their affection on.” He held up his hands to forestall Sheldon’s objection. “Of course, society forces them to. They get paid less than men for the same work after all.”

  “Alright, so he is basically saying that we all have our price,” said Sarah turning to Sheldon with a devilish smile. “And he wants to know how much I will take to go sit on the lap of an overweight, grey balled, slob of an old man.”

  “Not to put too fine a point on it,” agreed Bob with a friendly laugh, totally unfazed by her playful insults.

  “Don’t encourage him,” laughed Sheldon nervously.

  “I take money to wait on tables, don’t I?” teased Sarah. “That’s unpleasant too.”

  “It won’t be unpleasant, darling,” said Bob, patting his lap again.

  “Oh God,” exclaimed Sheldon. “Don’t even joke about that.”

  “Ok, how about $200?” asked Sarah with a twinkle in her eye, giving her shoulders a playful shimmy. “That’s what I make in a night at the restaurant.”

  “That’s fair,” said Bob, licking his lips as he stared at Sarah’s jiggling cleavage. He grunted with effort as he leaned forward and extracted his wallet from his back pocket. He pulled out two crisp one hundred dollar bills and waived them at Sarah with an impish grin.

  Even Sheldon had to break out laughing at the expression on his uncle’s face. “Who carries that much money around?” he demanded, shaking his head in surprise.

  “I do,” said his uncle with a shrug. “You never know when an attractive business deal will come along. People are surprisingly swayed by the sight of cold hard cash and will often sell for less than they would otherwise.”

  “Uh, huh,” said Sheldon nervously. “Like you wan
t my girlfriend to…”

  “Perhaps,” responded Bob with a toothy grin, waving the money at Sarah.

  “Oh, come on honey,” said Sarah standing up and facing Sheldon. “I will take $200 to sit on your uncle’s lap. He’s being a bit pervy about it, but it’s not really a big deal, after all.”

  “Yeah…” said Sheldon, rubbing his head nervously.

  Sarah saw his hesitation, but just shrugged and headed over and sat down in Bob’s lap, snatching the money away playfully and tucking it into her bra. He responded by wrapping his arms around her eagerly.

  “That a girl,” he said encouragingly. “Oh, you are just a little slip of a thing. Light as a feather.” Bob put his hands on her thighs and started rubbing them. “Ooh, you have nice soft skin, too.”


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