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Wives Cheating, Husbands Watching Box Set

Page 62

by Gustav Jorgenson

  Sophie, took Rogan’s hand and gazed deep into her husband’s eyes as the gang leader chivalrously helped her to her knees before him.

  “That’s right, look your husband in the eyes and unzip my fly,” commanded Rogan, grinning evilly over at Milton who could only gulp helplessly in return as he watched his wife obediently unfasten Rogan’s belt.

  “I’m just going to suck it a little bit, dear,” explained Sophie to Milton as she yanked down on Rogan’s fly and his stiff penis came popping out, hitting her in the face unexpectedly.

  “Oh my goodness, it’s so veiny!” she exclaimed naively while the bikers all chortled and poked each other in the ribs.

  “I hope it’s not too scary,” said Rogan gently, putting his hand on Sophie’s head and guiding his dick toward her mouth.

  “No, I like it, it’s rough and tough looking,” she tittered to the delight of the crowd before eagerly taking Rogan’s glans into her mouth and sucking fitfully on it.

  “Ahh, yeah, that a girl,” he sighed in pleasure, looking over at Milton with satisfaction while Sophie vigorously fellated him.

  Milton looked on in enthrallment while Sophie licked Rogan’s veiny shaft, slurped on his swollen head and lapped obediently at his hairy balls with the bikers shouting encouragement all the while.

  “Look at her go!” exclaimed Rogan, turning to Milton and gesturing down at his wife’s passionately blowjob. “She sure is eager to prove her loyalty to me!”

  “Yes, err, she is being quite thorough, isn’t she?” admitted Milton sadly while Sophie tugged urgently on Rogan’s shaft while sucking hard on the head of his cock.

  “Yep, that’s enough, now lay on your back, and spread ‘em for me,” said Rogan suddenly.

  “Wait, the deal was for a blowjob only!” squawked Milton shrilly.

  But Sophie eagerly lay on her back while another biker gallant tucked his jacket beneath her head as a pillow. She looked up at Rogan with a smoldering gaze of desire and spread her legs for him ardently.

  “Oh, yeah, you are right,” said Rogan, snapping his fingers and swinging his stiff cock around. “I forgot. Sorry, Sophie. We had a deal after all. Only a blowjob. No fucking.”

  “Uh, no, please, I want it,” grunted Sophie, spreading her labia for him desperately, exposing her pink inner snatch while the bikers crowded around and hooted like deranged primates.

  “You want what, Sophie?” asked Rogan, pretending ignorance, while he stroked his rod and gazed down at her moist hole, spread open in supplication.

  “I want you inside me!” she gasped, squirming in anticipation and arching her back to make her pussy more available to him.

  “Sophie, how could you?” cried Milton in despair.

  “Please, Milton, can’t we do it just this once? I’m so horny!” begged Sophie, thrusting her pelvis back and forth in yearning.

  “Well, it’s up to you my friend,” said Rogan, slapping Milton on the shoulder heavily with one hand while he held his stiff quivering phallus in the other. “Want me to plow your old lady for you?”

  “Oh, jesus,” groaned Milton, covering his face with his hand.

  “Is that a yes?” coaxed Rogan, bending down to peer up at Milton.

  “Ugh, yes, do it and get it over with,” mumbled Milton, pushing Rogan away.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought you’d say,” said Rogan, dropping his trousers and climbing onto Milton’s waiting wife.

  “Oh, God, yes! That’s so good,” cried Sophie lustily as Rogan slid his thick cock inside her. The bikers all clapped and cheered at Sophie’s exclamations of passion while Rogan started pumping away.

  Milton looked down at Rogan’s back as the big biker thrust his manhood in and out of Sophie’s tight hole. His muscular buttocks were framed by Sophie’s pale thighs and calves, spread wide to receive him. Her thin white arms encircled the his broad, tan back as she clung to him and her head was tossed to the side in abandon while she grunted and moaned loudly under each pounding jab of the biker’s dick inside her. Milton was spellbound watching his meek little wife gibbering madly as an orgasm overtook her.

  “I’m coming inside you baby!” shouted Rogan as he ground his pelvis down upon her, pushing himself in even deeper than before to loose his seed.

  Milton watched in a daze as Rogan climbed off of Sophie and raised his arms triumphantly to the cheers of his gang, his dick slick with cum and slowly deflated as he turned proudly in a circle. Then he came over and shook Milton’s hand, grabbing it and pumping it cordially.

  “You and your wife are always welcome here, my friend. That’s the tightest snatch I’ve had in months, I’ll tell you what. And she really appreciates a good fuck, if you know what I mean. She really shows her gratitude,” gushed Rogan.

  Milton just stared at him dumbfounded and said nothing. Tiny and another fellow bent down and helped Sophie sit up. Her cheeks were flushed with arousal and her mask was nowhere to be seen. The big biker whispered in her ear and she nodded happily. The next thing Milton knew, she was on all fours, sucking Tiny’s cock while a small wiry biker was dicking her from behind, gripping her hips and humping away like a little dog.

  “Jesus Christ,” exclaimed Milton at the sight.

  “Oh, don’t get bent out of shape,” chuckled Rogan, bending down to retrieve his pants. “Of course the boys are going to take turns with her. It’s to be expected. She’s loving it, look at her.”

  Milton look on in a daze as Sophie grunted and moaned with pleasure while she sucked and fucked bikers two at a time. In return, they spurted jism in her mouth on her ass, inside her womb, in her hair, on her back, on her boobs, in her face, and basically all over her until she was practically coated in cum. Milton found himself kneeling before her at one point while she sucked his own penis mindlessly, barely aware that she was servicing her own husband, in her stupor of lust. He looked down as her lips, slick with the semen of other men, wrapped around his shaft and he shot his own load right down her throat which she gulped down greedily.

  She looked up then in gratitude and recognized Milton. “Oh, it’s you! You sure gave me a healthy mouthful there! You must be enjoying the show. I’m glad you finally took your turn. I didn’t want you to be left out,” she said sweetly.

  “Uh, yes, thank you,” said Milton at a loss for words, shocked at the chunky globs of ejaculate dripping from Sophie’s hair.

  After some indeterminate amount of time, all the bikers had taken one or two turns fucking and jizzing on Sophie and they all milled around drinking beers and chatting good naturedly, basking in post-orgasm good spirits. Buttercup came over and helped Sophie to her feet and she was soon drinking beer and conversing with the bikers still completely unselfconscious about being naked and covered in semen.

  Milton approached the group where Sophie was laughing with Tiny, Rogan, Buttercup and some other thugs.

  “Err, shouldn’t you cover up or something, dear?” asked Milton nervously.

  “Ha, really, darling, it’s hardly a time to feign modesty after I’ve had messy sex with practically every man in the room,” laughed Sophie, tucking a cum-soaked lock of hair behind her ear.

  “Ha, ha, yes, quite,” stammered Milton as the group broke out laughing.

  “Here, we got something for you to wear though,” said Rogan, gesturing to Buttercup with his beer.

  “Oh, yeah,” grinned Buttercup, producing a leather vest. She held it up for display the back which had the skeleton logo of the gang along with the words “Property of…” at the top and then “Official Fuck Slut” at the bottom.

  “Wow, that’s classy,” teased Sophie. “Is that for me?”

  “Yup,” said Buttercup, helping Sophie into the vest. “You are property of the club now.”

  “That’s wonderful,” muttered Milton sardonically. “Your friends will be impressed.”

  “Oh my god, imagine if I showed this vest to my friends?” gasped Sophie with a laugh. “They would be simple scandalized.”

sp; “And they wouldn’t even believe that it was true,” agreed Milton glumly.

  “Thank you so much, I will always cherish this,” said Sophie, kissing Buttercup on the cheek with a twinkle in her eye.

  “You got to be careful, wearing that in public, though,” warned Rogan. “That vest grants any member the right to stop you and demand sex wherever you may be and you are required to comply. That’s the deal. In return, you receive our protection.”

  “Uh, ok, got it,” laughed Sophie. “I feel so safe now,” she told her husband, suppressing a smile.

  “Yes, so do I,” said Milton, eyeing the gun racks in trepidation. “Look, I think we should be going now.”

  “Ok, dear, I agree, I am simply exhausted from all that sucking and fucking,” chirped Sophie with a sly grin.

  “Uh, yeah,” replied Milton, rubbing his head in confusion.

  “How does it feel to be such a massive cuckold?” leered Buttercup, giving Milton a sneer.

  “Lay off him, Buttercup. He was a good sport. But you come here, Sophie,” said Rogan, grabbing Sophie and giving her a deep passionate kiss. “You are a damn good fuck, little lady. Don’t be a stranger now. I want to see you back here soon so that I can use you for sex.”

  “Yessir,” replied Sophie, saluting smartly.

  “Darling, it warmed my heart to see you down there fucking all those boys like a champ. I feel like you became a woman today,” said Buttercup, holding Sophie at arm’s length and looking her naked body up and down. She shook Sophie’s shoulders and make her cum-slicked boobs jiggle and bounce, the sight of which made Milton’s penis stiffen again slightly and he noticed all the other men of the group paying particular attention as well.

  “Gosh, uh, thank you, Buttercup,” said Sophie awkwardly, crossing her hands over her sodden bush. “Um, did you see my dress anywhere? It’s time to go.”

  “Oh, honey, that old thing is all trampled and torn, you should just scoot out of here in your birthday suit,” said Buttercup, shaking her head.

  “Really, wow, ok,” said Sophie, looking at her husband with a raised eyebrow.

  “I guess it doesn’t matter much at this point, just duck down in the seat and I will pull right into the garage when we get home,” said Milton, throwing up his hands.

  Several more men stopped Sophie to kiss and grope her as she and Milton made their way through the crowd toward the door. Milton stood by watching uncomfortably as random men took their liberties with her, pinching her nipples, grasping her bare buttocks, and fingering her twat as she giggled and pushed them away affectionately. Finally they made it out into the cool night air and Milton breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Ooh, the semen feels cold out here, I can feel it all over,” commented Sophie matter-of-factly as she reached back and delicately extracted a sticky mass from between her butt cheeks.

  “Thanks for sharing,” replied Milton snarkily.

  “Don’t be like that, darling,” pouted Sophie as they approached the car. “It’s not my fault things got a little out of hand this evening.”

  “A little out of hand?” croaked Milton, opening the door for her. “That’s the understatement of the year. Ugh, do we have anything to put on the seat. You are going to get, uh, jism all over everything.”

  “Oh, well, just take the car in for detailing tomorrow,” she replied breezily as she flopped down on the seat.

  Milton was pensive on the ride home and Sophie was elated, riding an intense endorphin high of the sort she had never known.

  “That was the most incredible experience of my life,” chirped Sophie as the streetlamp light intermittently illuminated her naked body.

  “I’m still trying to come to terms with it,” admitted Milton, struggling with a combination of jealousy, shame, and arousal. “I actually feel pretty nauseous right now.”

  “Poor baby, I will make you a nice mint tea when we get home,” said Sophie, patting Milton on the hand to comfort him.

  He smiled crookedly at his caring wife and it struck him how odd it was to contrast their quiet domestic little life with Sophie’s nude, cum-slick body and her greasy motorcycle vest. When they pulled into their driveway, Milton realized that the garage door opening wasn’t working, so they had to park there in front of the garage.

  “Do you want me to run in and get you a robe?” asked Milton,

  “Maybe not, I don’t see anyone around,” replied Sophie, looking up and down their silent suburban street, deserted at this late hour. She climbed out of the car and was about the scurry into the house when she practically bumped into their neighbor, Harold, smoking a cigarette in the bushes that separated their two yards.

  “Oh, shit, sorry,” gasped Harold, trying to hide his cigarette nervously. Then he realized that Sophie was naked except for her vest and his eyes bulged out of his head.

  “Harold! Does Diane know you are smoking out here?” cried Sophie in shock. “I thought you quit last year.”

  “Please don’t tell her,” begged Harold, unable to pull his eyes away from Sophie’s tits bouncing with her indignation. “Um, why aren’t you dressed?”

  “Don’t change the subject, Harold, this is a serious matter,” said Sophie, trying unsuccessfully to pull the vest closed to cover her boobs. She resorted to crossing her arms over her chest to hide her stiff nipples. “You promised your family that you would quit smoking.”

  “It’s a terrible addiction, Sophie, you don’t understand,” protested Harold as he stared at Sophie’s exposed bush, visible in the moonlight.

  “Harold, stop staring at my vagina and look me in the eye,” demanded Sophie. “You owe it your loved ones to care for you health.”

  “You’re right, dear, but let’s harangue Harold about this tomorrow,” said Milton diplomatically, slipping around the car and leading his wife back toward the house.

  “And stop staring at my bottom! You should be ashamed of yourself,” scolded Sophie over her shoulder as Harold gaped in amazement at the message on the back of her vest and then down at her round, ripe, rump.

  “I’m, I’m sorry, Sophie,” called Harold. “I mean, I beg your pardon!”

  “The nerve of that man!” cried Sophie as Milton let her into the house. “Leering at my body like that with a filthy cigarette in his hand as he slowly makes a widow of his poor wife.

  “Well, darling, be reasonable, I mean, you are practically naked,” said Milton, taking a paper towel and dabbing at the cum on Sophie’s chest. “Darling, you are mess, you need to go jump in the shower and wash this grotesque biker seed off yourself.”

  “It’s not grotesque, I like it,” said Sophie, capturing a glob that dangled from her nipple and putting it her mouth seductively. “Tastes like ox roast,” she said devilishly.

  “Oh my god, you terrible,” laughed Milton in shock.

  “Do you think Harold wants to fuck me?” asked Sophie over her shoulder as she headed off to the bathroom.

  “Well I could hardly blame him if he did,” said Milton, trailing after her down the hall.

  “Hhmm, go tell him that I will keep quiet about his cigarette if he comes over and scrubs my back in the shower,” said Sophie as she turned on the shower faucet.

  “Uh, wait a minute, are you serious?” asked Milton, his penis awakening again at the transgressive idea.

  “I sure am, unless you are too afraid?” asked Sophie with an arched brow as she tossed her vest aside and stepped under the steamy stream of fresh water.

  Milton stood indecisively for a moment and then headed back out into the night to make Harold an offer that he was sure he wouldn’t refuse.

  Haughty Wife, Hen-pecked husband

  Walter didn’t like to think of himself as a henpecked husband, but he had to admit that the term was probably appropriate. His wife Dominique was a very domineering woman who always insisted on getting her way. Walter did his best to please her and worked hard to give her a comfortable suburban life with a big home and regular vacations abroad. And yet,
she never seemed to be satisfied.

  “Walter, stand up straight, you look like a slob slouching like that,” said Dominique one evening as they prepared to go out drinking.

  “Err, yes dear,” replied Walter, adjusting his posture as he straightened his tie in the wardrobe mirror.

  “Well, what do you think of this little number?” asked his wife, strutting out from the walk-in closet wearing a short, black, translucent dress, with thigh-high patterned stockings.


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