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Wives Cheating, Husbands Watching Box Set

Page 71

by Gustav Jorgenson

  “Jack. His name is Jack. Yeah, I know, I -”

  “Wait, you knew about this. What happened, did you and Sally break up?”

  “No, of course not. He just talked her into having a drink with him.”

  “Well, they are getting pretty, uh, friendly down here. He’s got his hands all over her. I mean he’s touching her, um, her bottom and everything.”

  “Oh, fuck, I’m coming right down there.”

  My heart was pounding in my chest and my gut was twisted with jealousy as I sprinted over to the campus bar. As I arrived, I finally got a text message from Sally.

  So sorry, darling, didn’t get your texts until just now. It was so loud in the bar, I couldn’t hear the notifications. Jack is a clod, but he amuses me. We headed back to my room to chat in private.

  Wait, what? Why do you need to be in private? I texted back. I felt a wave of nausea roll over me and my knees felt watery. I waited for a few minutes, but when I got no answer, I stuck my phone back in my pocket and ran off to Sally’s place with my heart in my throat.

  When I got her room, breathless and sweaty, I knocked impatiently at the door for several minutes before she answered. When she finally pulled the door open, her hair was a mess and her eyes were glassy with alcohol.

  “Sidney, you’re here! Come in, come in,” she said, ushering me unsteadily into her studio apartment. The room was dim, she had lit candles and she was playing soft folk music, which was how she usually set the mood for sex when I came over, but there on her futon was Jack, sprawled out as though he owned the place.

  “Oh, fuck, what are you doing here?” snapped Jack with a snarl, clearly surprised at my arrival.

  “Play nice, Jack,” said Sally with a slur. “Sidney happens to be my boyfriend. He belongs here with me. Come along honey, let’s sit together.” She lead me to her big leather club chair and pushed me down in it and then flopped unceremoniously into my lap.

  “My god, Sally, you are drunk,” I hissed.

  “I know, darling, please forgive me,” she said, taking my face in her hands and kissing me on the mouth. “But you just left me in the bar for so long and I had to drink in order to tolerate Jack’s asinine company.”

  “Shut up, we were getting along pretty well just before he got here,” said Jack, leaning forward aggressively and spreading his legs. Sally’s room was small, and the futon was just a few feet from the chair in which we sat. I could clearly see that Jack had a massive hardon sticking up in his loose basketball shorts.

  “Shush, you, keep quiet,” admonished Sally, kicking her legs playfully as she sat on my lap. “And hand me my drink.”

  Jack graciously handed her drink to her and then reached out and touched her stockinged leg on the calf. “Hey I like these panty hose, they have a pattern.”

  “Jack, you are a dolt. These are stockings, not panty hose and the pattern is called a filigree,” said Sally smugly, putting her nose in the air with a drunken flourish.

  “What’s the difference? Stockings, panty hose, same thing,” said Jack, sliding his hand up leg familiarly as he gazed as my girlfriend’s shapely legs with admiration.

  “Why are we talking about this? Can he please leave now?” I asked, wrapping my arms around Sally’s narrow waist.

  “Don’t be selfish, dear. Jack is an ignoramus, and ignoramuses need educating,” said Sally, pinching my cheek. “You see Jack, stockings are two piece garments, and pantyhose are one piece.”

  “Two pieces? Like socks? How high do they go up?” asked Jack. He reached over and lifted the hem of Sally’s little black dress and tried to peer up it.

  She slapped his hand away and giggled. “Don’t be fresh, you animal. You can’t just look up a lady’s dress without asking. These stockings go well up my thigh and they are held in place with suspenders.”

  I felt my own penis growing hard and press into Sally’s soft rump. I liked it when she wore stockings with suspenders. She noticed my arousal and wriggled around on my lap in response.

  “What are suspenders?” asked Jack. “Can I see?”

  “Only if you ask nicely,” said Sally, pulling the hem of her dress down modestly while jack gazed at her gorgeous thighs hungrily.

  “Sally!” I whimpered.

  “Oh, don’t make a fuss, darling,” she sniffed. “I am trying to teach this beast some manners and also teach him about ladies undergarments.”

  “May I please see your suspenders?” asked Jack, cocking his head to the side.

  “No you may not,” said Sally, reaching out to tap Jack playfully on the nose.

  “Like hell I can’t,” he chuckled and he grabbed her knees and parted them forcefully while she giggled and kicked ineffectually.

  “Take your hands off her,” I sniped, feeling strangely torn, I was weirdly comforted by Sally’s weight on my lap, simultaneously I felt hurt by her shameless flirting, and also angered by Jack’s brash advances.

  “Stop it, you’ll tear them, they are delicate,” she said, gasping for air as she laughed uncontrollably. “Play nice, play nice, and I’ll show you.” She pushed Jack’s hands away and lifted her hem ever so slightly for him to peek up it.

  He grabbed the hem of her dress and pushed it roughly up to her waist so that he could get a good look. She gasped with surprise and my heart started pounding in my chest.

  “This isn’t appropriate,” I stammered lamely, but my cock stiffened as I looked down at Sally’s shapely thighs. The sharp contrast of her pale upper thighs against the dark tops of her stockings always made me mad with lust.

  “Aw, yeah, nice,” said Jack as he slid his hand eagerly along the top of her thighs, feeling the sheer fabric of her stockings.

  “You can look but you mustn’t touch,” said Sally sternly but she made no move to stop him and in fact parted her legs further and lifted the hem of her dress up past her waist so that her lacey panties were exposed. She was breathing heavily and her cheeks were flushed with excitement.

  “Look, Sidney, zettai ryouiki,” she said in perfect Japanese. “Zettai ryouiki.”

  “The fuck?” said Jack, looking up at Sally with a furrowed brow.

  “Zettai ryouiki describes the area of bare skin exposed on the thighs between the skirt and stockings of female anime characters,” explained Sally patiently. “Sidney is quite enamoured by it.”

  “Yeah, that’s pretty hot,” said Jack, putting his hands on Sally’s knees and peering with interest down between her parted legs. “You like this patch of skin here, huh Sidney?” he asked, boldly running his rough calloused hands down to the soft skin of Sally’s inner thighs, just above her stockings and just inches from her crotch.

  “Oh my,” gasped Sally, her chest heaving with passion. “You mustn’t.”

  “You don’t like that?” asked Jack, tilting his head at her quizzically. “How about this?” he asked, pressing his fingers against her vagina as he probed about, searching for her clitoris.

  “Get your hands off my girlfriend,” I cried, slapping Jack’s rough mitts away.

  Jack withdrew his hands hastily and gave me a roguish grin. “She’s practically offering it me, Sid, what do you want me to do?”

  “Now Jack, I know you are an uncivilized beast, but please try to show some manners. It’s impolite to go mashing at a young woman’s private parts without asking,” said Sally, fanning her face urgently.

  “Well you can touch my privates anytime, you don’t got to ask. Go ahead,” he said, standing up and presenting his protruding priapic bulge to Sally. His cock was forming an absurdly large protrusion in his basketball shorts and his put his penis just inches from Sally’s face as she sat on my lap.

  Her mouth dropped open as though to receive his member and she put her hands carefully on his hips. For a moment I thought she was going to pull the ape’s shorts down and start sucking him, but she got a grip on herself and just pushed him away gently.

  “Now Jack, you mustn’t go swinging that thing around. You might hurt so
meone,” exclaimed Sally. “Now sit back down and let me show you how my suspenders work.”

  “Okie doke,” he said, gripping his package as he sat back down and returned his attention to Sally’s crotch.

  “Sally, what are you doing?” I asked, as she wriggled back and forth excitedly on my lap, rubbing her round buttocks against my hardon which was poking into her rear.

  “I’m trying to teach Jack how to properly undress a lady, Sidney,” she said loftily. “Not that any woman with class would consider bedding such an uncouth lout.”

  “You never know,” he injected looking deep into her eyes with an intensity that made my blood run cold. “Fucking isn’t supposed to be civilized.”

  “You know nothing, Jack, so please don’t presume to tell me anything about sex. Stop grappling with your johnson over there and pay attention. I’m going to show you how suspenders work.”

  Jack made a face that was almost, but not quite, embarrassed. He had been fondling his junk unconsciously without realizing it and stopped abruptly when Sally pointed it out. He put his hands back on Sally’s smooth gorgeous thighs and turned his attention to her suspenders.

  “You see there is this little clamp that snaps onto the stockings,” said Sally breathlessly as she showed Jack the mechanism.

  “This ain’t hard,” he said, effortlessly unsnapping the first suspender and making Sally coo with approval. “And there is one in the back, too, right,” he said, wrapping his big hands around Sally’s upper thigh so he could get at the clamp below her thigh. I noticed him grinding his knuckles into her crotch as he worked to release it.

  “Uh, yes, that one is harder to get at,” gulped Sally, putting her hand on top of Jack’s as he knuckled her pubic bone and squeezed her inner thigh with his huge meaty paws. “Oh god,” she blurted as he located her clitoris and started worrying it with the back of his hand.

  “Sally, he’s rubbing your crotch,” I whimpered.

  “No he isn’t silly,” she croaked, holding his hand firmly in place against her crotch. “He’s just unfastening my suspenders.”

  “Well he shouldn’t be unfastening my girlfriends suspenders at any rate,” I yelped. Jack bit his lip as he locked gazes with Sally and worked her clit, ignoring me entirely, so I pushed him roughly back. Jack sat back with sigh and touched the back of his hand.

  “Ok, yes, I think you are learning,” said Sally with a cough

  “Your panties are getting wet,” he said, giving her a smoldering look as he licked the back of his hand.

  “I’m sure I don’t know what you are talking about,” stammered Sally, wiping away the sweat which was beading on her upper lip.

  “Here, let me help you roll down those stockings now,” offer Jack, rubbing his hands together gleefully.

  “No, no,” said Sally holding up one hand to ward him off. “I think Sidney is right. It isn’t proper for me to have your rough barbarous hands on my gentle thighs,” she grabbed her drink from the side table and took a long draught. “Oh my gosh, it’s so hot in here, isn’t it?”

  “I feel fine,” I said.

  “I’m hot too, you mind if I take my top off?” he said, pulling his shirt off without asking.

  Sally gazed at Jack’s muscular torso with interest and I could feel her wriggling again. His thickly muscled chest was hairless and coating in a thin sheen of sweat. I wrinkled my nose as the scent of his body odor wafted over.

  “Ugh, you stink,” I complained. “Didn’t you take a shower today?”

  “Yes, you are pungent,” agreed Sally. “And a gentleman never appears in deshabille in polite company.”

  “Say what?” he asked flexing his big arms confidently.

  “Deshabille means undressed, idiot,” I snapped, as Sally rose lithely to her feet. My erection popped up, pitching a tent in my pants and I covered my crotch with my hands, bashfully.

  “Ok, odiferous, you go wash out your underarms in the bathroom,” commanded Sally, pointing at Jack. “I won’t have your stench lingering in my quarters.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said, jumping to his feet and saluting her smartly. I saw him jab her in the belly with his rod as he squeezed past, and Sally slapped his shoulder affectionately as he strode off to the bathroom.

  “Sally, why are you letting this guy hang out here? He’s an ass! I can’t believe how shamelessly you two are flirting. It’s upsetting.”

  “Oh don’t be silly darling, it’s perfectly harmless banter, I assure you,” said Sally, reaching behind herself to unzip her dress. “Are you honestly jealous of such a blithering cretin as Jack? We are just having a bit of sport. Besides I could tell you were quite, uh stimulated by the whole encounter. I felt a persistent pressure against my rump the whole time.” She bent over and gripped the bulge in my pants significantly, squeezing my cock through the thin material of my trousers. “Hmm, yes, your wilson quite approves of a bit of bawdy behavior on my part I see. Now stop your sniveling and help me unzip my dress.”

  “I’ll do it,” offered Jack rushing back into the room in nothing but his boxer shorts. His erection had subsided somewhat but there was still a protruding bulge which threatened to pop out the opening in the front at any moment.

  “Hold on, hold on,” I cried. “First of all, where are your shorts? And secondly, why are you getting undressed?”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about, I’m still wearing shorts,” said Jack, playing dumb.

  Sally eyed Jack’s package with interest. “Oh you can’t expect these dumb jocks to keep track of their clothes, darling. I’m sure he would run around like a naked animal if he could. As for me, I’m simply getting changed for bed.”

  “But you can’t get changed while HE is here,” I complained. I could feel a lump in my throat at the very idea. “I don’t like him and I want him to leave.”

  “Don’t be like that, darling,” said Sally pouting at me prettily. “Why I thought we were all getting along quite well. I was hoping we could patch things up between you and Jack so that he would stop picking on you so much.”

  “What, by letting him finger you and then stripping naked for him?” I shouted hotly.

  Sally just replied with a musical laugh and kissed me on the cheek gayly. “Oh, it’s so cute that you are jealous, darling. How could you possibly think I would have any interest in this muggle?” She turned to Jack and pointed back at the futon. “Jack, sit. I don’t have a changing room, so I am going to get changed here, but I expect you to cover your eyes and not peek. I’ll be watching you.”

  “Ok,” agreed Jack readily, sliding past her and rubbing his package against her belly again.

  “Sally, this is ridiculous, he won’t cover his eyes.”

  “Of course he will,” said said dismissively. “Now help me pick out a nice nightgown.”

  “Pick a slutty one,” encouraged Jack, leaning back on his hands.

  “Like hell,” I said and went to Sally’s bureau and pulled out a shapeless cotton nightgown with flowers on it. It reminded me of something my grandmother would wear.

  “That’s fine, thank you, darling,” she said taking it from me. “Cover your eyes, Jack, and remember, no peeking!”

  Jack made a show of covering his eyes with one hand and Sally slipped her dress off casually. She stood there in her black lace bra and panties with one stocking unfastened and drooping down her thigh. I admired her slim form with her long, elegant legs, flat stomach, small round butt and surprisingly large breasts. I watched in fascination as she unsnapped her remaining suspenders and then flopped back into my lap to remove her stockings.

  She stood again and slipped out of her bra with a sigh of relief. She stood facing me and rubbing her nice perky boobs.

  “Ooh, my breasts feel swollen, I must be getting near my period. I’m feeling fertile,” she cooed. Then she came and dangled one pale orb with a taut, pink nipple before my face. “Suck on my nipple, Sidney. My boobs are sore.”

  I felt nervous about doing it with
Jack sitting right there, but her breasts are simply too irresistible so I readily complied and we were distracted for several minutes while I slurped hungrily on Sally’s nipples and she cradled my head in her hands, cooing with pleasure. We were interrupted by Jack’s grunting as he brazenly watched us and jerked his exposed schlong which had erupted out of his shorts.

  “Ugh, you filthy beast, put that back in your shorts!” demanded Sally, drawing away and covering her breasts with one slim arm. “And cover your eyes, you nasty thing. You aren’t allowed to watch while I get changed.”

  Jack looked her up and down and jerked his rod unapologetically. “Take your panties off,” he urged.

  “I certainly will, once you put your vile member back in your shorts, pig,” she said with a laugh. But she was looking at the red swollen head of Jack’s cock with intense interest and almost seemed disappointed when he tucked in awkwardly back into his boxers. “Very good,” she said with a sigh. “Now cover your eyes so I can finish getting undressed.”


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