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Sweet Buns (Cedar Falls Book 1)

Page 3

by Shea Balik


  Aidan wasn’t sure how the day could get worse at this point, but he just wasn’t willing to attempt meeting any more of the locals. Once back at the corner of Main Street and Peachtree he sighed in relief that he’d gotten away from Betty Sue.

  He turned to head back to his car, passing a small area with flowers and a few benches for people to relax on the corner. A man with eyeliner, mascara, and bright pink lipstick sat there staring at him. If Aidan wasn’t imagining it, he would swear the man was laughing at him with his eyes.

  Not wanting to engage anyone else, Aidan forced his gaze to the ground before his feet. With his luck the guy was crazy.

  “If you wanted coffee you should have gone to Sweet Buns,” the man said.

  Aidan stopped to turn and face the man. “Look, I appreciate the recommendation but after what I just had—” He glanced back to where the coffee shop was located and shivered. “Let’s just say, I may stop drinking coffee.”

  Now the man laughed outright. “I had considered washing my mouth out with soap when I stupidly had some of Betty Sue’s coffee. That awful taste stayed with me for days.”

  The funny man stood and approached Aidan. That was when Aiden noticed the man’s boots. They had to have three-inch heels, but it was the color that had Aidan raising his eyebrows—neon pink. They matched the pink T-shirt that peeked through the long black coat that went to the top of the boots.

  Having lived in New York on and off since college, Aidan had seen a lot more outrageous styles. But this wasn’t New York, it was a small, dying, southern town. This guy was either crazy, or he had the biggest set of balls, to dress like that.

  “I’m Jesse by the way,” the man said with his hand held out palm down. The movement opened Jesse’s coat enough that Aidan could read his T-shirt. “I call bottom” was printed in bold black letters.

  Aidan didn’t know what to think but he gripped Jesse’s hand and brought it up to his lips for a brief kiss. “Aidan Dempsey.”

  Jesse gave him a really big smile. “I think I’m going to like you.”

  Damn. Having just thwarted the unwanted advances of Betty Sue, Aidan was really hoping to not have to do so again, especially so soon. Jesse was cute but not his type. Without his platform boots the man was probably only five-five at most. He was also just too thin for Aidan’s taste. He liked a fairly muscular man, not a body builder, but someone who obviously worked out. That way when he fucked him, he didn’t worry about hurting him.

  “Look, Jesse, I appreciate—”

  Jesse cut him off with a laugh. “Don’t flatter yourself. You’re not my type.” Crossing one arm over his chest with the other elbow on top so his finger was touching his mouth, Jesse looked him up and down. “Well, actually you could be my type, but I have my sights set on Parker. I meant I like you as a friend.”

  Because Aidan was bored in this town, he decided to take a chance. “I’d like that.”

  With a mischievous twinkle in those dark eyes, Jesse grabbed Aidan’s arm and started pulling him away from the direction of his car. “Good. As my new friend, I insist on buying you the best damn cup of coffee you’ve ever had.”

  Why did Aidan keep talking to people? He should have just ignored Jesse and kept walking to his car, but noooo, he had to stop and be friendly. Now he was going to have to drink another cup of coffee. Based on every cup he’d had since coming to this hell, it didn’t promise to be good, no matter what Jesse claimed.

  After crossing Peachtree Street, Jesse dragged him farther down Main until they came to a large bakery called Sweet Buns. Clever name. The building looked fairly new and stood alone, away from the rest of the strip mall look of Main Street. It had a wood cabin feel that had Aidan curious to look inside.

  Stepping through the door, he was stunned by the country charm mixed with a modern flair that Aidan would have never thought would have worked, yet it did there. He was tempted to sit in one of the few comfortable chairs scattered around and read a book. Based on the cozy way the chairs were arranged, not to mention a few that were occupied with people doing just that, the owner had put the chairs in just for that purpose.

  Tables filled the rest of the front area, and Aidan was a little surprised to see several of them had customers in them, especially since the Coffee House had been empty. Of course, that could be because the Coffee House had looked like someone just wiped the counter tops and swept the floor. This place appeared to have been scrubbed down from ceiling to floor. To Aidan it appeared that the owner took pride in the bakery.

  “Hey, Jesse,” a girl greeted as they walked through the door.

  “Hi, Megan. Is Zane around?” Jesse went up to the counter, letting Aidan wander around.

  Aidan wasn’t paying too much attention to the conversation until he heard Megan say, “Yeah. He’s on the phone with his mom, ranting about the casino again.”

  Jesse’s eyes got real big as he furtively glanced at Aidan. Apparently, Jesse knew who Aidan was. What he wanted to know was how. With the exception of the construction crew, he hadn’t exactly taken the time to get to know anyone in town.

  “Um,” Jesse said, clearly trying to figure out what to do. “Megan, have I introduced Aidan? Aidan, this is Megan. She is Zane’s right-hand man, er, woman.”

  Megan eyed him critically. For the first time in years he wasn’t sure he measured up to someone’s standards. It was a kind of a blow to his ego. “Nice to meet you, Aidan. Can I get you two anything, or did you just come to talk to Zane?”

  Jesse rolled his perfectly lined eyes. “Have you ever known me not to have coffee when I come in here?”

  Because Jesse was literally hopping from one foot to the other, Aidan wasn’t sure the man needed more caffeine. But he wasn’t about to say anything, especially because, for the first time since coming to this town, he had hope of getting a decent cup for himself.

  “You have a point, but since you look like you’re about to jump out of your skin I’m not sure Zane would appreciate my giving you another cup,” Megan said.

  Aidan had to bite his lip to keep from laughing, especially when Jesse tried hard to stay still after her pointed observation but gave up after thirty seconds when he just couldn’t seem to keep from moving. “How about you make the coffee and we won’t tell him about it?”

  Now Aidan did laugh. He just couldn’t help it. When both pairs of eyes turned to glare at him, he wished he’d refrained. He could feel heat rising up his neck and into his face.

  Jesse fisted his hands and placed them on his hips as if he were angry with Aidan, but it just made Aidan laugh harder. With his hands on his hips and hopping from one foot to the other, Jesse looked like he was trying to do one of those Irish dances, only failing miserably.

  Soon Megan was laughing, too. “Jesse, seriously, I don’t think you need more coffee unless you’re planning to try out for Riverdance.”

  With a dramatic sigh Jesse dropped his hands to his sides. “Just get me my usual.”

  Still smiling, Megan turned to Aidan. “And what would you like?”

  “I just want a cup of whatever you have that’s fresh.” At this point he didn’t care what it was, he just wanted something that wasn’t sludge, yet also not watered down.

  Her eyes widened just a bit at his statement as if something dawned on her. “You went to the Coffee House, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah.” Apparently, that wasn’t the first time Betty Sue had served bad coffee.

  Nodding she asked, “Do you prefer light, medium, or dark roast?”

  Normally he liked dark, but that was only when he needed a jolt in the mornings. Since it was getting late, he went with the medium. He watched as she expertly made a macchiato for Jesse, his hope for a good cup increased even more when the man sighed after his first sip.

  Megan placed a cup in front of Aidan, and he stared at it for just a moment while he said a quick prayer to the coffee gods that it was at least tolerable. He wrapped his hand around the hand
le before he lifted it up to his mouth. Inhaling deeply he took in the heavenly aroma before putting the mug to his lips.

  Tipping it, he took his first tentative sip and nearly wept at how good it was. Just to be sure, Aidan took another sip and sighed in relief. He noticed both Megan and Jesse watching him, waiting for him to say whether he liked it or not. Smiling he said, “Perfect.”

  Jesse smirked. “Told ya.”

  Aidan just shook his head and took another mouthful of the ambrosia. He couldn’t wait to come back there in the morning to try the dark roast.

  “I swear, that casino is going to ruin this town and that pansy-assed mayor is just going to let it happen.”

  Aidan nearly choked on his coffee when the sexiest man he’d ever seen walked in from the back.

  Seeing Jesse trying to hide his drink, the man turned an accusing eye on Megan. “Please tell me you didn’t just give Jesse another macchiato.”

  Megan just picked up a towel and started cleaning all the machines. Sighing loudly the handsome man turned to Jesse. “When you can’t sleep tonight, don’t wake my ass up to keep you company.”

  Jesse expression turned mutinous. “I don’t wake you up,” he said with a stomp. When Zane just folded his arms over his chest and glared at the man, Jesse blushed and mumbled, “Much.”

  That was when those mesmerizing blue eyes turned to Aidan with surprise, as if the man hadn’t realized anyone was standing there. When his cheeks paled before flushing the prettiest shade of red, it was clear this man knew who Aidan was and just remembered what he’d been bitching about.

  Hoping to put the sexy man at ease, Aidan stuck out his hand. “Aidan Dempsey.”

  Reluctantly the man shook his hand. “Zane Fisher.”

  Not letting Zane’s hand go right away, Aidan stepped even closer as he stroked his thumb over the Zane’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Zane.”

  Aidan couldn’t deny his disappointment when Zane pulled his hand back. He would really like to get to know Zane better, but with the man backing away to the door he’d just come through, Aidan didn’t think that would be happening anytime soon.

  Desperate to keep Zane from leaving Aidan blurted out, “Is there a reason you think the casino is a bad thing?”

  That panic that had been there a moment ago turned to anger in the blink of an eye. Aidan may have miscalculated when bringing up the casino, but he hadn’t known what else to say to keep Zane from walking away.

  Those pale eyes narrowed as Zane stared Aidan down. “Problem? Why would I have a problem?” The words were soaked in sarcasm as that lush mouth turned into a sneer. “After all, who wouldn’t love crime and corruption in their town?”

  Okay, now he was just taking the sarcasm to a whole new level. What Aidan wasn’t sure of, was why? Sure, there were some possibilities for crime and corruption with a casino, but it was usually kept to a minimum, especially if the town worked with the casino to keep certain types of people from taking advantage.

  “I think you have the wrong idea about what will happen. Why don’t I take you to dinner so we can talk about it?” He knew it was a long shot, but he still hoped the sexy man would agree.

  Zane now stood in the doorway to the backroom. “Not going to happen. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.”

  Aidan stood there, unsure what to do. He’d been with a lot of men in his life, but never had he felt such an instant attraction to anyone. It was like every cell in his body had tried to get closer to the man. Even now he had to stop himself from going after Zane and demanding he talk to Aidan.

  He could feel Jesse’s and Megan’s eyes on him as he stood there trying to figure out what he should do. Because it was killing him to not go after Zane, he figured it was best to leave. “Thanks for the coffee,” he said to Jesse. “It was nice to meet you both.”

  Opening the door, he swiftly walked back to his car. How he got back to the job site, Aidan couldn’t say. It was like he’d been on autopilot while his brain worked out a way to convince Zane to go out with him. No idea came to him, but he wasn’t going to give up.


  Zane stood in the back shaking as he heard Aidan leave. The man’s picture didn’t begin to do Aidan justice. Nearly a half a foot taller than Zane, Aidan exuded power and confidence. The man’s shirt had strained to hold in his muscles. Muscles that had Zane’s mouth water because he wanted to lick each and every one.

  In normal circumstances Zane would have accepted the man’s date without question, but after a string of one-night stands and failed relationships, Zane was ready for something more, something permanent.

  But there had been no mistaking that look in Aidan’s amazing blue eyes that said he was someone used to getting what he wanted. A man like that would use Zane and toss him aside as soon as he got bored. Maybe in Orlando, he still would have gone for it, but living so close to his mom, Zane felt funny about getting involved with someone who clearly was a player.

  So, there he stood, shaking, as he fought the urge to run after Aidan and apologize for being so rude. The clack of Jesse’s platform boots as his friend walked around the counter finally got Zane to move. He loved Jesse, but he wasn’t ready to talk to him about Aidan.

  Pushing off the wall, Zane went to the sink to finish the dishes he’d been taking his anger out on over the casino. Scrubbing for all he was worth, he didn’t say anything as Jesse stood there watching him. Maybe his friend would get the hint and leave.

  “Wanna talk about it?” Jesse asked.

  Why he thought Jesse would respect his privacy, Zane wasn’t sure. He never had before. It was one of the things Zane loved about his friend — until now. “No.”

  Jesse started tapping out a beat with one foot as he stood there. “Come on, Zane, you know you’re going to eventually.”

  That was probably true, but that time wasn’t now. “Not now, Jess.”

  Jesse gave a dramatic sigh. “Okay. I’ll be across the street, ya know, working.”

  As soon as he heard the bell above the front door tingle, signaling Jesse’s departure, Zane exhaled the breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding. He poured all his frustration and confusion out on the last few pans he had to clean. Then he went to work scrubbing down the various worktables.

  Once done he felt a measure of calm again. The alarm on his phone went off telling him he needed to get home. Ethan was driving into town today, and Zane wanted to be there to greet his other best friend.

  With a quick good bye to Megan, who worked the bakery most nights, Zane rushed out the front, crossing Main to Jesse’s flower shop, Nice ’N Rosy. Each time he saw the name of the shop, Zane couldn’t help laugh at his friend’s wicked sense of humor.

  Just as he stepped up on the sidewalk, Jesse came out of his shop and locked the door. When he was done he turned to Zane with a grin. “Ready?”

  Zane grinned back. “Yep.”

  Arm in arm they walked down the sidewalk. The house they lived in was just a short walk from Main Street, allowing them to be close to their businesses without the worry of having to drive through snow and ice over the treacherous mountains in the winter.

  The house was pretty large considering how close to town it was. With four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a decent-sized kitchen, and a living room big enough for their sectional couch, which was one of the most comfortable pieces of furniture they had ever sat on, they had no complaints.

  “Have you heard from him in the last couple of hours?” Ethan had called Zane around eleven when he’d stopped for gas, but other than that Zane hadn’t heard from him, and he’d forgotten to ask when Jesse had been in the bakery with Aidan.

  Jesse shook his head as he sat down to take his boots off. “Nope. Do you think he’s okay?” He grimaced as he massaged the bottom of his foot.

  “I’m sure he’ll be fine.” Zane watched Jesse take off the second boot and once more grimace in pain. “Why do you wear those if they hurt your feet?”

  His friend dug
his fingers into the soles of his feet. “Because they make my ass look that much better, and if I’m ever going to get Parker’s attention, I need all the help I can get.”

  “Still no luck, huh?”

  Jesse had been flirting with Parker since he first laid eyes on the man when Parker was building the front display case Zane had ordered for Sweet Buns. It had actually been amusing to watch his vivacious friend try to strike up a conversation with the reserved Parker. Zane had gone to school with the man and even back then, Parker usually kept to himself, hardly talking to anyone.

  When Zane had come back to town and decided to open up his own bakery, he’d asked around for the best person to build shelves and a display case, along with tables and chairs. Because he’d leased what amounted to a log cabin–style building, he wanted to match the wood used for the interior, giving it a true country feel. Hands down, everyone recommended Parker Flemming.

  It had kind of made sense. Even growing up, Parker had helped his father make the most beautiful furniture. After high school, Zane had lost touch with Parker. They hadn’t been great friends, but they’d hung out once in a while.

  According to the gossip, when his dad died in a car accident, Parker, having just graduated with an engineering degree from the University of Tennessee, took over his business and moved back in with his mom and four younger brothers and sisters.

  “No.” Jesse’s defeated tone had Zane concerned since he’d never known Jesse to be anything less than upbeat. Even when angry and pissed, the man managed to make himself and those around him laugh at his antics.

  The sound of a car door slamming shut stopped Zane from consoling his friend, and they both ran for the front door. Flinging it open, they squealed when they saw Ethan carrying his suitcase up the front walk.

  Running out to meet their other best friend, all three hugged while jumping up and down in their excitement. “Ow, fuck, I stepped on a rock,” Jesse yelled.


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