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Sweet Buns (Cedar Falls Book 1)

Page 9

by Shea Balik

  Zane couldn’t refute his words, because he was still leaning into Aidan with his hands fisted in Aidan’s shirt, as if Aidan were the only thing holding him up. Slowly, Zane’s hands relaxed, and he let go of the death grip he had on Aidan’s shirt before standing on his own two feet again.

  “Now, I would like to talk to you about what’s going on between us. Do you want to do that here or somewhere else?” Not that there were too many places in this town that would be private, but Aidan felt he should give Zane the choice.

  Zane seemed to consider it before he glanced from the doorway to the front of the bakery. “Here’s fine.”

  Aidan still wasn’t sure what to say, but he figured starting at the beginning was best. “When we first met, you seemed interested, but when I asked you out, you turned me down flat. Why?”

  Zane’s cheeks flared red as he stared a hole into the floor between their feet. “I don’t know.”

  The lie was obvious and Aidan wasn’t about to let him get away with it. “This isn’t going to work if you lie. But we’ll move on. Since then you’ve done everything to avoid me. Why?” Aidan could see Zane wasn’t going to answer so he kept pushing. “If you’re not interested in me just say so. I’m a big boy. I can take it.”

  That wasn’t exactly true. Aidan knew he’d be crushed if Zane turned him down, but he would get over it eventually.

  Zane shook his bowed head, still not saying anything.

  Aidan placed his fingers under Zane’s chin to force the man to look at him. “Then what is it?”

  The emotions that crossed Zane’s face were all over the place. Aidan saw fear, hope, desire, and more fear. As much as he wanted to reassure this man who he could easily see as his partner, the one he shared his life with, Zane had to come to grips with whatever was going on.

  “I...” Zane started but stopped.

  When he didn’t continue after a minute, Aidan wasn’t sure what else to do. If Zane wasn’t willing to even try there wasn’t much hope for them. With a sigh Aidan dropped his hand back to his side, and Zane lowered his head once more.

  Needing some distance, Aidan took several steps back. He didn’t miss the way Zane’s shoulders slumped as he did this. “Zane, I’m trying. I need you to try, too. Please just talk to me.”


  An ache in Aidan’s chest started as he realized he’d lost. “I won’t bother you again,” he said before turning to leave.

  When he was just a step away from the door Zane whispered, “What happens when the casino is done? Are you planning on leaving Cedar Falls?”

  Aidan’s heart soared as hope filled him that Zane’s questions meant he was thinking long-term. So long as Zane was willing to try, Aidan was more than willing to stay.

  He strode back over to where Zane stood looking completely defeated. He lifted Zane’s chin again and placed a soft kiss on his mouth. “I can’t promise forever, but I’m here as long as you want me,” he whispered.


  It had been several days since Aidan had come into Sweet Buns and forced his way past Zane’s insecurities. Since then, they’d spent hours talking every day about everything and anything. Nothing was off limits, including Zane’s questions about the casino.

  Between his talk with his father and now Aidan, Zane was feeling a lot better about the prospect of having the casino in Cedar Falls. His father had been right, Cedar Falls was dying. If the casino could help, how could Zane stand in the way?

  Tonight, Zane was finally going to see Aidan’s house. Aidan had invited Zane over for dinner, and he had to admit he was pretty excited to have some real alone time with the man. The back of the bakery or walking along Main Street just wasn’t private enough for more than a few kisses.

  Aidan had insisted he not bring anything but himself, but being a pastry chef, Zane couldn’t resist bringing over two of his favorite chocolate cupcakes, with a raspberry buttercream frosting, drizzled with melted dark chocolate, and topped with a sweet raspberry. It may not be his most decadent dessert, but he had to save that for later on in the relationship.

  The door was opened by a smiling Aidan. Little butterflies did flips in Zane’s stomach. The man was just too handsome for his own good. Those butterflies started beating wildly when Aidan put his hand out, palm up. The gesture was so sweet that Zane found his hand shook slightly as he put it in Aidan’s.

  Slowly, Aidan brought it to his lips and placed a soft kiss on the back of Zane’s hand. Desire flared in Aidan’s eyes. Zane’s breath caught at the man’s intense gaze. A gentle tug had Zane stepping forward until he was an inch away from that hard body.

  Aidan’s other hand snaked around his waist. Long fingers splayed across Zane’s back as Aidan brought them even closer together.

  “Welcome to my home.” As he spoke, Aidan brushed his lips against Zane’s, which sent shivers of desire down Zane’s spine. Then Aidan’s mouth closed over his, and Zane melted.

  Soft lips sealed against his in a kiss that was slow but thorough. With a sigh, Zane sank against Aidan. Not another thought had a chance of entering his mind other than Aidan and his strong hands slowly exploring Zane’s body. He felt treasured by this man. If he weren’t careful, Zane would find himself head over heels in love with him.

  Aidan leisurely broke the amazing kiss with a smile in his eyes. “Why don’t you come in and I’ll show you around.”

  Zane could only nod dumbly as his brain had yet to come back online. It wasn’t until he was led into the kitchen, Zane even remembered he had dessert. “I brought cupcakes for dessert, if that’s all right.” He held up the small bakery box.

  “That is perfect.” Aidan took the box and set it on the counter. Once more those sweet lips pressed against his as if Aidan just couldn’t resist.

  This time when he pulled back, he grabbed Zane’s hand in his. “Come on. I’ll give you a tour.”

  Aidan took him around, even showing him the two bedside tables Parker had made. While taking Zane into each room, Aidan explained what other pieces of furniture Parker was making for him.

  Once they were back in the kitchen, Aidan took Zane to the little table he had and pulled out a chair. “Have a seat and I’ll bring dinner over.”

  Zane did as asked feeling cherished at the way Aidan was treating him. Whatever Aidan made smelled heavenly. A casserole dish was set in the middle of the table that appeared to be filled with roasted chicken, potatoes, carrots, and onions. “It looks delicious,” he told Aidan when he sat down.

  “Thanks. It’s one of the few things I know how to make so I hope you like it.” Aidan served them both, which Zane found sweet. Not that he always wanted to be waited on hand and foot, but every once in a while, it was nice.

  “Mmm,” he moaned after taking his first bite. “This is amazing.”

  For several bites, neither man spoke as they focused on the wonderful meal. But it wasn’t long before that need to get to know Aidan better took over. They’d learned a lot about each in the past few days, but Zane had so much more he wanted to know.

  “It occurred to me earlier that although we’ve talked about the casino, you never told me how you came to work there.” Zane took another bite of the moist chicken that practically melted on his tongue, savoring the spices as he chewed.


  Zane stopped chewing at the unusual answer, not sure how to take it. He must have been looking at Aidan oddly, for the man chuckled.

  “Sorry,” Aidan said as he wiped his mouth with his napkin. “I keep forgetting people don’t already know Syn.”

  That didn’t make any more sense to Zane.

  “He’s my mentor and one of my best friends,” Aidan explained.

  Zane blinked at him. “I’m sorry. You have a friend named Syn. What? Did his mother hate him or something?”

  That had Aidan laugh harder, the rich sound bouncing around the room pleasantly. “Technically, his name is Synli.”

  Zane eyed Aidan, sure he was trying to p
ull his leg. But his expression was all Zane needed to see to know he wasn’t. “I’m not sure that’s any better.”

  This time Aidan tilted his head back and laughed from his belly. The deep tone had Zane’s cock twitching with interest and his heart skipping a beat. Damn, but he could listen to Aidan laugh all the time. What was he saying? Just hearing the man speak was enough to set his pulse racing.

  “You might be right about that,” Aidan admitted. “But if you knew Syn, you’d find the name fits him perfectly.”

  Not sure if that was an endorsement or not for the man, Zane decided it didn’t really matter. “How did Syn get you involved with the casino?”

  “He recruited me from MIT.” Aidan grinned. “He took me under his wing and showed me everything I needed to know in this business to get ahead.” Aidan reached out a hand and covered the one Zane had laid on the table. “He’s the reason TITAN offered to let me stay on and run the casino once it’s built.”

  Zane felt his breath catch in his throat. It took swallowing three times before he could find his voice again. “Are you going to take it?” If he wasn’t so damned nervous of Aidan’s response, he might have cared more about the breathiness of his voice.

  Those deep blue eyes stared into his as Aidan whispered, “I’m seriously considering it.”

  Everything within Zane stilled as a tiny flicker of hope ignited.

  His heart began to pound in his chest when Aidan leaned toward him. “I have to admit, when I first arrived in Cedar Falls, I didn’t have much hope of wanting to stay.” Aidan’s lips were just close enough to brush against his as he said, “But then Syn convinced me to go into town and meet the store owners.”

  Zane’s mouth went bone dry. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, which had the added bonus of grazing Aidan’s mouth.

  They both moaned and the next thing Zane knew, Aidan’s arms went around his waist and pulled him onto his lap. Straddling those strong thighs, Zane devoured Aidan’s mouth with an intensity he hadn’t ever known before. It was as if he needed Aidan kisses more than he needed air.

  Then again, everything with Aidan was always… well, more. Zane had known less about boyfriends he’d had for months in the past than he knew about Aidan. There was never a time when he wasn’t wondering about the man.

  A clank of glass hitting glass startled them both but not enough to break them apart. It wasn’t until water poured over the top of the table and onto them that they suddenly leapt off the chair.

  They stared at the tipped over water glass and then began laughing. “I think we should clean up, then have our dessert on the couch,” Aidan suggested.

  It didn’t take too long with them both working together to get the dishes washed and put away. Aidan had brought out a towel to soak up the water they’d spilled. Before they knew it, the kitchen once more sparkled and they took their cupcakes over to the couch to enjoy.

  The bliss that crossed Aidan’s face after his first bite of cupcake had Zane smiling. He loved it when others enjoyed his food, although, he had to admit it gave him a bigger thrill to know it was Aidan. There was something about pleasing the man of his dreams that made Zane want to do a happy dance because he’d put that look on Aidan’s face.

  This was what Zane wanted more than anything. The ability to laugh and enjoy each other with nothing more than a home cooked meal and some cupcakes. Not that Zane was averse to going out, but he much preferred to cuddle on the couch and enjoy the person he was with, especially when that person was Aidan.


  Aidan had never been one for sweets until he walked into Sweet Buns. From the first taste he’d become addicted to the cinnamon rolls Zane made. Now he was just as addicted to these cupcakes.

  The chocolate cake nearly melted in his mouth. The hint of raspberry in the frosting only added to his enjoyment. It was sheer perfection. How there wasn’t a line outside Zane’s bakery every day was a mystery.

  He was a little embarrassed to have finished the cupcake in only three bites, but he just couldn’t stop himself from devouring the delicious treat. When he finished, he watched Zane take his last bite.

  Aidan groaned at the sight of a bit of frosting stuck on the corner of Zane’s mouth. He didn’t even bother trying to deny himself. He just leaned over and licked it off. The sweetness of the frosting couldn’t compete with that of Zane’s lips.

  Wanting more of Zane, Aidan continued to lick every inch of his lush lips until Zane opened his mouth to let Aidan in deeper. As one they closed the distance between them. Aidan gripped Zane’s ass and pulled his soon-to-be lover into his lap.

  Their groins rubbed together as Zane straddled Aidan’s body eliciting a hungry groan from them both. Like a match to a flame they devoured each other. The kiss went wild as their tongues danced together.

  Hands grabbed at clothes to pull them off. Aidan drove his hands down inside of Zane’s pants and briefs to get a handful of Zane’s muscled ass. The satiny feel of Zane’s skin made him want to see, not just feel.

  Aidan reached around the front of Zane’s pants, popped the button, and lowered the zipper. When he had those pants down to Zane’s knees, he realized he couldn’t go farther in this position. “Stand up and take them off.” His voice was harsh as need drove him.

  Zane did as he said, slowly sliding the jeans down his legs before kicking them off his feet. Aidan watched as Zane’s hand wrapped around his own cock, giving it a few strokes. Aidan’s mouth watered at the sight. More than anything he wanted a taste of that beautiful cock.

  “Come here.”

  Zane stepped to the edge of the couch, and Aidan leaned forward to swipe his tongue against the tip. The moan that fell from Zane’s lips was music to Aidan’s ears. Popping the head into his mouth, Aidan was rewarded with another moan, this one deeper with a husky quality.

  Aidan gripped the base of Zane’s cock and licked along the spongy head. Zane’s fingers dug into Aidan’s hair for purchase.

  “Oh, Aidan, that feels so good.” Zane’s voice was hoarse with desire.

  Aidan looked up to see Zane’s head thrown back, his eyes closed. His lover was fucking perfect, but Aidan wanted to watch the man fly apart in his arms. With his free hand, he palmed Zane’s balls, at the same time he swallowed down Zane’s cock.

  “Fuck,” Zane shouted.

  He hollowed his cheeks and pulled back, giving Zane as much sensation as he could. With the hand that had been holding Zane’s cock earlier, Aidan reached around and pushed a finger against his puckered hole.

  Zane was moaning nearly constantly as Aidan continued to suck the man’s dick. After wetting his fingers, Aidan pushed one into Zane’s heat.

  This time he moaned right along with Zane. All that heat wrapped around his finger had Aidan’s prick throbbing as it begged to trade places.

  “I’m… oh God… I’m gonna—”

  Zane’s cock thickened and cum shot down Aidan’s throat. Aidan swallowed every drop, relishing the salty taste of the man he hoped to spend the rest of his life with. Carefully, he licked Zane’s dick clean, until Zane pulled back.

  Completely satisfied, his lover dropped into Aidan’s lap. Aidan couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear that he’d been the one to make Zane look like a debauched angel. Even the fact that he was hard as steel and desperately needing couldn’t diminish how good he felt at this moment holding Zane.

  Blue eyes suddenly looked deeply into his. “That was amazing,” Zane said.

  His lover pressed his lips to Aidan’s in a sweet, sloppy kiss. Their bodies shifted slightly, and Aidan’s groin pushed against Zane’s hip. Zane pushed back from Aidan his eyes wide.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t think. Let me take care of you.”

  Aidan wasn’t about to stop Zane, but he didn’t want his lover thinking he had to reciprocate. “Hey.” He stopped Zane from sliding off his lap to the floor. “This wasn’t about you doing the same for me. I wanted to taste you. If you don’t—”

“No… I mean…” Zane sighed. “I think you sucked my brain cells out of my dick.”

  They both chuckled.

  Zane leaned forward for another sweet kiss. “Seriously, I was in such a state of bliss, I hadn’t even thought about you still being hard.”

  Aidan groaned when Zane’s hand pressed against his groin as his fingers made their way to his zipper. “I’ve actually been dreaming about tasting you. Know that I want to do this.”

  This time Aidan didn’t stop him when Zane slid to the floor. His hands quickly opened Aidan’s pants and fished his cock out. Their gazes met and held as Zane leaned forward and wrapped those pretty lips over his cock.

  When Zane continued to move forward until the head of Aidan’s dick hit the back of his throat, Aidan cried out at the exquisite wet heat that drew him in. This was going to end embarrassingly fast if he didn’t find a way to hold back.

  Aidan’s head fell back against the back of the couch when Zane cupped his balls with a light squeeze. As Zane’s lips moved back up Aidan’s cock, that talented tongue pressed hard against that bundle of nerves under the head.

  Zane was driving him out of his ever-loving mind. Aidan drove his fingers into those honey-colored locks. His hips started pumping just a little bit deeper into Zane’s mouth.

  “Zane...” That was all Aidan got out before his cock poured its contents down Zane’s throat. With each spurt he felt Zane swallow, drawing out his orgasm that much more.

  Aidan sank against the cushions, completely wrung out. When his heart wasn’t ready to explode out of his chest and his breathing was somewhat under control again, Aidan opened his eyes to see Zane looking pretty smug in front of him. Because that had to be the best blow job of his life, Aidan was willing to let his lover be smug.


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