Wanted: Hired Gun
Page 7
“Mrs. Garrison that would make an excellent pull for the curtains,” he said smoothly, watching her flush at the way he addressed her. “How much do we need?”
“Let me think on it, Garrison, please.”
“Is something wrong?”
“No, it’s just quite…” Posey blushed fiercely and excused herself. “Garrison, it’s quite expensive and we can add it on later.”
“I’ve been dependent on you for everything, but your theater isn’t open yet and I can get a job. It’s going to take us spending some in order to make the impression you want.”
“Our theater,” she whispered, glancing up at him.
“It’s our theater, Garrison. We are in this together and if it does well or fails – it’s ours and our future.”
“Yes it is, my beautiful wife,” he murmured. “And I want you to order the thick gold rope with a big, ostentatious tassel on the end of each rope. Order it and we’ll pay when it arrives. Get plenty- so it brushes across the stage and can be looped on a hook.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life, my sweet bride,” Garrison said tenderly, kissing the tip of her nose. He saw a shimmer of happiness in her eyes and knew he was on the right track. “When we get home, I have a surprise for you.”
His mind raced as he heard the dollar amount that the rope would cost. It was extravagant, but it would be perfect. He just had to figure out a way to pay for it. They also needed to finish the theater quickly so they could open. He would just take the first job he could find and save as much as possible. As if by the grace of God, as they left the shop and were walking down the street opportunity arose.
“Wait here for a just a moment, Posey,” he instructed and stepped inside. When he came out, he noticed that she hadn’t moved. He would be starting a new job in the morning. “Sorry about that, had to take care of something really quick.”
She looked curiously at him but thankfully let the subject drop. She’d been overly protective lately and he had only been concerned with working at the theater to get it up and running but today was a dose of reality. They would need money and he’d depleted her funds with the things needed. As her husband, he wanted to provide, and God sent him the boost that he sorely needed.
He’d overheard about the sabotage at the brickyard as they’d walked about town but never expected to run into the new owner, Harrison Holt. He’d been easy to recognize as the sharp-dressed tycoon wore nice clothing that made anything they had look like rags. Garrison had interrupted the two men talking, turning to the tycoon and asking for a job. The man was elegant looking and had a quick eye as he sized him up. He agreed after a brief moment, nodding as they shook hands. So, for the next several weeks Garrison would be guarding the construction during the day and working at the theater in the evenings.
Posey got the distinct feeling that Garrison was avoiding her. He’d been so sweet and tender towards her, but in the last few days there had been a gulf between them. Well today, she aimed to get to the bottom of it. If he was feeling bad, they would see the doctor immediately. She wouldn’t take any chances with his health. If it was her, or if he was embarrassed by her… then they would just have to address that as well.
She’d been on her best behavior and avoided parading about in costume. She had gone through so many changes, granted they were all for the better – but they were changes nevertheless. Posey had given up smoking, removed all the feathers from the house since Garrison had moved in, and kept everything spotless to prevent dust from settling. He’d moved under her roof, but they slept in separate rooms. It was like they were just friends – he’d even stopped trying to kiss her- and she missed it.
She wanted her husband back – well, as much of a husband as she could deal with right now. Her partner and friend seemed to be so cold, and she missed the warmth of his kiss. She lay awake at night thinking of his kiss, his laugh and needed to wipe the memory of his attack from her mind. Well today, she’d get Garrison back from whatever he was doing or make quite the commotion… that he would have to address it. He’d been missing all day long again and didn’t come home until late last evening. She’d heard his footfall in the hallway and nearly had a conniption fit when she realized the time.
Part of her worried he was fooling around in town, even though- in her mind- she knew he didn’t seem the type to do something like that. The niggling doubt ran rampant through her, and she was concerned about her looks. As the sun was going down, her temper was rising. Marching out of the house, she immediately headed in the direction of the theater as if by some unseen force. She had no idea where he was but that would be the perfect place to start! If she ended up at the brothel… well, Posey would end up in jail because she didn’t intend to share her husband with anyone!
Seeing a light coming from the theater, she marched right up to the door and slammed it open. Scanning the room, she saw Garrison under the stage with another man. They were working on something and had a lantern illuminating their workspace.
“What in the world are you doing?”
“I’m working. Posey, why are you out after dark?”
“Because I was searching for my husband.”
“I’m here working on something special for you.”
“I expect you to do your job you’ve been hired for,” Posey said angrily, putting her hands on her hips. Garrison looked irritated as the other man got up from his spot and excused himself.
“Let me know when you want to finish this up,” the man told him politely and ducked out of the room as their tempers flared.
“I am working at my job, as you have put it bluntly. I am working on the theater and trying to finish it up.”
“If you are going to be here and we are close to finishing, then perhaps I need to get some practice in.”
“Maybe you do? One of us has to have talent and win people over when they walk in the door. It’s certainly not me! Whatever you need to do in order to lose that tone of voice – it’s completely uncalled for, especially when I am doing precisely what you wanted and demanded of your so-called husband.”
Posey did an about face and took off to the back of the room. She would show him! She had talent and would win him over. Ebb and flow, she reminded herself. That is how their relationship seemed to be. One would give, the other would take. One would reach out, the other would pull back. Well, it was time for a tidal wave on her end. Heading back to the dressing room he’d built, Posey tossed open the trunk lids and saw the variety of costumes. She knew exactly what she was looking for too.
Removing her dress and underthings, she dressed herself in the scanty costume with a wicked smile plastered all over her face. She was about to show him what Posey Jones, the actress, could do! Gathering her hair into a braid, she put the chiffon band upon her head and slipped the zils on her hands. Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, she drew from deep inside the confidence to step onto the stage. She was a different person in a different world.
This was not Posey…this was the beautiful Scheherazade. Pointing her bare feet, she gingerly stepped onto the stage and heard the faint jingle of the bells at her ankles. Breathe, you are in a palace performing for the sultan. Tell a tale with your body and dance like never before, she told herself as she began to sway.
“Posey Garrison! I can see your… you had better cover… ah… Posey? Put your clothing back on now, wife!” he strangled out in a high-pitched stammer. She ignored him, praying he didn’t have another asthma attack. She was a seductress, a belly dancer and desired her husband’s attention…and his love. As she arched her body, leaning backwards to touch the floor- she flexed her muscles in her legs to make the bells chime, clicking the zils between her fingers and thumbs. Straightening up, she shook her hips to the side and undulated her waist, a silent beckoning.
Looking through her lashes at Garrison, she wanted to make sure he was alright and wat
ching her. She saw his steamy gaze and heated expression watching her wordlessly. The desire written on his face made her body tighten knowingly and his eyes widened in reaction. The gauzy material tickled her skin and the more she moved, shaking her hips, the more it brushed against sensitive areas. She threw back her arms, thrusting her bosom and arching her torso as she finished her dance.
“You can’t perform that here… ever,” he said thickly, applauding slowly as he walked up to the stage, climbing up to join her. If Posey wanted his attention, she now had it.
“It’s just a dance.”
“It’s a very sensual and exotic dance that only your husband should ever see.”
“Is he here?” Posey smarted off.
“You know I am, woman,” Garrison growled possessively, pulling her into his arms. “No one else will ever see this costume but me – are we clear?”
“Because you are my wife and that beautiful body will only ever be touched, looked upon or tasted by me. Now get dressed so I can finish my work.”
“I’m trying to get your attention,” she stomped angrily as he released her. He hadn’t so much as kissed her and she was nearly naked except for the chiffon outfit she’d brought from Chicago. She’d never been brave enough to wear it but had kept it for some reason.
“You’ve got my full attention.”
“I want you to kiss me.”
“And I want you to treat me like your husband, not your servant or partner. If you want a husband then we can head home right now.”
“No, I’m not ready for that,” she said blushing fiercely and crossing her arms over her chest. This move made Garrison smile sadly as he shook his head.
“Posey, when you dress like that or dance like that- sweetheart you are begging for more than just a kiss. Thank goodness I am man enough to know that if I touched you like I want to, I would lose any headway with the woman I care for. Get dressed, sweetheart. When you are ready to be my wife, I’ll be here.”
Posey stormed off stage completely humiliated and torn.
Posey felt like an idiot. She’d been avoiding Garrison again and spending all her time down at the tents, working with several Chinamen in order to get a skit together. A few children were eager to join, creating comical acts that had frankly surprised her. It would actually be a tremendous relief to her to have help on stage so she didn’t have to do everything herself.
Especially since Garrison refused to help.
She didn’t know what his problem was or if he had stage-fright but the man adamantly refused to participate. She’d wanted a sharpshooter and was steaming mad that the one she’d hired and married had backed out on her. If it was anyone else other than Garrison, she’d have filed for an annulment. It just amplified her frustration because she wanted him to care for her, to love her, and he was bullheaded enough to back away.
Ebb and flow.
Her man seemed as elemental as the tides but deep in her heart she knew this was a good thing. He was fathomless, constant and would forever be there as well. Perhaps he was withdrawing from her as a tidal wave would pull back from the beach just before it comes surging forward? She just prayed that it wouldn’t bring destruction or break her heart.
She loved the cursed man.
It had been three weeks since she’d laid eyes on him longer than ten minutes. She’d seen him briefly in town walking down the street and found his dishes on the table each morning when he was gone again. She’d washed his clothing as he needed it and mended a split seam, but as for the man – he was always gone. She would not go after him again.
She’d put her heart out there, trying her best to tempt him. She yearned to ease the loneliness in her soul, but he wanted more than she could give. She was frightened of the intense feelings he made her feel and scared of what giving herself to her husband would do to their fragile relationship. Would he try to possess her, change her…or would he simply be done with her once he’d gotten what he wanted? If love was a chess game, she was tired of sacrificing pawns in order to bring his king out.
It was his turn to make a move.
Rolling her eyes, she stared down at the lunch pail she’d made him and shook her head. She might claim to be tough and say she was finished, but the truth was that she didn’t think she could ever give up on him. It would be like sacrificing a piece of herself. She’d missed him this morning, leaving him without a lunch for the theater – so on her way to see her newest employees that would be performing, she would drop off the pail of food and see if they could set a date for their first performance.
Walking down the street, she came to an abrupt halt as she neared the theater. That wasn’t there yesterday, she thought and looked around to see if someone was playing a joke on her. She stepped quickly to the side as a carriage came down the lane and looked again at the building. Up ahead, posted just above the entrance, was a large engraved sign.
Jones Theater est. 1900
Posey stared in shock and felt tears spring up. This was what she had always wanted, and yet… somehow, she felt a terrible sadness. Was this how he would proclaim that he was done with her? She knew he’d been avoiding her, but to put Jones up there – instead of Garrison?
As she neared, she saw it was a solid plank of wood that had been carved and stained making the letters seem even deeper. It would wear eventually and age, but the sign had been designed to last and was fastened to the building tightly. Why Jones? Shocked, she saw a small electric light had been wired to the building and aimed directly at the sign to illuminate it in the evenings. Her name would be in lights…only it wasn’t her name anymore.
Opening the front door, she stepped inside to see that the theater was empty. Garrison wasn’t here nor had he been. It looked empty and…finished in the dim light that poured in one of the windows. Posey stared in awe at the interior, stunned.
Her husband had been busy, and she felt neglectful.
He’d poured his heart and soul into the building in order to make it special. Along the flat walls, there were carved columns that had been installed and painted with whitewash to make them look like Greek pillars. The same columns flanked the stage. The stage looked massive and complete. Not only did the blackened tin shell lights that lined the edge of the stage look fitting- but Garrison had a curtain made up to hide the underbelly of the stage, making it accessible if needed. The red vibrant hue of the curtain complimented the black on the shells and stood out grandly. An iron hook was mounted on each side of the stage to hold back the thick golden rope ties he’d insisted upon. She saw that the rope had been hung and the heavy tassels nearly touched the stage floor, looking elegant and polished.
Stepping closer to a wall, she saw that the columns were tree trunks that had been split in half, peeled, carved and painted to simulate the appearance. As she got closer to the stage, she saw a tiny box on the wall near the steps to the stage with a toggle switch on it. Putting her hand on there, she saw on the pillar next to her hand there was a carving etched in the wood tree trunk.
A heart had been carved into the log after it had been fluted to look like a Greek column and whitewashed. She’d almost missed it since it had been made to blend in. There was a heart carved with a P+G inside. Her fingers traced the letters tenderly as she felt indescribable feelings well up inside of her. He’d carved their initials together! She didn’t know what to say other than she missed him now more than ever.
Flipping the toggle switch, Posey gasped in surprise and disbelief. Garrison had the stage illuminated with electric lights! Shakily, she clamored indelicately up the stage steps and stared at the large bulbs that were screwed into sockets extending up from inside the tin shells he’d hammered out for the stage. He’d suggested the tin so it wouldn’t burn but had the foresight to realize that the silver tin would reflect the light towards the stage. She felt like a princess seeing her kingdom for the first time.
Grasping the rope pull, the massive red curtain part
ed easily on iron rings and a large rod that was fastened above the opening. Her brilliant husband thought of everything, she mused as she stared upwards in amazement. As she looked down at the stage again, she saw a large box with a bow on it. It had been hidden behind the stage curtains waiting for her.
Collapsing onto her knees, she picked up the box and slowly pulled the ribbon to untie the bow. The movement reminded her of their first kiss when he’d untied her hat. She would never ever forget that moment and craved another one just like it. As she lifted the lid, she saw a note inside, written in large heavy script. His handwriting was just like him, bold and decisive.
For the most beautiful woman in the world – Garrison
Pulling off the tissue paper, Posey gasped at the contents. Inside was a stunning hat that had ribbon flowers sewn onto it. A bright orange ribbon butterfly had been created and sat perched on a fake rose. Pulling it out of the box slowly, she saw that there was a pair of gloves inside and another tiny box. She set the hat on her head and pulled out the tiny gloves, slipping them on. A small giggle escaped her happily as she saw the tiny butterflies embroidered on the wrists. Garrison would call her a butterfly sometimes and this seemed so fitting.
Posey lifted the tiny box from the inside and saw French writing stamped on the box. Curious, she lifted the lid and peered inside, then quickly slammed it shut. Her face flushed hotly and it had nothing to do with the incandescent bulbs warming the stage. Lifting the lid again, she started to reach inside but instead yanked off the new gloves and set them aside. Delicately, she pulled out a silk stocking and held it up. Her cheeks felt like they were on fire as she peered at the intimate gift. Small flowers and a tiny orange butterfly were stitched on the ankle into the silk, matching the gloves and hat.