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Page 11

by Samantha Keith

  Jenny’s eyes shifted to the floor. “Um…”

  “Busted,” Josh snickered.

  “Oh shush,” Jenny shot at him. Then to Riley, her tone softer, “He asked where you were, and I was worried. I didn’t know he was going to chase you down. But I’m glad he did.” A beat passed. “I’m sorry.”

  Riley shrugged, and then pulled Jenny into a hug. “Don’t sweat it. It worked out.”

  Jenny leaned close. “Tell me everything,” she whispered.

  “I so don’t need to hear this.” Josh pushed away from the counter to head to the back.

  Riley laughed and turned back to Jenny. “He’s an ex-FBI agent.”

  “What?” Jenny hissed.

  “Whoa.” Josh stopped in his tracks and turned around. “No shit.”

  “Language,” Jenny snapped.

  “Sorry.” He mouthed. “But for real? He’s an FBI agent? That’s dope.”

  “What’s that now?” Charlie asked from behind them. Riley groaned and turned around.

  “Nothing, Charlie. Just a friend of mine.” Riley smiled and waited as Jenny met him at the counter to ring him through. She scanned the tables and sure enough, another customer drummed his fingers on the counter. She grabbed the carafe and weaved through to their table.

  “Good afternoon, would you like more coffee?” She asked the couple, her arm poised to pour. They smiled and slid their cups over. Her mind worked, but she didn’t remember them.

  As she turned away from the couple, the chime on the front door sounded. Her eyes widened at the newcomer. Hadn’t he moved away? It had been years…

  Brian, her ex-boyfriend from high school, hadn’t changed a bit. His sandy blond hair was gelled back, and he wore a dark T-shirt and cargo shorts.

  “Riley?” He pulled his sunglasses from his eyes, a warm smile stretched from his lips to his soft brown eyes.

  “Brian, hi. It’s good to see you.” She set the carafe on the counter and he pulled her into a hug. The scent of strong cologne and hair product swarmed around her. She fought the urge to plug her nose. The door chimed again, but with Brian blocking her view, she couldn’t see who had entered.

  She patted his back awkwardly. Her smile stiffened on her face as she pulled out of his reach and took a step back.

  “I’ve been hoping to bump into you since I heard you were back in town. How are you?” He rocked back on his heels. She rested her hands on the counter beside him.

  “I’m good. It’s weird being back, but so nice to see everyone.”

  “I bet. I wish you came home under different circumstances.” His eyes darkened, and his tone lowered. She swallowed and nodded. “We should have coffee sometime to catch—”

  “S’cuse me,” a deep voice sounded. Brian stepped aside and Ethan brushed past him. His eyes landed on her. A shadow crossed over his deep blue irises. His fingers gently circled her wrist, and then slid to catch her fingers. He winked at her. Brian scratched his head and turned to look around the restaurant.

  “Hey.” Ethan’s voice was as smooth as brandy as it slid out of his lips. Her heart knocked into her rib cage. God, he looked good. The sun from yesterday had darkened his tan, accentuating the depths of his eyes. Dark drops littered his gray T-shirt from the rain that came down outside.

  Her cheeks warmed. Her fingers tingled from the heat of his palm. “Hi.” Her voice shook.

  “Come see me when you get a break, okay?”

  She nodded. His hand fell from hers and he disappeared behind her. She turned her attention back to Brian. “Sorry, Brian. What were you saying?”

  “Ah, nothing.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I better grab a seat. See you around, Riley.” He gave her a tight smile and headed for one of the tables.

  Jenny and Josh stood behind the counter staring at her. Jenny bobbed her eyebrows. She made a face at them.


  “Way to mark his territory, huh?” Josh shook his head, laughed and disappeared into the back. Riley frowned.

  Jenny shrugged. “If I were you girl, I wouldn’t complain.” She leaned over the counter and nodded her head toward where Brian sat on the other side of the restaurant. “He’s a firefighter by the way. He just moved back last fall. You going on break now?”

  Riley undid her apron, and Jenny reached for it. “I’ll take this to the back for you. Now hurry up and pick which one you’re going to talk to. The suspense is killing me,” she whispered.

  Riley stuck her tongue out. “Don’t read too much into it.” But a smile tingled the corner of her mouth.

  Jenny made a low whistle. Riley rolled her eyes, sauntered down the aisle, and took the seat across from Ethan. She pursed her lips.

  “What was that about?”

  Ethan’s eyes rounded, his hand pressed to his chest. “Who, me?”

  “Ha-ha, very funny. Why didn’t you just pee on me? Isn’t that how dogs mark their territory?”

  He laughed, and pushed himself back in the booth. His arms folded across his chest. “I guess I could have, but that’s taking our relationship to another level, wouldn’t you say?”

  She set her elbow on the table and rested her chin on her palm. “Considering we don’t have a relationship, yes, I would have to agree.”

  “Sorry babe, you don’t fool me. I saw the way your eyes lit up when I walked past you.” He wagged his index finger at her. She clamped her hand around it to still it. His hand folded around hers and brought it down to the table. She swallowed.

  “They did not light up.”

  “Did too.” His thumb slid over her knuckles. Her heart stalled.

  “You’re very bad at reading me.”

  “Is that so? How come whenever I touch you, I can see your pulse jump right”—he brought his free hand to the tender spot on her throat—“here.” He grazed his finger over the spot.

  She wet her lips.

  “And, when I do something you like, you run your tongue over your bottom lip.” His thumb moved to slide beneath her lip.

  She pulled out of his reach. Her body hummed with every teasing touch. “Ethan, you can’t do that here.”

  One dark eyebrow rose. “So where can I?”

  She pulled her hand free from his, and clasped them on her lap and out of his reach. “You said you were going to help me. I feel like things are taking a different turn.”

  The laughter vanished from his eyes. “I am going to help, I promise. I was just teasing you. Mostly because I like irritating that dude that keeps looking over here.” He jerked his head in Brian’s direction. Riley followed his gaze. Sure enough, Brian was staring. He shifted in his seat under her gaze, and swirled his coffee in front of him. Darn it.

  She rolled her eyes to the ceiling and back down. “You dick,” she ground out, but the words lacked venom. “For your information I dated him in high school and haven’t seen him since.”

  Ethan’s brow arched. “That explains it.”

  She scrunched her face at him and he leaned forward, his elbows planted on the table. “What are your plans tonight?”

  “I’m going to visit Hanna’s parents.” His feet locked with hers under the table. She tucked them back and scowled at him.

  Visiting them had been difficult since Hanna’s disappearance, but it was something she needed to do.

  His gaze searched her eyes, drinking her in, exposing every dark corner of her soul. “Are you going to be okay?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, it’s nice seeing them. But I don’t get done here until six, so it will be a late night.”

  “Where do they live?”

  “Not far, about fifteen minutes away near Wildwood.”

  “Do you still have my number? If it’s not too late, maybe we can meet somewhere and go over things.”

  She nodded. He didn’t need to know that she’d
programmed it in her phone after he’d given her his card. “Okay.” She pressed her hands into the table and stood. “But I should grab a bite to eat before my break is over. Thanks for the chat.”

  He smiled, and his eyes sparkled at her. “It was my pleasure.” That smile curled its way around her heart, warming her insides. A tingling sensation coursed down her thighs. Her nipples tightened against the material of her bra. She made her way to the back room before he noticed. As she passed Brian’s line of vision, she lifted her hand in a silent wave. He smiled, sipped his coffee, and brought his attention back to the cell phone in front of him.

  Hours later, her feet ached and her stomach rumbled. She changed out of her work clothes and pulled the fresh apple pie she’d bought from the diner out of the fridge. The rain that had started earlier was heavy now. It would be a yucky drive. She set the security system before she left. The device had given her more peace of mind than she could have imagined.

  She drove slowly. The rain beat down on the windshield; her wipers struggled to keep it clear. She wouldn’t be able to stay as late as she’d hoped. If the rain kept up, it would be best to get home before it got too dark. Her tires caught every puddle in the gravel drive as she turned down their driveway.

  She put her car in park, scooped up the apple pie, and made a beeline for the covered porch. Rain pelted her face and hair, drenching her in seconds. Her feet pounded up the familiar, old wooden steps. The same steps she and Hanna had sat on many a summer night, sharing gossip, and talking about boys.

  The screen door shoved open. “Come in, dear. My goodness you’re soaked.” Jean pulled her into a tight hug as Theo took the pie from her hand.

  Her strawberry blond hair framed her warm, plump face. Her eyes, identical to Hanna’s, showed their age. Theo wrapped an arm around her, the lines of his face had deepened. There was no sign of his once ebony hair in the head of gray.

  He pressed a kiss to her temple. “It’s nice to see you, Riley.”

  Tears filled Jean’s eyes. “Supper is in the oven, it won’t be ready for a while yet. But I’m worried about you driving that road once it’s dark.”

  Riley followed them to the back of the house, which was where the kitchen and living room were situated. The old, beaten hardwood floors creaked around them. The warm scent of pot roast filled her nostrils, making her tummy rumble.

  “That’s okay. I’m just happy to visit you guys. If the rain doesn’t let up soon, I’ll head home early.” She sat in the smooth leather sofa, Jean and Theo sat across from her.

  Theo rested his arm around Jean’s shoulders and she settled against him. Riley smiled. Even through their daughter’s disappearance, they’d remained strong and united. She’d gathered that much through their short telephone calls and visits, but it settled some of the turmoil inside her. Riley’s eyes shifted to the picture frame on the table next to them. It was the same picture that adorned signs all over the state. Her graduation picture. Hanna’s blue eyes sparkled; even in print her love for life was contagious.

  Riley’s lungs ached as she took a deep breath. “I want you guys to know that I’m still looking for Hanna. I—”

  “Honey, please.” Jean reached over to pat her knee, her voice tight. “Don’t take that on as your responsibility. That’s what the police are for.”

  The police weren’t making any progress. But she couldn’t say that to them. Instead, she nodded.

  “I want to hear more about life in Boston and the fancy art gallery where you work. Maybe when you go back we can order a few pieces.”

  Riley bit her tongue. Now wasn’t the time to tell them she’d quit her job at the gallery. They’d be upset that she had given up everything to look for Hanna. Right now, they just thought she was here on a temporary leave. For the rest of the visit, Riley engaged in mundane conversation. Her heart twisted in her chest. Every time she brought up Hanna, they redirected the subject.

  Finally, Theo stood and went to the kitchen. “Dinner is going to be a good hour yet. I’m sorry, Riley. We must have timed it wrong.”

  Rain pelted the windows. The clock on the wall read just past seven-thirty. “That’s all right, we can do dinner another night.” They chatted more before Riley hugged them both good-bye with the promise of coming again soon for a visit.

  In her car, she cranked the heat. The rain had dropped the temperature as darkness creeped over the sky. Water came down in sheets, it echoed around her as it beat down on the top of her car. As she pulled down the driveway, her wipers swished the slew of water enough for her to see through the windshield.

  Fear nagged her. She would drive slow and take her time. If it took her forever to get home, oh well. The clock on the dash read twenty minutes after eight. Was it too late to call Ethan? All evening he had crammed the corners of her mind, reminding her that she could call him tonight. And meet him. Her fingers tightened on the steering wheel as she stopped at the end of the driveway.

  What the hell did she have to lose? She punched his number in then pulled out onto the highway.


  “Ethan, its Riley.”

  He chuckled. His laugh warmed her body, and pushed away the anxiety of the drive. “I know it’s you. How was your visit?”

  “It was good. I’m on my way home now.” She kept her eyes glued to the road. The headlights caught the shimmer from the rain. A set of lights caught her rearview mirror, making her squint against the glare.

  “Do you want to get together and chat?” His voice dropped to a low, husky timber. Her heart rate kicked up. Oh god. Yes, yes, she did. After Ethan’s display of affection the past couple of days, it was clear where his thoughts were going. He may intend to keep his promise, but did he have another agenda?

  “I—” The vehicle behind her closed the distance between them. The headlights blasted into her mirrors, she accelerated to give her more space. The car jerked forward, its bumper nearly in contact with hers. “Go around me, asshole.”

  “What’s going on?” Ethan’s voice boomed through the speakers in her car.

  “Nothing, just some jerk riding my ass. He won’t pass me though,” she breathed. The rain hadn’t let up, and she was driving at a safe speed, but not slow enough to warrant this persistence.

  “Tap your brakes.”

  She snorted. “I can’t, he’ll slam into me.”

  “He’s that close?”

  “Yeah.” Her voice shook. Her knuckles turned white on the steering wheel. She punched the hazard light button with her index finger. He didn’t slow or pass. Instead, he got closer. Acid crept up the back of her throat. “Ethan, I think he’s trying to scare me.”

  “Where are you?”

  She told him exactly.

  “Stay on the line with me, don’t disconnect no matter what, okay? I’m going to meet you and follow you home.”

  “Okay.” Relief washed over her. Disconnect him? Not on his life. The lights whipped to the side, a scream caught in her throat.


  The lights reflected off her driver’s side mirror. He was going to pass her. The truck shot forward next to her.

  “I think he’s passing me.” Her foot eased off the gas. She adjusted her hands on the wheel and exhaled. Her chest tightened on the release of breath.

  “I’m already in the car. I’ll flash my lights when I see you.”

  The truck flew up beside her. Its passenger door in line with her driver’s door. He didn’t pass. Her back straightened away from the leather seat.

  “Ethan, he’s—”


  The steering wheel tore from her grip. Her car careened toward the side of the road. A scream ripped through her. Her hands tightened on the wheel and she yanked the car back onto the road.

  “What happened?” Ethan’s voice crackled around her. A whimper sounded from her throat.

  “H–He slammed into me!”

  Ethan swore. The truck jerked to the left, she stomped on the gas just as he threw it to the right. He caught the rear of her car and her vehicle fishtailed before she righted it. Her grip kept the car on the road.

  “He’s going to kill me.” The words landed in the empty air of the car. Her hands shook on the steering wheel. The truck weaved back in behind her. Its bumper nudged her forward.

  Shit, shit, shit. There was nowhere to go. She couldn’t stop, couldn’t accelerate.

  She was going to die.

  Ethan’s voice strung through her mind, but she couldn’t catch a single word. His scream yanked her back.

  “Dammit, Riley, listen to me. You need to—”


  Her body catapulted forward, the steering wheel connected with her chest. The grinding sound of metal on metal screeched through the night. The truck pulled back, and then slammed into her car again. She closed her eyes. Her hands fell away from the wheel and she covered her face to brace against the impact. Her scream died in the darkness around her.

  Chapter 11

  Motherfucker. Ethan pounded the gas pedal to the floor. He lurched backward as his truck shot forward. The bastard was after Riley. His palms moistened and every hair on his body stood on end. She couldn’t be far. He’d gotten in his car almost ten minutes ago, and their call had just cut out.

  He scanned the darkness, but it was impossible to see far ahead with the constant slew of rain on the windshield. His heart beat against his chest.

  A car in a ditch caught his eye, the passenger’s side crushed against a tree.


  She could be hurt… or worse. Sweat clung to his brow and collected at the back of his neck. He pulled over to the opposite side of the road in front of her vehicle and slammed his truck into Park. He charged into the ditch. The water that had collected over the past twenty-four hours soaked his ankles. Rain pelted his face. His lungs expanded in his chest, his fists pumped as he ran. Please god, please let her be okay.


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