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Page 16

by Samantha Keith

  “You’re evil,” she hissed. He bent his head and nipped her shoulder, earning him a laugh. The laughter vanished from her eyes and a soft smile replaced it. “Can I ask you something, Ethan?”

  “Of course, babe. Anything.”

  “Why did you leave the FBI? And what are your plans now?”

  A weight settled on his chest. He rested his hand on the back of his neck and kneaded the muscle. He didn’t want to talk about his past, but dammit, he couldn’t shut her out either. Months had passed since he’d walked away from that life and still, he didn’t know what the hell he was going to do.

  “Let’s sit.” He led her to the couch and pulled her onto his lap. Her ass nestled against his dick, bringing a dark fog to his mind. He ran his hand up her thigh, and that too, muddled his thoughts. Christ.

  “I left the military three years ago. It was horrific. That’s the only way I can describe it. I knew that I didn’t belong there, but I needed to protect and went about it the wrong way, I guess.”

  “Protect? Now why does that not surprise me?” Her finger traced the line of his shoulder and drifted down his arm. He caught her fingers, stilling her. He’d never get through this damn story if she kept touching him. “Nate had left before I did and was working with the FBI. I needed a job, had all the requirements and then some, so I thought maybe it would work. That way I could still protect the innocent and crucify in a way that didn’t make me lose sleep at night.”

  “And it didn’t work, did it?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. But this time, it was because my hands were tied by the law. Nate and I had busted a sex-trafficking ring a couple of years ago, and I nearly killed a man with my bare hands.”

  Her gaze fell down to the hand that rested on her thigh, but instead of coiling away, she rested her hand on top of his. Relief expanded in his chest.

  “Nate had to pull me off him. I got too emotionally involved. Fuck.” He breathed and shook his head. “How the hell do you not get emotionally involved in something like that? I stuck it out as long as I could, but I hated every minute of it. I left a couple of months ago and to be honest with you, Riley, I don’t know what the hell I want to do with my life.”

  Tears shone in the corners of her eyes. She pulled his head to rest against her shoulder and stroked the back of his neck. The warm, sweet scent of her filled his nose, intoxicating him. His chin lay against her breast and he inhaled her aroma.

  “How have you been doing this that long? How have you made ends meet?”

  He snorted and pulled away. “That’s one problem I don’t have.”

  Her brow furrowed. “I don’t know what you mean. With no income…”

  “My family is wealthy,” he shook his head. “Disgustingly so. I have a trust fund that I’ve never touched. I wanted my own career and to live off my own income, but when the shit hit the fan, I was grateful to have it.”

  “Are you close with your family?”

  He settled back against the couch. “Yeah, we’re very close. My parents have never approved of my career choices. They would have preferred I took after my dad and ran an oil empire. Not my cup of tea. They were supportive, but had treated my career as if it was a hobby. That’s what pisses me off the most. Maybe they were right.”

  Riley shook her head wildly. “Don’t think like that. You know exactly who you are and what you want. Maybe that’s not the military, and maybe it’s not law enforcement. But that doesn’t mean it’s something else altogether.”

  His hands tightened on her hips. “Actually, I’ve been thinking about starting a private investigator business. I have a knack for hacking into computers and have a shitload of resources from the FBI. I’ve always been good at that kind of thing.”

  Her eyes lit up. “That’s brilliant, Ethan. I think that would be perfect for you.”

  A smile crinkled the skin around his eyes. “I have you to thank for that. The idea never even dawned on me until we started looking for Hanna.”

  Her eyes darkened. Guilt swirled in his stomach and his mouth opened to take back the words. Fuck, he hadn’t meant to say it like that.

  Her hand rose to rest on his shoulder, the muscle beneath her hand tingled. “I guess there really is a silver lining in everything, isn’t there?”

  His shoulders relaxed. “And with this, I could start it anywhere. There’s nothing holding me back.”

  Her soft laughter warmed his insides. “Even better.” She leaned forward and pressed her mouth to his. Heat shot through his body, scorching him. He turned her in his arms so she snuggled against him, her legs around his waist, her chest pressed to his. Her mouth moved in a slow, careful pace and her tongue parted his lips and touched his. His dick hardened against the softness of her crevice. He moved his hands over the swell of her hips and locked them on her ass.

  She moaned and arched against him. His body pulsated with need. Her hands folded over the base of his neck, pulling him hard against her lips. His tongue licked over hers, her heat and wetness surrounding him.

  He growled a curse, lifted her in his arms, and carried her to the bedroom.

  Chapter 16

  Ethan’s weight crushed into her as he landed on the bed on top of her. His hungry mouth mingled with her tongue, its wetness making her heart thump wildly against her rib cage. His thigh pressed between her legs and moved with the gentle motion of what would soon come. She moaned and coasted her palms beneath his shirt, over his sleek back, begging for more.

  His lips left hers to press hot kisses to her jaw, then down her throat to her collarbone. He pulled the neckline of her top down and moved her bra, exposing her to the cool air conditioning. Heat seared through her and her breath came out in sharp gasps. He stopped moving and his head lifted, his eyes dark.

  “You’re so damn beautiful, Riley.” His voice was as smooth as bourbon. Butterflies swarmed in her stomach, and heat crept into her cheeks. “Take this off,” he breathed as he lifted the bottom of her tank top and helped tug it over her head. She fell back on the pillow, her bra and shorts the only thing covering her.

  His sharp intake of breath made her swallow. His fingers went to the snap of her denim shorts, and he rose to his knees to work them down her legs. He stood, fisted his hand in the material of his shirt at the back of his neck, and pulled it over his head in one swoop. Dark, bulging muscles swelled from every part of his body. He undid the button of his jeans and shucked them off, along with his boxers. His thighs were thick and stacked with muscle like the rest of him. He inched back on the bed, his manhood thrust forward, pulsing and ready. Her throat went dry and her breath whooshed from her lungs.

  “I like the white underwear.” His hands hovered on her knees, and then slowly slid down the insides of her thighs to brush against the soft, lacy material. She wet her lips with her tongue, needing him inside her, or at least touching her, more than she’d ever needed anything in her life. Her stomach muscles tightened as his eyes took in every inch of her. A tingling sensation started in her belly, then worked its way up to burn her cheeks.

  “Ethan, stop. You’re embarrassing me,” she said softly. His brow creased and he slid down to lie against her side. Her hands instinctively went to his shoulders, her fingers dug into the hard flesh on top. He grinned, revealing his even white teeth.

  “Embarrassing you? In front of who? I know you’re not embarrassed in front of me, and if you are, I’ll have to fix that.”

  She frowned at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  His eyes crinkled at her and his fingers traced the line of her panties, dipped into the waistband, then back out and over the top. She followed every move of his fingers with her eyes, yet his gaze burned into her. He traced lazy circles over her panties, then gripped the waistband and slid them down her legs. Her muscles tightened as his hand returned to her, his finger gently gliding over her folds.

�Easy, babe. I’m going to watch you come.”

  Her eyes snapped to his and she clenched her knees together. “Ethan, no—”

  “Shhh. Just relax.”

  She shook her head, and opened her mouth to protest, but his fingers moved back into place. Her knees parted on their own as he slipped the tip of his finger into her. Her eyes closed on a moan as he moved ever so gently over every delicate spot. Warmth covered her entire body as he spread her wetness.

  He pressed one long, solid finger into her and her hips lifted from the bed, starving for more. His soft chuckle tormented her.

  “That’s it, honey.”

  Her fingernails curled into his bicep as he drew his finger out, and then pressed deep. Her pulse quickened and her breath came out erratically. He moved in a slow rhythm, matching the rock of her hips as she built higher and higher. His thumb touched her next, working softly over her clitoris until she shook. A moan tore from her throat as she rode the desperate wave of ecstasy. As she came crashing down he moved on top of her, sliding into her with ease.

  She gasped as he entered her and clung to him like a lifeline as he spread her legs farther and dove deeper. She swallowed on a cry, and clarity slowly swarmed her head.

  “Ethan, wait,” she breathed.

  He stopped to look down at her, his eyes dark with lust. “What’s the matter?”

  “I want to go on top of you.”

  He groaned low and deep, hooked his arm beneath her waist and rolled so she landed on top of him. A slow grin spread from his lips to his eyes. “Good idea, babe.”

  She laughed and pushed herself upright, with him nestled deep inside her. He cursed as she lifted her hips and rocked over him. She reached behind her back, unhooked her bra, and dropped it to the floor. His hands covered her breasts, weighing them in his palms as she moved. Heat stained his cheekbones almost as dark as the stubble on his jaw. His mouth parted and his eyes grew heavy, half-closing. His thumbs circled her nipples, drawing them tight. Desire built within her with every caress from his hands and stroke of him inside her.

  She dropped her head back and let pleasure fill her body with its delightful tingle. His hands dropped to grasp her hips, grinding her deep against him. Another wave of pleasure washed over her, drowning all of her thoughts. Her breath came out in a pant, matching the rhythm of his. She gripped his forearms, bracing for the storm as it took over her. Her own thrusts rivaled his, and deep carnal hunger ebbed through her as he filled her.

  She cried out as her orgasm unleashed, its gentle pulsations ten times more intense than the first. She fell to his chest, wet and limp. Her heartbeat synced with his as his release came inside her. Her chest stuck to his, a small puddle of sweat clung between them. Her hair hung wildly over his chest. She brushed it away and slowly lifted her lids to search his face.

  He grinned down at her. Her cheeks burned and she turned her face against his neck.

  “Why are you staring at me?” She asked against the rough bristles of his throat. His hand tangled in her hair and smoothed over her head.

  “Because I like looking at you.”

  Her eyes opened on his words. She chewed the inside of her cheek and her heart rate kicked up. She studied the solid line of his jaw and traced her finger along it.

  “I like looking at you too,” she whispered.

  He shifted his head and slanted his gaze down at her. “Want to know what else I like?”

  Her pulse beat sporadically against her throat. Her brain refused to form words, she held her breath, and waited for him to finish. His fingers flexed on her ass, his palm hot and firm on her lower back.

  “This.” His voice was low and rough. She pushed herself off his shoulder and raised an eyebrow at him. Her hair hung over her shoulders to trail across his chest. Her fingers toyed with his pec muscle. He was so handsome. This close, she could see the dark navy-blue outline around his irises, inside was a startling blue, and soft yellow mingled with it. His facial hair was brown like the hair on his head but his five-o’clock shadow was several shades darker. His thumb lifted to drag next to the wound at her head. The gash hadn’t needed stitches, but a deep purple surrounded it.

  “What’s ‘this’?”

  “Being here, with you.”

  Her heart sank down to her stomach and her gaze drifted away from his. She inhaled his musky scent coupled with the faint hint of their sweat and sex. Disappointment churned in her belly. He liked being in bed with her… shocker.

  His laugh brought her gaze up.

  “What’s funny?”

  He flicked her nose with the tip of his finger. “You thought I was talking about sex.”

  “Don’t act like you weren’t.” She folded her arms across his chest and rested her chin on her hands.

  “Hell, I think it’s obvious I like that, and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one. Unless two orgasms mean something else.”

  She pinched his bicep between her thumb and forefinger. He yelped and snatched her hand away, then rubbed the abused area.

  “I’d watch where you’re pinching. I have a handful right here.” He squeezed her ass cheek in his palm and she squirmed under his hold. “Don’t wiggle like that unless you’re ready for round three.”

  She stopped. “There will be no round three.” She wagged her finger at him. Well, it wasn’t worth shooting herself in the foot. “At least not today.” She added with a chuckle.

  Ethan threw his head back and laughed. His hand left her butt to pinch the bridge of his nose. “All right, I’ll give you until midnight.”

  Her laugh subsided and she lifted her forehead to rest on his. “Tell me what you meant.” Her voice was soft, and dammit, vulnerable.

  Both of his hands came up to rest on either side of her face. “I meant it when I said I was crazy about you earlier. And I enjoy being around you.” He brushed his lips over hers. “Does that answer your question?”

  Her tongue moved over the inside of her cheek as she struggled for words. “I like being with you too, Ethan.”

  “Good. Then we’re on the same page.” His hands moved to her shoulders, “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  “Earlier today you showed me a picture of your nephew Cruz, is that your sister’s son?”

  Tiny fingers of dread tickled her stomach. She didn’t want to talk about her parents. It had been over a year since she’d visited them, and now that she was home, Hanna’s disappearance was enough on her plate.

  “Yes, Bailey is my older sister. She’s a single mom and lives in Atlanta. I took a trip there over Christmas to see them.” She kept her eyes on the hard line of his chin. He shifted so that she lay on the bed and he turned on his side to face her. He propped his head on his hand and stared down at her, his eyes sharp and observing. His hand rested on her belly, the rough pad of his palm thick with callouses.

  “What about your parents? Where are they?”

  “They live in Jacksonville, about an hour away. They moved there when I left for college. I haven’t made a trip to see them yet.” Her voice shook, her jaw stiffened to stop the tremor. She didn’t want to think about her parents right now. Especially her mom. Heat radiated off Ethan’s body, the cold air conditioning made her toes curl against his legs. He moved so his feet covered hers.

  “How come?”

  “It’s a long story.” Her voice faltered, resisting his question. But after what he had shared earlier, it wasn’t fair to ignore him. “My parents divorced two years ago. They’d been married thirty years. My mom left him for someone else and it’s been hard on the entire family…especially my dad.”

  Ethan didn’t speak. His eyes drifted over her face, his hand stroked her belly, warming her chilled skin. “I’m sorry, that must have been really tough.”

  She nodded, her throat tightened. “I want to see my dad, but it wou
ld cause an uproar if I didn’t see my mom too. Eventually I’ll have to go there, but it’s hard to think about anything other than Hanna right now.” And Ethan. Between the two of them, there wasn’t any more room in her mind. Especially for the heartache and strain seeing her parents would bring.

  “Why don’t you see if your sister can come down and go with you? That might lessen some of the weight.”

  She tucked the corner of her mouth in. She hadn’t thought of that. Bailey would offer the perfect buffer, and if she brought Cruz, it would really shift the focus from Riley. “That could work. But not right now, we need to focus on Hanna.”


  Lead formed in her stomach. As much as she wanted to avoid them, she had to see them. “I need to get it over with at some point.”

  “I’m sure you’ll feel better when you do. Lord knows a distraction wouldn’t hurt right now.”

  The reminder of last night slammed through her mind, sucking her back to the dark confines of her car and the terror that had ripped through her. She swallowed the sour taste that had hit her palate and cringed.

  “Don’t worry, babe.” He pinched her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “We’re going to end this shit.”

  “Tomorrow, right? We’ll stay at my place?”

  “Yeah. But there’s something else I need to do tomorrow.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “Like what?”

  He lifted his hand to drag his fingers over the tiny spikey hairs on his jaw. His bicep bulged, blocking the low-laying sun from the window behind him.

  “I’m going to pay Michael a visit, see if he heard, or saw anything suspicious the night you were gone.”

  “I’m sure an officer already spoke to him.”

  He nodded. “Yup, and he claimed not to hear anything suspicious. I just want to hear it myself, gauge an opinion on him.”

  “That reminds me, why were you looking at the attic access in my closet? I forgot to ask after…well, you know.” She couldn’t think about the damn snake, slithering through her sheets. She wouldn’t sleep a wink in that bed tomorrow night.


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