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Trade World Saga

Page 90

by Ken Pence

  “He seems to know a lot about us,” Andrew said accusingly.

  “My fault, Commodore. We had to give him enough information that we would not be harmed. He had many questions I answered and I did not answer all because I wanted to check with you,” Lee Post said.

  “Does he have information we could use that would help us? Did you tell him what we were trying to do?”

  “I told him, Commodore,” Lee said.

  The alien spoke up at this point. “I can tell you where you are likely to find live Ylee and possibly where lamlee are still manufactured. We would swear to support your world and government for a grant of citizenship. Do you have the authority to make such a decision? Lieutenant Commander Lee Post said we could attain rank and privilege by serving faithfully in the Auxiliary Earth Regulatory Force.”

  “I have the authority. How many of you are there here? What happened between you and the Allung?” Andrew asked.

  “We were assigned to support a small outpost of Ylee that were exploring this planet. There was a newly developing ecosystem here. The Allung came and they were going to add more solid ground and adapt it for their own use. They captured one of the Ylee and started to alter the planet for their needs without regard to our needs. We expelled their ships from the system and they came back with a huge ship. It dropped many nuclear weapons that critically damaged the only remaining Ylee ship and almost destroyed the ecosystem. We were ordered to fight them if they ever came back and deny them this world. Commander Post explained how you have critically damaged their entire organization. We no longer have a mission or a way to leave. There is little ecosystem now. We would even serve your military needs to get off this moon,” said Octi One.

  “How many of you are there and are they all willing to do this?” Andrew asked.

  “There are 174 of us still functioning. Four hundred gave up and decided to disassociate though they could be revived.”

  “You have my word that you can obtain citizenship for serving in our forces but we will not leave sentient beings to wither and die when we can avoid it. You need not serve if you are unwilling. We will transport you to any world you find suitable. You said you had a damaged Ylee ship. Could it be made functional again?” Andrew asked.

  “I do not think so. We have been unable rebuild the power generation section. It is useless without power,” he said. “My colleagues accept your offer,” Octi said.

  “Anything to get off this rock is a common sentiment among my people too. Commander – you are in charge with training these people. I want them to work with humans and the non-humans on board to get the widest variation. See if Commanders Rett and Shiv can get that ship working. Octi – who gave you that name?” Andrew asked.

  Octi pointed to Captain Bashir.

  “I should have known. Octi, I imagine you need to discuss all this with your people and prepare to move on board. Will that be difficult? Commander Post. Can you think of anything else? Oh yes. Captain Bashir. Write this up before you tell anyone – anyone. Understand? When Commander Post has reviewed it – brief Commander Schroeder and then you collaborate with Ling Tanaka. You two then sell it to the crew and the remainder of the expedition. Got that Captain?”

  “Sir, write it, have it reviewed and approved, tweak it for psychological content and sell it to the masses,” Tom Bashir said.

  “You are a bright guy, Captain. Step on it,” Andrew ordered. “Dismissed, people. Welcome aboard, Octi,” he said.

  Ylee Whiz

  The crew and settlers were receptive to the Octi joining us. Interestingly, about forty of them decided not to join the ERF and they were assigned support jobs in hydroponics and in duplication services. Duplication service was becoming a big deal as we improved the function of the device created by Shuma, the scientist from Bellatrix. We were beginning to be able to create molecules and not just elements. It wasn’t like a replicator in all the movies but it was getting there.

  The damaged Ylee ship was raised and our engineers began to work on the power system. We inquired about the cause of the damage and Octi One finally explained to Andrew. “This ship was the only one left after the Ylee in our shuttle was captured. We took the ship in what we knew was a one-way flight and set up a dimensional shock wave.”

  “Against the Allung? What is this shockwave?” Andrew queried – intrigued.

  “We moved to just inside the Allung ships’ orbits. Then we built up a charge with only our front rings and forced an overload through our back transit rings.”

  “What does that do?”

  “It disassociates lamlee and causes a dimensional blast that sweeps fields along. It would have knocked those ships tens of thousands of lightyears away – if they even survived,” Octi One said.

  “What did it do to your people?” Andrew asked.

  “People. Yes. We re-associated a while later and were able to just return the ship to the water – not undamaged. It has taken us a long time to get it back in the shape you see it now.”

  “How is the power retrofit coming along?” Andrew asked.

  “The power supply you have is truly amazing. It is so compact and powerful – also so simple. How did you design it?” he asked.

  Andrew shook his head. “Rett came up with an adapted design from his Tros home planet. I obtained a sample and figured out how to take some nuclear waste products as a catalyst and produce cold fusion. We learned to generate huge currents from magnetohydrodynamic principles. It works – we use almost nothing else now, as it is so clean and efficient. It should power your ship but have you decided where is our next best bet.”

  “Best bet – interesting reference to chance. I think Upsilon Sagittarii B is – as you say – our best bet. It is 1,464.3 light years from here. There should be Ylee still there as there was a large trading center there a few thousand years ago.”

  “Good work. How is your training going?”

  “Our assimilation is more like it. We are beginning to understand human idioms and motivations. Your fighting strategies are unique and we have not experienced anything like them before. I appreciate what Lee Post sees in your race and your allies. We should be ready to test the ship shortly. Your engineers are well trained and they jump right in – is that the right way to say it? They aid us instead of just commanding us to do things. We appreciate being treated like intelligent beings.”

  “You used the phrase correctly. We look forward to working with you and learning from you as well. From what I hear from Lee Post – your people have a different set of skill sets from his.”

  “Skill sets…I like that. English has many fun phrases that feel…young and catchy…it is not a stagnated language. Are you concerned that we too readily accepted your offer?”

  “Hardly,” Andrew laughed. “No outside stimulation and a damaged ecosystem on the planet. Humans would have gone insane – they would have become slaves to the Allung gladly just to get off the planet. I was concerned about your mental state at first – but I am pleased you joined us. Tell me about the trade on Upsilon Sagittarii.”

  “It was one of the frontier trade centers 2,000 of your years ago. I have never visited but one of us has. He said there were few Ylee but other races had been there. It was at the extreme range of the Allung even without jump technology. It is the second planet from the sun past a large asteroid belt. The third planet is marginally habitable also.”


  The Ylee ship took two weeks to get into traveling shape. They then had to refill it with water – that was odd too but Octi reconstituted decided it should be that way for the Ylee. It looked like Lee Post’s recollection with focusing rings on the front and back. The hull of the ship looked like a cylinder that had been squeezed in the middle – it did work and performed flawlessly on test jumps. We contacted the settlers on the inner planet and they were adapting. There had been one death of a settler who went fishing by himself and became lunch by getting too close to the riverbank. Several of settlers had gotten sick eatin
g some local fruit but the Earth transplants were growing like gangbusters – they loved the soil and sun. They seemed like they were going to make it. We had our scout ship return from Earth and we got our mail. We were pleased at the responses from home. Brad sent more coffee and necessities – the scout ship was packed.


  From the Journal of Lieutenant Ling Tanaka

  We decided to jump to about ten light years from Upsilon Sagittarii B. Maybe we are just getting more cautious but we hated to jump into trouble. It was decided to send the Ylee ship, a scout and a destroyer to the maximum sensor range. I was on the destroyer – yeah – joy – I was in medical when we jumped closer but I had views of the sensor screens pulled up. Frack – the place was alive with ships jumping in and out. No old sailing in – they were jumping in and out all over the place. We relayed the screens back to the flagship. They said go for it – joy.

  We moved into their sensor range and we soon had a frigate and destroyer class ship, jump to our location. I pulled up the communication screens. “What is your intention and origin?” they asked in Trade. We let the Ylee ship respond.

  “We are from – they gave the designation for 59 Sagittarii. We wish to establish trade. Who are you? What are restrictions – covenants – laws for traders? What are mediums of exchange? Do you use a navigation system?”

  “Sending data now,” said the person – a Toi. “Proceed,” he said when they acknowledged.

  “Frack,” Ling said. “Those are Allung ships.” She knew Captain Shuler, her fiancé, saw what she saw. “Damn.”

  Commodore Williams ordered them to proceed as he used their transmissions to plan an attack if and when needed.


  The ships were directed to a large docking area and all three docked as indicated. A contingent of Toi came out to meet each ship. Luckily there were progeny on the destroyer and one in the scout ship. All three ships opened and suited beings came out. All those exiting were beings in oxygenated water filled suits resembling Ylee. The Toi first ordered them to let them inspect their ships and Octi One – bid them to go ahead but they would have to hold their breath since all three ships were filled with water. The Toi then ordered them to drop shields on the ships and Octi refused saying it was necessary for water-filled ships. Octi asked if this was standard procedure for water filled ships and the Toi had no answer. Octi asked if there were any Ylee still here and they said there were but we couldn’t see them now.

  Octi then demanded where the trading areas were and could they go. The Toi demanded exorbitant docking fees and detailed restrictions to visitors. Octi paid the Toi with small squares of gold. He also told them not to get drunk and rowdy…realized what he said and turned his troops back and allowed them to proceed. The Toi let them keep their sidearms, so that was either a good or bad sign. Good that allowed some freedom – bad that they might need them and being armed was taken for granted.

  It was decided to communicate in Trade in case their communications could be monitored. It was decided before they left the ships that they would scan the area ahead with lidar. Their Dex would build a floor plan of the docks for later. They had not gone far before they were stopped and questioned by Toi.

  “Why do you scan around you – it is not permitted?” said the leader of a group of Toi that had come out – obviously shadowing them.

  “Excuse me. We did not mean any harm. I will turn off my scan if it not permitted. You will need to assign one of your people to each of us, as we cannot see without scanning. Turn off your scans. They will escort us back to our ships,” Octi said.

  “Um…never mind…we do not have the time. Be on your way and he pointed toward the trade center.”

  “Excuse me. I think you pointed. Would you aim my body in the direction – it is difficult for me to discern the direction you pointed. Our eyesight is extremely poor in atmosphere,” Octi said and the Toi grasped his body and pointed it at the Trade center that had signs that clearly showed where it was located.

  “Thank you, Sir. I believe it is customary to tip someone for a service and Octi gave the Toi a small circlet of gold. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t overdo it,” said Captain Shuler over the comm link.

  “I have studied with a master,” came the reply from Octi. “I want them to think we are blind and incapable of harming them. They surely know Mu Sagittarii from their records and are leery.

  “Don’t let them think you are without a sting,” Shuler said.

  “Point taken, Captain,” Octi said.

  Jesus, Shuler thought. Wouldn’t want to play poker with these guys. They pick up human habits fast.


  The trade center orbited a brown, rocky planet. The center was spread out like a winding snake with stalls, shops and outright warehouses that sold everything. The travelers recorded everything and saw an occasional glimpse of an Allung but most were Toi. Then they got to the center of bazaar. It was a slave market. There were Toi and Allung selling but it was the selection that drew their attention. They had five Lemsa, a Tros, and a Hllumff. Octi wondered what to do and turned to Lee Post. Post told him to purchase them if he could at whatever cost and he would explain how they would use them.

  A seedy looking Toi started the bidding and there were several other richly dressed Toi, two Allung and some other humanoid species in the audience. They stood out and looked the most interested. Lee Post moved to the front.

  “What do I get for this fine specimen?” the Toi began describing a small male Lemsa. “He speaks Trade and is an obedient servant.” The haggling went on for minutes as the Toi haggled with the audience. The two Allung were in a bidding war with each other – possibly just to drive up the price until “…going once…going twice…” shouted the barker.

  “Two lamlee,” shouted Lee Post in Trade.

  The barker said, “Sold for two lamlee.” The two Allung objected and started reaching into a skin pocket. Lee Post took two steps and grabbed the Allung’s hand by grabbing the skin pocket. He ripped the skin open and pulled out the hand grasping a small weapon which he crushed. He then smashed the Allung with his tentacle and knocked the Allung several feet…instantly unconscious. The other Allung rushed over and the crowd backed away – obviously more afraid of repercussions than purchases.

  The barker was furious. “You have ruined my sales for the day. I could have gotten good trade for these prime slaves and you ruined it. What would you water heads want with land creatures anyway?”

  “We are short on provisions and land creatures are wonderful to grow our food worms in. They grow so fat and tasty and land creatures can be used many times to grow these sea slugs – they love the warm, wet flesh of land creatures. How much would you take for all of them? We really could use them all,” said Lee Post.

  “How will they stay alive on your ships?” the barker asked. “Aren’t they filled with water?”

  “Yes…water filled except we have small air filled areas to raise our stocks…similar to you having a pond to raise fish I imagine…how much for all? We could use more and would like to be regular customers.”

  You could see the avarice in the eyes of the barker. “Twenty lamlee,” he said.

  “You make jokes. Ten lamlee.”

  They finally settled on fourteen lamlee. The barker gave them the controller for their collars and started the dispirited prisoners back toward their ships.

  They marched them back and had them board the destroyer. They had heard the descriptions of what was going to happen to them and had given up all hope.

  When they entered the ship – Lee Post deactivated all their collars as they stepped into the ship. “Welcome aboard,” he said as he transformed into human form. Captain Shuler will meet you later. If we make it away from this place – you are free to go wherever we can take you. We belong to the Earth Regulatory Force.”

  All the former slaves staggered as they received the news. The Tros was the only one left standing. They couldn’t belie
ve it. The young Lemsa female was the one that spoke first.

  “I am called Leiita. I have been held for over a year since those horrible Allung captured my ship. What is the Earth Regulatory Force?” she said.

  Lee Post was shocked. “Are you the younger sister of LeiLei – your father is Leaman?”

  “Yes – yes. Oh Sessra! My sister is dead. I have not seen my father in years…not since I Ieft home with the trader you just rescued. Yes – How could you know of them? They are on the other side of the galaxy from here,” Leiita said.

  “Hardly. Your sister is a lieutenant commander of a huge task force. I saw your father yesterday. He is the coordinator of a huge trading port renovation on your home planet. Temsla is in charge of security.”

  Leiita starting sobbing -- uncontrollably. She had to be helped back to her quarters by another progeny.

  The Tros spoke up. “You say the right things but I know things like this do not happen in real life. All I ask is a quick death.”

  Lee Post replied in Tros – not in Trade. “Excuse me – you must be the Captain. You are a female Tros. I will not ask your name, as I understand your customs. My friend and co-commander is a Tros. He is the reason we have defeated the Allung in our section of the galaxy and plan to do the same here. We will not tolerate slavery. Captain. You have freedom to explore this ship. I will want to ask you questions later about your capture before we kick the shit out of these Allung…pardon – that is an appropriate Earth expression.”

  “Please show me to my quarters. I do not want to raise sea worms in my body. I would like to help you kick the shit out of these Allung but I am ready to collapse.”


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