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Trade World Saga

Page 99

by Ken Pence


  Commodore Williams used an implant too. “Okay. The implants work for all of us. Amazing how pieces of extraneous knowledge can add so much knowledge. The beings that made these things are way ahead of us in most areas. The fact that these enclosures seem to have been here for thousands of years is also daunting. Three thousand years ago we were just getting into on Earth. What do you have new?”

  Rett spoke. “I actually understand most of the information about building the enclosure field. I understand the dimensional aspect now. I did not understand before. This dimensional aspect pulls this out of normal space and allows a time acceleration field – similar to what we use – it allows that field to be exponentially stronger or faster or stronger. The dimensional aspect allows thousands of years to pass inside while weeks pass outside. The information is imprinted surely. Their technology is beyond impressive.”

  Lee Post also spoke. “I got a bit more this time in the same areas that Rett mentioned. Shiv. You said it worked for you too.”

  Shiv moved forward a bit and looked side to side. “I got images of other enclosures also. My imprint listed locations that were better suited to my species – yes – I think that was its purpose. I wondered if any of my species had gotten into these before.”

  Leilei reported an experience similar to Desiree’s first experience, as did the rest of those getting a first crack at attaching an enclosure. Rett posited that you obtained more information the more enclosures you encountered.

  Tod suggested that this suggested communication between different enclosures – that was more astounding since some of the enclosure positions shown were over 100 light years apart.

  Steve guessed it was the dimensional communication far advanced over our own quantum entanglement system, which worked up to 100 light years distance.

  John said he got a better read of the chemicals added to the ground. He said he had a good start on it from the first Ylee enclosure he had studied but now realized how much was needed to start the process.

  “You got how much of each mineral was needed?” Andrew asked. “I didn’t get any of that.”

  “It may be that I already knew most of the materials from our earlier samples and when I questioned how much of each was needed and how it got here in the first place,” John said.

  “I suggest we study as much technical data we can on the power plant design so the next enclosure we encounter might answer more specific questions. We may get an imprint stamp from each one we get. It’s kind of like a repeat customer. The more you use it – the more it gives you,” Andrew said. “Also – come to think of it – it answers specific queries like a high-powered users manual. You want to know how one stage works – it gives you that information. Nothing to take with you – make your own tools with the lamlees. No lamlees available – here are the locations of nearby enclosures. I think that’s it. We found the owner’s manual.”

  “Pretty damn powerful manual – close to magic,” Susan said.

  “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” Tod said. “Clarke’s Law.”

  “What have we gotten back from our scouting of this planet? While we’ve been focusing on this enclosure, I’ve had all ships scouting the planet for a colony. This place is really green and some axial tilt. Good oxygen content, gravity and water. Animal life?” Andrew asked.

  “I will finish a report for you shortly but I have amassed a great deal of information on this planet from the satellite and aerial drones as well as sampling. It looks like an unspoiled garden. There are some fairly large animals – similar to mammals – but only similar,” Lee Post stated. “I think it is perfectly suited for colonization.”

  “Let’s get that last group of colonists and see if they’re willing to try here. This place is so green – wonder if they want to call it Green. Might as well,” Andrew said.

  Market Research

  From the Journal of John Brattor

  We did go to another enclosure. Dr. Schroeder opened this one and we all had a go trying to get more details. I got a lot more specifics on quantities of materials needed to start lamlees and I got a data dump. I had wondered how each site was chosen and I got a plethora of information on how to choose types of geologic formations. When I queried how to sample for the proper conditions I received information of spectral types, orbits, axial tilt, precession, mass, atmospheric gas composition, magnetosphere, tectonics…a lot.

  Tod was quiet a long time after he assessed the data. He must have gotten a lot of info too. He was impressed with all information I got on selecting a site and ordered me to start recording everything on my Dex. I told him this owner’s manual was like a huge mental Dex. He loved the analogy. Dr. Cutcher – Steve – queried the enclosure’s communications methods to other enclosures. He got a data dump too. He said he learned more in three minutes than he learned in half his college courses.

  Ling queried the different types of animals the enclosures produced and she got a load of information about variations from the different initial location of the enclosure and the planet’s composition and variations.

  Shiv queried lord knows what but she only consulted with Commodore Williams afterward so I don’t know what she learned. We were all busily inputting into our Dexs so the information could be shared. Commodore Williams got us all together and gave us a shocker.


  Commodore Williams, “I called everyone together because of the data we acquired. We started this expedition to find the Ylee. We found them and realized they sure weren’t what we were looking for… I suggest we send a shipment of lamlee and the latest news to Earth. I then want to travel to a location I got when querying where and who developed these enclosures. Commander Schroeder has assessed three different enclosures with the same question, but I’ll let him tell you, Tod.”

  “We started this expedition because we wanted to find the beings that made lamlee. We’ve found out a lot about the Ylee and enclosures but not who made them. We have a location. It is about 20,000 light years from Earth. I intend to travel back to Earth this evening as we get colonists settled on Green. Lieutenant Colonel Darby is in charge of getting the colonists set up on Green – yep – the name stuck. I’ve sent assignments to your Dexs. We will know nothing about the location.”


  “Admiral Kyger, the Antares just appeared in system. Commodore Williams says he needs to speak with you personally,” the aide said.

  “Thank you, Stewart. Send the Commodore in to me the moment he arrives,” said Admiral Brad Kyger.


  Commodore Williams was ushered into the Admiral’s office.

  Commodore Williams saluted his superior and when Admiral Kyger returned it – they shook hands and Brad bade Andrew to sit.

  “Spit it out, Andrew. Why are you here personally? Do I have a new enemy? Massive deaths?”

  Commodore Williams explained how they had gone to KW Sagittarii and what happened. He explained the knowledge gained from the Ylee and their conflict. Andrew explained the conflict barely avoided and the possible new allies – a hair width from a new enemy. Admiral Kyger told Commodore Williams he was happy that he had worked it out. He was intrigued about the new implants and wanted to know where they would have to go to find the Makers.

  Admiral Kyger stated flatly, “Fran and I will want implants and we plan to go with you. When will you go? How many ships will you take?”

  “Do you plan to go with us on the Antares? Command?” asked Commodore Williams.

  Admiral Kyger poured out two fingers of Jack Black over ice. He had a second glass out but Andrew declined. “I’ll take the Leonidas. It’s a new battleship with all the updates we could give it. It’s been field-tested and we got a lot of the bugs worked out. I’ll keep command of this battleship and you will be in charge of all your auxiliary forces. This battleship isn’t coated.”

  “Admiral, I can fix the ship coating and we need to do that immediately. We brought
a load of lamlee,” Andrew said and sent an order to have the Leonidas coated immediately and surplus turned over to Admiral Kyger. “I’m concerned with unity of command with you along.”

  “Andrew…between us…I am going along and bringing a new ship may help. We don’t know what we’re going into. If we lose the Antares I can take over. I give you command of all your forces and I know you have more recent experience. Can’t change all that but I’m going along – I will bite my lip and hold back.”

  “May I speak freely?” Andrew said.

  “I won’t demote myself. Suck it up. I won’t rain on your parade. I was there with you from the first and I’m going along. Go ahead.”

  “Admiral, you don’t know what he hit with those enclosure databases. They are so far ahead of us – it is scary. Doubt one ship will mean a difference but I want you with us – I am worried about having someone new to the troops telling them what to do.”

  “Noted. Get me an implant and one for Fran. Get me some troops with experience to command. Whoever you can. I appreciate your orders to get the Leonidas coated already.”

  “Very good, Admiral. I have progeny and Toi that will be excellent,” Andrew said. “I will send you some of my best – no dregs.”

  “Not worried, Commodore. See you soon. Who will get us the implants?”

  “I’ll send Commander Lee Post over. He has changed. Query him on whom to send over for the Leonidas. He’s my second in command and does a damn fine job,” Andrew said.

  “Maybe I’ll just take him,” Brad said.

  “Not funny,” Andrew said. “Anything else?”

  “No. You’re doing an excellent job out there.”

  Andrew saluted and left after he was dismissed.


  The Leonidas and Antares returned to the waiting 58 ships. They had the same number they started with though some had new crews with the ships they had lost and the Allung ships they had captured. It would have been funny – if it hadn’t been for all the good men and women, of whatever species, they had lost. The expedition had humans, progeny, Octi, Toi, Vicvic, Lemsa, Hllumff, and a couple of Tros.

  Commodore Andrew Williams looked at his collection of different ships and thought of his ships and designs. He had given them all the coordinates ferreted out of the enclosure databases. All the enclosures had indicated one location and it was about 20,000 light years from Earth in Cassiopeia. It was supposed to be a G class yellow dwarf similar to Earth’s Sol. The Leonidas was brought into the formation after a fleet quantum entanglement communications system was installed. They still hadn’t figured out how to build a system like the enclosures used even though they had instructions.

  All ships had been briefed and signaled their readiness to proceed.


  From the Journal of Senior Chief Traci Warrington

  I had been along with Commodore Williams from the beginning but 20,000 light years is a big step. We had run into fights every foot of the way and won out – it had cost us a lot of good people. Hell. I count the Toi and Progeny – hell --- all of ‘em as good people. We had lost a lot of people and ships. We were all geared up to jump and then Admiral Kyger comes in and wants to tag along. What happens to unity of command? The Commodore says he’s in charge unless he’s incapacitated. Good enough for me. We are all told to get to battle stations and then we jump. This was a long one but we decided to do five jumps of 3,000 light years at a time and regroup each time. We jumped.

  Came out right on target the first time I’m told. Couple of ships strayed a bit. I’m sure their navigators got their ass kicked. We tightened up formations and jumped again. Did as good this time and those two stragglers were on the money too. Third jump was a bit weird because we came out next to this red giant and had to get away pretty fast. Fourth jump had us all over the map. Took us half a day to get everybody together and we lost a frigate. Don’t know what happened to her. A miss of an inch out here is as good as a mile. Rest in Peace is all I can say. Didn’t know ‘em. Good for me. I’ve lost too many friends. We search jumped for a bit but came up empty. Fifth jump –

  God. Understand we got an emergency broadcast from a group of refugee ships and freighters. They were under attack from sixty ships almost as big as our planetoid. Heard the captain saw sixty military ships attacking civilian freighters. Commodore sent us right in there to fight against those big muthers.

  We hit them hard and when we teamed up on them they would explode. Sent a bunch of slicers out and they did pretty well. Those things just kept fighting though with holes punched through them. Our ships were getting slammed though. Our frigates don’t have as much punch but they are maneuverable as hell. They appeared to have been hit by some automated weapon. I got a buddy to get me a tie-in to the battle bridge screen. I was ready to board anything that was left.

  We had lost a good twenty ships and they had lost ten of theirs but we were going to still fight to save those civilians. Then our Ylee ship crewed by those Octi moves up and I know what is coming and it fires its dimensional pulse weapon and those ships disappear. We look around. All the civilian ships are gone too – even though we had massed our ships to protect them. There is one small, civilian ship left.


  “Commodore, we are being hailed in Trade. I have visual,” said the comm officer.

  “Put it on,” Andrew said to the comm officer.

  It looked like a sea cucumber with arms. What the fuck – it spoke in Trade.

  “Hello. I am called…Easy,” said the creature. “I apologize but I tapped your databases when you first accessed one of my enclosures,” the creature said. “Your ships are safe. None were damaged. I just enclosed them in fields and placed them out of way for a…moment.”

  “I want them back!” Commodore Williams was furious but trying to throttle down after a battle fury. “Now.”

  “Certainly,” the creature said and turned and did something.

  All our ships reappeared and started calling in. It seemed they had spent hours in an enclosure and suddenly they were here.

  Commodore Williams was still angry. “What was that all about…Easy?”

  “It seemed an appropriate easy name to pronounce. You wouldn’t be good at pronouncing my real name so I’ll go by Easy. No ‘R’ or ‘H’ sounds to make…two syllables. Easy. Would you rather call me Ant? It is one syllable.”

  “Easy is fine. What was all that about? Big ships and all,” Andrew said while carefully avoiding acknowledging Admiral Kyger’s ardent call.

  “Aren’t you going to answer your superior? He’s going to be pissed…is that right expression…you’re not British?” asked Easy.

  Andrew was confounded. How could this being know so much about us? He reluctantly answered the Admiral’s call.

  “Yes, Admiral,” Andrew said. “I’m in critical first contact right now Admiral.”

  “Put me on too. I want to listen in. That’s all,” Admiral Kyger said.

  “Very well,” Andrew said and turned his attention fully back to the alien.

  “Interesting. You were saying?” said the alien.

  “What was all that about?” Andrew demanded.

  “Relax. This was just a market test,” the alien said.

  “What? We thought those ships were attacking a weaker opponent who couldn’t fight back.”

  “Exactly,” said the alien. “Best way to see how a customer stacks up…that is such a nice turn of a phrase…like that one too.”

  “What?” Andrew said inarticulately.

  “Wouldn’t you rather have a face-to-…stalk talk?”

  “Would you be willing to come aboard?” Andrew asked in response.

  “Leaving now,” said the alien.

  “Commodore,” said the tactical officer. “I have a small contact moving to our starboard A4 airlock.”

  “I don’t think we need to shoot it. This guy could have turned us all to toast if he wanted too. Send me a team to greet him and escort him to the la
rge conference room. Admiral. I’m sure you want to be here. Ensign. Meet the Admiral and direct him there,” Andrew ordered and looked up sea cucumbers on his Dex. “All command staff to the large conference room.”

  He sat down, ordered some fresh crustaceans, wine and water with glasses with a stack of bread plates.

  Shiv, Rett, Lee, Steve, LeiLei, Tod, Desiree, Xilatoi, and Octi were there as Admiral Kyger came in.

  “Keep your fields on,” Andrew said.

  Senior Chief Warrington came to the door. “Excuse me sirs. Your visitor is here.” He stepped aside and in stepped the sea cucumber. He looked like a damn sea cucumber – with four arms.

  “Welcome, Easy – would you like to…move here?” Andrew said.

  “I do not sit but I can comfortably change my height,” the alien said and suddenly looked shorter – like it had been squished. Its eyes twisted on their tiny stalks and looked around the room. “Welcome.”

  “You said the mock battle was a test. How do you speak Trade? How do you know about us?” Andrew asked.

  “My race is not built for battle. We could now but it is not in our nature. I was on duty when I was alerted about your use of enclosures you call them,” the alien said.

  “Duty? Alerted? Use of enclosures?” asked Andrew.

  “I can see you would be confused. You have done very well. Yes. We are the ones who make the enclosures. We believe in the long view and were very good at biology as you can imagine. We are incredibly long lived and had quite a few natural enemies and by a fluke we developed a natural ability to avoid them and later dominate them.”


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