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Court of Secrets: Reverse Harem Fantasy Book 1 (Forbidden Queen)

Page 11

by Dyan Chick

  I frowned, not liking that tradition and wondering if it was true. Pulling away from the stranger, I moved a few inches closer so I could see better, but I didn't engage.

  The two males stared each other down, circling like predators. I held my breath, hoping they were almost finished with this. The longer they continued, the more chance of someone getting hurt. Or worse.

  Theo made the first move, kicking Dane in the stomach, but Dane was too fast for him. He caught Theo's leg, twisting it and sending him to the ground. Dane kicked him while he was down. "Have you had enough?" Dane asked.

  Theo rolled over and grabbed the back of Dane's tunic, pulling him hard until he fell to his knees. Both men were up on their feet again quickly and stared at each other.

  I knew that look and I knew they weren't going to back down. This wasn't going to end any time soon. I couldn't take it anymore. This was my chance to intervene and I didn't waste it. I ran toward the fight, pushing my way through the crowd. When I reached the males, I stepped in between the two of them.

  Suddenly, a fist made contact with my back and I fell, landing in Dane's arms. Stars danced in my vision and I looked back to see Theo's mouth wide open in surprise.

  "Are you mad?" Dane called out. "Didn't you see her!"

  "That was meant for you, not her," Theo said.

  I winced and moved my arm around, making sure everything seemed to be working. I was going to be sore from this, and likely have the bruise to prove I'd been hit, but it wasn't a major injury. "I'll be fine. You two have to stop fighting."

  "So you have to have your females fight your battles for you?" Theo asked.

  "I'm trying to stop you two from being so stupid. Don't you see you two are just going to keep injuring each other and neither of you is going to win," I said.

  "Step away, wench, before I make you," Theo said. He closed in on us and for a moment I thought he was going to hit me on purpose. Panic swelled up inside me and I knew I needed to defend myself. Without thinking I reached inside, tugging at that part of me that wanted so desperately to be free. A moment later we were surrounded by a blinding light. Somehow, I'd released the same light I had when I escaped from my father's house.

  Everything was silent and in the blinding white light I felt like I had been sucked into a void. Completely deprived of my senses, I reached out in front of me trying to find something to ground me in reality. Then, my heart beat flooded my ears, thunderous and overwhelming, the only sound I could hear. I started to panic and just as I was going to cry out, a pair of strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a firm chest.

  I breathed in the familiar scent of rosemary and honey and I felt the tension leave me. As if connected to my emotions, the light began to fade, lessening in intensity with every intake of my steady breath.

  I felt someone's lips brush against my ear and a soft tingle ran down my neck and through my chest. "Deep breaths, Cassia. You're safe."

  I took a deep breath in through my nose and blew it out through my mouth, focusing on slowing my racing heartbeat. I could make out shapes now, figures moving around as the light continued to fade.

  I blinked a few times, adjusting to the darkness and noted that Dane and I were alone inside the circle of onlookers. Theo backed away and was holding onto the redheaded female. She seemed to have lost all interest in Dane after whatever it was that had just happened.

  "What was that?" Theo asked as he pushed the redhead behind him, ready to defend her.

  I looked over at Dane, desperate for him to chime in and say something. There had to be an explanation for this, but I didn't know what it was.

  Dane looked just as baffled as me. Yet, he still kept his arms wrapped tightly around me protecting me from something I couldn't see. Were these other Fae going to attack me? Was that what he was worried about? The crowd parted and Cormac stumbled into the center of the group with Ethan at his heels.

  "Nothing to worry about here. Just untrained magic," Cormac said.

  I was surprised how clearly he was speaking considering he had a whole new bottle of wine in his hand and it didn't look like there was much left in it. How much had he had to drink tonight?

  "I've never seen magic like that," Theo said, pointing an accusatory finger at me.

  I pressed myself back against Dane's chest desperately seeking some protection from what I worried was going to turn into a mob. I'd seen this happen before one time in the village when my family had gone in for a festival. The crowd gathered around a woman who was accused of using magic. Terrible things were done to her that day and they all flashed through my mind as the dozens of eyes seemed to silently condemn me.

  Cormac stepped in front of me with Ethan at his side. Both men crossed their arms over their chests as if threatening someone to come forward. "I've claimed protection rights over this girl. If anyone has a problem with her, they'll have to go through me," Cormac said.

  "And me," Ethan said.

  "And me," Dane said, pulling me closer.

  My throat tightened as I swallowed down the threat of tears. My own father, and the man who had been my betrothed, along with everyone I'd known my entire life, had fled when the beast attacked me on my wedding day. Yet, these princes who’d known me for less than two days were willing to stand up and defend me. I never knew there could be such kindness and such loyalty in the world.

  "This is a party," Nikolai said, pushing his way through the crowd. He stopped just inside the circle and bowed toward Cormac and Ethan. "I'm terribly sorry, your grace. We are but simple folk and some of us," he turned and glared at Theo, "forget our manners when they’ve had too much to drink."

  "You say this girl is under your protection which means she's like family." Nikolai stepped to the side and turned to me before bowing low. "My lady, please forgive the rudeness of my guests. Would you care to join us at the head table for dessert?"

  My eyes widened and I had to fight myself to keep my jaw from dropping open. I'd gone from being glared at as if I were on trial to being asked to sit at the head table.

  I looked at the faces watching the scene unfold. Their expressions had softened and several of them even wore smiles on their faces. I wasn't sure what it meant that Cormac had me in his protection, but Nikolai said it made me like family. I didn't know if that was just Nikolai trying to smooth things over or if something even more significant had just occurred.

  I looked to Dane and then back at Cormac and Ethan for guidance. Ethan gave a subtle nod and I took it as affirmation that I should accept the invitation. Finally feeling confident enough to step away from Dane, I gently lowered his arms from me and stepped away from his embrace.

  "I would be honored." I inclined my head in a small bow.

  Nikolai clapped his hands twice and practically jumped up and down. "This is a party, isn't it?" He clapped again. "Start the music and bring out the cake!"

  Chapter Eighteen

  Nikolai bowed to me again and offered his elbow. I gently set my hand in the crook and let him lead me away from my protectors. Part of me wanted to run back to them, to thank them. And honestly, part of me longed to be held again by Dane. If his touch was indicative of how he was as a partner, I could see why females were so interested in him. He had the most delicious balance of tenderness and masculinity that made me feel like nothing in the world could ever harm me. I wanted to hold onto that feeling because it was the first time I had truly felt safe in my life.

  I glanced back over my shoulder to find the dancing was back in full swing, but none of the princes had joined in. All three of them stood just beyond the crowd watching my every move. I looked away from them, but I felt their gaze linger. It was nice to know that they were looking out for me and it was nice to feel protected.

  When we reached the head table, Nikolai introduced me to his daughter and her husband. His daughter was named Mia and she rose to embrace me as if I were her sister without hesitation. She pulled out the chair next to her and patted her hand on the seat.
"Please, sit by me. You just have to tell me what it's like."

  "Excuse me?" I asked.

  Nikolai had wandered off, mingling with the guests, as servants carried out trays and trays of sweets. Madeleine leaned toward me conspiratorially and lowered her voice. "The princes. You arrived here with all three of them. Nobody's even seen Prince Cormac with a female in a hundred years. What did you do to get all three of them to follow you around? And to get him to take you under his protection? You must be someone very important or he's deeply in love with you. Plus, I've heard rumors about Prince Dane, even here in the Autumn Court, he's got a reputation."

  My chest felt tight as I stared at the smiling bride. "It was sort of fate, I suppose." I wasn't sure what to say. Do I explain that the Sodalis are after me? That wasn't something that someone would want to hear on their wedding day. And the more I thought about it, the less I liked being there. Creatures really were hunting me, was I going to lead them here into all these people? An attack on a crowded place like this could cost so many people their lives. My heart raced and I suddenly felt hot.

  "You know, it isn't often that the right of protection is evoked. Does that mean he's taking you to the Queen's Trial? Or are you his mistress or more?"

  There were too many questions and I didn't know what any of them meant. I wanted to ask her what this right of protection was, but I was afraid if I didn't know, it would lead to too many questions about me and where I came from. She stared at me with a hopeful expression and I knew I wasn't going to get away with silence. "We're working on something together. I'm not romantically involved with any of them."

  "Oh," she said, looking disappointed. "Academy business, I suppose?"

  I smiled and made a noncommittal noise, hoping it would appease her. I had no idea what the Academy was, but if it kept her from asking any more questions, I'd play along.

  Thankfully, before she could ask or say anything else, Nikolai clapped his hands again and asked for the music to stop. "As tradition dictates, those who have not yet found their mate will choose the first piece of cake."

  "Go on," Mia urged me giving me a little push. "If you don't go, everyone is going to think you're involved with the princes."

  That was enough for me. Besides, the cake was beautiful and probably tasted amazing.

  Hesitantly, I stood and walked toward the two-tiered cake that was the centerpiece of the sweet and dessert spread. Blue dressed servants were slicing up the top layer of cake and plating it. The Fae lingering around the table waited patiently for their slice. I glanced back at the long tables where we'd eaten dinner and saw that about half of the guests were still seated. Apparently, it was a pretty even split of married and unmarried Fae.

  Ethan walked over to where I was standing and stopped so close to me that his arm pressed against mine. He leaned down and whispered, "Traditionally, the top layer is made with wild raspberries. The legend is, that eating raspberries at a wedding will help you to meet your mate sooner."

  A maid in a blue dress handed me a plate and I looked down to see the red ribbons of fruit spreading through the white cake. The maid handed Ethan a plate and he took it from her then lifted it toward me in a toast before taking a bite. "I'm not sure that it works, but it sure is delicious."

  I took a bite of my own cake and had to stop myself from letting my eyes roll into the back of my head. It was the most heavenly thing I had ever tasted. The cake melted on my tongue leaving a burst of sweet and tart from the raspberry all at the same time. I had never tasted cake like this at home.

  "Next, we invite those who are mated, but have yet to produce their offspring," Nikolai said.

  Brow furrowed, I looked up at Ethan hoping for another explanation.

  "The next layer is lavender. To help with fertility," he said.

  Another group, including the bride and groom, came forward and took the lavender slices of cake. One woman giggled as she fed a bite to her husband. Finally, Nikolai invited the last group of people to come for dessert. "For those of you who have your children and your mates please come and enjoy the desserts."

  The last few remaining guests stood and gathered around the dessert table, though they ate none of the cake. It seemed the cake was reserved for those who still needed something. The rest of the dessert was for those who had gained the things the Fae seemed to value. In this way, the Faerie realm wasn't much different from the human realm. They still seemed interested in making sure everyone was married off and produced heirs. Suddenly, the cake didn't taste so good. I set my fork down and looked around for a place to abandon the plate. Before I could find something, one of the maids swept up to me and held out her hands. "Are you finished, lady?"

  "Thank you," I said as I passed the plate.

  "Wait," Ethan said, grabbing the plate from the maid’s hand. "If she's not going to eat it, I will. I can use all the help I can get."

  He winked and the maid giggled, covering her mouth with her hand before ducking away from us.

  "I'm sure it's not difficult for a prince to find a mate," I said. "You must have females waiting in line to marry you."

  "It doesn't work the same way here as it does in the human realm," he said. "Marriage isn't about alliance and it's not exactly about love. Mating is deeper than that. It's a union of souls and when you find the one who completes your soul, you bond with them and you never let them go. It's a pure and complete connection, it takes over. The only thing you can think about is your mate and their well-being. You begin to anticipate their needs and you begin to know how they feel even when you're apart."

  "It didn't seem that way with Theo and his mate," I said.

  Ethan laughed. "That wasn't about love or mating, that was about sex."

  My eyes widened.

  "Some Fae take lovers even if they have a mate." Ethan took another bite of cake.

  "It's so different than the human realm," I said. "What if you never come across the one you're supposed to mate with?" The idea of arranged marriages was frightening enough, but the idea of possibly waiting your whole life to find the one you were meant to be with was even more frightening.

  "It's not exactly known how it works. They say it's possible to have more than one mate out there for you just in case you don't find one of them right away. Our queen has three mates, so I guess anything is possible," he said.

  "But how do you find the right one?" I asked.

  "I suspect it might be similar to how some humans do. It's not usually an instant bond. Attraction, yes, but then you have to spend some time to get to know them to see if it's real," he said.

  "What if you left before you took that time?" I asked.

  "If you met your mate and left, you'd find yourself drawn back to the place you left them," Ethan said. "It could be why Cormac continues to visit Angela on occasion. She broke his heart, but he still can't shake her."

  I opened my mouth to ask about Angela and Cormac, but Ethan held up a hand. "If you're going to ask, don't. It's not my story to tell."

  I closed my mouth and thought about everything Ethan had said. Fae relationships seemed complicated. How were you ever to find the one you were meant to be with? What if you were a peasant and you never left the village you were born in? "It could take a lifetime to find your mate."

  "For some people, it might take centuries, but we're immortal," he said.

  That stopped me dead in my tracks. I hadn't stopped to think about the fact that the Fae didn't age like humans. What did that mean for me? It was difficult to comprehend that I wasn't going to continue to grow old the way the humans that I knew had.

  So many questions occurred to me at that very moment. I had nothing. No skills, no money, no lands and no home. But there was hope now of finding those things in the best way possible.

  In my old life, the best I could hope for was to grow fond of my husband after I married him. Maybe, after everything I’d been through, I could still find someone who completed me. Who wouldn’t want that? If I found that, I w
ould have the belonging I so longed for and we could make a home together.

  Perhaps that was my best plan when this was all over. I didn't have anything else to hope for. Maybe I could find that companionship I craved. I wondered if that was even possible for me. I wondered if the fact that I was a changeling and that I'd grown up in the human world would somehow ruin me. Was there still someone out there for me?

  As if he knew what I was thinking, Ethan reached down and grabbed my hand in his, giving it a squeeze. "All Fae find their mates eventually. For some, it takes more time. But we always find them."

  I squeezed his hand back and smiled. There was too much going on in my head for me to string together a coherent thought.

  In front of us, guests were finishing up their desserts and the music started up again. "How long does the party last?"

  "The longest wedding I ever went to was three days," Ethan said. "I've heard of celebrations that last weeks."

  "Don't you have things to do?" I asked. I wasn't exactly in a rush to go on a monster hunt and I certainly wasn't in a rush to leave these princes behind. They'd become so important to me in such a short time that it was difficult to imagine my life without them.

  "Most of the small-town weddings wrap up by dawn," he said. "Come dance."

  I let Ethan lead me to the dance floor where he taught me another Faerie dance that left me breathless. And I enjoyed every second. It felt so good not to be worrying about anything. But all good things came to an end. Just as Ethan predicted, as the first light of the sun broke the horizon, the band played the last song.

  "May I?" Cormac asked.

  I turned, startled by his presence. Cormac had made it very clear how he felt about weddings.

  Ethan bowed and let go of my hand backing away from the dancers. Cormac stood in front of me, arm outstretched. I set my hand inside his waiting palm and noticed how fragile and small my hand looked inside of his. I might be Fae, but the males were much larger than me.

  Cormac instantly used size to his advantage and lifted me off the ground spinning me in a circle before setting me back down. The move caught me by surprise and I found that I was smiling so wide that my face started to hurt. Cormac smiled back and without a word, continued the dance. Cormac was much more graceful than I expected and he guided me through the steps of the unfamiliar dance.


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