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The Whisper That Echoes Through Africa

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by Shirley Nyasha

  Spiritual Growth: The missionary needs to constantly be spiritual fresh. They need to be continually filled with the Spirit and walking in the spirit. Where there is spiritual dryness, the missionary has nothing to give out, and faces the real danger on succumbing to the power of the enemy and getting burnout. We trust that where there are no churches or opportunities for fellowship, that God will supernatural (and continually) refresh them spiritually.

  Missionary’s Travel: Pray for safety in travel, whether it is by road, train, car, on foot or by plane. Simply getting to the missions field can be at times be hazardous.

  Missionary’s Family: Children of missionaries are also on the receiving end of the choices of their parents’ decision for missions. The enemy uses them to distract the parents from focusing on the call, either through illnesses or the ability of the children to adapt to new environment, language, schools (if they are in public schools). Pray for the missionary’s family back home, for protection and provision. In most instances, missionaries are not able to be there physically for their families, especially parents, and this can lead to feeling of regret; and even questioning of the decision to join the mission field in the first place.

  Show Love: Pray as Paul prayed that the love of Christ may abound more and more in Knowledge, and in all depth of insight (Philippians 1:9) We are not fully able to love the lost in our own strength - sometimes it’s the same people that are stealing from you, despising you and you still need to show them love.

  Philippians 1:9-11 (ESV)

  9 And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, 10 so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.

  Intercessory Life of the Missionary – A missionary who is not an intercessor will only have limited impact. Since missionaries are on the ground, and know the situation first-hand, must take time to pray, and be involved in intercessory prayer for the people and country they are working in. Pray that the missionary will have the desire and passion to spend time in intercession, that they will not have unnecessary distractions that will draw them away from spending time with God.

  We need to be both specific and steadfast when praying for our missionaries, agreeing in prayer with others. Pray as for yourself; any problem you have, the missionary may also have - only might be magnified by his situation and circumstances. Use scriptures such as, Ephesians 1:15-23, Colossians 1:9-14, or Ephesians 3:16-21. It has well been said: ‘Better, far better, do less work, if need be, in order that we may pray more; because work done by the rushing torrent of human energy will not save a single soul: whereas work done in vital and unbroken contact with the living God will tell for all eternity.’

  Matthew 18:18-20 (ESV)

  18 Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 19 Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.

  Mark 3:27 (ESV)

  27 But no one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. Then indeed he may plunder his house.



  "Tell the students to give up their small ambitions

  and come eastward to preach the gospel of Christ."

  - Francis Xavier


  African Churches are catching the vision for world missions. God is laying opportunities at our doorsteps. We ought to do some really hard thinking about what we, as the church in African (and mission agencies in Africa), can do to play a key role in the discipling of the Middle East, and the re-evangelization of the west in the twenty-first century. Our pastors are key, and have an instrumental role in seeing this happening. The heart of God for missions, as revealed in the scriptures, needs to be clearly presented – and it is pastors who influence the ministry-focus of their churches.

  There is still a great need for research on the history and timeline of African missionaries. There is a great need to give the same scholarly attention to African missionaries that have being given to western missionaries. We currently lack the institutional structures to see this heritage of African missionaries and missions being taught and passed on in our Christian institutes, theological seminaries and colleges.

  May our response and attitude be that of how “Finishing the Task”, was formed as a consequence of the embarrassment the Kenyan delegation faced at a World Evangelical Alliance conference held in Malaysia. They were told at the conference that there were nearly twenty unreached people groups in their country. The Kenyan leaders responded, “Never again shall we be told that there are unreached people groups in our country.” Upon their return they formed Finishing the Task , which in a few years succeeded in engaging each of the unreached groups. Today the Church is growing among each of these groups.

  Jeff Fountain in the book His Kingdom Come says,” We have allowed ourselves to be robbed of this heritage and stripped of a confident expectation of God’s future actions in our world. Deprived of the past and cheated of our future, we have often become orphans in history with little historical consciousness of the cloud of witness cheering us on for the leg of the race.”

  May this not be the case for African Missionaries! May our heritage, and history of missions, not be robbed from us? Rather let us have a story to tell to future generations, of how we saw nations coming to the Lord, and were used by God to see make disciples of all nations’.

  Heart for the Nations Foundation

  If you have been challenged by this book and would like to be part of supporting African Missionaries financial or through prayer, email

  Heart for the Nations is an interdenominational charity Foundation started in Zimbabwe that seeks to help and financially support African Missionaries. The aim of HFTN is to invest in missionaries’ in order to see their talents and call by providing assistance to those seeking to fulfil their call into missions, through once off training sponsorship, funding for a specified time to assist with ministry needs or travel funding. With the aim of offering fundraising consultations and helping workers build their support-team.

  If you would like to make a donation toward Heart for the Nations:


  About the Author


  Shirley Nyasha has being involved in missions for fourteen years, she loves people, cultures and the nations. Shirley is passionate about seeing people stepping out into what God has called them to do, and helping them achieve their dreams. She desires to see Africans stepping into missions and having their inheritance among the nations.

  For seminars on missions and fund-raising contact:

  Notes and References:

  Randy and Jane Rhoades – YWAM

  Peter Drypolcher – YWAM

  General History of African, Africa Since 1935 Volume VIII – Seek Ye First the Political Kingdom by Ali A. Mazrui. Pg 116; 117

  General History of Africa, Africa Since 1935 Volume VIII – South Africa Since 1945 By David Chanaiwa. Pg 255

  General History of Africa, African Since 1935 Volume VIII – Religion and Social Evolution by Tshishiku Tshibangu with J.F. Ade Ajayi and Lemin Sanneh. Pg 503; 504; 507.

  This article, from the International Bulletin of Missionary Research, Jan. 92, Vol. 16 Issue 1, p.15-21, is reproduced, with permission, from Mission Legacies : Biographical Studies of Leaders of the Modern Missionary Movement, copyright 1994, edited by G. H. Anderson, R. T. Coote, N. A. Horner, J. M. Phillips. All rights reserved.

  Issues, Trends, Challenges and Models OF African Initiative in Missions in the 21st Century by Reuben Ezemadu<
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  This article was adapted by permission from The Changing Face of World Missions – Dr. Mike Pocock

  The Rhetoric of Reverse Missions: African Christianity and the Changing Dynamics of religious Expansion in Europe by Afe Adogame, PHD. The University of Edinburgh, UK.

  Uniting the Church Leaders by Thomas Chacko

  Operation World BY Jason Mandryk – 7th Edition.

  My Fundi – South African Encyclopaedia

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  [ii] Manie Bosman – Christian Missions in Africa II Southern Africa(1652-1840)

  [iii] From the Book From Jerusalem to Iraian Jaya A Biographical History of Christian Missions by Ruth A. Tucke

  [iv] General History of African, Africa Since 1935 Volume VIII – Seek Ye First the Political Kingdom by Ali A. Mazrui. Pg 116;117

  [v] General History of African, Africa Since 1935 Volume VIII �Seek Ye First the Political Kingdom by Ali A. Mazrui. Pg 116;117

  [vi] The African interior (1840-1880) My Fundi – South African Encyclopaedia

  [vii] Missionary work during colonialism (1880-1914) My Fundi – South African Encyclopaedia

  [viii] This article, from the international Bulletin of Missionary Research, Jan. 92, Vol. 16 Issue 1, p.15-21.

  [ix] Cousins, Henry Thomas. From Kafir Kraal to Pulpit: the story of Tiyo Soga. London: S.W. Partridge, 1899. Source of the image.

  2. Williams, Donovan. Umfundisi: a biography of Tiyo Soga, 1829-1871. Lovedale: Lovedale Press, 1978.

  [x] Goss, Barbara. "Bernard Mizeki." rhodesiantapestry/marandellas.html

  2. Kiefer, James. "Bernard Mizeki; Catechist and Martyr in Africa."

  3. Lentz, Robert. "Bernard Mizeki."

  [xi] From the book; From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya, A biographical History of Christian Missions by Ruth A. Tucker.

  [xii] Ngoni, Xhosa and Scot by Jack Thompson

  [xiii] Guerrilla For Christ by Salu Daka Ndebele & Dan Wooding, 1978

  [xiv] Peter Drypolcher Courtesy of YWAM Africom

  [xv] Peter Drypolcher Courtesy of YWAM Africom

  [xvi] Vimbiso Kombora

  [xvii] Brian Mulipah

  [xviii] Larry E. Keyes. The New age of missions. Two third world missions Perspectives.

  [xix] The Paradigm is Changing” :Bible Translation and the Church of the Southern Continents by Kirk Franklin




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