Book Read Free

Until December

Page 15

by Reynolds, Aurora Rose

  “This is my favorite part,” Mitchell says as I jump down and land next to her.

  When she turns to see what he’s talking about, I see her face pale.

  “This just gets worse and worse,” she hisses, taking a tentative step to the edge to look out at the floating log bridge, which is basically a long row of logs tied individually, making them completely unstable.

  “I’m going first,” Max says, attaching himself to the catch rope, and then he quickly makes his way across without stopping once. Mitchell is right behind him, and the boys high-five on the other side.

  “You know how you said I owe you huge for agreeing to go to breakfast with your mom?” December asks as I attach her to the catch rope at the top of the bridge. “I think we are beyond even. Actually, I’m pretty sure you owe me now.”

  “You’re probably right,” I agree. “That said, you’ve got this.”

  “I don’t have a choice but to have it, since I can’t go backward, and I’m for sure not jumping from here.”

  “True.” I kiss the tip of her nose that is scrunched in annoyance, leaving out that there is a ladder to get down. I can tell, even if this is freaking her out a bit, that she’s starting to enjoy herself. And what is the point of life if you’re not living it?

  “Here goes nothing.” She sighs then grabs hold of both side of the bridge. Stepping onto the first log that swings under her weight, she lets out a scream and the boys laugh. She lifts her head, and I’m sure she’s glaring at them. “I don’t know how I’m going to pay you guys back for this, but just know I will be plotting my revenge.”

  “Aw, just admit it’s fun,” Max says, still laughing.

  “Whatever,” she grumbles under her breath, carefully moving to the next log then the next. When she’s safely to the other side, she starts to laugh, and the boys wrap their arms around her and start jumping up and down with her in excitement.

  I stare at the three of them, feeling completely overwhelmed with a mixture of pride and happiness like I have never felt before.

  “It’s your turn, Dad,” Max breaks the spell, and without a word, I attach my harness then walk across the bridge with the ease of practice.

  “Now my favorite part,” Max says.

  “What now?” December asks gloomily. “Are we jumping over a pit filled with man-eating alligators?”

  “Nope, just flying through the air.”

  “Oh joy,” she groans, and we all laugh as we head to the last platform where there is a zip line set up.

  “Who’s first?” the kid running the line asks when we approach, and Max steps up. A moment later, he lets out a hoot as he jumps down and disappears out of sight.

  Once Mitchell is gone, the kid looks between December and me, and I can tell by the way she’s holding herself that this is making her more nervous than anything else she’s done today.

  “You’ve got this,” I assure her once again, checking the lines even after she’s hooked in and cleared to go. “Meet you on the other side.” I kiss her quickly then wait for her to pull up the courage to jump. When she does, her scream fills the air, and then a moment later, her laughter is bouncing off the trees.

  “Girls,” the kid says, shaking his head, and then he looks at me and his eyes widen. “Sorry.”

  “It’s not a lie.” I smile then let him hook me up, and a second later, I jump off and watch the trees fly by. When I reach the other side, my eyes lock with December’s happy ones. I don’t even wait for the worker to unhook me; I do it myself then take three steps in her direction, pick her up off the ground, and kiss her without thinking, listening to both boys snicker.

  “Gareth.” She pulls back, sounding unsure, but I don’t set her down.

  “I’m proud of you.”

  At my statement, her eyes warm and her fingers touch my cheek in a silent thank you.

  “Can we go eat now?” Max asks, and the woman in my arms smiles down at me then looks at my boys and shines that beauty on them.


  Lying on my back in December’s bed, I lift my head when she comes out of the bathroom. I watch her walk across the room her face clean of makeup, her hair down and a clingy night gown contouring to her body. As sexy as she looks, I don’t know if I like it more than my tees she normally confiscates when she sleeps at my place. I expect her to walk around the bed and get in on the other side, so I’m surprised when she comes directly to me and puts one knee in the mattress then swings the other over to straddle my lap.

  “Today was fun.” She grins, resting her hands against my chest, and I’m momentarily stunned by the light of happiness in her eyes, a light I know I had a part in creating.

  “It was.” I slide my hands up her thighs then over her hips watching her pupils dilate.

  “I love spending time with the boys.”

  “They like spending time with you too baby.” I say and her face softens.

  “And thanks for agreeing to sleep here.” She shifts her hips as my hands glide up her waist under the silky material exposing her stomach and her nails dig into my flesh making my cock twitch as I push the material up further. When she lifts her arms, I take it the rest of the way up then drop it to the floor watching her hair fall around her shoulders, covering the tips of her breasts. Soaking her in, I wrap one hand around her hip, my eyes catching on her tattoo, and I trace the ship and waves made from words with my fingers.

  I’ve lived a thousand lives and traveled to unknown lands on waves of italic print and ships made from printed paper.

  I read those words tattooed into her flesh along her ribs and tighten my hold on her. “Why this?”

  “Because it’s true. I’ve always lived through books,” she says quietly, looking down at her hand as it covers mine on her side, then lifting it and meeting my gaze. “Not anymore.”

  “Jesus.” I lift my head from my pillow and place my mouth against hers. When her mouth opens and her tongue touches mine, I roll her to her back and feel her warmth brush against the tip of my cock as I settle between her thighs.

  “Gareth,” she breathes, latching onto my shoulders with her nails and lifting her feet from the bed, curling her legs around the back of my thighs.

  With my name warm on her lips, I sink into her slowly, feeling her slick walls contract and each of her breaths as they mix with mine. This is nothing like the frenzied pace we normally share; this is something more, something I’ve never experienced with anyone else. Her desire and excitement fuels my own.

  I grasp both her hands in mine, pulling them up over her head—holding her, controlling her, connecting with her. Her sensual scent and wet heat pull me deeper into the unknown. I drag my mouth from hers and our eyes lock, my own look of awe reflected back at me. I soak in the sounds of her needy cries and absorb the feel of her soft skin and body under me. Everything about her and this moment is my undoing.

  I lose myself inside her, and we fall over the edge together as one. Two pieces of a puzzle, fitting together perfectly. Breathing heavily, I roll to my side with her in my arms, holding her tightly and knowing in this moment that she’s exactly what I’ve been missing.

  “We didn’t use a condom,” she whispers, and I squeeze my eyes closed for a moment then pull back to look at her and my teeth grind together. “We can’t—”

  “Ember,” I cut her off, capturing her face with my palm. “The chances of you getting pregnant are slim.”

  “The chance might be slim, but there is still a chance it could happen.”

  “Yeah.” I agree, brushing her hair out of her face.

  “Okay, but how would you react if I ended up pregnant?” she asks, studying me closely.

  “I’d react like every other man on the planet who found out the woman they love is carrying their child. I’d be scared but excited.”

  “You don’t love me,” she says, placing her hands against my chest and putting pressure there.

  “What?” I ask then I realize exactly what I said. And I
know it’s true. I’m in love with her.

  “You’re not—”

  “I am,” I interrupt. “I don’t even know when it happened, but it’s true.”

  “You… You….” She snaps her mouth closed when I grin.

  “Yes, me.”

  “How?” She frowns.

  “I don’t know.” I start to laugh. “Should I have started a list?”

  “Don’t be a jerk.”

  “I’m not being a jerk. You’re asking me a question I have no answer to. I don’t know how I fell in love with you; I just did. I mean, I didn’t really stand a chance, did I? You’re you—beautiful, kind, great in bed, great in the kitchen, great with my boys who adore you. You love reading more than TV, are a little bit of a nerd, and the only woman I know who would carry a purse covered with fruit.” I rest my forehead against hers. “But most importantly, you make me happy, and I want to do everything to make you feel the same,” I say, watching tears start to fill her eyes.


  “You have to be kidding me,” she cries, shaking her head.

  “You also have an awesome cat.”


  “I hate him,” she whispers, using the sheet to blot under her eyes. “He just ruined a perfect moment.”


  “Babe.” I chuckle then start to laugh hard when Melbourne meows loudly again and paws against the door. “I’m going to go let him in.”

  “Fine.” She sighs, flopping to her back in defeat.

  I lean over her, placing my face close to hers, and lower my voice. “If you end up pregnant, baby, we’ll figure it out together, all right?”

  “Yeah.” She touches my cheek then leans up to press her lips to mine, groaning a second later when Melbourne makes his presence known with another loud meow.

  With a smile, I get up, and as soon as I open the door, he comes in and circles my legs as he begins to purr. “I really do not know why he likes you so much. It’s not like it was you who rescued him from the pound, buys him the best food money can buy, or gives him a warm place to sleep.”

  “Babe, you’re sounding a little jealous.” I smile, going back to the bed and scooping her up.

  “I’m not jealous that my cat likes you. I’m annoyed that he likes you and the boys more than he likes me.”

  “Dudes gotta stick together.”

  “Whatever,” she mutters then looks around. “What are we doing?”

  “Taking a shower.”

  “I showered earlier.”

  “Yeah, but I want to eat you, so you’re going to take another one.”

  “Oh… well then, I guess I can shower again.”

  “I figured you’d see things my way.” I smirk then flip on the shower.

  An hour later, I eat her until she comes, and after I finish inside her, I fall asleep with her in my arms, wondering how soon is too soon for her to move in with me, so I can have this with her every night.



  I HOLD BACK a giggle, watching Max place a banana between two oranges in the produce section, and then snort when Mitchell rolls his eyes at his little brother and dismantles his handy work.

  “What’s funny?” Gareth asks, placing his hand on my lower back, and I glance up at him.

  “The boys.”

  “Do I even want to know?” He looks toward where they are now picking up cantaloupes.

  “They’re just being boys,” I reply, and he shakes his head, used to me finding humor in most everything they do. “Anyway…” I grab a bag of salad and toss it in the shopping cart. “I talked to my mom when I got off work today.”

  “Is she good?”

  “Yeah, she just wanted me to extend an invitation to you and the boys to her and Dad’s annual Memorial Day barbeque,” I say quietly, pulling my eyes off Mitchell and Max, who are now ahead of us. “I told her I wasn’t sure you’d be cool with that but promised I’d still ask.”

  “I don’t see why we can’t make that work. The boys and I normally just do something at home. I’m sure they won’t mind having dinner at your parents’.”

  “Okay, but my whole family will be there, so it won’t just be my parents. Do you think that will be too much for them?”

  “Babe, they aren’t the kinda kids who mind being around people. They’ll be fine,” he assures me with a soft look.

  “They haven’t even met my parents yet,” I remind him.

  “So let’s set something up. Memorial Day isn’t for another week. Ask your mom and dad if they want to come to my place for dinner this Saturday, and they can meet the boys then.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask, and he stops the cart and turns fully toward me.

  “Why do you keep asking if I’m sure, when I’m the one giving you a solution to a problem you’re having an issue with?”

  “I don’t know.” I let out a breath. I really don’t know. I think I’m still in shock. I can’t believe he loves me and how good things are between us. Honestly, I keep waiting for some kind of drama to happen, because everything seems too good to be true. That’s one of the reasons I haven’t told him that I love him. I don’t want to jinx myself or us.

  “Babe, relax. The boys will be all right whether they meet your parents now or then, but if it’ll make you feel better, ask your parents to come over for dinner.”

  “I’ll ask them over for dinner,” I decide.

  He laughs shaking his head. “Now that that’s done what are we gonna do for dinner tonight?”

  “I thought Max wanted meatloaf.” I frown, pretty sure that’s the reason we came to the store after we picked up Mitchell from practice.

  “Mitchell doesn’t want meatloaf.”

  “Yeah, but Mitchell got to pick dinner last night, so it’s only fair that Max gets to pick tonight,” I tell him, thinking that we sound like a married couple discussing their children and not a couple who have only been dating for a couple months.

  “True, meatloaf it is then,” he agrees, and I lean into his side as we continue down the aisle. “I’m having Mom pick up the boys the rest of this week.”

  His statement catches me off guard and I stop in my tracks. “Why?” I ask. I’ve gotten used to having him and Max show up at my apartment until it’s time to pick up Mitchell, and then having dinner with him and the boys every night.

  “Sorry, baby. I have a couple big projects at the shop I’m working on, and a few tattoo clients have been asking me to sketch some stuff up for them. I’ve put them off as long as I can, so after tonight, I probably won’t be home until after six.”

  Work. How could I forget he works two jobs to take care of his boys? I can’t be upset about that. “I can pick up the boys if you want,” I say without thinking then wonder if that is too much. Yes, we have conversations like this thing between us is settled, but the truth is it’s very new. And I don’t even know if the boys would want me picking them up. “I mean, if your mom is busy, I don’t mind picking them up. I’m sure they want to spend time with her.”

  “I’ll talk to the boys.”

  “Talk to us about what?” Mitchell asks, appearing from behind us holding a box of cereal.

  “I gotta do some overtime this week. I was just telling December that I won’t be home until after six, and she said she could pick you two up from school if Grandma is busy,” Gareth replies as Mitchell places the box he’s holding in the cart.

  “Can you pick me up even if Grandma isn’t busy?” Max asks startling me, and I meet his gaze. “Grandma’s always dragging me around to run errands. I’d rather just go home after school and hang with you.”

  “I’d rather hang with you too,” Mitchell agrees, and I want to jump up and down but I control the urge.

  “You sure you’re cool with picking them both up and staying with them?” Gareth asks.

  “I get off work at 3:30, so I have plenty of time to make it over to Max’s school before he gets out, and we can either wait for Mitchell or go home until—” I sh
ake my head. “I mean, go back to your place until he’s ready to get off. Plus, I like spending time with the boys,” I explain, looking between the two of them.

  “Awesome,” Max says, making me smile.

  “Just don’t act like you’re so excited when your grandma finds out about this change of plans. She’s going to be disappointed that she isn’t getting to spend time with you two,” Gareth tells them, and I start to feel guilty.

  After breakfast with Gareth’s mom last week, I learned quickly that her boys are her boys, and although she was very nice to me, I could still tell she considered me an intruder.

  “Grandma will be cool. We’ll just go to her place on the weekends. Plus, that will give you and December time alone,” Mitchell says, and I feel warmth spread up my neck to my cheeks.

  “Why would they need time alone? They’re alone all night after we go to bed,” Max tells him, and then he looks at me. “Why don’t you ever stay to have breakfast with us in the morning?”

  “Wh-what?” I sputter.

  “You always leave super early, like… it’s still totally dark out.”

  Oh my God. How long have they known I’ve been sleeping there?

  “I’m just saying you could have breakfast with us, since you’re sleeping over.”

  “I don’t think we’re supposed to know she’s been staying over,” Mitchell says dryly, and Max frowns at him.

  “Are you two cool with her staying the night?” Gareth asks before Max can question his brother, and I look around, thinking the middle of the grocery store isn’t exactly the best place to be having this conversation. Really, I don’t know if I should be around for this conversation.

  “It’s cool with me.” Mitchell shrugs like it’s all the same to him.

  “Totally,” Max agrees, mimicking his brother’s shrug, and then he looks at me. “Can Melbourne stay in my room with me?”

  “I…. Umm, sure,” I reply, and he grins.

  “Well, now that we’ve settled all that, let’s finish up here so we can get home. Mitchell, you go grab milk, eggs, and a couple of packs of bacon, and Max, you run down and grab a case of Coke while me and December get the stuff for dinner.”


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