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Dragon Blood- The Complete Trilogy

Page 13

by Katie Cherry

  Turning back to the obstacle before her, Myra moved slowly and carefully, making sure to have a firm grip with her fingers and toes with each planned movement. So far so good... she breathed to herself, blocking out the others catching up to her at the top. Just one hand in front of the other... then a foot... Gulping, she tried not to focus on how she was now parallel to the ground. Her wings were her safety net. If she fell, she'd be fine. Still, she really wanted to be the first to be able to conquer the cliffs and make it to the top without using her wings or magic.

  Feeling gravity's pull start to overcome the grip she had on the cliff, she panicked and moved faster, hoping that she would be able to move fast enough that she wouldn’t slip and fall. To her surprise, she was able to make it to the ledge and curl her arms around it, the grass at the top caressing her palms. Grinning with relief and pride, she pulled herself up with a grunt, nearly slipping and falling out into the open air as she did so. Somehow, though, she managed to pull herself up onto solid ground, relief coursing through her veins and cooling them from the adrenaline-driven heat. I did it. I can't believe I did it!

  Rolling onto her side, she watched Rhys land in front of her, his beautiful sapphire wings billowing behind him as they gently lowered him to the ground. His smile conveyed his pride for her, so large his dimple deepened further than she'd ever seen it. Her heart seemed to glow as she grinned back and pushed herself up from the ground, her arms still shaking. Still, she wasn't bothered by it, considering it proof of her accomplishment. "Well, done, my love," Rhys murmured, kneeling to bring his face closer to hers. "You did it!"

  "Yeah," she panted, reaching out and giving him a quick kiss. "I can't believe I did it!"

  "Yeah, well, let's see you do that without your special Dragonkin powers," Jasper huffed, landing beside Rhys. Though he sounded jealous and irritated, Myra knew that underneath, he was just as impressed, and proud, as Rhys was. He allowed his golden wings to disappear once he was safely on the ground.

  "Again, I didn't use any magic," she said, finally standing. "I just used my arms and legs."

  "At this rate we'll need to tie an arm behind your back to give the rest of us a chance," Tavin chuckled, drawing Myra's attention to him where he hovered above them, his obsidian wings glinting in the light.

  "Well, it's a fun activity either way," Bonnie added as she and Cynthia joined them on the cliff.

  "I think you mean major workout," Cynthia groaned, though she sent Myra a wink. "I'm going to be sore for days. Meanwhile, I bet you’ll be fine in just a few hours, won’t you, Myra?"

  "Just one of the perks," Myra replied, grinning again as she turned and led the way back to the house. "Though a shower will help all of us."

  The shower was relaxing, but with the time to think, Myra found her worries bubbling back up in her mind. They didn't have a location yet, though they'd probably just do it at the house or on the cliff or something. Neither of them had many friends to invite anyway, so it was going to be a small event in the first place. There also wasn't too much in the budget, so they were having to skimp everywhere they can. Glancing down at the ring on her hand, sparkling in the water, Myra sighed. The ring might end up costing more than the wedding would. Which, she hadn't ever done much planning for her 'dream wedding' growing up, but, still... it was just a little depressing to not have anyone to invite. No parents, no aunts and uncles... not even any friends. Apparently, dragon marriages were done in midair. Given the secrecy surrounding dragons existing in the first place, she certainly couldn't invite humans who knew nothing about them.

  Still, it hurt more than anything that she couldn't tell her closest friend, Harper, about her wedding and invite her to be there to support her.

  Sniffling, she quickly finished the shower and toweled off. She didn't have time to dwell on the hangups about the wedding. She was supposed to go forward with love for Rhys and hope in their future. That's all that matters, she reminded herself, quickly pulling on some clothes. Thankfully, she'd finally gotten a fully-stocked closet during the past few months, and now had plenty of her own clothes and didn't have to borrow Bonnie's anymore. The wedding is just about one thing- me and Rhys. Everything else is superficial. I need to just focus on him, and how I'm going to be with him forever now. Rhys will be my family, my friends... my everything. I won't need to feel so alone again. Besides, I also have the rest of the clan as well, she reminded herself as she stepped out of her room just as Bonnie walked by. Giving Myra a smile, Bonnie looped an arm through one of hers and walked down the hallway with her.

  "How are you feeling?" she asked as they went, looking over at Myra with concern and excitement glittering in her rich brown eyes. "Since the wedding is coming up fast. It'll be here before you know it!"

  "That's what I'm both afraid of and relieved will supposedly be the case," Myra replied with a sarcastic smile. "I'm definitely ready for all this planning and waiting to be over. I want to just be at that point in my life already, you know? Part of me still feels like it's never going to happen, but the other part of me feels like it should have already happened." She chuckled and shook her head in frustration. "It's confusing."

  "I can imagine," Bonnie replied, sighing wistfully as she looked away from Myra and toward the staircase they were about to descend. "If Ben proposed, I know I'd be confused just as much as I'd be excited. But, you know... it can be a hard time too," she softly added, glancing back at Myra through her eyelashes. Myra stared back, surprised at the words. "Especially for mutts," Bonnie quietly continued, her bare feet padding quietly as they walked down the steps. "We come from a life where everyone's human... and to them, we still don't exist. And we can't tell them." Breathing a heavy sigh, she hung her head and avoided Myra's gaze as she plowed on.

  "I made that mistake. I tried to tell my parents I'd found a solution to my pain- and that it would work to help mom too. But as soon as the word 'dragon' left my mouth, they stopped listening. They stopped caring and believing anything I said. It... hurt," she choked, and Myra realized she was bordering on tears. "We were really close as a family until that point... but I couldn't stay and just watch mom get worse, knowing I was powerless to help since they wouldn't believe me." Taking in a shaky breath, she looked back at Myra with a smile to try to counteract the tears. "So I moved in here with Rhys and the others. I generally try not to look back, but... when you chose to live as a human rather than as a dragon... well, it made me wonder if I could do the same. If that could be a possibility for me. But it's been a few years now, so I don't really think it is."

  Quickly wiping at her face, she gave Myra a quick hug. "I guess what I'm trying to say is just that I can see how hard this all must be. You've still only been with us for a short time, and while you're fitting in well, I know you left a life behind that you really enjoyed. So let me know if there's anything I can do to help."

  "Oh... Bonnie," Myra murmured, returning the tight hug, feeling her own throat burn as she held back tears. "I had no idea... I'm so sorry... and I'm sorry I only made it worse when I left."

  "Oh, nah, it's not your fault," she replied, pulling out of the hug and waving away Myra's concern. "They're almost always on my mind anyway. But I said all that to make sure you don't feel so alone."

  "Well, thank you," Myra responded gratefully. "It actually helps... though I'm still just so sad for you."

  "Well, let's just forget about it," Bonnie smiled, her eyes already clearing of any sign she had been crying. "We have happier things to focus on anyway- planning your wedding! You and Rhys make the cutest couple! I seriously can't wait for the big day!" she gushed, now taking Myra by the hand and tugging her the rest of the way to the kitchen. By now, Myra was used to the sight of the stack of papers, strips of fabric, and scattered photos and laptops across the table, but the sight still made her feel a little anxious. So much to do still... I guess I should be grateful I don't need to worry about making a wedding registry or mailing out invitations.

  Cynthia stifled a y
awn when she noticed Myra and Bonnie join the rest of the group in the room. "Good morning," she greeted, gesturing toward the stove. "Breakfast is almost ready. You know, I really miss the days where we didn't wake up so freaking early. Having time for a workout and shower before the time we'd normally get up is still... a little rough for me." She gave a quick wink to show she was mostly teasing, and Myra smiled in return.

  "Well, with all this planning, I figured we could use more hours in the day anyway, right?"

  "I have to agree," Tavin added, stretching as he walked into the room. "It feels amazing to start the day with a workout anyway, and it helps me stay awake through all the boring wedding details."

  "Yeah, well, you should be grateful it's as low-key as it is," Rhys retorted, coming up and putting his arm around Myra's shoulders. A smile immediately grew on her face at his nearness, and the warmth returned to her belly. Her love for him still surprised her, but she enjoyed the feeling, especially after the much calmer relationship she'd had with Adam. With Rhys, she felt she was swept away on a raging river, helpless to fight against it. She felt powerless against her feelings... and she loved it.

  "I suppose that's true," Jasper admitted, grabbing plates. "A lot of girls are higher maintenance, especially concerning their dream wedding. We've dodged a bullet with Myra. Once Bonnie or Cynthia gets married, though..."

  "Hey!" the girls cried in unison, pushing against him playfully. Before anything else was said, a knock sounded at the front door. Myra and Rhys glanced at each other in concern. Myra's spell should have deterred any strangers from coming near the building.

  "Oh, that's probably Afina," Tavin said, quickly running his fingers through his hair and straightening his clothes. "She got called back to the Elder Dragons' side a few days ago, remember? Though I'm a little surprised she's back so soon... she must have really hurried to get here." Then, without another word, he brushed past Myra and raced toward the door.

  Myra couldn't help the small smile on her face as she watched him go. "He's so smitten," she whispered. "It's so cute."

  "I know the feeling," Rhys murmured in reply, winking at her and landing a sweet kiss on her forehead. Blushing, she found it difficult to turn from him to face Afina, who walked into the room, her blue hair wild from the high speed of her flight.

  "Afina, welcome back," Myra warmly greeted. "How'd it go with the Elders?"

  Afina's eyes flashed toward Myra, and her pink lips unexpectedly dipped into a frown. "I'm afraid I have some... bad news."

  Chapter Two

  "Bad news?" Myra repeated in confusion and dread. Not again... "What bad news? What happened?"

  "It's a bit of a long story," Afina sighed in response, glancing past her toward their breakfast casserole and muffins. Her stomach growled loudly and she looked back at Myra apologetically.

  "Alright, you can tell us while we eat, then," Tavin declared, gesturing for Jasper to grab another plate for her. As he did, and began serving up the food, Tavin rushed Afina to the table, clearing off a spot and helping her into a seat. She gave him a grateful smile as she sank down, and he shyly returned it, sitting next to her. Despite Myra's dread concerning what Afina learned from the Elder Dragons, she couldn't help but smile at the couple. They'd started dating just a couple of weeks before she was called back to Norway, and Tavin still acted shy around her. Surprisingly, she was the same way around him. Myra secretly thought they were just as cute together as she and Rhys were.

  Everyone ate quickly, anxious to hear Afina's news. Myra hardly tasted the apple crumble muffins, her gaze riveted on Afina's, hoping to glean a hint as to the bad news she'd promised. By the time she finishes her own plate of food, though, Myra hadn't discovered anything. Rhys, noticing her unease, slipped a hand into one of hers and gave her an encouraging smile. Returning it, she made sure to focus on her breathing. Calm down. I'm sure it can't be that bad. And if it is... then we'll deal with it. I'm stronger now- I can fight back. I can protect us all.

  "So... what's the bad news?" Cynthia pressed the second Afina took her last bite. Tavin shot her a glare, though it was clear he was just as anxious to hear what she had to say.

  Swallowing, Afina turned away from the rest of the clan, staring right at Myra instead. "The Elders need your help," she began. "I suppose it's because you're the strongest of the Dragonkin, and the only one currently positioned in the States. Besides me, of course."

  Myra frowned. "That doesn't bode well. What is it? And why can't they do it themselves? I know Kalser- Kal- can and has turned into a human. I'm sure he can take care of whatever the problem is. However strong a Dragonkin I am, the Elders are stronger."

  Afina shook her head sadly. "They can't. Kal already tried." Swallowing, she glanced around the table anxiously. "He... he said... new dragons have been discovered."

  "Wha- new dragons?" Jasper sputtered. "What is that supposed to mean? There are other full dragons out there besides the Elders? Why hasn't anyone ever heard about them before?"

  "Yes, full dragons," Afina confirmed, though she looked confused as well. "I don't understand it myself, but he said they were discovered in Hawaii, on an island hidden by strong magic. It was only discovered because of a Dragonkin vacationing in the main island, Hawai’i. He could see through the magic while the humans and even mutts could not. He immediately returned and reported to the Elders, so Kal went to confirm the discovery and to learn more. When he got there, he was able to see through the spell hiding the island as well. He landed and conversed with them. They've been around for a few decades, they estimated, and say they're ready to join the rest of the world. Kal tried to reason with them, explain about the humans and how they wouldn't handle scaly dragons showing up very well, but they were adamant about it. They refuse to serve or even listen to the Elders. Supposedly they're looking for a prophesied Queen to lead them into the human world."

  "Well that's... not good," Myra said dumbly, staring at Afina as her mind reeled. New dragons? And they want to join the human world? There may not be a World War going on right now, but there have already been two, and other wars still rage. The humans are still far too dangerous to try and integrate with. The Elders had it right the first time- they had to blend in if they wanted to survive. These dragons... if they leave their island and are discovered, it may ruin everything... for everyone. People all over the world will suddenly be awakened to the existence of dragons and, most likely, will begin hunting them... hunting us.

  These dragons could be the death of us all.

  "But what does that have to do with Myra?" Rhys asked, clenching her hand tightly in his own, holding on protectively.

  "She's the best candidate to go and talk to them. They won't talk to, let alone listen to, the Elders, so they're hoping they'll listen to someone else. Myra is the most draconic of all the Dragonkin, so I suppose she makes the best representative."

  "They... want me to talk them out of it?" Myra gulped, glancing around the table as though begging for backup. Everyone just stared at her, bewildered, and didn't say anything. "H-how am I supposed to do that? How am I supposed to keep them from leaving their island?"

  "I have no idea," Afina sighed, slouching in her chair with mild defeat written on her face. "I offered to help, but he felt strongly that you should go alone. I'm sorry, Myra... I know how unfair it is for them to cast all this on you and you alone."

  "They expect her to save the entire dragon race from being slaughtered by the humans alone?" Bonnie muttered, fear on her face.

  "And right before the wedding, too..." Tavin realized, turning to stare at Myra and Rhys with wide eyes.

  That was it. Myra couldn't take any more of this. "No," she abruptly said, pushing her chair back and standing. "No, there's no way I'm doing that. I finally accepted that this is my home. I finally feel like I belong here. ...I'm about to get married. They have no right to pull all that away from me and send me on a doomed mission. I highly doubt I'll be able to accomplish what they ask at all, let alone withi
n the next like, three and a half weeks."

  "You're probably right," Afina whispered, also standing, but ducking her head as though trying to hide from being the center of attention anyway. "You may not be able to accomplish what they ask. But, Myra... neither can anyone else. You have the best chance of anyone. Kal met with them personally, and he decided you would be the best fit... our best chance." Myra started to walk away from the table, dropping Rhys's hand and turning to run back to her room, but Afina's voice raised suddenly as she shouted after her.

  "Myra, if you don't go, we're all already lost!"

  Tears streaming from her eyes, Myra closed them and raced blindly toward her room. Her magically increased senses kept her from running into walls or tripping on the stairs, but she hardly had the mind to be grateful for it. She was, however, grateful that Rhys kept anyone from running after her, recognizing she would need a moment alone.

  She wasn't sure how much time passed after she reached her room and threw herself down on the bed, sobbing, but after a while, Rhys joined her in the room. He sat at her side and gently ran a hand through her hair, gradually soothing her. As her tears and breathing slowed, she grudgingly sat up and faced him, sniffling. "I... I just... can't," she hiccuped. "It's too much. There's no way I'll be able to do what Kal and the other Elders want me to do. Let alone before the wedding... and without you or any of the others."


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