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Lost Girl (Rosewood Realm Book 2)

Page 10

by Dee Garcia

  “Got powers I don’t know about, do you?” Amusement colors my tone.

  “No,” she laughs again, “just a regular ol’ mortal, here.”

  “Nothing wrong with that. Some of the townspeople are mortal.”

  We’re definitely on that home stretch because I can just barely see the way her expression alights with curiosity. “Woah, there’s a town here?”

  “Mhmm,” I nod, “there’s shops, businesses, an outdoor theater, crop fields. A port, too.”

  Mentioning the port brings in the poignant scent of the sea. A few steps more and the terrain makes a shift as well, morphing from solid, dense dirt to cool, smooth sand.

  And then comes the light.

  Those first resplendent rays all but scream victory.

  “Not far now,” I announce with a grin, mentally flipping off the Captain and his leeches.

  They’re in for a lovely surprise when they realize she’s gone.

  “Thank God,” she sighs. “The dark was really starting to mess with my eyes.”

  “You’re doing great, little wolf,” I praise, offering another squeeze to her hand. “We’ll be home before you know it.”

  She drops her gaze to our palms, then back up to my face, her cheeks flaming an enticing shade of pink as she bites back a grin.

  Wonder what else I could make that pink.

  Jesus Christ—I can’t be thinking this shit. I have to grind down on my jaw and ball up my fist as—

  Or what else is that pink...

  Yeah, definitely not that, either.

  I’m helping her get out of here, then getting her home. That’s it—nothing less, nothing more. Duty called and I answered.

  But she’s so beautiful.

  She is. I won’t deny her that. Even smudged in dirt from the cellar, her beauty is unparalleled. The women of my past have nothing on her. And physically? Fuck. The man in me can’t help but notice her body. That pale blue nightie she’s got on leaves nothing to the imagination.

  “Oh Lord, this is going to be interesting,” Wendy says as we near the short wall of boulders covering the tunnel’s opening.

  “What is?” I ask, swallowing down another crude image.

  “Going over that. I am not the most coordinated.”

  The way she says it, in that proper British accent. It’s so cute. “It looks taller from here. I promise it’s not that bad,” I chuckle.

  “No, you don’t understand. I’m not an outdoorsy girl, Tavi. I don’t climb, I don’t hike, none of that. And there’s a reason for it—my uncoordinated arse can’t do it.”

  “You’ll be fine.” I’m full-on laughing now, tugging her along the last few feet until we reach it. “See? Just a few steps up. I’ll help you over, okay?”

  “Was that not the plan all along?” she questions candidly. And the smile that follows?

  Just damn.

  “Yeah,” I smile back, “I guess it was.”

  Wasn’t entirely so easy, though. Helping her up and over was nothing. Getting her down, however?

  One helluva tease.

  Had to slide her down the length of my body until she could stand on her own two feet, leaving me to reign in the rush of desire that ripped through me.

  Less than five minutes later we’re halfway down the beach, the cliff’s edge shrinking beside us on our right. Wendy’s hand has once again found its way into mine and once again, she’s gone rather silent. Perhaps it’s because we’re not shrouded by darkness, but I don’t mind it this time around.

  We carry on this way up the clearing to higher ground and through the sparse tropical forest near the bottom of Hook’s Cascade until we hit the edge of Lost Lake. There isn’t a dock on this side, but a small row boat always rests on its shoreline, awaiting anyone who might need it.

  “I hope you’re not afraid of deep waters,” I quip jokingly, guiding her to the boat’s edge.

  “How deep?”

  “No one knows. That’s why it’s called Lost Lake.”

  “That sounds promising,” she mutters, using my grip for support as she climbs in.

  “We’ll be fine,” I assure her, withholding my amusement.

  As soon as she’s seated, I untie the rope wrapped around a lone wooden beam and push the vessel into the water. Hopping in, I grab a hold of the oars on each side. All the while, she’s watching me intently, hands grasping the edge of the bench, her legs between mine. The hem of her pale blue dress has ridden up a ways, revealing the creamiest thighs I’ve ever seen. I have to swallow past the lump that forms in my throat at the thought of what they might feel like beneath my touch.

  Or wrapped around my neck.

  God, what the fuck is wrong with me?

  I’m on a serious mission for crying out loud, am supposed to be paying attention, keen on our surroundings at all times. Yet with every mile closer to home, she becomes more and more alluring, and I lose more and more of my focus.

  There’s something about her.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  The query pulls me out of my own head. “Of course,” I reply, pushing the oars, then pulling them back, my knuckles white from the strain.

  The strain to keep my ass in check and my head in the game.

  “What’s going to happen when they realize I’m gone?” Judging by the anxious look in her eyes, I can tell she’s been mulling it over for quite some time.

  “Nothing.” I shrug.

  Wendy cocks her head aside, lips curling dubiously. “I highly doubt that.”

  “Hook isn’t here,” I remind her. “His bloodsucking monkeys won’t react without his permission, meaning they’ll need to wait until he and Tinksley return. Getting messages across the portal isn’t easy without the right tool.”

  “What’s the right tool?”

  “Witches, and witches—especially the Sacred Six—are fickle creatures. One day they might be willing to help and the next they might tell you to fuck off.”

  “Okay, so then let’s say they’re back, yeah? What happens then?” She motions for me to continue.

  Another shrug because honestly, she doesn’t need to worry about this. I’ll die before I let Hook and his little pet throw her in the dungeon again. “I’ll already have told my dad by then.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “My dad is the Chief, little wolf, and as Chief, he has a spot on the Council.”

  Wendy sighs, clearly frustrated at the shortness of my replies. “I feel like I’m asking a million quesions and I detest feeling like a nuisance. Just tell me, Tavi, please. What’s the Council?”

  Chuckling, I give a little shake to my head as I pull further back on the oars for a longer stroker. “Hook has allowed one voice per faction. My father speaks for both our people and the Lost Boys, too.”

  “Oh my God. Couldn’t you freeing me risk his position?”

  “Possibly, but I’m willing to risk it. My dad can hold his own. He has a way with words and I know Hook values him. If the bloodsucker was actually planning on getting you home, us taking you off his plate shouldn’t be much of a big deal. Yes, he’ll likely flip his shit given it was me who’s behind this, but in the same hand, we’re doing him a service. One less thing he has to worry about amongst his ‘very busy schedule.’”

  “I don’t know.” Her tone sounds nothing short of suspicious. “It’s one thing to do things on your own terms, but to have the option taken from you, from an enemy no less. That’s a whole different story.”

  “You’re right to some extent, but you said he was worried about Tinksley, right?”

  She nods.

  “Exactly, so think of it this way. She’s his now, his main priority. Not you, or even retaliating against me. As his future queen, he’s going to put her and her well-being above all others,” I counter with confidence.

  Thank fuck for that.

  Wrapping her arms around herself, Wendy turns her face away, flicking her gaze out to the darkened lake. “I just don’t
want to see anyone get hurt because of me. I couldn’t bear it.”

  “Everything is going to be fine, okay?” I affirm, feeling all the more victorious as the dock comes into view. “Let’s just get you out of sight and we’ll worry about phase two tomorrow.”

  “What’s phase two?” she questions into the night, earning her a long, steady sigh.

  “Telling my dad.”

  “What is this place?” Wendy’s marveling again, and I’m finally releasing the breath I’d been holding now that we’re home.

  “It’s sacred land now, a place where we come to celebrate and remember our ancestors. Hundreds of years ago, though, these were their homes,” I explain as we pass row upon row of weathered teepees.

  Wendy turns to me in some kind of shock. “You’re taking me to sleep on sacred land? Are you daft?”

  The look on her face right now. Her incredulous tone.

  Can’t. Keep. A straight. Face.

  “I’m assuming daft means stupid, yeah?” I chuckle.

  “Pretty much.”

  “No, I’m not daft, little wolf. You’ll find peace and comfort here, I promise. My sister and I used to spend hours here as kids all the time, especially in our grandmother’s teepee. When granddad passed, she needed something to busy herself with, a project to focus on rather than the despair she felt without him. So she rebuilt what had stood in our family’s name for decades prior. You’ll love it, I think.”

  At least I hope she will. Truthfully, I wish she didn’t have to sleep out here to begin with, but there’s no way I can drop this bomb on my dad right now. I’m not trying to give the man a coronary at this hour.

  Because he will when I finally do, and then he’ll come back from the other side with the sole purpose of having my head.

  “You’ve mentioned a sister before,” Wendy comments. “What’s her name?”


  “Wow that’s such a pretty name, very unique. You know, I don’t think I’ve never seen a Tiger lily in all my life, not in the flesh anyway.”

  “Dad and I planted a garden full of them one year for her birthday. They’ve grown there since. I’ll take you tomorrow,” I promise with a grin, until I see the worry lines settling on her face.

  “Can I even, you know, be out like that?”

  “We’re not hiding you, Wendy.” I’m almost offended she thinks that’s what I’m subjecting her to. “Yes, tonight we are because everything has its time, but after I fill my father in on what Hook’s been hiding behind closed doors, we’ll do whatever you want. I didn’t break you out of there to keep you imprisoned elsewhere. You’re free now. We just gotta get you home.” The last bit grates more than I intended. I’m trying not to think about that little detail but…

  She wants to leave.

  What did you really expect after what she’s experienced here?

  I know. I know, trust me—I fucking know, but I found her and she’s just—

  A series of quiet howls sound from the thicket just as a few of the boys come speeding through.

  Wendy lights up before me, a hand popping up to her mouth. “Are they…?”

  “Yup. They’ll be back in a few too, don’t worry.”

  They’ll definitely be back, the nosey bastards.

  “I can’t believe you...” she trails off, watching as they disappear on the trail to our village.

  “It’s weird.” I laugh, knowing exactly what she meant. “Some days I love it more than anything. There’s this sense of freedom to it. Power. Yet such simplicity, too.”

  “I’m kind of jealous actually. All this time I thought vampires, and wolves,” she motions at me, “and witches were nothing but a fantasy, and here you all are, tucked away in a different realm my world knows nothing about.”

  “We’re not all here. Rosewood isn’t the only island off the Toltara Sea. There’s other territories nearby, other realms, too. Not to mention some of us dare to walk the streets of your world permanently.”

  “Do they really?”

  “Of course. The modern world holds a certain appeal. Technological advances are a novelty over here, a luxury even. Your world has that in spades.”

  “That’s true.”

  “Is there a species intrigues you most?” I ask, earning me a subtle nod.

  “Witches,” she answers surely.

  “Ah, Wendy The Witch. I should’ve known.”

  Wendy crinkles her nose and shakes her head briskly. “I’m the furthest possible thing from a witch.”

  “Well,” I tap her nose, “I like little wolf better anyway, so…”

  “Yo, Tav!” Soren’s voice echoes in the night.

  Wendy and I pivot in tandem just as he, Niko, and Cortez come running up. “We’re clear.” Soren is grinning a full-on grin as he clocks in Wendy at my side.

  Niko and Cortez sport matching ones as well.

  They’re finally getting to see the girl I’ve been losing my shit over for days and I’m willing to bet they’re going to act like giant jackasses about it. I’m already irritated just looking at their dumb mugs.

  “Soren.” He extends his hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Wendy.”

  Wendy blushes just slightly and takes his offering. “Nice to meet you, too, Soren.”



  Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumb push Soren out of the way and practically rush her like eager puppies. She laughs, thankfully, and shakes their hands as well. If she’s anything but flattered and amused, she doesn’t show it.

  Cortez then inhales a heap of air, seconds away from spouting some stupid crap, which prompts me to slide between them like a buffer.

  Doesn’t. Do. Shit.

  Both of them bark out a laugh that leaves my nostrils flaring in silent indignation. Don’t do it, my stare warns, but Cortez opens his mouth anyway.

  “Sooo defensive, geez. Watch your back, little Wendy. That’s the Alpha right there and he’s got his eye on you.”

  This fucking asshole.

  “Cool it, Tez,” Soren chimes.

  “I’m fucking around, man, chill,” he snaps, turning around with his shoulders already squared.

  Soren is unfazed though, rolling his eyes to solidify the obvious. “It’s unnecessary and fucking childish. Be respectful.”

  “The other’s still out there?” I interject, ‘cause that’s all that matters right now.

  I’ll get Cortez back soon enough.

  “Yeah,” Soren nods, “they’re keeping on perimeter until dawn. Like I said, we’re clear, so they could turn in if they wanted. I told them as much but you know how Levi is with shit like this.”

  Thorough and unrelenting.

  “It’s fine. Better safe than sorry. I’m gonna make sure she’s comfortable and then I’ll meet you guys, alright?”

  Soren tips his head and pulls the other two away by the back of their shirts before they can utter another word. Once they’re out of ear shot, Wendy turns to me, an impressed brow arched high as she crosses her arms.

  “So you’re the Alpha?”

  “In the flesh,” I quip, holding my hands up in surrender as I start moving again.

  “I should’ve known,” she chuckles, following behind me. “Were you ever going to tell me, or did you want me thinking you were just an ordinary wolf?”

  “Does the status matter?” I’m honestly taken aback by the question, by her tone, too.

  She’s not upset, but she seems, I don’t know, disappointed, maybe? “It’s not that it matters, I just assumed that’s something you’d want me to know. Something you’d be proud of.”

  Why? Not like that would change anything.

  “Maybe I didn’t want you to feel intimidated?” I shrug noncommittally.

  Wendy huffs a small scoff. “I’ve already seen you in your wolf form, Tavi. Can’t get more intimidating than that.”

  “I’m sorry?” I don’t know what else to say. I truly didn’t think it was important to men

  “Don’t be,” she sighs. “I’m tired and cranky. Everything’s just now hitting me and I’m—”

  “Hey.” Voice soft, I wrap a hand around her arm, dragging her gaze up to meet my own. “I get it. It’s a lot to take in all in one night. You’re right, though—I should’ve told you, I just didn’t think it mattered.”

  “You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to share. You’re under no obligation and you certainly don’t owe me anything.”

  “I’ll share anything you want to know,” I vow. “But you need to rest first.”

  Moments later, we make it to her bunker for the night. Pulling back the cloth opening, I motion for her to go in first. Wendy follows my lead and crouches her way in.

  “You have everything in here,” I tell her as I drop to my haunches. “Blankets, pillows, food, water. I can build you a fire before I—”

  “Stay with me?” she asks warily, reaching for my hand.

  I’m fixated on how our fingers lace together as I manage a, “What?”

  “Stay with me, please. For the night?”


  “Well, yeah,” she laughs. “You’ve got somewhere else to stay?”

  I wish.

  “Not yet, but I’m working on it. Haven’t built much since...well, since I found you,” I admit.

  “You’re building a house?”

  “Mhmm. Love my dad and my sister but I need my own space. It’s better for all of us.”

  Wendy hums as though she can relate and pulls me in a ways. “Can you pretend this is your space for tonight then?” Please, those blue eyes beg.

  And God damn me, I can’t deny her even if I wanted to. The boys will just have to do without me tonight.

  “Yeah, little wolf,” I crawl in and shut the flap. ”I can do that.”

  I think I’ve been hard all goddamn night long.

  Every time I’ve awoken to one of those tempting little noises she makes in her sleep, she’s been on me. Curled up against me. A leg thrown over mine.

  It’s taking every bit of willpower I have not to succumb to this manic sense of lust and devour her.

  I just wanna squeeze her, suffocate her, bury myself inside of her until...


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